The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 648 Open up space for recommendation tickets


The real dragon is like a meteor. "Cry up with the bright sun, swallow it in one bite" and then violently hit the huge ghost reincarnation. With a loud "boom", the void burst into a mass of light that was a hundred times more dazzling than the sun. Everyone was pierced by this sudden light and couldn't open their eyes. I could only hear the sad cry of all ghosts in the void, as if facing the end of the world, full of despair.

At the feet of everyone, they only felt the violent shaking of the whole earth, and the cracking sound of "k" was shocking. This was the accelerated destruction of the Heiyan Cave under the effect of this magnificent destructive force.

"Ah!", I only heard a scream. When everyone opened their eyes, they saw the black fire ancestor like a broken kite, throwing blood all the way and falling from the void.

"It's not good, ancestor!" Zhang Fang exclaimed and immediately ejaculated. Du Yan, a feather fan scholar, also reacted and followed the electric radiation.

"Ancestor of Heiyan, you are really looking for your own death! I can't spare you today!"

At this time, the sky, the energy dissipated, Fang Yun stepped on the void, and the grand voice was like thunder resounding in all directions. He suddenly took a step and wanted to chase the ancestor of Heiyan. Suddenly, his body shook, his face suddenly turned pale, and he opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood. On the ground, Hei Yan's ancestor was originally panicked, but found that Fang Yun was also seriously injured. Suddenly, I was overjoyed. Just as I was about to come forward, suddenly a tearing pain came from my chest.

"It's not good, the internal injury attack! It's really hateful. If I hadn't been injured before, I would have taken this son's life today! Leave the green mountains there, and you are not afraid that there is no firewood. Leave this place first, and you will kill this son in the future to vent your hatred!"

Heiyan Laozu felt the change within the body. How dare he to entangle with Fang Yun? The move just now, "Qinglong swallows the sun..." Now that I think about it, I still have a lingering fear. This kind of power is really terrible.

"Ancestor" Ancestor... How are you? Does it matter?"

Zhang Fang flew to the side of Heiyan's ancestor in one step.

"Ancestor!" Du Yan also followed.

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the ancestor of Heiyan. His internal injury has occurred. If Fang Yun catches up, he will be here today. His intention was to escape immediately. Regardless of the disciples of the alliance here. But the words of Zhang Fang and Du Yan made his heart sprout.

"This two sons" can still think of me at this time. He is really a affectionate and righteous person. Take them away together!"

At this time, I only heard Fang Yun's fierce shouting from the back of the void: "Ancestor Heiyan, take your life!", "Let's go!"

Heiyan's ancestor's heart trembled. "How dare you stay?

As soon as the black sleeve robe was displayed, Zhang Fang and Du Yan suddenly rolled up and immediately disappeared into a crack in the space and disappeared into the sea.

Fang Yun chased out his figure of several feet and finally stopped. I saw the three of them leave. Fang Yun smiled and said with a smile, "I'm finally hooked. Heiyan Laozu, it's really not easy to lie to you!"


, Fang Yun gently wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth. At this time, there is no trace of injury.

Fang Yun's original intention is to get "all years are empty", and then leave immediately. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Heiyan was entangled. As a last resort, he could only be injured, and then ordered Zhang Fang to run over.

The ancestor of Heiyan finally went to the road. In the end, he knew that he would take Zhang Fang away. If he only cares about running away by himself, Fang Yun can't say that he has to kill him.

"Long line" fishing for big fish. The chess pieces have been installed. It depends on how much you can get.

Fang Yun smiled, passed by, laughed, turned around through a space crack, and floated in the other direction.

The exposure of the Middle Ages is still the tip of the iceberg. This force has been buried for so long, which has involved many medieval giants. Fang Yun believes that there can never be only such a master as "Black Yan Laozu". Zhang Fang is a chess piece. A chess piece that entered the Middle Ages!

Bei Mingxia, another place. The ancestor of Heiyan is moving at the speed of electricity in the sea. His chest was filled with anger and humiliation. This time, he was not only robbed all the time, but also seriously injured. It's really embarrassing.

"How on earth did he find my cave?" Heiyan's ancestor thought hatefully. This is the idea that goes over and over in my mind. The Heiyan Cave is extremely secretive. It is hidden in the many spatial structures of the Beiming seabed. In the mind, it is only the size of a nail. It's absolutely easy to find. More importantly, he actually broke his own name.

"I've been in Bei Ming for so long that I've never made a mistake. There must be an insider! Otherwise, it is impossible to be found in the cave.

The ancestor of Heiyan subconsciously looked at Zhang Fang and Du Yan. It was only after these guys arrived that this kind of thing happened. However, as soon as he lowered his head, he immediately met the eyes of Zhang Fang and Du Yan.

"Ancestor, does it matter how you are?" Zhang Fang said with concern.

The ancestor of Heiyan's heart stagnated, and then laughed and thought to himself, "How can it be! These two kids still want my safety at that time. How can it be bad for me? As soon as I left, it should not be that when I was injured, I was quietly followed by this thief and followed into the cave!"

The ancestor of Heiyan's mind came one after another: "It's a pity. This son has the cultivation of Tianchong Wupin. I have been in initial contact with fate. It is difficult to deduce a lot of congenital mathematics, and my cultivation in congenital mathematics is not high. I can't figure out anything...

At this time, the ancestor of Heiyan had mixed thoughts in his heart and never noticed the frailment in Zhang Fang's eyes.

"Forget it. It's not appropriate for Bei Ming to stay for a long time. "I'm leaving here to say."

The big sleeves of the ancestor of Heiyan flew fiercely and raised many waves. Like a night eagle, he broke out of the water and went south...

Bei Ming's seabed" Fang Yun stood in the sea. The infinite space structure passed through his eyes one by one.

"That's it."

Fang Yun suddenly pointed out slowly with one finger, and at his fingertips, a faint shadow of his fingers immediately spread out. The undersea space structure has made waves. Fang Yun's fingers slowly handed out, but it was like piercing into another space, and the fingertips slowly disappeared.

At this time, if you look at it from the spatial fault. It can be seen that a gray shadow is slowly expanding in countless space fragments, and countless space rules are gathered in it. This is a new space.

"It's okay!" Fang Yun shook his body and immediately shot out. In mid-air, the figure shook and the body shrank sharply. In a few breaths, it turns into the size of dust and escapes into layers of space.


With a soft sound, Fang Yun stepped into a gray space. This space is gray, an empty mine. A lot of gravel floats on the ground, looking like a long-abandoned space.

This is the new space splitted by square clouds in the layered spatial structure.

Open up space, which consumes a lot of real gas. And every once in a while, it must be reinforced with real gas.

Otherwise, it will collapse due to the exhaustion of energy.

Basically, although the martial artists of Tianchong's five grades have the ability to open up space, they generally do not do so. As long as the power rises to the seventh grade of Tianchong, it will really create the space into a cave. Because the power of Tianchong Wupin is not enough to support the long-term operation of a huge cave. Therefore, even if they leave the cave, they must return to the cave every once in a while to strengthen the cave.

"There's still something missing!"

Fang Yun stood in the gray and empty space. He glanced around and suddenly stepped down.


Under this step, the whole space vibrated. A strange wave of power spread from the feet of Fang Yun. The whole earth was turbulent like water waves. In the loud sound of "kle", peaks broke out of the ground like bamboo shoots after the rain, straight into the sky.


Fang Yun glanced at it and pointed out again. With this click, the space fluctuates again. Many rules converge from outside the space and run through the space. Countless rules fluctuated sharply, just under Fang Yun's eyes. Pieces of green spread out.

It's just a blink of an eye, and a world full of vitality suddenly took shape! The only drawback is that "there is no sunshine here, stars", so it is still gray. There are no birds and beasts. Now Fang Yun does not have this kind of ability to create.

"It's okay. This space can temporarily isolate all snooping, and it is not easy to be found." Fang Yun nodded. The reason why he spent so much energy is to isolate the prying of many strong people in Bei Ming, so as to prepare for the next things. After all, hiding in a cave somewhere is far from this. It is broken and flat in many spaces, avoiding a space and hiding.

"How's it going? Does it still struggle?" Fang Yun sat down on his knees and separated a trace of thought to communicate with the world.

"This guy is very tenacious. I've been struggling inside. Although I suppressed it, I wanted to refine it. It depends on the master himself.

The world is a universal bell.

"Um" Fang Yun smiled, and his reaction was in his expectation. If this medieval evil soldier is so easy to refine, it will not become one of the three strongest medieval evil soldiers.

"Let me ditch it with it," Fang Yun said.


The clock of heaven and earth answered and let go of some prohibitions. Fang Yun immediately "sees" it, and in the heavy prohibition, "all years are empty". It is suspended in a golden light, with countless mysterious characters circulating around. He kept shooting a circle of Taotian evil gas from the body of the empty sword for thousands of years, and forced it back.

"Little thief, don't force me. It forced me to come directly to self-detonation, so that you can't get nothing.

Fang Yun poked out a wisp of consciousness and immediately heard the angry roar of "all years are empty". The blood on the body of the medieval evil soldier sword was soaring, as if he was extremely irritable.

"I didn't expect you to have such backbone. OK! You blow yourself up. It's not a big deal. I'll just think I haven't met you."

Fang Yun blinked his eyes indifferently and said with an indifferent attitude.


All the years were empty and I suddenly suffocated. The flame of the sword body has faded a lot. If it is really so backbone, it won't be sealed for so long. As early as in Panyang Palace, it blew itself up.