The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 225 Blood Magic Elix

Yi* The strong wind roared, and the fists issued by the thunder supervision turned into a shadow to catch up, and the speed was like the wind and lightning.

"I can't escape!"

Fang Yun skimmed this idea in his mind. Then he turned around and made a big seal!


Fang Yun snorted, as if he had been hit by a mountain peak. His whole body trembled, and a blood mist spewed out of his pores and fell out.

The strength of the two people is too different. If it weren't for the heaven and earth clock in the body, it could absorb part of the damage. With just one, Fang Yun is already dead.

With one punch, Fang Yun was seriously injured. Lei's supervision made the depression in his heart follow, and he felt much better.

"I really don't know what I can do," Lei's supervisor stepped into the air. He shook his head, and his eyes were full of sarcasm and disdain:

"The spirit level is the spirit level, and the ground level is the ground level. No matter how hard you practice, no matter how strong your strength is, you can't go beyond this line. It's just that I didn't kill you, and I still wanted to sneak up on me! It's self-death. Now, you can die!"

As soon as the sound fell, the thunder supervisor suddenly spit on the peak of the five prisons and sprayed a breath. This breath of essence spewed out, and the five prison peaks, the size of the original house, doubled again. On the surface of the mountain, lightning flashes. Infinite thunder and light gathered together and turned into a ferocious dragon head.


With a loud roar, the five prison peaks were wrapped in a terrible thunder, rushing down and hitting Fang Yun. As soon as the thunder peak fell, the space within a radius of a hundred feet was twisted and collapsed!

"Huh? What are those?"

not far away, several female disciples in blue robes stood in the void and looked into the distance. Although they can't look forward to it, they can still see the vision in the distance.

"It has nothing to do with us. Don't mind your own business!"

A female Taoist priest shouted. This female slave is white and fair-skinned, with red eyes, red lips and teeth, a cloud bun on her head, and inserted with a jasper hairpin. Her eyebrows shrugged into the mane, showing a harsh and harsh taste.

As soon as the female Taoist aunt's voice fell, all the female disciples bowed their heads and said a word.

At the same time, the three supervisors of cloud, wind and water also felt abnormal.

"It's the breath of the five prison peaks!"

"Big brother caught him!"

"Hus up and meet!"

The three major supervisors glanced at the bodies on the ground, and at the same time, they flew from three different localized rainbows to the position where the thunder supervisor was located and flew away!

The five prison peak locked the space within a hundred feet. Fang Yun sat on the ground, looking closer and closer to Lei Feng, and his face changed. The gap between the two is too big. Lei Jianling used this local-level magic weapon to kill Fang Yun.

"It's all!"

Fang Yun's pupils were reflected with thunder flashing five prison peaks. He suddenly gritted his teeth and took out a blood-red pill from his arms. This Danwan has the size of the finger, the blood mist emitted, rolling and rolling, changing the appearance of countless sad demons, and howling silently.

"Blood Magic Dan!"

Seeing the elixir in Fang Yun's hand, Lei Supervisor's heart suddenly sank. In an instant, a strong sense of crisis surged in his heart.

"Dow!" Lei's supervision suddenly jumped out. At the same time, he pointed to the five prison peaks in the air, pinched a trick, and let out a loud shout! Wu Prison Peak was shocked by him, trembled, and suddenly accelerated down.

Lei's reaction was fast enough, but it was not as fast as Fang Yuntun Dan's action. Fang Yun clamped the blood elixir with his fingers, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it into his stomach.

Blood magic elixir, after taking it, stimulates the body's potential at the cost of evaporating half of the blood in the body. The martial artist instantly recovered to the original level, and his strength soared.

Every warrior can only swallow one blood elixir in his life. If you are lucky enough to swallow two pills, three of them will die. It lasts for three hours.

After the warrior swallows, there is a more than 50% chance of death, more than 90% of the work is wasted, and only less than half of the lucky people can recover after recuperation at the cost of serious injury!

It can be said that the blood elixir is the elixir of death. After the effect of the medicine, either death or the power is wasted and become a useless person! Such a heavy price, basically, is not a mortal situation. No one will take it.

On that day, Fang Yun went out of the city to join the army. Yang Hong sent a killer Wu Qi to chase him. As a result, Fang Yun lured Wu Qi to kill him and took the blood elixir from him.

At that time, Fang Yun found three blood elixirs from Wu Qi. Two of them were given to the peacock, and the last one was kept by itself. Even this one, Fang Yun has never been used. Because it's too expensive! And each warrior can only use it once in his life.

But at this moment, Fang Yun has no choice but to hesitate. There is no doubt that he will die if he doesn't swallow it. After swallowing, Fang Yun can at least strive for at least half of the chance.


When the blood elixir entered his stomach, Fang Yun immediately felt a fire burning in his stomach. In the blink of an eye, the flame suddenly burst and turned into tongues of fire, and rushed into the seven meridians and eight veins. At such an instant, half of the blood in Fang Yun's body evaporated!

The blood in the human body is limited. Ordinary people evaporated half of their blood and died directly. The martial artist practiced martial arts, and the blood in his body was converted into blood, and his ability was much better than that of ordinary people. But after evaporating half of the blood, although the warrior will not die immediately, it is not far from death.

"Ah! One by one

Fang Yun let out a painful howl in his mouth. With the ** he can fight against tens of thousands of demons, he can't stand the pain of evaporating half of his whole body's blood. That feeling, as if torn apart by thousands of people and then devoured by countless ants, is not what ordinary people can bear at all. The skin of Fang Yun's whole body dried up in an instant, giving up layers of folds - wrinkles. But for a moment, Fang Yun seemed to be thirty years old.

Rumble, a wave of thunder, bulging in his body. At the cost of evaporating half of the blood, Fang Yun's potential was suddenly dug out. It seemed that the wheels suddenly emerged from the underworld, and then injected power into Fang Yun's body in waves.

In just one-thousandth of an instant, Fang Yun quickly recovered to his strength before the injury. In another one-thousandth of an instant, Fang Yun's strength has doubled, reaching the power of eighty dragons! The power of eighty dragons, this kind of power, is enough to squeeze into the ranks of the top strong.

The lower limit of the ground level is the power of the fifty dragons. Most of the people are around the power of sixty dragons. If you can reach the power of eighty dragons, looking at the whole world, only less than 20% of people can squeeze into this level.

The strength of the thunder supervisor is already very strong, but it is still far from reaching the power of eighty dragons, this level! And it's far from each other!

Fang Yun climbed to the level of eighty dragon power and released that terrible breath. Lei's monitor changed his face.

"It's not good!" Supervision Lei shook his heart fiercely. He doesn't have the power of eighty dragons. This kind of strength is terrible enough to abuse him. Even if he has a local magic weapon in his hand, it is not enough to make up for this gap.

"Escape, run away quickly!"

Lei's supervision flashed the idea through his mind, and his whole body suddenly collapsed and sent out a nervous idea. As soon as his body was vertical, he rushed out nearly a hundred feet with one arrow step. Unexpectedly, he didn't even accept the local magic weapon.

Although the blood elixir is powerful, the sequelae are also extremely powerful. Its medicinal properties are only three hours at most. Fang Yun originally had the power of forty dragons, and half of his blood broke out, reaching the power of eighty dragons. This power is so terrible that it is completely beyond the level of spirit.

Lei's supervisor judged that it was absolutely impossible for Fang Yun to bear the drug for three hours and such a long time. He made up his mind that as long as he had survived the power of the blood elixir, his life would be saved. Fang Yun will definitely die. For no other reason, he burst into blood, and the power he gained was too powerful.

A courage-level warrior with the sum of two dragons, after swallowing the blood elixir, explodes blood and can gain the power of four flying dragons. This power is still within the range of courage. However, the power of the eighty dragons has exceeded the upper limit of the spirit level and reached the top level. So Fang Yun is going to die, and he must die!

It doesn't matter if the local magic weapon is lost. After Fang Yun dies, he can come back to pick it up. But if you die, it's useless to have a local magic weapon! Therefore, Lei's supervision tried his best to escape. He even used the method of burning internal force, and then rushed out nearly a hundred feet!

He knew in his heart that the farther he fled, the safer he would be. As long as he avoids the sharpness of Fang Yun during this period, he will won! The reaction of the thunder inspector cannot be said to be unpleasant. But he still underestimated the power of the Eighty Dragons!


Fang Yun just punched out, a simple punch, without using any moves or skills. Just a simple straight fist immediately shattered the space blocked by the five prison peaks. The sky made a click, as if it had been hissed.

"Kill him!"

Fang Yun's eyes were full of blood. He felt that he couldn't hold on for long. This force is too domineering and beyond his tolerance. He felt that his body seemed to be about to burst, and he was about to die. However, before he died, Fang Yun had to do one more thing to kill the thunder inspector.


In one-thousandth of an instant, Fang Yun also burned his own internal force. He burns internal force and is much more powerful than Ray's supervision. Just an arrow step, Fang Yun, with thousands of remnants, crossed the distance of the enemy and appeared behind the thunder supervisor.


Lei Supervisor felt the violent breath behind him, and it was immediately creepy. He exclaimed in despair in his mouth, feeling that his three souls and seven souls were so scared that they were about to fly out of the pores.

Fang Yun looked cold and directly detained him with a slap.

"Collapse, sky, big, hand, print!"

Fang Yun said word for word, and every word was pronounced the death of the thunder inspector. The fifth slaughter spit out, and the thunder supervisor roared and turned into nothingness. The collapse seal sent by the power of the eighty dragons is too powerful. A dark vacuum of thousands of feet directly turned the thunder monitoring into blue smoke.


With one move, the terrible power in Fang Yun's body immediately found the noise. A strand of blood mixed together and sprayed out of the 100,000 8,000 pores all over the body. Within ten feet of Fang Yun's surroundings, the blood fog immediately rolled. At the same time, his strength declined rapidly.


As soon as Lei's supervisor died, Wu Prison Peak immediately restored this freedom. More than 200 feet away, the rolling black fog spewed out from the mountain-like magic weapon, and then a vague shadow looked up from the local magic weapon. It let out a shrill and was about to fly away. H