The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 781 The Awakening of the God of War

At the time when the court conquered 300,000 troops, set foot on the Tianxie Mountain, and began to destroy the Tianxie Sect, the distant wilderness and a huge sacrifice were coming to an end.

"Wow! Oh..."

In the dense jungle, a group of barbarians danced, singing and dancing, and made ancient mysterious notes in their mouths. These meaningless notes in the Middle natives, such as translated into Middle native languages, are like this: "The great barbarian god of war, please listen to the call of your servant and wake up from the distant awakening. Punish the sinners in this land..."

Ancient notes, echoing in the void. The air is full of strong sectarianism.

Looking down from the sky, you can see that thousands of white bones are thickly paved like dead leaves in this wild jungle. These white bones are not middle-earth, but barbarian warriors who have just been sacrificed as sacrifices.

The dry land was also soaked into soft blood red by the blood of these barbarian soldiers. The air is full of a strong smell of blood.

After a long time of preparation, the altar in the middle of the white bone has become more spectacular. Hundreds of feet high bone altar, bone thorns are ferocious, a fierce and huge white bone thorn, wrapped in a strong flame, pointed straight to the sky.

And the base of the altar, the original vague relief, has become very clear. The heads of demons, holding knives, guns, axes and axes, roared silently. A trace of black air slowly floated out of the open lips of these demons. Even from the void, you can hear the sound of heavy breathing. It seems that the demons in these reliefs are still breathing.

"Successful, the altar has been completely built!"

Under the huge altar, three thin barbarian sacrifices looked at the spectacular altar in front of them and were satisfied. Under the sacrifice of the lives of a large number of barbarian warriors, the surface of this altar is full of countless blood vessels.

These veins are stretched out with rhythmic rhythm. Every time I relax, there is a lot of magic, which spews out from the altar.

"Yes, it has been successful. I can hear the breathing of the god of war. He has gradually woken up from his awakening.

The other body was a ricke, dry and sacrificial like bark, and his eyes flashed with extreme fanaticism and excitement. A breath of terror, accompanied by heavy breathing, is coming from the depths of the earth. The sound is loud, like a storm, full of violent power.

That's the breathing sound of the barbarian god of war.

"Let's go, let's take the last step!"

As soon as the sound fell, the three old sacrifices took a step forward and took out a red blood-like crystal from their arms, which were embedded in the east, south, west and north of the altar, and the four demon statues in the directions opened their mouths.


With four blood-colored soul blood crystals, embedded in the demon god's head.

Strong vitality, emanating from the four blood crystals. Waves followed the altar and went deep into the ground.

These are the broken souls collected from the battlefield after a barbarian war. Every soul blood crystal is full of thousands of soul forces.


The three old sacrifices looked solemn and sang the oldest language of the barbarians. A desolate, ancient and mysterious atmosphere echoed above the whole altar.

"The great Aragoe, wake up..."

The magnificent ancient barbarian language penetrates time and space, through the role of the altar, like a thunder, goes deep into the depths of the earth, the strange space of the temple.

Silence, long-term silence..."

The three sacrifices stopped singing and praying and waited silently. For a long time, one by one, "Ah!"

A huge sigh came from the depths of the earth. It seemed that some huge god slowly woke up from a long sleep.

The surface of the earth trembled "buzzing" and became more and more violent. A breath of trembling and frightening soul is waking up from the barbarian land.


The huge white bone altar suddenly collapsed, revealing a huge black passage. With a loud click, the earth cracked, and a huge black crack passed through the altar and extended through the whole barbaric land. Then the second one, the third one said, "In the blink of an eye, the jungle dried up, and all the shrubs and forests died. The ground is full of cobweb-like cracks, the center of the cracks, which is where the altar is located"

In the depths of the earth, a cold light flashed from the darkness. Then, a tall figure of a thousand-year-old boat, trembling, slowly stretching his hands and feet to the barbaric border. The four marquis sat down, and nearly a million troops were stationed on the barbaric border.

There has been no war for a long time. But recently, many people suddenly feel uneasy for no reason. And with the passage of time, this uneasiness has not been eliminated, but has become stronger and stronger.

However, after a long-term follow-up, everyone has formed an absolute trust in the hearts of Hou Fangyin. So these uneasiness were soon suppressed.

"Abecome again! One by one"

Suddenly, a roar of famine and ancientness, with an extremely violent atmosphere, came from the depths of the wilderness. Then I only heard a click, the ground shook the mountain, the sky was wild, and the dark clouds were full of lightning and thunder.

"What's going on? Whose anger is this, hot!

"What the hell happened in the wilderness!"

"What a terrible breath! What the hell did these barbarians do!"

This kind of shock has spread to the military station of the imperial court. It caused a lot of chaos. Many generals clearly saw that after the violent roar of heaven and earth, a huge blue gas came out from the depths of the wilderness and penetrated the heaven and earth.

In the central army hall, almost at the same time, Hou Fangyin suddenly opened his eyes. After a slight condensation, the pupil suddenly contracted. In his eyes, a wisp of essence flashed away. Almost without thinking about it, Fang Yin suddenly broke out and flew out of the hall.

"The army obeyed the order and retreated at full speed. You can't stay within a thousand miles.

Under the dark sky, Fang Yin's loud voice, like thunder, resounded through the void within hundreds of miles.

"Marquis, what's the matter?"

"Your Excellency, is the matter so serious? Is it necessary to withdraw all the troops?

A famous and shrewd general flew over and said in a hurry. Although I felt the abnormality in the distance, everyone was so serious.

"Wang Chong, Liu Yue, Zhou Xian "You should lead the army to leave immediately, no mistake!"

Fang Yin looked as motionless as a mountain, as if everything was under control. But the content of the words made the faces of several born and dead subordinates change greatly.

"Marquis, let's break up with you!"

"Your Excellency, let's go with you."

Several people said in a hurry.

"Let's go, this is a military order!"

Fang Yin looked cold and unquestionable.

"Ah! One by one"

With another whisper, in the depths of the wilderness, the stone broke through the sky, the earth cracked, and a horrible figure broke out of the ground and flew into the sky. A strong pressure, far away, spread to the top of the army. Everyone suddenly felt depressed, and their chests seemed to be pressed on a big stone.


In the sky, several subordinates took a breath. The power of martial artists is limited in scope. Even if it is a Tianchong-level warrior, the pressure released will not be too far away.

It is so far away from the turbulent place of the wilderness. The martial arts pressure of the current party can be expanded. The cultivation of this strong barbarian is simply incredible.

"Retap back! You can't intervene in the battle here.

Fang Yin waved his hand and said in a low voice. His face was extremely resolute, like a rock carving. No matter how critical the situation is, there will be no trace of panic on this face.

"Yes, my lord!"

"Hou He" " take care!"

Several people no longer insisted and knew the facts of what Sifanghou said.

The pressure of martial arts can pass such a long distance and come here. This kind of power has gone beyond their level of understanding. What's more, they can't intervene.

"This man is terrible! With the ability of the marquis, he should be able to stop him. If we stay here, we will only drag down the marquis.

Everyone thought in their hearts. Don't hesitate any more.


The army retreated neatly and uniformly, as if it were a whole. Deeply learn the art of war, forest, fire, mountain, four-character key. An ordinary army, especially close to a million troops, is basically impossible to complete any retreat in a short time. The convenience is different.

If the Zhou Dynasty has a commanding army, it can complete any command under any circumstances. That is the army under the rule of Hou Fangyin!


is the time to retreat, the dense and dense army is orderly. It is incredible that such a large number of troops can retreat from the sky.

"Where are the four guards?"

Fang Yin said in a low voice.

The light flashed, and four middle-aged men, who were all covered in armor and were about five or six grades in the sky, appeared out of thin air.

"Your Excellency."

The four people answered.

"Where are the four dragon guards?"

"I'm subordinate."

Another four guards wearing green dragon armor appeared.

"You guys obey the order and leave immediately. If the army is hunted down by the strong barbarians, immediately go deep into the wilderness and kill the same number of aliens!"

Fang Yin said in a low voice.

"Yes, my lord."

The eight people twisted and disappeared.

Everyone only knew that the wildness appeared in the mutation, and suddenly a terrible strong man appeared. But no one feels the horror of the other party as deeply as Fang Yin.

Almost for a moment, Fang Yin felt an extremely powerful consciousness, full of violent power, and locked himself from afar.

"The peak of the soul of life is Wu Chi!"

Fang Yin's eyes flashed, and his eyes were solemn. The atmosphere of the other party's performance is infinitely close to the third level of the divine realm, the legendary realm. At this level, every martial artist is a legend. Have the power to control the law.

The wind roared in the distance, and the army retreated like a tide to the depths of Hou'an. But it takes time to retreat, and it can only be won by Fang Yin.

"Five Hours and ""

Fang Yin stepped on his feet and walked towards the wilderness. He flashed and immediately appeared hundreds of miles in front of the army, and then nailed into the air like a nail, motionless and waiting quietly.