The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 693 Leaving the Wilderness

It was quiet between heaven and earth, and the golden palm only took action once, and immediately disappeared. There is no more information left. The only thing that impresses me is the cold hum.


A ripple spread, and Emperor Ming suddenly appeared in the stone room. He quickly squatted down and helped the old man up, with a worried and uneasy face: "Father, how are you?"

This crane-haired old man is actually the emperor of the previous generation!

"The champion of Dazhou... I didn't expect the emperor to favor him!"

The old man's eyes did not stay on Emperor Ming, but looked into the depths of the void, full of shock.

"Father, who do you think that person is?!!"

Emperor Ming's eyes showed a shocked look.

The previous emperor turned around, turned his eyes, and said indifferently, "Who do you think will save Fang Yun in heaven and earth, and who can defeat me with one palm?"


When Ming Huang heard the words, his body trembled and his eyes were wide open. He gasped: "Is the legend true that he really reached that point?"

The old man shook his head with a miserable face: "I'm not surprised that he has such a cultivation. The establishment of the Zhou Dynasty for more than a thousand years has concentrated the dynasty of the whole Middle-earth Shenzhou. It is natural to have such cultivation. What I'm worried about now is that if the rumor is true, he really got the Three Emperors' Taoism. When he reaches the point of perfection of the three souls, I'm afraid that within the eight wilderness and six integrations, including several emperors, I'm afraid they can't control him, not his opponent!"

The old man remembered the golden color, luxury and respect revealed in that palm. The heart couldn't help constricting.

"Father, what should we do now?"


Although it is called the emperor, the emperors of the wilderness and the emperors of Zhongtu Shenzhou are not comparable at all. If you insist on calling it, then the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is the emperor of the emperor.

If you can sit in the center and suppress all the sects, the strength of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty itself can be seen!

The old man was silent and said after a moment, "I heard that the forces of Middle-earth, autumn and famine are ready to move. Um, we should take advantage of the sky of "the tigers and devours the dragons" to overthrow the court. Autumn famine and famine have been suppressed for many years, and now they want to take advantage of the situation to enter the main Zhongtu Shenzhou. And those sects also want to rejue in the prosperous era of sectarian rule. At least, don't be coerced by imperial power. This jar of water is already very muddy. Your Majesty, you pass on the order and immediately expel those warriors who are still in the wilderness. Try not to use force. In addition, we won't go to the muddy water in Middle-earth for the time being.

Ming Xing was silent for a moment. Thinking of the slap just now, his heart was palpitated and he couldn't help nodding: "Yes, my dear."

"Hmm. The ancestors are still in retreat. Now everything is waiting for the news of the ancestors. As long as the ancestors break the barrier, it will be the time when we are really born!' Go down."

The old man said and closed his eyes.

The wilderness is innately weak, and both population and land are comparable to distant continents. The only reason why Minghuang can survive is the ancestor Xuanjing Rift Sea Emperor. This ancestor is the only one who can compete with the Dazhou royal family and at the same time threaten and deter the Dazhou royal family.

The palm of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, the tiger's head and the snake's tail, quietly left. I didn't care about the idea of this mysterious whale split sea emperor!

Small punishment is one thing, and making a fuss is another!


With the sound of the wind, Fang Yun stepped out of the air and landed on the bare autumn wilderness. The familiar atmosphere of the mainland floated into the nose. Fang Yun didn't look very relaxed.

His face was a little solemn. What happened just now happened too quickly. He only felt that the terrible strong man suddenly caught up with him. He had done it well. He jumped into the clock of heaven and earth and took this palm. After all, the clock of heaven and earth absorbed a large number of meteorites, and his body was also extremely strong. This slap may not be taken.

However, the development of things is still beyond his expectation. Fang Yun only felt a flash of golden light, and in the blink of an eye, his body was loose. Then he quickly got out.

At that time, things happened so fast that Fang Yun didn't have time to observe what was going on. By the time he came to his senses, the breath had disappeared. Now that I think about it, it is obvious that someone helped him.

"Who is this person? Why did you help me?

Fang Yun passed countless figures, but in the end, he still got nothing. Many people are plausible. It may be, but it is more likely not.

Father Fang Yin, the emperor, the child-free bag, Zong Ling Liu Ji, the old monster who tried to be inexplicably strong, the inexplicable ancient killing sect hidden strong man, Pang Juyuan's master, the teacher's back photo, the Great Zhou Wumu, and even the mysterious Ying Emperor of Yingzhou... These It was excluded by Fang Yun. The most important thing is how the other party knows that he will be in danger. After all, he has a clock of heaven and earth, shielding the sky!

"The people of the Heavenly Evil Sect once followed me to Bei Ming. These people should have judged my where I am from the material of the Five Prison Bone Emperor. Could it be that the man is the same and knows that I am in Beiming. So I sent someone to guard here"

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, thinking. The clock of heaven and earth covers the sky. If the other party explores itself, it is impossible that he can't find it. In addition, it can only be done in other ways.

... Anyway, there is no doubt that this person is here to help me incubate. Even if he doesn't want to show up, there is a reason. In the future, it will be known naturally.

Fang Yun is not an indecisive person, even if he is not sure, he simply doesn't think about it.

This time, the power of the "hundreds of millions of space escape method" has been tested. It is basically impossible to stop the strong man in the star world. But the strong who surpass the fate of the star are different. However, it is not possible to encounter such a strong man so frequently.

This time, I can only say that this Ming Emperor is so cunning that he actually summoned the hidden strong man of the Minghuang to deal with himself. In this case, I can still escape from his first hit, which is already good!

"The net has just stepped into the realm of six grades. After fully understanding the rules of the sixth grade, such as being able to fully understand the rules of the six grades, the power of the hundreds of millions of space escape method should increase again. Next time, it may not be so embarrassed. The "billion-dollar space escape method" is the martial arts of the demon king of the sky, which is related to the perception of heaven and earth, the understanding and mastery of rules. Even if it is like a young man today, he grabs a big knife that exceeds his own physical strength. Although the treasure knife is sharp, it is difficult to fully exert its power.

Although the "hundreds of millions of space near-form method" is a great success, Fang Yun's realm cultivation is not enough to fully give full play to its mystery. But in spite of this, in the face of some martial artists who are not beyond themselves, it is still enough to escape.

If the actual process is too different, no martial arts will be used. This is the iron rule, which applies to everyone and is not limited to Fang Yun!

In the realm of martial arts, after the six grades of Tianchong, the way of rules is getting bigger and bigger. In the process of promotion alone, it is impossible to understand all the rules. Or, there are some rules that can't be touched in that process. You must understand it through your own feelings.

Tian Chongjing, to the final realm. All the rules must be gathered together, completely into a cocoon-like complete circulatory system, self-contained and endless.


Autumn wilderness, over the dense forest. A huge haori eagle flew through the sky. After hovering for a week, he made several fierce roars of different lengths one after another, and then spread his wings and suddenly swooped down from the sky towards Fang Yun.


Fang Yun raised his head and his eyes flashed. He recognized the identity of this eagle: "It's Zhao Boyan's eagle."

Extching his arm, Fang Yun let the blue-backed eagle fall on his arm. The eagle retreated. There was no big news, only a simple line of words: "Thirty miles south, Tianxiongxing!"

Fang Yun nodded slightly, which was also for confidentiality. If you fall into the hands of others, you can't see any secrets. At most, I thought that this was the place where the owner of the hawk was, so that others could return it.

Fang Yun couldn't help sighing secretly when he released this eagle. At the beginning, I chose Zhao Boyan on a whim. But now it seems that it is undoubtedly the right choice.

In just a few years, there are more and more moths in Zhao Boyan's hand. The spread is also getting wider and wider. From the original limited to Middle-earth, it has expanded to the autumn wilderness.

In the battle of martial arts, the news is very important. The warrior of Tianchong, although he claims to be able to calculate the celestial arts. But it can only be regarded as a general idea, and it is impossible to be regarded as an incalcitable solution. More importantly, there are infinite possibilities in the future. And the sky will always change. No one will keep calculating all the time.

The so-called hundred secrets and one sparse, and this supplement "sparseness" falls on the ordinary news agency. Although it is a hundred times, it may not be as good as the calculus of heaven. But as long as it works once, it's worth it!


With a shaking of his body, Fang Yun immediately appeared in the place mentioned in the letter. That's an autumn village. The arrival of Fang Yun caused a small chaos in the village.

Fang Yun glanced around and immediately landed on the autumn wilderness man who was silently drinking tea in a teahouse.

This man has a deep nose, and no matter his appearance or the breath, he is like a pure autumn man. However, Fang Yun saw through his identity at a glance.

This man is a moth. His appearance is completely changed by the art of removing tendons and bones. In the face of this autumn man, he is a complete native.

This man is Fang Yun's moth.

Both Qiu people and Yi people have strong xenophobic feelings because of war. The art of moving tendons and bones is the product of this situation. There is no need to reach the out-of-birth state, and the cultivation of living in the fetal state is enough to perform this technique of "moving tendons and bones". After a period of training, you can fully integrate into the autumn people.

Of course, this method.

is not without fbreaks. The wise strong man can see through it at a glance. However, how can there be so many intelligent strong people in the autumn wilderness to search for these moths?


When Fang Yun walked to the teahouse, the moth suddenly knelt down and saluted respectfully: "Gui people!"


Opposite the tea table, the autumn man who had just been drinking with him was shocked. Although he can't speak Middle-earth, at least he knows that this is by no means the language of autumn wilderness.

The moth said, his face was twisted, revealing another face. The Qiu people around were shocked and exclaimed one by one, looking like a ghost.

In the village, there was a riot.