The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 788 Martial Arts Corridor

Fang Yun waited for a while and found that the Prince Pluto and his party did not leave. He explored the meaning. Knowing that there would be nothing to gain after waiting here, he left quietly.

"Let's see what's weird here first."

As soon as Fang Yun's mind moved, he patrolled the whole mountain.

The whole mountain is very large, covering five or six hundred miles. Compared with those islands in the nearby sea, they are immediately small like a few inconspicuous rocks around a mountain.

Fang Yun knew that there must be some secrets on this mountain. At least, it is impossible for an ordinary mountain to breathe the underworld, and it can also be suspended on the sea.

Fang Yun searched the whole mountain. There was nothing left in this mountain except a Pluto hall, the dark mandra full of mountains, the caves inhabited by the old servants under the mountain, and the strange rocks full of mountains.

This seems to be an empty mountain!

Fang Yun tried to use the ability of "insight from the wall" to carefully pry into the secret of this underworld base, but the ability of "insight from the wall" was blocked by another force. There is no doubt that there is a forbidden force in the mountain.

"Gone down!"

As soon as Fang Yun's mind moved, the clock of heaven and earth immediately quietly dived down, and the rocks melted like waves. Inside the mountain [body], the light flashes, and the black seals representing the forbidden ones are constantly flashing. Each one contains a strong power.

The further down, the stronger the breath of death. This is obviously not a naturally formed stop, body.

The clock of heaven and earth passed through layers of prohibitions without alarming the people of the underworld. However, when crossing the rock layer, it is extremely slow. At least it's not as easy as crossing ordinary rocks.


Fang Yun moved his mind and reached out to hold his hand, and there was an extra black stone outside. He took a closer look. The stone was the size of a fist. The whole body was dark, and the section was smooth. It was like a knife cut.

Fang Yun observed carefully for a while and found that the texture of this kind of thing was very special, like gold but not gold, like stone but not stone. But it has the attributes of gold and stone at the same time, which is very hard. In terms of density, it is not as good as extraterresmological star iron, but in terms of strength. But it's not there at all.

This is also the strangest place of this kind of stone. Moreover, Fang Yun felt an extremely strong underworld fluctuation from the stone.

"This doesn't seem to be a natural forest material" but an extremely horrible strong man, forcibly refined from the real qi.

Fang Yun had something in his heart. This kind of thing is very compatible with the nature of the Five Prison Bone Emperor.

The word "bone" originally stands for "death". In the "Nearly Ancient Times" read by Fang Yun, the final form of this magic weapon is the "Tianzi of the Devil". And the "Demon Heavenly Son" is the life and death of manipulation.

This kind of top strong man of the underworld, refined with great mana, is exactly what the evolution of the Five Prison Bone Emperor needs.

"Wait a minute, after you get the empty fruit" and then collect the understone from here. Further strengthen the power of the Five Prison Bone Emperor!"

Fang Yun said in his heart.


In the dark, the clock of heaven and earth seems to have touched something. Make an inaudible sound. This is a pale tibia, across the depths of the mountain. In this tibia, Fang Yun felt a wave of fighting spirit.


Fang Yun took a breath, with the help of the perception of the clock of heaven and earth. Fang Yun "sees" the whole mountain, white, almost like this. I don't know how many years the white bones have been buried.

There is no doubt that these bones are the bones after the death of some top strong men. If you can't fight after death, you are by no means an ordinary master. After these people died, they seemed to have been collected here, or "they died here at all." The bones after the death of the war were collected here and made into refinery materials.

The surface of these bones, without exception, is engraved with Fu Ce inscriptions. Each inscription exudes weak energy fluctuations. Seeing these bones, Fang Yun couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The martial artist practices the true qi of martial arts, and each skill is turned into a rune seal and stored in Dantian. Everything is composed of runes. Wind, thunder, clouds and electricity are all the same.

However, only the martial artist with the deepest martial arts will have the imprint of rune on the muscles and bones, which is called the "rune muscle" six "the seal bone". Because the muscles will rot after death, the only thing you can see after death is the seal bone. However, in martial arts, the "seal bone" has at least reached the seven grades of Tianchong, and only when the internal rules of [body] become a series can this kind of appearance appear.

In the depths of this huge mountain, there are many white bones. I don't know how many corpses there are, so Fang Yun can't help but be shocked.

"I'm afraid that the people who built this mountain are not a fierce martial arts hero, but a big hero! The fierceness of the "hardness of the heart" is by no means comparable to that of ordinary martial artists!"

Fang Yun thought to himself in his heart. Thinking of the Pluto Prince and others, I'm afraid that all the corpses here may have been killed by this person before.

"Master, it's really a little weird here."

The clock of heaven and earth suddenly said. Through the ability of the clock of heaven and earth, Fang Yun "sees" that in the depths of the mountain, there is a dense forbidden place, emitting colorful brilliance.

"In the past, looking at the layers of corpses, Fang Yun manipulated the clock of heaven and earth and went towards the energy mass in the depths of the mountain. This energy mass is more than ten miles long. At first glance, it looks like a dragon-shaped, winding in this huge mountain range.


A flash of light, the dust-sized clock of heaven and earth, through thousands of layers of great power prohibition" appeared in the prohibition. This is a long and narrow stone wall corridor. The air inside the corridor is rolling, and the air is very old. It seems that no one has been here for a long time.

As soon as Fang Yun stepped in here, he felt a strong will to martial arts. This martial arts will is dark, gloomy, cold and dead" gives people a feeling of being immersed in the cold tide.

"A lot of skills!"

Fang Yun calmed down, saw the content on the stone wall, and his heart twitched fiercely. This corridor is very dark, and there is no light coming in. However, Fang Yun clearly saw that on the corridor of the stone wall, it was dense and full of strong ancient seal characters. Next to it, there are also some human figures standing, sitting or lying.

Talented magic power "virtual room is born white", in silence, born wisdom, in the dark and opaque place" to gain the ability to see things like the day. This is Fang Yun's new ability after stepping into Tianchong Qipin.

In the past, warriors observed things in the dark or far away through spiritual strength and will. The weakness of this is that if the opponent has some kind of ability to shield his spiritual strength. It's easy to turn a blind eye to what is close at hand.

The magic power of "virtual room white" is to restore the ability of the eyes. With the ability of "the same meeting in the wall", it is difficult to be deceived.

Fang Yun scanned it carefully. On the stone wall corridor, all the words, patterns and styles were integrated, obviously from the same person's handwriting. The huge martial arts will that Fang Yun felt was revealed from the words on the two walls.

These words and patterns are obviously the true secrets of martial arts.

When the warrior was in Kego, his will was condensed and he was focused on his fingers. Invisibly, he left his martial arts will and pressure on the wall, and even after a long time, it did not fade.

As long as someone enters it, you can immediately feel the breath of martial arts in it.

"Mingzong's big hand seal..., Pluto's Great Sorrow Curse..."

The note next to the ancient seal stone carving made Fang Yun's heart move, and there was a feeling that his heart was beating faster: "It's all the martial arts of the underworld!"

ming zong is so mysterious that he walks outside except for a prince of Pluto. Basically, it's hard to hear from them. Even if it shows the pattern of "tigers and dragons" today, other sects are ready to move, but Mingzong has been calm and kept a low profile. As a result, in many cases, the impression of "Mingzong" is absurdly similar to "no dispute in the world".

However, it can be seen from the Mingzong driving into this big crack. Mingzong is obviously also secretly carrying out his own plan in private. It's just that these plans are not easily known.

The whereabouts of the Ming Sect are so unpredictable, not to mention the martial arts of the Ming Sect. Fang Yun can even get the mysterious Buddhist martial arts. But only this mysterious underworld martial arts has never been settled.

Moreover, since he got the inheritance of the Vedic monk Acan in the Western Regions, Fang Yun found a feature of the "body of all dharma". When absorbing this kind of martial arts of Buddhism and Ming Sect, the body of all laws will be additionally stimulated, thus increasing the number of miniature cycles and enhancing the power of the body of Wanhua.

"There is such a place in this mountain. What... Prince Pluto didn't come in."

Fang Yun was secretly puzzled in his heart. However, Prince Pluto may have his own plans and plans. Anyway, these skills are cheaper for the time being.

Fang Yun calmed down and searched the whole stone wall corridor. The whole road is very long. As he observed outside, it is tens of miles long. The more you go inside, the more powerful the skill will be. The pressure between the words is getting more and more powerful.

This seems to be some kind of strong man of the Ming Sect, in order to train the descendants step by step, step by step, to make a place of cultivation. Under normal circumstances, if the martial arts cultivation is not enough and can't resist this martial arts will, it will stop and it will be difficult to cross the level for further study.

However, the last thing Fang Yun is afraid of is this kind of martial arts will and pressure. Although his strength is only comparable to that of the stars. However, the martial arts spirit and will can compete with the will of the ancient demon god.

Fang Yun took a look at this corridor. The outermost one is the celestial-level skill. This is the weakest and useless to him. Learning is equivalent to not learning. Then go straight inside.

The stone wall corridor of more than ten miles sounds very long. But martial arts are just ordinary. It's awesome and profound. It's all about thousands of words and tens of thousands of words. Some of the mysteries are even more outrageous.

And the martial artist depicts it with his fingers, and the fonts are very large. Add the catalogue on the side. A powerful martial arts study often occupies dozens of feet of corridors. However, the corridor of more than ten miles also has thousands of skills!

"This is simply a treasure trove! It's incredible."

Fang Yun was secretly shocked while browsing.