The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 223 The Ape King


The whole space shook violently, and the heavenly emperor's shadow stepped on the place, a huge purple

Foot, cross the clouds and step towards the "fly".

A terrible force enveloped the whole space in an instant. In the face of this force, all the people who have become stronger nearby have a small feeling in their hearts.

This can no longer be the power of Yang Hong himself, which represents the majesty and power of the ancient Heavenly Emperor. In front of this force, all ancient gods, demons and demons should bow down.

Although Yang Hong summoned is only a virtual shadow left by the Emperor of Heaven on the "Heavenly Emperor's chariot", but

is far from being able to resist anyone present.

Between heaven and earth, there is a dead silence in an instant.

Everyone's eyes fell on this purple footprint.


At this moment, the eyes of the "seng" seemed to be almost clear, and it seemed to realize that the end was coming, and it looked up to the sky and let out a sad cry. A huge tear slipped down from Dou Da's white eyes.

"Master, again..."

At this moment, there was a vague voice in the wind around. Hearing this voice, "Fang Yun's heart trembled suddenly. This man, before his death, the moment before returning to Tomb-sweeping Day, actually thought of his master!

How domineering the blood of the fierce beast is. One of the a hundred powerful people may not be able to bear the violent will of the fierce beast. Only such simple and almost stupid people can boldly use the "law of earth change" without certainty!


Purple feet fell. In front of the power of the ancient emperor of heaven, this fierce beast thousands of feet high had no resistance at all. With a bang, it was smashed to pieces. The rolling yellow fog suddenly spewed out and rolled in all directions. It erupted with the yellow fog, and the blood of this fierce beast!

"A chance!"

Fang Yun shook his body and immediately shot at the helium fog with a radius of nearly 1,000 feet. With the cover of this poisonous fog, we can better seize the blood of the fierce beast. Fang Yun is fast, and those strong people who have been staring at each other, reacting faster.

huh! Oh!! Oh!!

In the sound of breaking the air, the figures were like arrows from the string, shot into the yellow fog after the explosion.

"You sect rebels actually coveted the blood of this fierce beast. It's really heart insurance

Evil, its crime should be punished! Kill them all one by one!"

Yang Hong's cold voice resounded through the world. With an order, five people in white were worshipped, and the four major supervisors all took action.

Yang Hong stood on the "Heavenly Emperor's chariot" and looked down. His face was a little pale, and he had just driven the "Heavenly Emperor's Shadow" and consumed a lot of his energy.

"The distance,!" Yang Hong stood proudly, waved his big hand, and the three dragons roared and shot into the fog below. Each of these three dragons has the power of a hundred dragons, which is equivalent to the power of the peak of the earth change. An ordinary strong man, as long as he has a face-to-face face, will be shocked to death by him!

Seeing the three sensitive dragons falling from the sky, they are about to sweep to a strong sect. Suddenly, there was an unruly strange smile between heaven and earth:

"Haha, Yang Hong, your task has been completed. The blood of this fierce beast is left to the big


As soon as the sound fell, a huge stick suddenly poked out of the ground, just horizontally, blocking the way of the three dragons. Seeing the long stick shake, the little novel netist hit and immediately stirred up the shadow of the stick and smashed the three dragons.

"What kind of person!" Yang Hong's face changed, and he quickly called back the three dragons and punched them out at the same time. He felt that the opponent's stick JL was extremely powerful. This stick swept over and gave him the feeling that the body of the dragon could not be stopped.


With the intersection of fists, Yang Hong stood on the edge of the Heavenly Emperor's chariot. The blood on his face faded, and there was a stream of blood surging in his throat: "What a terrible strength!"

"Haha," in the laughter, a monkey with thin and shrewd monkey that is not as tall as ordinary people's shoulders

Zi, carrying an iron bar more than twice as long as its body on his shoulder, jumped out of the ground.

As soon as it appeared, Yang Hong immediately squeezed his eyes at the sky, with a hip-hop look.

"The King of the Apes!"

In the crowd, someone glanced at it in a hurry and immediately exclaimed to recognize the identity of the monkey. Most of the people who became strong by this monkey successfully obtained a copy of the blood of the fierce beast.


Everyone knows that this is the land of right and wrong. Let's go. Everyone scattered as birds and beasts.

"I thought that a drop of fierce beast blood actually attracted even the demon clan!"

Fang Yun glanced at the monkey, and his internal force gushed out. He hurriedly condensed a large area of fierce beast blood in front of him and extracted a drop of fierce beast blood the size of a drop of water.

"It's not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Go quickly!"

Fang Yun obtained a drop of the blood of the fierce beast, and immediately burned the internal force of Dantian fiercely. The sharp arrows shot outwardly, flashed a few times, and immediately ran thousands of feet. With this drop, his burden of impact and change is even greater.

"Those who dare to steal the blood of fierce beasts, kill no edict!"

Five worshippers flew out and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, I should go, too!"

The ape king grabbed the stick, sang and smiled, and immediately turned into a meteor and disappeared in the sky.

"The four major supervisions of wind, thunder, cloud and water, come back!"

Yang Hong also ignored the ape king. This demon monkey is among the four ape kings of the demon clan, and has the strength of the peak of the celestial phenomena. Although he has magic weapons in his hand, he is not confident that he can capture this lawless monkey.

"Your Excellency, this time the court ordered us to destroy this fierce beast. You can't let a drop of fierce beast blood flow out. What should I do now? Water supervision.

"There are four ape kings of the demon clan to intervene, and this matter has changed in vain. Let's recover part of the blood first, and the rest has its own way to recover it!"

A trace of cold light flashed through Yang Hong's eyes:

The four of you are going to deal with the second son of the Fang family. He hasn't stepped into the ground to change the level, according to your truth

Force, it's more than enough to kill him. Remember, do something secretively!"

"Yes!" The four nodded: "Lord, don't worry about this. We will definitely do this cleanly. It won't be discovered!"

There is a gap between the spirit level and the ground level. This gap cannot be counted at all.

Use four strong people in the middle of the change to kill a spirit-level Fang Yun. This itself already feels like killing chickens with a cow knife. However, this is also because Yang Hong is too careful.

"Well, go! Remember one cloud, you must kill it!"

A fierce look flashed across Yang Hong's face. Originally, he went there, and it was even more infulgent. However, Yang Hong did not do so. In this way, when Fang Yun dies in the future, he is chasing and killing those sectarian strong people thousands of miles away.


The four supervisors answered, shook their bodies, and immediately turned into four long rainbows, chasing in the direction of Fang Yun's disappearance. Fang Yun's luck is too obvious, with purple in red. Such a light can be seen thousands of miles away.

When the four supervisors left, Yang Hong sneered and chased to the north. These strong sects thought they could rob things from Yang Hong. But he didn't know that he had already planted a spiritual mark on them.

"All the people who dare to rob things from me, Yang Hong, will die!"

Yang Hong's cold voice was left in heaven and earth, and his figure had already disappeared.

Outside several mountains, Fang Yun stood on the peak and looked back.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Fang Yun once again used the "looking-seeing method" of heaven and evil. Only see the rear

Four red lights are catching up quickly.

"Yang Hong really killed me and wanted to take this opportunity to kill me."

Fang Yun looked at the rear and muttered to himself. Yang Hong's luck is lavender, after

The four red lights of

square obviously belong to the four major supervisors of wind, clouds and thunder.

"Send four strong people to chase me - Yang Hong is really careful.

However, you still underestimate me one by one!" As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yun jumped down from the cliff and swept forward again.

"Fang Yun is ahead, and we are not far away! Chasing one by one!

Lei's supervisor looked at the front and said.

"If you offend the marquis, you will be sentenced to death. It is his life for Fang Yun to live up to now. It's not in vain. There is a trace of purple in his luck. However, his good luck has come to an end!"

The wind monitoring made him sneer.

"Everyone should be careful, this boy is treacherous and cunning. This time, it was not easy to use this ancient beast to lure him out of the city. The little novel netist hit, which is also a wilderness, which is a great opportunity to kill him. The meaning of the one-to-one marquis is very clear this time, and Fang Yun must die! Absolutely no mistakes can be made!"

The water inspector reminded. Women's minds are always much more delicate than men's.

"Water girl, you are too careful. A spirit-level master has also set off a lot of storms. We

Four of them, they don't fight, and they can't kill them.

Cloud supervisor laughed and looked like he didn't care.

The earth level and the spirit level are the difference between heaven and earth. No matter what you have, you can't change it! He doesn't believe that a square cloud can go against the sky!

"Don't say so much, kill him and go back to life!"

Thunder supervision.

The three of them answered and accelerated and flew forward.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and suddenly one by one

"Bad, Fang Yun's luck has disappeared!"

The four inspectors looked ahead and changed their faces. In the eyes of the four people, the original red and purple essence disappeared, and it was replaced by a red essence that rushed to the sky.

"Hmm! Within a hundred miles here, he is the only one with good luck. How did he change,

There is no way to change this fact! It's really a snake to add feet, it's unnecessary!"

Wind monitoring makes the sound cold. As soon as the sound fell, the change was rising.

"The essence of luck turns into four, what's going on?"

This time, the wind monitoring also changed his face. Obviously, within this hundred miles, Fang Yun was the only one with good luck. Why did he suddenly turn into four paths?

Fang Yun's sealing method is only limited to Xi'er City, a small number of people. As soon as Yang Hong came, he suppressed the masters of the whole city. Even if someone knew it, he would not tell him.

Seeing that the four lights were divided into four directions and swept away quickly, the faces of the four people changed.

"What should I do? If he doesn't do it, he will run away. If we let him escape back to Anyun City, we will

I can't do it!" Cloud monitoring. The way.

The four supervisors were led by the thunder supervisor. He pondered for a while and said:

"This opportunity is very rare. According to the marquis's order, Fang Yun must die! Never let him escape back. There are four parts in total, and we have four people in total. Well, each of us tracks a piece of luck. Kill Fang Yun in a hurry!"

"That's okay. With our strength, it's enough to kill Fang Yun!" Wind monitoring points


The water supervision made her frown. The originally smooth thing suddenly changed, which made her feel a little uneasy:

"Brother, I feel something is wrong..."

"Water girl, stop talking. The marquis's order must be completed!" Wind monitoring makes firm



The water inspector only nodded. After a while, the four people were divided into four directions and chased quickly
