The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 775 Sect Conquest 9

"Green Dragon Creation", the seventh type of "Green Dragon Eight", created by the ancient emperor Yu.

The green dragon, also known as the dragon, lives in the north and is in charge of the sky. "Cang" is the sky, which has a big meaning. The so-called Canglong is the condensation of the will of the road and the head of the dragons.

In ancient times, there were only heavenly dragons, not real dragons! The legend of the real dragon originated from ancient times.

Rumor has it that ancient times have been destroyed, the earth has collapsed, and everything has been extinct. Only nine real dragons are left. When humanity flourished, it was led by the golden dragon, which represented the royal family. At the end of the world, it is led by the dragon representing the road.

In ancient times, the earth collapsed, and the eyes were full of barbarians. Nine ancient real dragons have gained the will of the ancient three emperors, with the burden of derivation of heaven and earth, making up for the mountains and rivers, creating the position of the world, and then evolved the seventh type of the ancient continent's "green dragon eight-style", the green dragon creation, that is, the nine real dragons, under the leadership of the It contains the implication of creating a "world" in "nothingness"!

After the creation of the world, the nine real dragons turned into the stars of the heavens and scattered in the underworld!

After Fang Yun showed the "Green Dragon Creation", his breath was incredibly powerful. Fang Yun suddenly disappeared. "The void twists and turns." And in the place where he disappeared, a huge and incredible dragon was in the dark nothingness. Under it, it was the projection of the rolling land of Jiuzhou.

This projection is huge and incredible, at least thousands of miles wide. The body of the dragon, wrapped in cyan ancient thunder, suspended above the continent, as long as the mainland.

Unlike the current land of Jiuzhou, this land is dilapidated and fragmented. There is smoke and thick smoke everywhere, as well as the remains of huge animals and plants. A desolate and desolate breath came to my face.

This is the scene after the collapse of the ancient land. Waiting for the nine real dragons is a dilapidated world. And the mission of the nine real dragons is to create a new world above this dilapidated world!

This magnificent scene that evolved in the void almost suffocated the Evil Jade Emperor. The will that is full of heaven and earth, and the will that can't block the sky and the earth, almost makes people's souls tremble.

"Real Dragon Creation, Real Dragon Creation..."

The face of the evil jade emperor has changed. This kind of martial arts, this kind of martial arts spirit and will have reached a height that is irresistible. It's definitely not such a young man in front of him that can be created.

The void is full of a strong spirit. That's the spirit of saving everything!

"Who the hell are you? This is by no means a unique learning that you can create! "The Evil Jade Emperor" roars violently. "This is no longer an ancient hero and martial arts genius can create a unique learning." Reaching this height, it is almost the height of God.


In response to him was a roar that tore the universe. The dragon across the huge broken mountain and river suddenly looked up and let out an angry roar, and then poked out with one claw. It seems that the "Evil Jade Emperor" is in the way of creation, fierce beasts, foreign beasts, turbulence, high mountains..." All of them will be smashed with one claw!

"Poison!", as if the universe had just opened, the void burst into a shocking explosion, stirring up a space storm" sweeping the four directions. On the periphery of these space storms, the blood light burst, and the evil jade emperor screamed "like a burning grass man" and flew out.

His breath was dim, and one arm was directly blown away. In his chest, the black Taoist robe was broken, revealing the bloody chest, five huge claw marks, deep into the body, revealing the moving internal organs and white bones. It seemed that it was really caught by a dragon with its claws.

The black robe of the "Evil Jade Emperor" has completely turned dark red, and the blood is constantly pouring out of his internal organs and muscles, and the sound seems to be a river flowing.

"Evil Jade Emperor"'s eyes flashed and full of panic. He stared at Fang Yun in horror and suddenly screamed strangely, flying up like a frightened jackdaw. Turned into a blood light and flew out.

"What a pity!"

Fang Yun sighed secretly in his heart, which was a pity and a deep sigh of relief.

"Qinglong Creation", this move is displayed according to his current realm and strength. Even if the evil emperor is the strong man in the realm of fate. One move is enough to make him disappear.

After all, this is the second most powerful unique learning created by the ancient emperor Yu.

It's just a pity that the "Qinglong Creation" contains the power of "life", and a broad mind and compassionate spirit. This is the will of the northern dragon, and also the will of the ancient emperor Yu.

After conquering the wilderness, these aliens were retained, so that they could continue to survive in the wilderness area, and they might see the mind of Emperor Yu.

"Qinglong Creation..." The artistic conception of this move is not to kill people in the first place. Its martial arts boxing is originally a wound but not killed. Therefore, the Evil Jade Emperor took this move. Although he was seriously injured, he did not die. It's just that this kind of "deathless" is not because of the vitality of the strong in the star world, but because of this move is not for the purpose of killing.

If you change the move, I'm afraid it will be completely different!

For the first time to use the "Qinglong Type 7", Fang Yun was finally a little unskilled, and his strength could not fully take the power of this "creation". After a lot of counterattacks, and the true qi is also consumed greatly. At this time, when you see the evil jade emperor's skill of running for life to stimulate your potential, you can do nothing.

"It's a pity to let him escape." Fang Yun silently watched the "Evil Jade Emperor" turn into a shocking blood rainbow and fled," he said in his heart.

Seeing the evil jade emperor climbing the sea with him, he was about to escape. Suddenly, a majestic and magnificent voice floated down from the sky: "No one can escape!"

The voice rumbled, drifting from the depths of the top of the head to the four directions. The sound passed, and the void seemed to be ironed by thunder and lightning, with a strong thunderous force everywhere.

It's too late to say, then it's fast. That is, the time of lightning, and even the sound is not exhausted. Fang Yun saw that in the distance, in the depths of darkness, the dazzling golden light all over the sky exploded, and a huge golden arm with power and beauty, flashed down from the void like lightning, grabbed the evil jade emperor in the escape, pinched hard, and only heard a scream, "Evil Jade Emperor", together with Fan Liuhai, directly burst into a

"End the battle quickly, no one will be left!"

The majestic and magnificent voice resounded through hundreds of millions of planes of the heavens, showing a sense of coldness and ruthlessness. As soon as the sound fell, Fang Yun clearly felt that the spatial fluctuations in the void suddenly became many times stronger.

"Champion Hou, you did a good job. After this matter, I will tell the emperor of your credit!"

The cold and domineering voice sounded directly in Fang Yun's mind. Then, a lava-like burning force from the sun to the sun, like the sea of the Yangtze River, fiercely rushed into the square cloud [body] and instantly made up for the loss of the true qi in his [body], and reluctantly used the "green dragon creation", and the internal injury caused by it was also smoothed out in one breath.

Fang Yun even felt that in such a flash, his strength had improved again. It has faintly reached the power of 149 dragons.

"Who the hell is this person? It's so horrible!" Fang Yun was horrified. Even the world and the world clock trembled at this moment, and carefully restrained his breath. Don't let a little breath come out.

Fang Yun is now the cultivation of Tianchong Seven, but he has the power of 148 dragons, far beyond the general seven-pin strong. It also breaks the limit that the power of the warriors in the realm of heaven must not exceed the power of a hundred dragons.

In this case, let alone the power of a dragon. That is, to improve the power of half a flying dragon out of thin air, it is more difficult to improve the power of a dragon thousands of times.

"A hundred feet of poles go a step further..." Not to mention the difficulties. But this man was so consistent that he improved his strength and almost had the power of a dragon. In fact, his power was so high that it was simply appalling!

This man made up for Fang Yun's true qi in one move. He didn't say much. He immediately restrained and was silent. The whole person came without a trace and went without a shadow, leaving no trace.

It seems that it has never appeared.


The sound of killing on Tianxie Mountain shocked the sky. "Fang Yun's eyes penetrated the void" looked down and saw that the army of conquest had overturned the top of the mountain like a tide. What I saw in my eyes, the armor refracted the cold array, and the army passed by, leaving the bodies of a large number of disciples of the Heavenly Evil Sect.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Above the sky, there were bursts of endless roars, and there were corpses and pieces of flesh and blood, which were thrown down from the last air. Up to now, some battles have been decided.

Golden figures, magnificent breath, emerge out of thin air, emitting a strong smell of blood on them. Obviously, I have just seen blood.

The strong man of the divine guard is not idle. As soon as the battle was over, he immediately turned his body and rushed into the space of other divine guards to split the space." He united with other divine guards to end the battle together.

The void is full of a strong smell of death.

"The battle is coming to an end. There is no need for me to take action."

Fang Yun's eyes penetrated the void and swept around. He immediately knew that the fate of the destruction of the Heavenly Evil Sect was doomed. There is no change: "Let's collect the trophy first."

Fang Yun's body shook and immediately went to the place where the "Evil Jade Emperor" fell and ejaculated. If he remembers correctly, there should be a time magic weapon on the Evil Jade Emperor.

Just now he saw clearly that although the strong man of the divine guard terror destroyed the "Evil Jade, Emperor..." with one blow, he did not take back the time magic weapon.

"Now the space storm everywhere has to speed up," Fang Yunxin thought.

At this time, the dark void and countless space fragments are forming a space storm. Under a series of chain reactions, these space storms are becoming more and more powerful.

Fang Yun is very clear, if it will take a moment. All the space storms here will gather together and turn into huge space storms up to thousands of miles, sweeping countless spaces.

Once such a terrible space storm grows, even the strong man of the planet will not want to provoke. It must be extremely difficult to find the space magic weapon at that time.