The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 300 Conversation

Outside the gate of Sifang Houfu, a bronze carriage stopped. Zhao Boyan stood next to the carriage.

"Your Excellency."

Seeing Fang Yun coming out, Zhao Boyan said respectfully.

"Well, everything you want to do is done!" Fang Yundao.

"Lord, I'm ready."

Zhao Boyan replied.


Fang Yun led the head slightly, waved his big hand, waved back Zhao Boyan, and then boarded the carriage.


With a shout, the carriage went to the gate. After a while, Fang Yun quickly heard a warm cheer, and even the speed of the carriage slowed down.

"What happened?"

Fang Yun sat in the carriage, frowned, and passed the sound into the driver's road. This driver is a moth tricked by Zhao Boyan.

"Lord Hui, it seems that Yin Hou, who was canonized by the imperial court, has returned to Beijing. Many people came to greet us, and there was a traffic jam in front of them.

The coachman dressed as a moth replied.

"Yi Weiliang,--"

Fang Yun thought about it and then said, "Stop the carriage on the side of the road and make way!"

The gate was bustling, and many merchants, travelers, butchers, storytellers, children, women and ladies all rushed to the gate and cheered loudly. One by one, their faces turned red and they were extremely excited.

The Zhou Dynasty has not been crowned as a marquis for more than a thousand years, but now it is a rare thing to make an exception to be the first marquis. For women, it is a big deal. Fang Yun even saw many ladies and ladies in the crowd.

The three principles and five elements of the Great Zhou Dynasty often go deep into life. Women do not leave home, silently abide by women's morality and women's way, and die in the boudoir, which has become the precepts of many women. Now there is a marquis, who does not give up her eyebrows, but makes the women in the world have a long face. Even these ladies and ladies also feel that there is light on their faces. They have a lot of love for this Yin Hou, whom they have never met, out of thin air!

A moment later, a group of soldiers and horses poured into the city with the loud sound of gongs and drums. The leader is a female general all dressed in armor!

', Yin Hou! Yin Hou! Yan Hou!,,

The crowd suddenly burst into a burst of cheers. Many flowers were thrown and scattered from both sides of the street. These are all young ladies from rich families who hired people to throw the picked flowers into the air.

The woman will ride a pure white horse and walk forward while signaling to the welcoming crowd. After her, there were all female cavalry, which seemed to be her guards.

The sound of horses' hoofs was getting closer and closer, and Fang Yun observed the first marquis of the week through the car window. Melon seed face, fiery two-month thin lips, slender eyebrows, bright eyes, revealing a vigorous heroic spirit. She was dressed in armor, her shoulders were like knives, and she sat on the horse, not surprised, showing a heroic atmosphere!

', it's right for the court to canon her as the general of the scarf.

Fang Yun's heart moved, gathered his eyes, and looked at Yi Weiliang. At that moment, a red light rose up at night. And in the red, there is also a trace of extremely light purple. If you are not careful, you can't find it.

Fang Yun looked at the faint purple gas, as if thinking.

Everything is born with luck. Like the princes and nobles in the capital, their luck is red when they are born. It was because they were lucky that they were born in the royal family. Like this Yi Weiliang, she is just the daughter of the general.

There were more than 10 million troops in the Zhou Dynasty, and there were many generals in the army. It can be said that this Yi Weiliang's luck is not strong, and she is still a woman. The woman's health is weak, and her luck is even worse.

And what she saw in front of her eyes, her spirit was red. Moreover, in the red, there is a very faint purple. When ordinary strong people see it, they may not pay too much attention to it. They just think that Yi Weiliang is lucky.

But Fang Yun is different. He has already understood that there is no chance in everything. There is a faint purple feeling in Yi Weiliang's luck, which is the blessing of the day after tomorrow.

', her luck is red and purple, and there are only two explanations. The first is the blessing of the emperor. This time, she was awarded the title of marquis, stuck in the discussion of the six ministries, and finally the emperor came forward to exclude the public discussion, and then sealed her Yinhou. It can be said that the emperor's kindness is magnificent. Because she was associated with the royal family and stained with a little luck of Dazhou, she had this purple meaning; the second is that she inherited a very powerful Taoism. Therefore, it was shrouded in the luck of this sect that there was a trace of purple!"

Fang Yun sat in the carriage and meditated.

"Hhooves! Hoof tart!"

Yi Weiliang sat on the white horse and walked slowly. Just as he passed Fang Yun's carriage, his eyes inadvertently glanced at the sign of Sifang Houfu on the body of the car. Suddenly, his eyes condensed and stopped.


Fang Yun didn't expect that Yi Weiliang would suddenly notice himself. Unprepared, the two looked at each other through the bead curtain hanging from the window. They both jumped in their hearts, and both of them withdrew their eyes from the bead curtain.

A little meditation, Fang Yun smiled:

"It seems that I'm not the only one collecting her information. She also collected my information.

The generals of the Zhou Dynasty will basically collect some important information. As a general of women, it is impossible for Yi Weiliang to have his own channels. As a popular figure in Shangjing, Fang Yun naturally fell into her sight.

The sound of horses' hoofs is getting farther and farther away.

"Miss, is Fang Yun, the youngest son of Sifang Marquis, sitting in the carriage?"

beside Yi Weiliang, a beautiful female guard suddenly came forward and whispered with a "transmission into the secret".

"Not bad." Yi Weiliang looked ahead and said quietly: "This little marquis is the only one who left the capital at this time."

"Sure enough, it's him, "There is a special look in the eyes of the female guard: "This little marquis is so powerful in the wilderness..."

Yi Weiliang didn't say a word, and a faint color flashed in his eyes.

The sound of horses' hoofs gradually faded away, and Yi Weiliang and his party disappeared at the gate of the city.


After the marquis disappeared, the coachman raised his whip, and the bronze carriage carried Fang Yun across the gate and went outside. About ten miles later, there is an intersection.

"Drive! One by one"

A sound of carriages came from all directions, and about 30 commercial carriages came from the other three directions with dust all over the sky. In the blink of an eye, more than 30 commercial carriages, together with the carriages of Sifang Houfu, were all mixed together and shrouded in dust and fog.


Another whip array, more than 30 carriages flew away in different directions.


In an inconspicuous carriage in the rear, a man in brocade was stunned when he saw this.

"What should I do now? I'm afraid Fang Yun found us!"

Another man in brocade said.

"Don't worry, I'll continue to follow the carriage of Sifang Houfu. You can report it to your house right away.

A moment later, the carriage continued to chase the bronze carriage of the Sifang Marquis's Mansion, while the other man galloped back to the Pingding Marquis's Mansion.

Outside the capital, in a path away from the main road, Fang Yun and Zhao Boyan sat in an ordinary gray carriage.

"Your Excellency, please excuse me for being blunt. With your current skills, I'm afraid no one can deal with you. There is no need to do this at all.

Zhao Boyan said.

Fang Yun shook his head:

', Boyan, you are really good at collecting information. But there is still a long way to analyze the opponent. This time I made such a big noise in the capital. It is impossible for the one in the army of Pingding Houfu not to move. Now, do you think of anything?"

After all, Zhao Boyan is also an old Jianghu. With Fang Yun's advice, he immediately thought of something and changed his face: 'Heavenly Evil Sect!'

"Not bad!" Fang Yun nodded, with a trace of insightful eyes in his eyes: "The Marquis of Pingding colluded with the Heavenly Evil Sect, and his own identity is not convenient to take action. If I estimate it well, there will be a movement soon!"

The interests of the Marquis of Pingding are now shared with the evil sect. It is impossible for the Heavenly Evil Sect to sit idly by. The Marquis Pingding was suppressed by the Fang family, which was inconsistent with their sectarian interests. Moreover, Fang Yun ruined their good deeds in the autumn wilderness. In terms of reason, the evil sect must remove Fang Yun before he is sealed!

On the southeast coast of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is a large army stationed. The commander of this army is the Marquis of Pingding.

The range of marine activities in the deep sea is very large, and there are long coastal lines in the southeast of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The sea people often follow this area and enter the land. The duty of the Marquis of Pingding is to reject the sea people.

At this moment, Yang Xing, the Marquis of Pingding, sat in the camp, opposite him, sitting a low-level warrior. A handsome man sits face to face.

"I want you to kill the little beast of the Fang family!!"

Yang Xing, Marquis of Pingding, clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.

"Marquis, we are really sorry about the matter of Madame. After all, she is a member of our evil sect."

This slightly thin Jiashi said slowly.

"You don't have to regret it, you just need to kill him!"

Yang Xing said fiercely.

Jia Shi was silent for a while:

"This son has become angry. If it's not a celestial cultivation, I'm afraid it's difficult to get rid of him!"

', then send a celestial-level strongman to get rid of him!"

Yang Xing shouted.

"Yang Xing, pay attention to your speaking attitude. I'm not your subordinate."

Jia Shi finally raised his head unhappily, frowned, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this cold voice, Yang Xing finally calmed down a little, took a deep breath, and said coldly:

"Suzerain, other than that, I don't want to say more. The second son of the Fang family is already a general of Pingyao. His military achievements will soon become a king and a prince. Once there are two princes in the Fang family, or even more. You should understand what this means! It is impossible to get benefits from me without taking any risks! One - Don't forget that Fang Yun said through Huang Wei's mouth that he wanted to flatten your evil sect!"

Jia Shi frowned slightly and said without saying a word. After a moment, he said:

"Good! I promise you this request. However, you should also agree to my request!"

Yang Xing, Marquis of Pingding, hesitated for a moment and finally said, 'Okay. I will make more seats available. Let your people settle in. But--don't blame me for not reminding you, you'd better do it yourself. With your cultivation, you basically kill him like an ant. If you can't lower your self-esteem now, it will be too late for him to regret when he grows up.

Jia Shi shook his head: "This matter is just your trouble, not our evil sect's trouble. With his strength, even if he grows up to the celestial level, he can't threaten our evil sect.

What's more, my body is still practicing a peerless evil skill behind closed doors. It's impossible to take time to help you now!"

Yang Xing sighed when he heard the words. With his intuition, he felt that Fang Yun's future must be a great disaster. But the evil suzerain is unfortunately in retreat, and there is nothing he can do about it.

"I hope you can kill this Fang Yun, otherwise, you will definitely regret it in the future!"

After saying this sentence, Yang Xing didn't say anything.

"Thank you for reminding me. I will pay attention to it!" Kui

A wisp of black fog exploded, and a trace of consciousness attached to the evil master immediately left.

As soon as the consciousness of the evil suzerain left, the Jiashi opened his eyes muddle-headedly. He looked around with a puzzled face. Before he could speak, he heard a loud shout in his ear: "Get out of here!"

Yang Xing shook his sleeves and turned around. He didn't bother to talk to him more! C