The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 644 Tianchong Wupin, Thunder's power

Tianchong Wupin, Si Jing can vaguely feel his own fate. It was Fang Yun's first time to come into contact with the sky and fate. Although it's just a little bit. And to be precise, I didn't see anything. But it has made Fang Yun very happy.

This is a good start. In the future, with the improvement of strength, you will be able to master the sky and speculate about the future..., "Buzz!"

The tiger sky shook, and this vague "emptiness of fate" twisted and disappeared. The next moment, the whole rule world shook. Fang Yun knew that the true qi in the [body] was about to run out.


The undersea cave shook violently, and countless rules instantly penetrated Fang Yun's body. With a click, the undersea cave finally couldn't stand it. When Fang Yun hit the martial arts realm, the whole collapsed.

After a while, I only heard a "pulling" and the sea cracked. A figure broke out like an arrow. "

A vast breath like the bright sun shines on the void and illuminates many spaces.

"Hahaha, Tianchong Wupin...", ... finally succeeded!"

A circle of fire and water light spewed out from the square cloud [body], and then quickly contracted back. After so many times, it suddenly turned into a circle of brilliance and spit it out.

The airspace has taken shape!


His body shook, and the air around him exploded violently. Fang Yun's body flashed and disappeared immediately.

On the far sea, Chi Yan Xiejun, Tongxu Xiejun and Fujiki Xiejun are searching on the sea with spiritual strength. Suddenly, a hundred feet above the head, the air wave suddenly exploded, and a ghost appeared above.

"Hahaha, Chi Yan Xie Jun, Tong Xu Xie Jun, you actually came to chase and kill me, I can't spare you! Come to death!"

The sentence "death" shook in all directions over Bei Ming. As soon as the voice fell, Fang Yun poked out with his palm and grabbed it down. The breath of a huge condensed real dragon on his body, floating behind him, winding and winding, like a prison" unfathomable.

"Fang Yun!"

The terrible god appeared on the face of Chi Yan's shocked and lost his face. "Fang Yun actually crossed three grades in a row in the realm, and reached the fifth grade of Tianchong and had the power of ninety-nine dragons!!

The giant dragon behind Fang Yun is not that he used the "green dragon eight style", but the power of the ninety-nine dragon, colluding through the rules in the underworld, darkly combined the number of days, the vision presented.


The god of terror appeared on the faces of the three people did not dare to resist at all. To some extent, the realm can restrain the power. But if the power is high to a certain extent, it can also be restrained. The Taoist said, "One force will be reduced by ten times."

What's more, Fang Yun is not the kind of warrior who knows nothing but brute force. There is only one level difference between "Tianchong Five Products" and Liupin. Their realm is not enough to restrain Fang Yun.

The three of them just crashed into the void and were immediately brought back.

"It's not good! The space is banned!"

The bronze-bearded evil king's eyes burst out, and the frightened god appeared. He was really scared to the power of Fang Yun, and the ninety-nine heavenly dragons's power could not be fought at all. Now Fang Yun controls the space again, and there is no escape at all. There is a dead end!

Tianchong Wupin, for the other party's cloud, it is not just to increase strength. The understanding of space rules and various rules has also been greatly deepened. Combined with the space power of "heaven and earth clock", Fang Yun can completely suppress the three people in front of him in terms of the power of space!


There was a trace of blood in Fujiki's eyes. He was also driven crazy. Fang Yun forced them to the end. The body suddenly picked up in a flash, and waved out the magnificent evil spirit in one palm, roaring out.


The eyes of the blazing evil king and the copper-bearded evil king è After a series of changes, he finally shouted loudly, and both of them broke out of the air. "rolled up the evil spirit of the waves and killed Fang Yun.

"Hahaha..." Fang Yun laughed, and then his voice was cold: "The fight of trapped beasts!"


A loud sound like the beginning of the universe, "The blazing evil king, the copper-bearded evil king, and the Fujiki evil king howled at the same time. "The body is like a rag bag, divided into three directions" fell to the sea and splashed three huge waves. The tingled blood quickly expanded in the sea.

Fang Yun shook his body and stood in the void, with long hair, condescending, overlooking the four people. He is now completely in line with the "Heaven and Earth" clock. The power of space blends with each other's water, which is even deeper than the martial artists of the sixth grade.

Within thousands of feet around, the space is completely in his confinement. The three of them can't escape at all.

"How about it? Do you feel uncomfortable from a hunter to a prey?

Fang Yun stepped into the void and was in a good mood," he laughed softly.

A bōbō's powerful power flows in the [body]. Now in terms of strength, he has fully met the conditions to step into Tianchong Qipin. What's worse is just some other conditions.

Ninety-nine dragon powers, one more step forward. It's the power of a real dragon. Fang Yun believes that he can't do this even "falling stars" and "Emperor One" can't do this.

This is the greatest benefit brought by the "Heaven and Earth Clock". Advantages in internal force!

Chi Yan Xie Jun, Tong Xu Xie Jun and Fujiki Xie Jun are not dead yet. Because Fang Yun didn't want them to die. The latter two, their mouths trembled, their faces were frightened, and they still stayed on Fang Yun's sudden "overwhelm" terrible strength!

Only the evil king was relatively calm. He looked up at the sky, as if a god, Fang Yun, who controlled the overall situation. A fierce and sad sound flashed in his eyes: "Fang Yun, kill me. You are just throwing the Fang family into a doomed place! The Fang family will be completely regarded as an enemy by us. Your brother, sister-in-law, father, "Mother, all of them are going to die!"

Fang Yunshenè cold, suddenly five fingers, the blazing evil king flew out of the sea and fell into his palm.

Fang Yun grabbed his neck and raised it: "I wanted you to live a little longer. But now it seems that it is not necessary. Humph! You may not know that if the evil sect accelerates to death.

It must be because of you. That is, you said you wanted to deal with my family. Then I have to wave my army to the north and destroy the evil sect of heaven!" The evil king opened his eyes violently: "How dare you!"

Fang Yun sneered, stared at the "blazing evil king", and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "You may have my information in your hand" I know very well. But there is one thing you don't understand. Our cloud is the most not to be threatened, and we are the least afraid of threats. All those who threaten me have to pay the price. That's what you said, "I have to accelerate the destruction of the evil sect. Go ahead, the evil sect will bury you!"


A breath of true gas bombarded into the blazing evil king [body], and at the same time, the palm of his hand twisted, completely twisting the neck of the blazing evil king.

"Brother!", "Brother!", Bronze-bearded evil king, Fujiki evil king's eyes are like a wolf, looking at Fang Yun fiercely.

Fang Yun responded with more fierce and fierce eyes. In this big game of chess in the world, there is no room for mercy. There is no room for indecision, because it's not just you who drag you down.

Fang Yun didn't want to kill him. After all, the strong man of Tianchong Liupin is still a little useful. But he should not threaten to deal with his family. In that case, I can only let him die.

As soon as the palm of his hand was loosened, the body of the blazing evil king fell straight from the air. Splash a few strands of water uā

"Fang Yun, you are looking for a dead end! "Confrontation with the Heavenly Evil Sect" is a dead end! Don't think that you have made great progress, and the strength of the sect will never be unimaginable. Do you think you can fight against the evil sect alone? Tomorrow, you will die without a place to be buried!" The bronze-bearded man roared and said that his expression was exhausted, and the end of the evil king also made him understand. It is impossible for Fang Yun to let him go.

Fang Yun smiled softly, but he was not angry this time: "Who said that I want to fight against the heavenly evil sect alone. I am the champion of the week. It can control millions of troops. It can affect the policy of 300,000 troops against sects. Do you think... I will be stupid enough to destroy a sect alone without these forces?

When the two of them suffocated like the most exhausted venting, they suddenly interrupted. Yes, they only noticed that they wanted to kill Fang Yun, but they had always ignored an obvious fact.

Fang Yun is the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, the champion marquis! The status is respected and unspeakable!

Fang Yun looked at the two clown-like elders of the evil sect below and smiled. Now, these two people are just toys in his palm. It can't threaten him anymore.

"Now let me send you on the road!" Fang Yun raised his palm. "There is no interest in talking anymore, ready to end the battle directly and seal it into a puppet.

But Fang Yun had just taken a step." Suddenly, he felt something, and the right side suddenly contracted, and the lightning retreated.


A magnificent qi, silently bombarded in the direction of Fang Yun's original way. The true qi dispersed and turned into mountains, water, uā, birds, insects, fish, clouds, and all kinds of external phenomena. After a few breaths, the news was made.

"Sum!" It was not until this time that a cold voice floated down from the middle. The void separated, a figure, unparalleled in domineering, suddenly appeared above the copper-bearded evil king and the rattan wood evil king. The wide iōng was shaken, and a magnificent force was blasted out, which immediately shattered Fang Yun's absolute control over the surrounding space.

"Elephant Emperor!" Seeing this person, the copper-bearded evil king let out a desperate exclamation. The [Xing] in the voice is self-evident.

In fact, the generation of these two people is higher than that of the elephant emperor. I'm getting older. But martial arts have always respected the strong, and at this time, they can't care about this.

At this time in the past, when Fang Yun saw the strong man of Tianchong Qipin, he immediately had to escape without saying a word. Because it's not an opponent at all. If you lose your life in order to save face, you really want to die.

However, this time is different from the past. Fang Yun has reached the power of 99 dragons, and also integrates the "power of space" of heaven and earth clocks... There is no need to see the seven strong people of Tianchong, so he retreats.

"Elephant Emperor, long time no see. Uh-huh, the more you live, the more you live. At least it is also the giant of Tianchong Qipin, who actually dealt with my future generation, and also used such a sneak attack.

Fang Yun looked carefully for a few glances and said with a sudden smile.

"Hmm! If you give up your reputation, you can kill your father and son. I don't mind at all."

The emperor said coldly. There are no five elephants on his face, which looks extremely terrible.

"Ha," Fang Yun smiled and said, "Elephant, if you had come earlier. I may have been attacked by you. But now" is another matter! Do you really think you can save these two people? A