The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 281 Stormy Waves

Shangjing City, Pingdinghou Mansion.

Several brocade guards stood at the door and suddenly saw a fierce man coming to Hou's house. *..." Huh? He is the youngest son of the Fang family!"

The guard at the door's eyes lit up and immediately recognized Fang Yun's identity. Fang Yun's face was as heavy as water, and he stepped towards the gate of Pingding Houfu without saying a word. *..." Stop!" The guard leader at the door immediately shouted loudly and immediately came out: "This is the Marquis of Pingding. What are you going to do?"

Fang Yun raised his head and glanced at the guard coldly: "Is Mrs. Xianhua there?" *..."Huh?" The head nurse frowned: "Madam has just come back and is resting in the house. If you want to see your wife, do you want an invitation?

Although Fang Yun was angry in his chest, he was thin in the thickness, which was not a complete impulse. Hearing that Mrs. Xianhua has come back, I'm too lazy to talk anymore. "Hang!"

Fang Yun's clothes were shaken, and a terrible breath burst out in his body. The pressure of those who become stronger comes out of the body without reservation.

The guard at the gate, as soon as the net was about to reprimand a few words, he immediately felt a terrible pressure, like a mountain, suppressed. Only *..." The sound of " Bang Bang" was endless. A guard of the famous Marquis's Mansion, like a toad, was nailed to the ground by this huge pressure and could not move. *..." The earth has become a strong man!!" The guards of Zhongping Dinghou Mansion were shocked. They didn't expect to kill them. Only a year later, Fang Yun, who had been seriously injured by Yang Qian, the Marquis of Pingding, and Li Ping, the Marquis of the Small Town, turned into a strong man!

If a martial artist steps into the ground and changes the level, he will reach the sky in one step. If you want to kill these guards, you don't have to do it at all. With just one thought and a little pressure, they can be shocked to death.

Although they are servants, they still know something about Mrs. Xianhua and Mrs. Huayang. Fang Yun looked cold and cold, and he was obviously coming for his mother.

The panic in their hearts! Life Fang Yun, on impulse, shocked them all to death! *..." Geo-grade, geo-grade! These are all can be sealed!"

The guard of Zhongping Dinghou Mansion is like a toad in the thunderstorm weather. It's so frightening! I don't dare to underestimate the young son of the Fang family anymore! *..." Humph!" Fang Yun snorted coldly and didn't bother to pay attention to these Houfu guards lying on the ground. As soon as he tucked his clothes, he directly crossed the threshold and walked to the house of the Marquis of Pingding. *..." Station--"

A bodyguard in the famous marquis's house found something strange at the door, immediately flew away and rushed over. Fang Yun just stared at him. Before these people could complete a word, they were immediately pressured by Fang Yun and lay on the ground. Like a dead dog, it's stuck, and it can't move!

Although the Marquis of Pingding is also powerful among the nobles, it is absolutely impossible to raise a strong man in the house. In the Marquis of Pingding's mansion, a famous master gushed out of the room. These people were stubborn and sharp, or invisible flowers, or invisible rockery, or invisible roofs, with a well-guarded appearance.

However, as long as he rushed into the range of Fang Yun's air machine, no one could say half a word, and immediately lay on the ground one by one. Just like a minister, greeting the king!

Absolute strength represents the absolute gap! These guards of the Marquis of Pingding are native chickens and dogs. There is no room for resistance at all!

Fang Yun just glanced at the architectural pattern of Pingding Houfu and immediately flew to the southwest!

The princes' mansions of the Zhou Dynasty were all executed by the Ministry of Industry under the order of the royal family, with the participation of the Ministry of Ceremonies, and built in strict accordance with the rules. Where do the maids and maids live, where do the servists live, where do the guards live, where do the princes and princesses live, and where do the wives and side rooms live? They all have strict rules and can't be confused at all!

Fang Yun just participated in the construction pattern of Fangfu, and immediately judged Mrs. Xianhua's residence.

In the wing.

Mrs. Xianhua sat in a carved master's chair, holding a celadon tea cup from a good official kiln in her hand, and behind her stood two beautiful maidservants. One pinched his shoulders and the other pounded his back. *..." That bitch in Huayang, this time she has a headache again," Mrs. Xianhua took a sip of tea and said. *..." You ladies, you are so boring! I want to say that you can't kill her by playing so many tricks. What's the point!"

not far away, Wei Yan, the old housekeeper, looked lazy. He put his hand on the table, picked up the cakes on the table with the other hand, and threw them into his mouth, with a frivolous face. He doesn't look like a housekeeper at all.

The two sweet maidservant quickly lowered their heads and looked like they didn't see it. They have long been accustomed to the strange performance of this old housekeeper, and it is not surprising. *..." Humph! What do you know!" Mrs. Xianhua snorted coldly and waved her hand. The two beautiful maidservant immediately saluted, took a step back, and stood in a regular manner. *..." My son Yang Biao died in the hands of Huayang's two sons. Although I can't kill her, I will torture her all over her body and avenge Biao'er!"

Mrs. Xianhua stood up and said with a vicious face.

Seeing Mrs. Xianhua's fierce face, Wei Yan, who pretended to be a young master of the evil sect, couldn't help but shiver, and then mocked: "The hornet tail, the woman's heart. That's right!"

Mrs. Xianhua just sneered. Knowing that he was such a virtue, she didn't bother to pay attention to it. She swung her sleeves and sat back in the master's chair. She said coldly: *..." I don't care what kind of heart you are, but if you show your feet outside. It's just a dead end! No one can save you!" *..." My "Tianxie Yi Xing Dafa has been completed for a long time, and there is a hiding ball on the body. Even San Gong can't find it. - You don't have to worry about this!"

Most of the people outside the country are unrestrained. The strict hierarchy of the Zhou Dynasty was of no use to them at all. He knows the root of the woman Mrs. Xianhua.

Because of her father's order, Mrs. Xianhua, who was in her twenties at that time, ran to the Marquis of Pingding and entrusted herself to the Marquis of Pingding and became a secular wife for more than 20 years. For this kind of woman, the evil people will not feel moved, they will only feel foolish and contemptuous! *..." What a poor woman. She is completely addicted to the secular world! And I'm happy with it!" *..." Wei Yan thought contemptuously in his heart. Suddenly, he felt something, his expression changed, and he turned around and shouted angrily, "Who!!" A violent force broke through the door, and two pieces of wood *..." flew up with a bang, exploded into countless pieces in the air and fell into the room. After the sky was full of wood chips, he looked cold and stepped in, like a god-killing Fang Yun. *..."It's not good!" As soon as Fang Yun appeared at the door *..." Wei Yan knew that he was not an opponent, and he was shocked. He reacted quickly without saying a word. As soon as he shook his body, he immediately got up and was about to break the window and fly away. *..." Ah! One by one"

At the same time, the two beautiful maidservant screamed loudly in fear. *..." Fang Yun, you are so bold!!"

Mrs. Xianhua was first shocked. She saw that it was Fang Yun, raised her eyebrows upside down, and stood up *..." With a bang, she slapped on the table and Huo stood up.

He immediately gritted his teeth and looked furious. He put on the airs of a fortune-telling lady. *..." How dare you dare to break into the mansion of the important ministers of the imperial court. You deserve to die! Sin deserves to die! - I will sue the Queen and put you in prison!"

Mrs. Xianhua shouted hysterialy.

A small young son of the Fang family dared to break into the Hou Mansion. She is a first-class lady in the court. He is so messy. Is there any royal law? Is there any national law?

Mrs. Xianhua was so angry that her whole body trembled. She is not afraid of Fang Yun's chaos at all. This is the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, and there is etiquette and law. If he dares to mess around, she will dare to let the whole Fang family disappear! *..." Stupid woman!" *..." Wei Yan heard the voice behind him and cursed secretly. They have made it clear that the carriages and horses have come to the door, and they have broken the door of your house. That must be fearless and have done a thorough response. You are still shouting about the law of the king and the law of the country. Don't you look naive! *..." Humph!" Fang Yun ignored Mrs. Xianhua at all. As soon as he entered the door, his eyes were locked *..." Wei Yan, "Look *..." Wei Yan "broken the window and was about to break the window and leave. Fang Yun sneered and directly took it out: "Can you escape?"

A huge palm changed out and only fished in the air." Wei Yan immediately fell from the air and lay on the ground like a thundering toad. *..." You! You! "Weigh!" *..." Wei Yan looked up, with a face of panic and despair. His face was pale and his lips trembled. Fang Yun's palm directly shocked his Dantian and abolished his 20 years of penance!

The power was wasted, and the "heavenly evil change-shaped method" was unsustainable, and immediately revealed the true face of this fake Wei Yan. But he is a much younger man with wide shoulders.

Seeing that Wei Yan was slapped by Fang Yun and hit the prototype. Mrs. Xianhua finally showed a trace of panic, but after all, she was the first-class lady of the dynasty. She narrowed her eyes and soon calmed down. She shouted fiercely: *..." Fang Yun "What do you want to do? Guard, guard~one!" *..." "Cow!"

A powerful palm grabbed Mrs. Xianhua's neck like lightning, and the voice immediately stopped abruptly. Mrs. Xianhua looked shocked and struggled with her legs. At this moment, a cold voice came to my ears: *..." If you are impatient again, I will kill you!"

Mrs. Xianhua was stunned, and she could feel it. What Fang Yun said was true. He really dared to do this! She was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes at all. *..." This little beast, he, is he crazy?!"

Mrs. Xianhua's eyes were wide open, and her face was incredible. But his lips moved, but finally he didn't dare to make any more sound. *..." Ah! One by one"

The two maids looked at the scene in front of them in a daze and finally couldn't help screaming. *..." Shut up!"

Fang Yun just looked over, and the two maids immediately looked like ghosts and quickly covered their mouths. But the crisp breasts still have violent ups and downs. *..."Madam, madam!"

At this time, there was an exclamation outside the house, under the action of Fang Yun's breath. No one can get close to a hundred feet. *..." Tell them that you are meeting guests!"

Fang Yun looked down at Mrs. Xianhua, and his eyes were like a sword.

All this happened so suddenly that it was too unexpected. After all, Mrs. Xianhua is the first-class wife of the imperial court and has experienced many storms. After the initial shock, he calmed down. *..." As long as he dares to touch me, the Fang family will immediately disappear. Killing the court's wife is a capital crime. No one can save it. I'd like to see what this beast is going to do!"

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xianhua calmed down. *..." You take action!" Mrs. Xianhua waved to the two maids: "The people outside also asked them to retreat. Tell them that I'm meeting the youngest son of the Fang family!"

said *..." When the young son of the Fang family, Mrs. Xianhua aggravated her voice. The intention is very obvious. If she really wants to have an accident, Fang Yun and the Fang family will never get rid of it! *..." Fang Yun, sit down!" Mrs. Xianhua looked calm and pointed to the master's chair beside her.

At this moment, she revealed her mind, wrist and demeanor in countless intrigues! (!) C