The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 707 Queen of Di


The old priest suddenly raised his bone spear and shouted. There was immediately silence around the white bone altar.

"Sneer! N"

As if he got some kind of signal, a famous barbarian suddenly cut his throat with a bone blade and fell to the ground with some kind of [Xing] and fanatical expression.

"Plop! Plop!"

One by one, the barbarians fell down like wooden stakes. In the blink of an eye, thousands of soldiers were killed. In the throat cut by the barbarians here, a large stream of blood flowed out. This blood seeped into the soil, but a trace of it formed a floc and floated up. The strands kept gathering on the white bone altar. It was absorbed by mottled white bones.

The white bone altar, which was originally simply piled up, suddenly became dense after absorbing the blood of these barbarians. A fierce bone trembled and automatically made an unknown arrangement, forming a more dense "bone wall"-like structure. On the surface of the altar, some vague ancient reliefs emerged.

These are some ancient and powerful warriors, who are strong and ferocious. It exudes a strong smell of killing.

In the wilderness dense forest, quiet. The three priests gathered together.

"It's still not enough. We must have more ethnic souls to wake up the most powerful Arabul!"

One of the little old men bowed and whispered in barbarian language.

"Yes! Fang Yin, the Marquis of Sifang, is too powerful. Only by awakening Aragubar can we completely change the status quo of our clan. These sacrifices are inevitable.

Another little old man attached, and his seemingly turbid eyes were full of light.

The barbarians have always been tall and strong, but these priests have done the opposite, and they are thin and short.

"Let's go. This is the task assigned by the great barbarian god.

Hurry up and finish it."

The three little old men whispered, hid in the weeds, and quickly left.

After the three people went, the remaining corpses on the ground were silent and desolate.

Where the naked eye can't see, the rolling blood forms a dense net in the white bone altar, constantly seeping into the deep sleep of the ground. In these boiling blood, you can see countless little people, wailing and struggling, rushing down the bloodstream to the depths of the earth.

These are the souls of the blood sacrifices of the barbarians!

The blood is like a stream, constantly seeping into the depths of the ground. Finally, the strands converged into a stream and flowed to the ground, the deepest and darkest place.

In the depths of this underground, there is a barbarian strongman who is several feet tall. This barbarian is tall and strong, and his muscles, like ** rocks, contain explosive power. Every bone joint of his body, from the ankle to the back, is full of ferocious barbs.

This is the barbarian god of war, wearing bronze armor. The eyes are closed and motionless. The smell on the body is very old, which gives a fierce, violent and terrible smell. Like a tyrannical beast!

The state of Arabul at this time is very strange. It seems to be hiding underground, and it seems to be hiding in thousands of spaces. The body is constantly changing and living in amorphous shape.

And his body structure is even more horrible. Even the most dense extraterritorial stars are not one-twentieth the density of his body structure.

This horrible dense structure makes his body have the most powerful defense. Even if it is a magic weapon, it is difficult to stab.


A stream of blood and soul turned into filaments and poured into the forehead of the barbarian god of war. Aragubaur's lips suddenly let out a long moan, and then calmed down.


On the Four Extreme Magic Mountain, the atmosphere is solemn. The news that the Taishang elder of the four-pole demon sect's half-step life star realm "breaking the sun sky" was killed in Beiming. It has spread. This is a big blow to the Four-pole Demon Sect.

The strong man in the half-step life star realm is almost an invincible existence that sweeps the same level. Such an existence is extremely difficult to kill. Even if you can't beat it, you can escape. Just die like this. Although it is a little abrupt, there is no doubt about the source of the news.

This is deduced by the suzerain with "connate mathematics". The Four-pole Demon Sect has a special deduction method for the whereabouts of the people, which has always been accurate. Even if this is what the suzerain said, it can't be wrong.

The disciples of the whole sect are paying solemn condolences for the "Breaking Sun Dome".


The mountain shook, and a powerful breath burst out. But in an instant, it disappeared and returned to peace.

"Uncle, you are looking for Lou!"

The door of the main hall of the Four-pole Demon Sect was opened, and the spiritual and intelligent Di Huangqi Xie Dao, or A Mei turned, strode in. The sunlight outside the door fell on her and fell to the ground, pulling out a long shadow.

For more than a year, Xie Daojing's breath has made incredible changes. Now she seems to have crossed the threshold. The martial arts progressed to an incredible level and stepped into the sky in one fell swoop.

Although it has only been a year, time has projected light and shadow on Xie Daojing for decades. These are all the time that Xie Daoyan spent in the time magic weapon "Tianhuang Extreme Disk" of the Four-pole Demon Sect.

In the wilderness, decades of witherless practice not only let Xie Daojing's strength advance, but also achieve the cultivation of Tianchong in one fell swoop. It makes her more calm. There are a few less sentimental feelings, children's love, a few more sand wars, and the worries of defending the country and the people.


The four-pole demon master sat at the top of the hall and called Amei's nickname: "Your practice is not over yet. I know why I asked you to come out early. Come to see me?"

"I don't know."

Xie Daojing frowned slightly and didn't say much. She knew that the person opposite would definitely say it.

The four-pole demon master looked down at the niece and was silent. After a long time, he said, "Recently, the changes in the sky have become more and more complicated and obvious. The tigers devoured the dragons, and the general trend has come to an end. Soon, the whole continent will be involved in the war!"

Xie Daojing's face has no expression. For her, it doesn't make any sense for her to perish the world or the ups and downs. What she cares about is only the people of the Di people.

"But this is not the main reason why I called you here.

The four-pole demon master took a look at Xie Daojing, and a trace of pity flashed in the day: "Not long ago, your third brother, in order to win the throne. Brother-in-law seizes power. Your brothers, rise up and resist. As a result, they all died in the civil unrest. Now, your father has only one daughter left.


Xie Daojing was like a thunderbolt, and his mind was "buzzing", and he suddenly went blank: "Why is it like this!"

To be fair, when Xie Daojing led the army, several royal brothers and brothers caused her a lot of trouble. When he was angry, Xie Daojing couldn't wait to kill them. But it's just a thought. Xie Daojing never thought of such a thing.

There is a saying that "blood is thicker than water". Xie Daojing once traveled to the Central Plains, was familiar with the classics of soldiers, and even got the Confucian exploration of huā, which is even more profound.

Each other, they are all from the same father and grew up in a week. Xie Daojing never thought that all his brothers would die in one day.

"How could this be..."

Xie Daojing muttered to herself, as if she had lost her mind. During the trance, she remembered what happened when she was a child. All brothers, read together and have fun together. At that time, it was very happy.

When everything starts to taste bad as you get older. For the sake of royal power and military power, family affection is no longer in the same room. Xie Daojing felt a kind of heart-to-heart coldness.

The four-pole demon suzerain sat above and was silent. In his eyes, his expression changed, and many thoughts flashed through him.

Once the Dihuang royal family becomes the suzerain of the Four-pole Demon Sect, you can't interfere in government affairs. Although he didn't get involved, it doesn't mean he didn't know.

He saw the struggle of the princes of the royal family. If these people do the position of Emperor Di, it will be a blessing for Di Huang.

In terms of excellence, the most outstanding is undoubtedly Xie Daoyan. Whether it is leading the army or having talent, it is excellent. Unfortunately, it's a woman.

Now, the royal bloodline is zero, and there is only one Xie Daoji. The throne of Emperor Di can only be passed on to the path of gratitude.

Dihuang has Xie Daoji in charge, and there is no more constraint, it is definitely another turnaround!

"Maybe, this is still a good thing..."

The four-pole demon master murmured in his heart.

"Mei'er, let you leave the customs in advance this time. That's what your father meant. He wants you to go out of the customs to see him.

Suddenly, the old man who lost all his beloved children was sad and wanted to see the only bloodline, which was also human.

The four-pole demon master stood up: "But, before that. I have one more thing to announce!"

Xie Daojing cheered up and raised his head.

"From now on, you are the Shaozong of the Four-pole Demon Sect. He is also the only suzerain of the future.

The four-pole demon master looked solemn: "Royal bloodline, now you are the only one left. There are no other heirs. I'll give you the "Diyu Zhanjia" on behalf of the suzerain in advance."

As soon as the palm of the four-pole demon master stretched out, a five-finger-high gorgeous armor floated in the palm of his hand: "I have taken back all kinds of breaths and imprints on the emperor's armor. From now on, this armor is yours!"

Xie Daojing was shocked and said in shock, "Uncle?!!"

She didn't expect that the imperial uncle would give the imperial armor to her now. As a result, she was canonized as the new four-pole demon suzerain in advance.

"From now on, all the resources in the Four-pole Demon Sect. Except for the elders of the inner world, you can all be allocated. Including those magic weapons! ~ Mei'er, I know your ability best. Di Huang is now defeated again and again, and his vitality is greatly damaged. And the world will change in the future, and I can't take care of you. Only when Di Huang is handed over to you can he cheer up again. The future depends on you.

The four-pole demon suzerain said meaningfully and handed over the "Emperor's armor" to Amei's crutch.

A Mei was at a loss to take over the war early, and the five flavors in his heart..."

Ten days later, a piece of news came from Dihuang, shaking the Zhou Dynasty: Emperor Di stepped down and officially established a new successor. And this new Emperor Di is the Di Huangqi woman who defeated the court several times. Thank you for your way!

The first queen of Emperor Di, the birth of a child!