The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 499 Overlords of All Generations

Fifty-four heavenly dragons are too powerful to reach the realm of Tianchong Yipin, which can accommodate the limit of power. Even if Fang Yun once devoured the "dragon grass", at this time, in the face of the huge rule rejection between heaven and earth, he began to look faint.

Fang Yun felt as if he was walking forward in the sticky mud, step by step.

"At the end, even heaven and earth began to reject me to absorb the true qi..."

Fang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, and his body exuded a smell of horror, waves like stormy waves. With a big move, Deng immediately put the "Wanhua Fu Lu" into his body and waved his hand at the same time. The magic gas, corpse gas, ghost gas, thunder real gas around... were all scattered immediately.

Fang Yun followed his father to listen to so much experience of Tianchongjing, and never heard of which martial artist would be rejected by the power of heaven and earth because he was too powerful when practicing. I'm probably the only one!

"It's time to leave..."

Fang Yun stepped on his feet and bounced up from the top of the mountain. At the same time, the body shook and immediately used the "Law of celestial phenomena".

"li! ..."

A sharp roar came from the depths of the void, and a pair of huge wings unfolded with a crack. Within three thousand miles, there was darkness. Even the distant city turned into a dark night.

Far away from the mountain, two celestial powers are fighting fiercely. Suddenly, the sky darkened, and then a huge pressure came from the sky. The two celestial phenomena fell from the sky as if they had been struck by lightning.

"What's going on? Who intervened?"

"What a terrible pressure! I can't resist!"

Two celestial-level faces were facing down, and they were crushed to the ground by this huge pressure, unable to move.

Farther away, in a cave, there are stone tables and stone chairs. Two strong men in robes and white hair are sitting around a stone table, and they are playing against each other.

At the moment when Fang Yun incarnated into Kunpeng, the two people's bodies shook, and the white son in one of them was in his hand and smashed with a "bong".

"Kunpeng! It's Kunpeng!"

Both of them exclaimed and felt a strong pressure coming from the void. Kunpeng's blood is extremely domineering. As an ancient mythical beast, it is second only to real dragon, phoenix, white tiger and Xuanwu.

However, with such a powerful existence, few people can fully exert its domineering and powerful power. The breath from this void is full of the power of seven or eighty dragons. It is close to the real strength of ancient Kunpeng.

In ancient times, Peng was the most fierce, defied, domineering, and the pressure emanating. It is more powerful than the general Tianchong strong. With the cultivation of these two people, at the moment of feeling the breath of Kunpeng, they couldn't help but feel nervous and feel great pressure.

Within 3,000 miles, there was an exclamation. Countless strong people showed fear and were shocked by the huge pressure of Kunpeng. However, except for the strong man at the level of Tianchong, no one knows that it is an ancient eel that exudes this pressure.

Kun Peng's body is so huge that no one can see the end of the shadow of the sky.

Fang Yun clearly sensed all the movements within 3,000 miles, but he had no psychological understanding. This time, he used the "Law of celestial phenomena" to incarnate Kunpeng. He immediately felt that it was completely different from the previous few times.

When Fang Yun first incarnated into Kunpeng, there were only 300 cities. But this time, the wingspan is really 3,000 miles. From Liangzhou to Yuzhou, and then to Jingzhou in the south, the vast range, wild fields, mountains, swamps, and cities are all within the wing protection range of Xingpeng's wings. Even the distant Bahrain mine is within the cover of Kunpeng's wings.

Fortunately, for ordinary people. Kunpeng is too huge. At first glance, I thought that the sky was covered by dark clouds, otherwise, it would inevitably cause a huge panic.

"li! ..."

Fang Yun did not dare to stay on the ground for too long. The moment he turned into Kunpeng, he immediately broke through the void, emptied into layers of space, and disappeared.

People on the ground only feel that the sky is dark and suddenly bright. Except for martial artists, ordinary people only feel that the sky is dark and a little strange, but they don't pay too much attention to it.


Five thousand miles from the ground, a large area of space powder. The huge Kunpeng showed his huge body again. One hundred and eighty billion feathers, shaking away fiercely. Each one contains the power of space, spitting endless clouds out vigorously.

The rolling clouds, wrapped around Kunpeng, evolved into gods and demons, Buddhas, dragons, fierce beasts, evil gods, etc., and made kneeling and offerings to the court one after another, and the momentum was extremely spectacular.

After Fang Yun stepped into the sky, he finally stimulated the ability of Jingpeng's blood. A rush of memory that is enough to make people chase crazily poured into Fang Yun's mind. In these memories, there are the memory of Kunpeng's body, as well as the memory of generations of strong people who inherited Kunpeng's blood.

Kunpeng originated at the end of ancient times and was born in the depths of the Northern Ming Dynasty. It is a huge egg tens of thousands of miles under the Beimin sea bed, hatching. At the end of ancient times, the earth changed dramatically. Kunpeng escaped the disaster because he hid in Beiming.

At the end of ancient times, the earth collapsed and the world was depressed. Only scattered weak lives live on land. Zhenlong, Phoenix, White Tiger and Xuanwu are respected at this time.

Kunpeng, the body of the hegemon in the north, broke out of the sea and turned into the most powerful existence among the alien beasts. It shocked all beasts and became second only to the four sacred beasts.


, the history of the earth transitioned from the end of ancient times to the beginning of ancient times.

He galloped across the land with Peng and finally died for some reason. Later, the overlord who inherited Kunpeng's blood from generation to generation appeared. Every successor of Kunpeng is a stunning existence.

These amazing overlords, while inheriting Kunpeng's blood, also have the ability to pass on their memory in Kunpeng's blood. The skills, combat experience and main memories of generations of hegemons are all recorded in Kunpeng's blood.

The successor of each generation of Kunpeng can not only inherit the strong talent of Lingpeng, but also inherit the martial arts experience of generations of inheritors.

The first generation inheritor of Kunpeng's blood, the demon king of the sky, the strong man of the star world. In the early ancient times, he was famous for the cultivation of great evil, and his methods were fierce. He did things that were against the emperor's reputation, and finally suppressed by the emperor's reputation.

The second generation inheritor of Kunpeng's blood, the blood refining king, the evil giant Li in ancient times, killed countless hegemonic figures, died in the siege of several ancient hegemons.

The inheritor of the third generation of Kunpeng's blood, the free emperor, and the strong man who escaped from the world. Among the inheritors of Kunpeng's blood, the legendary characters condensed the soul of life and the soul of the earth. Di Yao once invited him to enter the Central Dragon Court, but was rejected.

The fourth generation inheritor of Kunpeng's blood, unrestrained ancestors, countless strong people of good and evil, frightened by the wind, one hand "unrestrained Dafa" restrained the souls of many strong people, for which the "unrestrained imperial palace".

The last generation of Kunpeng's blood, the ancestor of the Northern Ming Dynasty, the ancient strong man!

After the ancestor of Beiming, Kunpeng's blood immediately disappeared. It has never appeared in the whole medieval era. It was not until Fang Yun appeared and entered the Beiming Cave that Kunpeng's blood continued to be inherited. Seeing these powerful inheritors in Kunpeng's blood memory, Fang Yun couldn't help shaking secretly. The inheritors of Kunpeng of each generation are the kind of people who are lawless and unrestrained by the etiquette of heaven and earth. They are either evil people, act sly, have extreme thoughts, and are different from ordinary people. Or brains against bones, no matter whether he is the five emperors or who, he still rises up and is unwilling to submit, or he is outside the world without cause and effect.

Anyway, the inheritors of every generation are not ordinary people. Ordinary people will not be picked by Kunpeng's blood. Their skills are extremely domineering, and they have the horrible martial arts memory of these ancient strong men. No wonder that every inheritor is different from the ordinary, basically surpassing the out-of-birth realm, and the worst is also the fateful star realm.

However, there is also a sad place in it. The memory in Kunpeng's blood must be stimulated by the sky. At this time, the inheritors of Kunpeng's blood basically formed their own martial arts system. It is inevitable that it will be a little late to practice the martial arts of the previous generation of Kunpeng inheritors.

And each generation of Kunpeng inheritors is the most powerful unique learning. It takes a long time and energy to practice successfully. Moreover, the conditions are extremely harsh. Some can't tolerate other skills, some need special external materials, and some even need the souls of warriors above the star realm as practice materials. Each piece is so demanding that it is no longer possible to practice by knowing the secret of skills.

Therefore, among the inheritors of Kunpeng in all dynasties, the most powerful skills, the same as the previous generation, are relatively rare. There are only a few cases.

For many inheritances, the most valuable is the martial arts experience. The experience of impacting the star world is extremely valuable. The elders of many sects can't be contacted, but they are in the blood of Kunpeng.

These martial arts experiences are sometimes more valuable than powerful martial arts skills!

"What a precious martial arts experience, which is equivalent to having several strong people who are beyond the out of the world and being their own teachers at the same time. No wonder every generation of successors has such strong cultivation that they have almost broken through the out-born situation. The unique skills of these ancient overlords are equivalent to a library of martial arts scriptures. As long as I practice the skills in it, my, Wanhua Zhenqi, will definitely have a great improvement..."

Fang Yun thought to himself. With his wings swayed, he immediately flew to a higher place.

Five thousand miles, six thousand miles... 11,000 miles, twelve thousand miles... seventeen thousand thousand miles...

Legend has it that there are more than 300,000 miles in the sky. Fang Yun wants to have a try today. How strong Kunpeng is, and how high can Kunpeng fly as the fastest bird in the world?

The sky is vast, and the more you go up, the stronger the wind is. Above 10,000 feet, the wind is fierce, just like tens of millions of swords.

Twenty thousand miles, thirty thousand miles, forty thousand miles...

The pressure from the ground is getting greater and greater. After 40,000 miles, Fang Yun felt that Kunpeng's three-thousand-mile-long wings had crushed a mountain in an inch of space.

Sixty thousand miles, seventy thousand miles, ... seventy thousand eight thousand miles!

At this distance, the ground is vast and you can't see anything at all. At this distance, the wind is so vast that I can hardly even open my eyes. Every moment, the wind attack on the body is like countless celestial beings attacking at the same time. Every moment, it is more dangerous.