The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 502

"My little brother is the Marquis, and my mother doesn't seem to be very happy."

Princess Fukang turned around and said. Although she has not officially married into the Fang family, she has a good relationship with Fang Lin. And it has been blessed by the royal family's Mo Yun and Wu Mu. It's almost no different from marrying into the Fang family. Speaking of Fang Yun, he subconsciously started from Fang Lin's perspective.

"Mother has never been the kind of person who pursues fame and fortune. Otherwise, in Shangjing, you will not be humiliated by so many noble ladies and ladies. And there has never been a precedent of two marquises in the court.

If it hadn't been for the agreement between Lord Wumu and the emperor, and I had been given up my rights, Confucianism would have reluctantly accepted it. It's hard for me to seal. Even one family and two marquist are like this, not to mention one family and three marquisers! The matter of my title has not been completely settled. My younger brother became a marquis at this time. The timing is not very good. I feel that this is for our marriage and attracts other attention.

As a brother, Fang Lin has an intuition that he can directly point to the core of the problem, and it is easy to see through his brother's plan.

Hearing Fang Lin mention the marriage, a gloomy look flashed in Princess Fukang's eyes. She has learned about the matter between the emperor and Fang Yin. My father-in-law can't participate in his own marriage. Princess Fukang was somewhat disappointed. However, she is kind-hearted and doesn't want to think about others in the wrong way. I just think that the public will have difficulties.

"Son, if my father can't come to the capital. Why don't we ask your majesty to let the marriage be held in the wilderness?

Princess Fukang's name Lin still inherits the previous name.

"This is a good way to freeze."

Of course, Fang Lin knows that his father Fang Yin can never return to the capital. Of course, it is a good way to move the wedding ceremony to the wilderness. However, Princess Fukang's identity is special after all. If the royal princess wants to get married in the wilderness, I'm afraid the royal family will not agree so easily.

"That's it. Then we might as well ask our father for his consent. My father is kind by nature, and he will certainly not embarrass us too much.

Princess Fukang said.

Fang Lin's views on the emperor are completely different. However, he didn't want to refute Princess Fukang, but just nodded: "Hmm."

Fang Yun's preparation for the title of marquis is not entirely a happy event. Just in front of the Sifanghou Mansion, the traffic was full of dragons, the water was leaking, and it was overcrowded. There were a sea of people in front of the military department, and many old Confucians with poor scriptures. The great Confucianist held the medal in his hand and stood tremblingly outside the door to play the chapter. Please make a wish.

"The gift cannot be abandoned. If there are three marquises in the Fang family, the minister is heavy and the king is light, which is against the rules of the emperor and minister. Fang Yun can't be a marquis!"

"For ministers, fight outside. Guarding the border is the duty. There are two marquises in the Fang family, and they are already generous to the emperor. Fang Lin's title of marquis is already the ultimate of the emperor's grace. One thing of three marquises must..."

"One door, three marquis! It violates the etiquette of saints. Nowadays, there are countless princes and nobles, three wives and four concubines. If this case is opened, there will be four marquis, five marquis, six marquis and seven marquis, and the royal family will not be sealed in the future. I'm afraid it will cause the situation of princes' families in the future! There were three marquis in the Fang family, and the disaster lasted for thousands of years...,--..."

These old Confucians hold the books of sages in their hands, complaining bitterly, and their words are fierce. If there are three marquis in the Fang family, the world will be in chaos, and there will never be peace!

"The embankment of thousands of miles collapses in the ant nest. If the Fang family is a family of three marquises, and the relationship is related to the husband, the court's thousands of years of perfect laws and etiquette may be destroyed. If the etiquette is abandoned, the court will be destroyed! Your excellency, it must be very heavy!" ......——"

Some old Confucians talked about the evils of the three marquises, excited, and even knelt on the ground, with tears of pain.

Fang Yun used to act with the help of Confucianism. But this time, the controversy he set off in Confucianism was far more fierce than that of soldiers. The most fierce opposition comes from these old Confucians who have read sage books all their lives. It's not that they are particularly targeted at Fang Yun.

In all dynasties, once something important is involved. Confucian students and old Confucian groups wrote books, blinked at the current events, and complained about Chen Ci, and there were endless things. As long as they think it endangers the national body and the society and the country, they will do so. No one will give face, even the third father-in-law. It's not particularly aimed at Fang Yun.

The Ministry of War is the first juncture of the procedure, so in front of the gate of the Ministry of War, the number of old Confucians and Confucian students gathered the most. However, although there are not so many Confucian students in the other five books, the accumulation on the desk, handed over from all over Kyushu, accumulating chapters and documents like mountains, has caused these departments to have a fierce dispute over the matter of Fang Yunfenghou.

In the Ministry of officials, the lights are bright. The officials, the minister, the waiter and other adults gathered together with a serious look.

"The regulations of the Ministry of War have always been rewarded for merit. Fang Yun made great contributions to the court, and his war achievements were enough to make a marquis. And there is no big deal in itself. According to the law, it should be made a marquis. If it is said that because of the three marquis of the Fang family, the opportunity to depose Fang Yun's marquis, how should he deal with the laws of the military family and the laws of the court? What should those frontier soldiers think?

"The general is a marquis, and my character is indispensable. Fang Yunwen once won the first place in the Lantern Festival. I have more than three pens and ink. There should be no problem with character. And at the beginning, he once impeached Marquis Wu for his brother. There is a ladder of filial piety. Confucian loyalty, filial piety, etiquette, righteousness, and ti are almost all occupied. There is no reason not to be a marquis!"

"Lord Li, we oppose Fang Yunfenghou, not to say that his character is not good, or something. There are already two marquis in the Fang family. If Fang Yun is crowned as a marquis again, it will not be as simple as a marquis. In the future, as soon as this case is opened, a number of rebellious ministers and thieves have the intention of rebellion. They only need to introduce this example to open the door of self-interest. Among the four marquis, five marquis and six marquis in one door,--... Yes, the Fang family is loyal to the court, but what about the others? Can we guarantee it? And you can take a look at the text at hand. This matter is not as simple as Fang Yun himself!"

Such an argument in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is almost staged in other departments at the same time. As members of the imperial court, their words are relatively gentle, but their attitudes are equally clear. For a while, each department was almost divided into three parties. One side agrees, one side opposes, and the other side doesn't know how to deal with it!

The auxiliary cabinet, the parliamentary cabinet, and even the Taihe Hall where the three princes are located, such disputes are endless. The controversy of one family and three marquis is far more than the Fang family itself.

Fang Yun has always been very predestined with Confucianism. Even his teacher is Guo Boji, a great Confucian, and he was even received by the head of Confucianism. It can be said that whether it is the auxiliary cabinet, the deliberation cabinet, or the six ministries, many Confucian ministers have a good impression on Fang Yun. But this matter has too much to do with it. It's not as simple as a general of a flat demon to make a marquis. In the face of big right and wrong, Confucianism has always paid attention to the truth of the net. It will not blindly cover up, indulge and protect Fang Yun because of the deep relationship with Confucianism. This is a matter of principle and a kind of Confucian spirit!

Fang Yunfenghou really shocked the world. Almost all the officials of the court were involved. In the teahouses, restaurants, schools and other places in Shangjing, wherever Confucian students gather, it is the voice of the Fang family. Some people say that the four-way marquis town has been under the border barren for 20 years, half of stepping into the capital, and is loyal to the imperial court. If he is such a loyal minister, the court should let Fang Yun be the marquis. Others say that the three marquises of the Fang family are really too much. In a word, everyone is very emotional.

In the Beijing School Palace, the atmosphere was extremely warm. Unlike the outside world, the students here are almost one-sided in favor of Fang Yunfenghou. Anyway, after all, Fang Yun went out of the school palace. Fang Yunfenghou, a student of Xuegong Middle School, all felt that he had a lot of face. Moreover, in Fang Yun's army, a large number of school students were recruited, and among the ordinary scholars in the school palace, they were quite popular.

"Really! It's just a marquis, that's so serious. And so many people can be crowned. Why can't the little marquis be made a marquis? According to me, the little marquis should be made a marquis!"

A scholar stood in the pavilion Wei and said fiercely.

"Not bad! Not bad! The little marquis should be made a marquis. If he doesn't make a marquis, who can be a marquis!"

"Hmm. He is not a marquis. Is it still Yang Qian and Li Ping who are a marquis?!"

In the school palace, there was immediately a lot of laughter. Yang Qian and Li Ping are in the school palace, and now they are extremely unpopular. With the strong rise of Fang Yun, not many people care about the tiger power of the Marquis of Pingding and the Marquis of Zhen. They are still flawless in dealing with the Fang family, and they still have time to show their power?

These students in the palace don't know that it's just a wall away. Several white Confucians were sitting in the room, motionless, silently listening to the discussion outside the window.

"Boji, you are very popular in the school palace!"

Ling Gongji, the former Sanpin Tongshi doctor, sat opposite Guo Boji, his lips squirmed and said slowly. In the room, in addition to him, there are Guo Boji, Fang Yun's teacher, and the great Confucians that Fang Yun has seen, such as Geng Jixing, Liu Gongshou and Yang Xiaozhi.

They stayed in the capital this time at the request of the three princes to teach in the school palace for a period of time. Unexpectedly, I happened to meet Fang Yunfenghou, a major event that now shakes the world!

The impact of "one door and three marquises" has now affected more than anything. Almost all Confucian students from all states and prefectures participated in it.

Guo Boji was silent when he heard Ling Gongji's words. Fang Yun is his student. Confucianism has the saying that "the public is selfless", but there is also the saying that "the sages do not avoid relatives". As a doctor of the former Senior Government Cabinet, he should "destroy his relatives with great righteousness" and join the wave of opposition to show justice.

But it is precisely because Fang Yun is his student that Guo Boji has been with him for a long time. Guo Boji knows that Fang Nong is the material of the country. "Marquis" is a good thing for him and the court!

Fang Yun is young, and it is the time of Qi and blood. Pouring cold water on him at this time, Guo Boji was worried that it would be a blow to him. It is not a good thing for the court.