The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 279 Yin Houyi Wei Liang

Fang Yun has now reached the peak of the ground level, which is embarrassing. According to Feng Taicang's experience recorded on paper, Linghui-level practice is extremely special. It takes a very long time. Even if the wind is too strong, it will take a long time.

It was for this reason that Fang Yun thought that he wanted to further improve the magic weapon at hand.

The five prison peaks, and then sacrifice the four peaks of wind, water, fire and earth, will be promoted to the best of the local magic weapons. It takes great opportunity and luck to complete this step. This is a huge project, which will take a long time. Even if Fang Yun reaches the celestial level, he may not be able to complete it.

On the contrary, it is relatively easy for white bone beads to be sacrificed into local magic weapons.

White bone beads, the first step is to turn into twelve powerful white bone demons; the second step is to turn into witches; the third step is the ancient flame demon, which can manipulate the earth qi and turn into flames, with great power. At this point, the white bone bead is the local magic weapon!

To refine the witch sacrifice into an ancient fire demon, it is necessary to gather a large number of rare materials, including blood crystals, chicken crown stones, life crystals, deep-sea cold iron, etc. In addition, it also needs to be melted by the volcano to refine!

"All of these things are only found in the sectarian world. It seems that the sectarian community has to explore the news.

Blood crystals, cockstones, etc., one is useless to ordinary people, and the other is that ordinary people can't identify them. Therefore, it is impossible to buy it in all customs. If you can't buy it, it means that you have to use a special method to get it!

"Ding Dong!"

"Come in!"

Fang Yun came to his senses.

The door of the study opened, and Zhao Boyan came in with a letter in both hands:

"Your Excellency, the sixth master of Jubao Pavilion, send a letter.,,


Fang Yun was refreshed and immediately sat up: "Take it and let me have a look."

Fang Yun glanced at it, and the envelope said, "Lan Yinjian, thanked Fang Yun's little marquis." Only then did Fang Yun know that the sixth master's real name was Lan Yinjian. Open it quickly, and there is a letter with extremely rigorous wording. The general meaning is to congratulate Fang Yun on the establishment of a general, and then tell Fang Yun that he has safely reached the sphere of influence of Jubao Pavilion.

"Who sent the letter?" Fang Yundao.

', it was sent by a cook in Xihe Tower. The man is still at the door.!" Zhao Boyan said.

"Ha ha," Fang Yun smiled and said, " Now I can decide to stay in the city."

The people in the Treasure Pavilion are extremely united. Saving the sixth master is equivalent to letting the Jubao Pavilion owe a big favor. You can take advantage of the huge treasury of the Jubao Pavilion. Although it is more about business, it is unlikely that Jubao Pavilion will do such a thing as sending Fang Yun a local magic weapon. But it's always okay to give some discounts.

Like Fang Yun who wants to sacrifice white bone beads, some materials are extremely difficult to find. But as long as you communicate with Jubao Pavilion, once you have this kind of material, you can save Fang Yun a lot of trouble.

"Wait a minute!"

Fang Yun grabbed a thin brush from the pen holder, stained it with ink, and immediately replied a letter: "This letter is given to the messenger, let him give it to the sixth master!"

"Hmm." Zhao Boyan nodded and took the order to leave.

After being promoted to General Pingyao, there is a chance to choose to garrison the city. Fang Yun's idea is very simple. Find a city with Jubao Pavilion, so that you can borrow the momentum of "Jubao Pavilion"!

Jubao Pavilion is extremely strong. At the beginning, there were four local magic weapons in Xi'er City. As a thing to suppress the town, it is enough to show its wealth. If it weren't for the local magic weapons that are too expensive, even the "value of the city" is not enough to describe, and no one can afford it at all. Fang Yun doesn't want to refine any local magic weapon at all. Just buy it directly!

Three days later, the reply of the sixth master of Jubao Pavilion came. It's not a letter, but a concise map, which outlines the terrain of the whole Dazhou Kyushu, then uses ink, clicks some black dots, and writes the names of all the cities on it.

This is the distribution map of some of the Jubao Pavilion during the week.

Fang Yun waved his hand and opened a military march map, which was full of the terrain of Da Zhou and the four wildernesses. This map is issued by the Ministry of War to the general level. It is a map drawn by the court sent by people on the spot to assist the generals of the Zhou Dynasty to march and fight, which is extremely accurate.

Fang Yun put the two maps together, contrasted them with each other, and thought silently.

There are many generals in the Zhou Dynasty. In order to have more opportunities to make contributions, many generals have put the guarded city in the slings of the week. Therefore, it is more difficult for Fang Yun to find the guarded city in a place close to autumn wilderness, wilderness, wilderness and wilderness.

However, Fang Yun has a different idea.

Before seeing Yang Hong and his son, Fang Yun's idea was to establish his achievements as soon as possible and make Wang Lihou. But now it's different. After breaking into Pingding Houfu, no one dares to pester their mothers in the capital. Everyone thinks that they are about to be crowned and can't be provoked. Therefore, even if I leave the capital, my mother will not be harassed.

It solves the difficulties of ladies and husbands from their mothers. The father is strong, and the Marquis of Pingding can't move at all. Fang Yun is not in such a hurry to seal the title of Marquis now. After all, if you were awarded the title of marquis early, it would be very difficult for the eldest brother to be awarded the title of marquis in the future.

One family and two marquis are still within the scope of tolerance. When it comes to the third marquis, there will be problems, which will inevitably cause a lot of discussion, and some people will even impeach on the grounds that the influence of the Fang family is too great.

Although Confucianism is not bad now, it involves some principles. I'm afraid the first impeachment is the Confucian minister. Therefore, the timing of the title of marquis is to be the right, and it is best to be the title of marquis at the same time as the eldest brother. Only in this way can we reduce the pressure encountered.

Moreover, if the eldest brother wants to walk with Princess Fukang, according to the agreement reached between Wu Mu and the emperor, he must be appointed as a marquis. If he influenced the marriage contract between his eldest brother and Princess Fukang, Fang Yun felt that he would really die!

Therefore, Fang Yun felt that his first priority was not to be a marquis. It is to improve the martial arts cultivation as soon as possible! Only strong force is the key to changing the fate of the Fang family!

According to the conversation with the teacher in Merlin. Although the father is very likely to be a Tianchong-level cultivation, he is still likely to enter the fate of the master's deduction and destroy the family! This makes Fang Yun have a greater sense of urgency!!

Even the Tianchong level can't change the fate of the Fang family. What can you do with a small change?!

Fang Yun feels that the sense of oppression in his heart is even greater!

With Fang Yun's current strength, once the ground is changed. It can basically be swept in the army. It doesn't make much sense to stay in the army. On the contrary, it is better to temper in the sectarian world.

The sectarian world is deeply powerful. Yang Hong, Feng Taicang, Li Yixuan and Jun Niansheng can suppress Fang Yun. And these four are just the masters of the young generation. Among them, there are many strong people who have been famous for many years.

The practice of mixing into the sectarian world is obviously much more than the hard work gained by the army!

With a turn of his eyes, Fang Yun immediately locked a city: "Huai'an City, this is it!"

Huai'an City, located in the middle of the Zhou Dynasty. The distance from the four wilderness is relatively balanced. Most importantly, there is a pavilion of Jubao Pavilion. For Fang Yun, the distribution map of Jubao Pavilion actually represents a distribution map of sectarian forces.

Because the Jubao Pavilion is open for all sectarian sects. The place where the treasure pavilion is opened means that there are a large number of sectarian monks gathered here.

After confirming the garrison of the city, Fang Yun immediately wrote a letter and sent it to the military office.

Two days later, the batch of the military aircraft department came: accurate!

Fang Yun immediately issued an order to Manghuang in the name of General Pingyao, and transferred tens of thousands of his troops and horses to Huai'an City. After doing this, Fang Yun has been in Shangjing for more than ten days. He thought about it in his heart. I'm afraid it will take a month and a half for those tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to drive from the wilderness to Huai'an City. So, it's not in a hurry. As time goes by, Fang Yun is in the house every day. In addition to practicing the spiritual mind method of Taicang, he is to accompany his mother. The mother and son had a good meal together. Fang Yun also enjoys this kind of warm life.

A month later, there was a war in the wilderness. In this war, there was a person's name, which was noisy and spread to the capital.

Yi Weiliang, a female general. Before the war, he was awarded the title of general by the imperial court. But what really made Fang Yun notice this person is that the six departments are holding six discussions for this woman named Yi Weiliang to discuss the sealing of the Marquis! And because of this, the opinions of the six ministries have been divided.

The Zhou Dynasty was influenced by Confucianism, and the three principles and five were often deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Women are generally not allowed to join the army. The Great Zhou Dynasty has been established for more than a thousand years, and there has never been a queen, which is affected by this. Women are innately weak, and it is much more difficult than men to practice martial arts. Moreover, the army is full of men. Even if some women have the strength of being a marquis, no one is willing to hang out with some blood-stained and sweaty men for several years. For example, if she shoots Princess Liu Xianer, if she wants to be a marquis, it is completely possible. But if she wants to get along with some military men, and it is likely that she won't be able to take a shower for many days, I guess her first reaction is to pluck the sword and kill all the people around her!

The first woman in the Zhou Dynasty to be awarded the title of marquis, and the matter made a lot of noise in Shangjing. One faction believes that Yi Weiliang's qualifications are enough and should be awarded the title of marquis. The other faction believes that women should follow the way of women, and it is not right to put their heads out. Even if they have enough credit, they can't be awarded the title of marquis.

Both factions are Confucian!

Gradually, as this matter gets bigger and bigger. Some of Yi Weiliang's things were also exposed.

Yi Weiliang's father is a general guarding the border. Although there are some cities in the border, they have developed through the horse market. But there are still many cities, which are deserted due to the lack of people due to the war.

This Yi Weiliang's father is such a general who has been guarding the desolate frontier all his life. He contributed all his life to the rut, and even his wife and children were there. His greatest wish is that before he dies, the court will admit his credit and make him one of his princes. It's not too greedy for glory and vanity. The civilian marquis of the Zhou Dynasty can't be hereditary. He just hopes to get a kind of affirmation.

This general, in the end, failed to be a marquis, and he died in depression!

Yi Weiliang is his daughter!

As soon as the news came out, Yi Weiliang's purpose of joining the army was very simple. Pay off your wish for your father and pay homage to the king!

Five days later, the emperor intervened to calm the controversy:

Yi Weiliang's father's heart is filial, and his heart can be expressed. And he has made great achievements in the war, so he is specially awarded the title of Marquis Yin! C