The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 790 The Three Murderers of the Rift Sea

"Pluto Albus is so powerful!" Fang Yun hid in the hall." Hearing these two old demons say that the world was transformed by the body of the seven generations of Pluto Albus, and his heart could not help shaking secretly. I just feel that there is a strange feeling.

At least, the realm of this ancient giant is far beyond his. I'm afraid that in ancient times, it was also a peerless fierce engine!

"The underworld has declined, and the ulence of Pluto Abbus has passed. We have to think about it now or a few other old demons. Neither Yitian Old Demon nor Skeleton Old Demon is Yiyu's goods. In addition, there are also those Blackwater Island Leagues, which have joined forces with a lot of scattered repairs. Be careful, too."

A shrill and shrill sound, socket. Fang Yun looked at the man at the top of the hall, with a sharp mouth and a dry body, as if he had come out of the army of disaster victims who had been hungry for several years.

And the breath emanating from his body is also like a very hungry jackal. He picks up his prey and can swallow it with people and bones at any time without spitting any dregs.

"Zombie", the old demon moaned and said a moment later, "Third brother, you go to the Blackwater Island Alliance" and said that we were willing to cooperate with the Blackwater Alliance. When the matter is successful, the fruit of the void, we are the three fierces of the split sea, and we are willing to share with the Black Water Alliance! And in order to show our sincerity, we can inform the Blackwater Alliance of all the empty fruits in advance. The Blackwater Alliance can send someone to investigate!", "Big brother!!"

The second brother and the third brother of the three fierce people in the Rift Sea were shocked when they heard the words: "You won't really give up such a thing as the empty fruit to the Black Water Alliance, will you?"

"Zhe Jie..."

"Zombie" old demon smiled: "How can it be? Haven't you ever heard of killing people with a knife, "expelling tigers and devouring wolves?"

The two of them were stunned, blinked their eyes, and then reacted and said with a gloomy smile, "Big brother means to use the Black Water Alliance to deal with Yitian Old Demon and Skeleton Old Demon?"

"Hey hey, it's hard to deal with. However, it is also good to use them to consume the strength of these two old demons and give them a headache. What do you think?"

"Zombie", the old demon is looking forward to it.

"Qi Jie Jie is still the eldest brother's master!"

The three murderers of the Rift Sea laughed at the same time.

"Lao San, go and get ready. The empty fruit is only two days to ripen. Go and inform the people of the Blackwater Alliance now!"

"Zombie", the old demon waved his hand and urged.

"Hmm" OK. This season is up to me. Don't worry, big brother!"

Lao San said, "The sleeves were swinging, and he immediately got up and went out.

"Go along!" Fang Yun remained calm and did not disturb anyone. He went straight out with the third brother with a sharp-billed monkey's cheeks and as fierce as a jackal. He restrained his breath and was only the size of dust, which really looked like a grain of dust. Neither the eldest nor the second of the three murderers of the Rift Sea noticed him.

In the deep sea, there are many halls, and the three fierce people in the cracked sea bypassed the halls and directly entered a side hall. The door opened, and a half-naked white scholar got up in a hurry. A beautiful woman behind him, with scattered temples, looked panicked and fastened her clothes in a hurry.


The handsome scholar in white knelt on the ground in a panic.

"Well, give me a car"

Lao San nodded and patted the beautiful woman who had no time to leave on the bed.

"It's Beifu."

Scholars in white dare not come out.

"Find a few handsome men and women and prepare a guard of honor for me. We will set out immediately for the Blackwater Alliance.

The three evils and the third said coldly.

"Yes, Master."

The scholar in white hurriedly said, looking respectful and frightened.

"This old demon, I said that he hurried out of the hall for what purpose. It turned out to be for a few show-times.

Fang Yun saw this scene above and shook his head.

These evil old demons can clearly penetrate the edges in one space. What else do you want to show off when you get to other people's land? It seems that without these, you can't show your identity, status and prestige.

Before leaving, the third brother stared at him fiercely and told him not to make a mistake. Then Shi Shiran left.

"Master, don't worry, the apprentice must have done it properly."

The scholar in white said, and then closed the door.

"Wow!", the third of the three murderers of the Rift Sea left, and the clock of heaven and earth immediately floated down from the hall. Without saying a word, a big palm flew away and sealed the scholar in white in an instant.

With Fang Yun's current cultivation, it is really easy to deal with a martial artist who is like the peak today.

In the clock of heaven and earth, Fang Yun's eyes closed slightly, and immediately a large number of memories belonging to the man in white poured into his mind...

The three fierces of the split sea" are the boss white-haired corpse demon, the second ten thousand poisonous old demon, and the old three days shooting the old demon.

Three old demons, one of whom went through tens of thousands of years, produced spiritual knowledge by chance, and finally cultivated a ten-thousand-year cold corpse in the star world; in the Middle Ages, Fangwai Sanxiu, got a book of "Wandu Mojing", because of fate, he escaped the medieval disaster and escaped here; the last one The jackal that began to be born inadvertently passed the method of absorbing the spirit of the sun and the moon, and cultivated it to the realm of the life star.

The three murderers of the Rift Sea are the oldest, but this old man lives for a long time. However, the wisdom is low. He is born with a limited physique and lives a muddle-headed life. On the contrary, he is not as good as the boss's corpse demon, at least with nine tricks. The old demon has been cultivated for tens of thousands of years, and it is also in ancient times that he has reached the realm of fate.

"Unexpectedly, this third brother is really a jackal!"

That's all Fang Yun got. This scholar in white is a newly accepted disciple of the natural jackal. He has a low status and has limited knowledge.

"I practice unrestrained Dafa, and I still lack the souls of a few strong people in the world. Today, the old jackal demon is fierce and cruel." I like blood food, and it's not enough to kill him."

Fang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes flashed. Thoughts turned one by one in his mind. I had an idea in the blink of an eye.

"Go ahead."

Fang Yun waved his hand and still sent the "** magic scholar" out to arrange the scene for the third brother.

In a short time, a large number of handsome men and women gathered in the open space in front of the deep-sea hall. They looked extremely bright, but their temperament was feminine, and they looked afraid. Obviously, they were afraid of the power of the old demon.

The old jackal demon lay on a gorgeous car incarnation of a magic weapon, with eight half-naked beautiful women next to the veil, feeding him. In his mouth, he kept handing out grapes and hazelnuts, laughing one by one.

"Okay, let's go!"

The old demon glanced around and nodded with satisfaction. With a big move, a cloud rose, and immediately held this group of handsome men and beautiful women and soared into the air.

"Boom!" The black ocean separated, and the old demon was wrapped in a dark cloud, tore open the sea and flew out directly. With a twist in the air, he immediately disappeared into the void, and the group of people galloped towards the place where the Black Water Alliance was located.

The white-ced scholar attached to Fang Yun waited for the group to leave the undersea nest, and even the white-haired corpse demon could not feel it. He smiled and acted immediately.

"Master, I have recently got a new good thing. I also want to give it to the master, please accept it with a smile. "**Magic Scholar",zheng yi yi" put on the folding fan, and walked forward calmly.

"Oh?" The old demon was on the chariot, with a grape in his mouth. Hearing this sentence, his eyes turned around, but he was a little interested: "Thank you for this thought, it's not in vain. I love you for nothing. What is it? Bring it up."

"** Magic Scholar" Without saying anything, he immediately put the "Heaven and Earth Clock" in his hand and offered it: "Master, this is what I accidentally found from a stone pillar when I was patrolling the seabed today. The disciple did not dare to hide it "specially for the master's taste." The old demon didn't care at first, but after looking at it, he couldn't help opening his eyelids suddenly. With his ability, he can't see the mystery of this golden bell.

"Curious things, let the master have a look again.

The old demon said, his eyes were strange, and a pair of dark claws immediately stretched out. Grab the "** magic scholar" and the "heaven and earth clock" in his hand.


At the moment when the old demon's five fingers stretched out to the clock of heaven and earth, the mutation suddenly rose. A flash in the void" The clock of heaven and earth jumped in the air and suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it was already in the forehead of the old demon.

"The sky shoots the old demon, I'll show you again!"

In the cold voice, Fang Yun threw a halberd from the clock of heaven and earth. This halberd is like thunder, thunderous and irresistible.

"It's not good!" The old jackal demon was shocked. His first reaction was that his apprentice joined forces with several other old demons to harm himself. I'll kill you disobedience!" The old jackal demon was shocked and angry, and his body trembled, and came out of the chariot with lightning. At the same time, with a big slap, a smelly demon's true spirit bombarded at the ** magic scholar.

"Hum!" Fang Yun sneered. The old demon retreated quickly, and he entered better. With his right hand, he poked out the clock of heaven and earth, and grabbed the old demon of the sky jackal: "Unrestrained Dafa!"

"Boom!" As soon as the sound fell, a huge vortex was set off in the void. The vortex emitted a strong soul suction. The honor guard brought by the old demon couldn't stand it at first. They screamed one by one, "The soul was out of the body and was involved in the vortex.

The old demon was shocked and shook his mind: "What kind of evil skill is this!"

He only felt that his whole soul was shaken by an invisible force, as if he was going to take off his body at any time. Even if he is now cultivated, once his soul is out of the body, it is the source of no water, and it will be slaughtered by others.

The old demon hand pinched the magic formula and quickly stabilized his mind. At this moment, he was already panicked. Counting the old demons in the world of Pluto, no one has such a strange and terrible skill.

At this moment, the old demon understood: ... you are from outside!",