The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 659 Ancient Divine Soldier

"Space Promenade!"

Look at the black vortex and the faint light behind the vortex. An idea flashed through Fang Yun's mind.

The so-called "space corridor", in martial arts, refers to the special channel connecting some primitive, high-level spaces.

The spatial structure between heaven and earth is very complex. Middle-earth Shenzhou is the foundation of all spaces, and the periphery attached to this space is dense, layered, like a beehive, complex all kinds of spatial structures.

In these spatial structures, some spaces are extremely stable and extremely hidden. For some special reason, he was isolated. If you want to get into it. If you want to enter it, you can either control the rules of space and reach a certain level of depth. And I also have some luck.

Otherwise, we can only find these "space corridors"! This probability is almost smaller than looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fang Yun hesitated for a moment and stepped into the black "space corridor". This is a very long corridor. The corridor is soft, with a kind of toughness and elasticity, but it is not easy to break. Fang Yun felt an extremely strong spatial fluctuation from it.

The strong suction in the vortex has disappeared. The "space" on both sides realizes convection. A faint airflow blew past Fang Yun's side. Fang Yun smelled a flood and vast breath from it.

"Da!" Fang Yun stepped out of the "space corridor", a huge and ancient world, displayed in front of Fang Yun. This is a gray world, and you can't see the sun, moon and stars. There are vast, ancient and huge peaks everywhere.

These peaks are very huge, and the two walls are like knives. Smooth as a mirror. People stand in front of these peaks, like dust, small and vast. On the peak, you can see the charred marks of lightning and some shocking weapons.

Such a mountain "now Middle-earth Shenzhou" has not been seen for a long time. It was not seen in medieval and ancient times.

There was a trace of solemnity in Fang Yun's eyes. From the air, he smelled a trace of ancient gods and demons.


A huge creature with four ribs and four wings, with long horns on the top of its head and a body length of more than a hundred feet, with a long roar, stretched its wings. From the front of the square cloud, after the mountain peak towering into the clouds, the electric shot out.

Its four wings unfold and cast a shadow. It is shrouded in Fang Yun. The latter stared at the alien beast that raised dark clouds and blue thunder in the air, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The smell of this strange beast is not very powerful. But there are also more than 30 dragon powers. It is equivalent to the strong in the sky. What surprised him most was that the consciousness fluctuation of the strange beast was very weak, and the breath from it was extremely similar to the giant outside the hall.

"The smell of these two things" is very similar. Are they all the same origin?

Fang Yun thought to himself.

The vitality in the air is very thick. It is almost tens of thousands of times that of Middle-earth. Fang Yun thought to himself that this place is a good place to practice.

With a shaking of his body, Fang Yun turned into the size of dust and restrained his breath. While flying towards the depths of this space. On the one hand, the strong spiritual power will be broken out. Explore the world.

"Curious system!" Fang Yun soon found something extremely surprising. His spiritual strength, the range of thousands of miles, can be explored clearly. But in these "th" can only find out the range of the number of squares. The power is directly reduced by thousands of times.

Fang Yun is not like the first visitor to this space. In the depths of the space, large peaks fell to the ground like building blocks. There are strong traces of fighting in the air.

In the sky, Fang Yun saw a huge and straight rut mark, from east to west across the whole space. Each of the traces of these two ruts has a place that is more than ten feet wide, and the soil is as smooth as a mirror. It seems to have been burned by the high temperature.

Fang Yun's eyelids jumped and did not hesitate too much. With a shake of his body, he followed the huge rut marks and traced back to the depths. The traces of destruction are getting stronger and stronger. There are more and more broken peaks. After moving forward more than ten times, Fang Yun saw a shocking scene.

Within a range of nearly 100 miles, there are many large and small potholes on the ground. In every pothole, there is a scorched black... meteorite!

The square cloud turned into a grain of dust, suspended in the air without anyone's attention. All the way, the scenery I saw kept passing through my mind.

Fang Yun faintly felt it. I seem to have become the first visitor on an ancient battlefield after a long time!

With a shaky body, Fang Yun flashed down from mid-air. When he was approaching the ground, his body shook, and he showed his figure next to a strange star.

"Bang!" Fang Yun poked out a stream of true gas and reached into the scorched black meteorite. Perceive the stars of this strange star. After a while, Fang Yun opened his eyes. There was a slight look of shock in his eyes.

The structure of these meteorite is very dense. Compared with Fang Yun's Lantern Festival, the "Extraterritorial Star Gold" once got is hundreds of times more. The impurities in the stars are completely refined by a powerful force. What is left is the richest, purest star essence.

Extraterritorial stars, the texture is extremely hard. Almost all of the top magic weapons need to use extraterritorial star iron. When martial artists use this kind of extraterritorial star sacrifice, no matter how they sacrifice, there will always be some impurities in it. But all the impurities here have been burned away.

"Master, these strange stars are extremely pure in texture. I can use it"

The clock of heaven and earth suddenly said.

"Go ahead." Fang Yun instructed. He has always been the real controller of the clock of heaven and earth. The clock of heaven and earth needs his consent to collect these stars.


The clock shook and soared a hundred times, bursting out a cloud of golden brilliance. In the blink of an eye, "swish", the strange star essence in front of Fang Yun was immediately swallowed into it by the clock of heaven and earth and disappeared.

swallowed such a big pure stranger. There is no change in the clock of heaven and earth. On the contrary, the light of the clock body is even more dim.

Fang Yun and the hearts of heaven and earth are connected, through that trace of mind. Fang Yun felt that the clock of heaven and earth seemed to be so different. However, I can't feel the details.

"You have swallowed up all the strange stars here." Fang Yun said.

The clock of heaven and earth was not polite and answered. One flashed and immediately appeared in another big pit. As soon as the clock shook, it was another dark stranger, which was swallowed into the clock by it.

After swallowing two strange stars in a row, the clock of heaven and earth not only had no enhanced trace, but also gave birth to a sense of hunger and thirst. It's like a hungry man who drank half a bowl of appetizer soup. Not only was he not full, but he was very hungry.

One meteorite after another disappeared, and the clocks of heaven and earth kept flashing and appearing. Every time it flashes and appears, a meteorite disappears.

Fang Yun stood on the ground, with his head slightly raised and narrowed his eyes. Somehow, a sentence from "Nearly Ancient Times" flashed through my mind: In ancient times, everyone could shoulder the mountains and crack the stars...

"These stars are all sucked from the void of 300,000 miles away. Falling here..." Fang Yun's mind subconsciously skimmed the idea. In the trance, a magnificent picture appeared in front of Fang Yun. A huge chariot drove through the world. And on the opposite side of the chariot, a huge demon god, roaring, with one move of both hands, thousands of stars, burning, flying down from extraterritorial space, and hitting the huge chariot...

Thinking of this, Fang Yun suddenly got excited and woke up. The ancient times have long passed. Even if there is a demon god, it is estimated that the longevity has been exhausted. However, if there is really any ancient demon battle here, it is likely that there are more than these strange stars nearby. Fang Yun shook his body and immediately shot out along the direction of the rut. More and more mountains are collapsing. Along the way, Fang Yun gradually found some dark, extremely small weapon fragments. These fragments, small as fine sand, are as big as small fingernails.

"Wow!" Fang Yun stretched out his hand, and a slightly larger, palm-sized thin piece of iron fell into Fang Yun's palm. On the surface of this iron sheet, there are many ancient seals, which are very similar to Fang Yun in the "Taicang God Tripod". But it's not the same.

"Sne!" Fang Yun carefully wiped it on the edge of the iron sheet. Immediately a wisp of blood soared out. Fang Yun's body is harder than Fu seal steel. Under this piece of iron, it looks like tofu.

Fang Yun couldn't help but be secretly shocked.

"This kind of thing is so sharp. Integrate into the weapons and re-trained. I'm afraid the power will be greatly increased.

Fang Yun thought about it in his heart and immediately moved his mind to collect this ancient fragment.

Walk quickly under your feet. As long as Fang Yun sees this fragment, he will immediately collect it.

After a moment, when Fang Yun walked to a valley, he couldn't help but be shocked. In the middle of the valley, a huge bronze halberd was diagonally inserted on the ground. The long halberd is only a few feet long, and the rest is nowhere to be found.

It turned out that the fragments of weapons found by Fang Yun were the broken part of this halberd!

The halberd is inserted into the ground, which seems to melt into one in the earth.

"Ancient Divine Soldier!" A touch of essence in Fang Yun's eyes flashed away. Then his body floated, swept a shadow in Tang's air, and fell next to the broken halberd.

Everything in ancient times has long become a legend. Fang Yun stared at this long halberd. This long halberd is like a magic work. The halberd's body is simple and gorgeous, and the lines are darkly in line with the truth of heaven and earth.

However, the tip of the halberd reveals a kind of coldness and killing that pierces the bone marrow!

This is the weapon of a demon god!