The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 315 The mouse meets the cat

In the general's mansion, as soon as Fang Yun entered the door, Zhou Xin woke up.

"Your Excellency! ..."

Zhou Xin stood up, took two steps, and then stopped. He looked at Fang Yun behind him. He has been following Fang Yun for so long. It was the first time I saw Fang Yun bring back a few women. Especially the leader. It's obviously a woman. I just want to pretend to be a man. Fold it flat and shake it. I thought they couldn't see it.

"These people want to visit our General's Mansion. Zhou Xin. Go and call the people of the fire camp. Ask them to help make some wine and vegetables. Send it here."

Fang Yun said quietly.

Zhou Xin was full of confusion. Obviously, he didn't understand which play he was playing, but he nodded cooperatively: "Yes, my lord!"

The army of the Zhou Dynasty. Charge into the trap. In the middle of the night. We also need to guard against enemy attacks. Several people can sleep well. This hour. It's still too early for ordinary people in Ancheng. But for the army's fire camp, it's an early bed.

The general's mansion is the same as the city lord's mansion. The main entrance is the main hall, which is used to carry the generals, captains and lieutenants to discuss major issues. After the hall. It is the main hall of the guests and banquets.

"Sit down!"

Fang Yun took the master and servant of the Heavenly Demon Princess. Welcome to the main hall. Sit down separately.

Tables and chairs in the main hall. It's all made of metal. Coated with gold and silver. After passing through the skillful craftsman of the Ministry of Industry, he was tattooed with complicated patterns. It looks extremely exquisite.

Although the Heavenly Demon Princess is from an extraordinary background, her father is a suzerain and is extremely powerful. But it was also the first time to enter the mansion of a general in the Zhou Dynasty. She sat down. I looked around curiously.

The five women also looked around curiously. Their cheeks turned red. There is a little excitement in my heart. The Great Zhou Dynasty and sects were like water and fire. Entering the general's mansion is like one or two enemies who hate each other. It's like one party suddenly entered the nest of the right talent. There is a faint pleasure in my heart.

"How do you feel?

Fang Yun came over and asked with a "jade oar" in a glass bottle.

"Sloppy. It's okay!" When the demon princess heard this sentence, she immediately said insincerely.

Fang Yun smiled. I didn't answer her either. He divided seven internal forces and caught seven wine bottles. Put it on the table.

Then pat the seal of the glass bottle. Pour the bleaked liquor into the seven wine troughs.

Immediately, a mellow smell of wine permeated the air.

This wine smells like musk orchid. It's heartbreaking! Smell it. There is a feeling of being carefree.

Princess Tianmo and several barley girls are not good wine people, but when they smell this fragrance, they can't help but have a desire to drink.

"What kind of wine is this?" The demon princess said curiously.

"Agar. It was brewed by the winemaker of the Ministry of Work of the Imperial Court. Limited supply to the princes and nobles of the Zhou Dynasty. As a reward for the royal family. The ladies and wives in the capital like this kind of wine the most.

"The dishes haven't come yet, so let's drink for a while. Brother Xie. Do you mind?" Fang Yundao.

"I don't mind, I don't mind.

Heavenly Demon Princess Road. Her eyes have been staring at the glass bottle Fang Yun put on the wine. The liquor in the bottle is amber. Very good-looking. She has never seen this kind of liquor.

"Guys, please." After Fang Yun sat down, he raised his wine and said.

The women saw the situation. He also quickly raised the wine trough and drank it all. Unexpectedly, this kind of liquor is sweet in the throat. It won't choke your throat. After drinking. The lips and teeth are fragrant. I feel like I want to have another drink.

"A cup to have another drink!"

The Heavenly Demon Princess will say whatever she thinks.

Fang Yun doesn't mind either. Filled her with another cup.

"Do you want more?" Watch the Demon Princess finish the second cup. Fang Yun asked.

"Well, come again."

Three cups of belly, the Heavenly Devil Princess's two cheeks are red. The eyes are like water waves, showing an amazing charm. The correct way to drink agar in the capital is to take a small sip. No one will be like the Heavenly Demon Princess. Drink three cups in one go. Because of that, it's easy to get drunk.

Fang Yun filled himself. On the one hand, he seemed to say inadvertently, "I don't know where Brother Xie is from?"

Although the name of the agar is beautiful. But after all, it's still wine. The Heavenly Demon Princess is already a little drunk: "Dang. Of course, it's the day...

"Of course, it's the people of this city!

When a tablet girl saw that the Tianmo princess was about to spit out "Tianmo Mountain" in her mouth, she quickly stepped forward.

Fang Yun added another glass of wine to the Heavenly Demon Princess: "I don't know who Ancheng is. If I have time, I can't say. I'm going to visit the house.

Several tablet girls immediately became alert: "Son, you are drunk. The micamo is still...

Before I finished speaking, I listened to a calm voice. Mixed in the sound of footsteps. He floated over from the door: "General Fang?

As soon as the voice floated over, several women immediately felt that their anger fluctuated, and they were almost overwhelmed by this sentence. It dispersed.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Xu Zhenglong, who opened the curtain and was dressed in white Confucian clothes, crossed the threshold and stepped in.

"The great Confucian of the imperial court!

The six maidservant opened their eyes in horror, just like a mouse who met a cat, and almost lost their souls. They didn't expect it. In the general's mansion, you will meet such a terrible person!

There is no need to use it at all. As long as the great Confucian of the court gently scolds them, these women will be scattered. The ashes and smoke went out. Several people trembled with fear. The tongue turns. I don't know how to speak anymore.

The officials of the Zhou Dynasty were very efficient. In particular, I know that there is a great scholar who wants to sit in the city. Hua Xingfei, the owner of Huai'an City, immediately vacated a house. Live for Xu Zhenglong.

Xu Zhenglong's trip is to ask Fang Yun to be individual. But. Xu Zhenglong's face immediately sank as soon as he saw several women in the room. Although he can't do martial arts. But for these evil spirits, they are the most sensitive. You hardly have to think about it. He knew it. These women. All of them practiced magic martial arts.

Princess Tianmo was still a little drunk. But at this time, I felt the magnificent righteousness on Xu Zhenglong's body, and I was also awakened. She looked at Xu Zhenglong twice and was immediately shocked.

Although she is sometimes wayward. But she heard too much about the great Confucian of the Zhou Dynasty in the sect. Whether it is sectarian or secular. No matter in front of anyone. She can walk sideways. Only the great Confucian of the Zhou Dynasty. Absolutely can't be encountered.


The heavenly demon princess was so bold that she was stunned at this moment.

"It's not good!" On the distant Tianmo Mountain. The beautiful woman was shocked to see this scene from the tripod.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer! I don't know when the Heavenly Demon Master opened his eyes, and there was a solemn look in his eyes. Any sect. Dare to be unfavorable to the demon princess. That's all a dead end. But the great Confucianism of the Zhou Dynasty is different.

One of the difficult problems now is that if you don't take action, the great scholar will shout and scold, and your beloved daughter will disappear; and if you take action. The body of the great Confucian of the Zhou Dynasty is extremely fragile. Once a great Confucian is killed, it will immediately attract the anger of the Confucians of the whole dynasty. Next. Immediately, it was the war between the court and the Heavenly Demon Sect. If it is not done well, it will be extremely dangerous to the Taoist inheritance of the Heavenly Demon Sect!

In the main hall. The only one who remains calm is Fang Yun.

"Teacher. Don't rush to do it for the time being. This woman is the daughter of the suzerain of the Heavenly Demon Sect, with a straightforward nature. He is not an evil person. Moreover, I gave the above order. I was about to borrow this woman. Enter the sectarian world. Ask the teacher, just as if you didn't see it. Don't ask for the time being."

Fang Yundao.

Xu Zhenglong glanced at Fang Yun and stared at the eyes of the Tianmo Princess. I watched it for a while, especially the latter. The eyes of the great Confucian are clear. The so-called worldly refining all articles, to the point of Xu Zhenglong, you can see through people's hearts at a glance.

Staring at the frightened eyes of the Princess Tianmo for a while. The sharp color in Xu Zhenglong's eyes. Gradually softening.

"I'm here this time. I just said goodbye to General Fang. That is, General Fang has guests. Then I'll leave first.

Xu Zhenglong said. Without waiting for Fang Yun to answer and raise the curtain, Xu Zhenglong walked directly for a long time. Several masters and servants of the Heavenly Demon Princess can't come back to their senses for a long time.

"Brother Xie, what's wrong? Please sit down..

Fang Yun patted the Tianmo Princess on the shoulder. Indifferently.

The Heavenly Demon Princess was patted by Fang Yun on the shoulder. She felt uncomfortable all over her body. She couldn't help subconsciously twisting her shoulder, and a strange feeling surged into her heart. The redness on the cheeks has increased a few more.

I don't know if it's a surge of alcohol or shyness.

"I suddenly remembered. I still have something to do. Just leave first. I will visit Brother Fang another day.

was disturbed by Xu Zhenglong. No matter how bold the demon princess is. I dare not stay any longer. I immediately found a reason and left in a hurry.

Fang Yun smiled freely. Don't stop it. A few people left straight away.

Princess Tianmo was born in Tianmo Sect and has a noble status. The vision is naturally high. Detentional flatt. On the contrary, groveling makes the other party despise. Too deliberate. It will also make the other party unhappy. This kind of thing. It can't be achieved overnight.

"After drinking my agar, I was shocked by Mr. Xu in a cold sweat. This surprise was enough to impress her.

The beginning of the Heavenly Demon Princess. It's probably just a curious idea. But now. I'm afraid it's hard to forget myself.

As soon as a few people left, Xu Zhenglong came in with his back feet.

Xu Zhenglong looked serious: "Fang Yun. You are the one chosen by the teacher. I believe in you. But. I also hope you can remember the teacher's words one by one! "Don't worry, teacher. I know it in my heart..

Fang Yun was not surprised that Xu Zhenglong appeared here.

"In addition." Xu Zhenglong hesitated for a moment and said, "Although this little girl was born evil, her eyes were dull, kind-hearted, and innocent. I hope you don't hurt this little girl by using her.

A trace of surprise flashed in Fang Yun's eyes. Then he was in awe: "Teacher, don't worry. I have a scale in my heart. What should I do? I know it myself. This demon princess. Although it is a little capricious, its nature is not bad. I won't hurt her. "That's good. On the side of the city owner. It has helped me get the house ready. I should go, too.

Xu Zhenglong nodded with satisfaction. Left.

Fang Yun didn't know that his words fell into a couple thousands of miles away.

Hearing Fang Yun's words, although the suzerain and his wife didn't say anything. There was a trace of appreciation in his eyes.