The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 885 Fragments of the Star

Under the gaze of countless eyes, in the void more than 300,000 miles away, the dark huge star was finally broken with a bang. The fluctuation of the void, at this moment, reached its peak.


The huge sound shook in the void of more than 300,000 miles. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of fragments of stars exploded in this loud noise.


Everywhere in Shenzhou, everyone's hearts moved, and then a Taoist spirit rose to the ground, shining brightly. At this moment, the competition reached ** again. Fang Yun's life star has been broken. This is already a fact and can't be stopped!

Impacting the life star, it is dangerous. This moment, without a doubt, is the most vulnerable time for warriors. But the number of Dayan is fifty, and forty-nine is used every day, and one of them is not used. This "one" is vitality, and it is a unique suture!

For the martial arts of the impact star, the most "one" is time. Only time is well mastered, and the life star is smashed before all interference. So no matter how dangerous it is, it is not impossible to achieve life. However, it broke the star of life. It's not the end of all this, it's just the beginning!

The fate of the martial artist contains not only fate, but also the bondage of the martial arts, but also the innate soul of all life at the beginning of the birth!

It is precisely because of this trace of innate soul that lives with life to live with the fetus that all have the existence of life stars. That's why the life star is so important to the martial arts! If you don't break the life star, you can't condense the soul of life!

When all life is born, ninety-nine percent of the soul of life enters the body with the soul of life, and then evolves the internal organs, limbs and bones. And the 1% of the innate soul remained in the way of heaven and finally turned into a life star.

This soul in the life star, although extremely thin. It only accounts for 1% of the complete soul. But for martial arts, it is extremely important. Only a perfect soul can step up to a higher level step by step.

That's why martial artists are promoted to the final realm of martial arts, and they need to constantly cut off the soul of life, the soul of the earth and the soul of heaven! If you want to step into the realm of life from the life star, you must refine the trace of innate soul in the life star.

Therefore, the second step to hit the Destiny is to collect all the Destiny fragments. Prepare for the fusion of the seven souls and turn into the soul of life. If these fragments are removed, it may also make the soul of the martial artist flawed, thus affecting the future martial arts cultivation.

"The second son of the Fang family actually has so many connections. Ordinary people hit the life star. When they were intercepted by so many people, ten lives were gone. But he actually helped intercept it again and again. This lineage is more terrible than a sect! There must be a life star to get him, and he will take revenge afterwards!"

This is to guard against Fang Yun.

"It's troublesome, it's troublesome! Strong strength, endless potential, extensive connections, and three elephant magic weapons..." This powerful enemy has been provoked. You might as well take the opportunity of others to seize the life star from others. Give it to him afterwards to resolve the resentment. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's really a disaster."

This is to see the strength and potential shown by Fang Yun, change his mind, and want to please him.

"Hey! This son has such potential that I will rob him of a piece of life star. In the future, it's better to blackmail him. Let him do it for me!"

This is dead, and the thief's heart is not dead.

"Hmm! What about the life star? I took your life. You can't condense your soul! I'd like to see how far you can go in martial arts!"

This is a strong background, self-rightened and fearless!

In the land of Jiuzhou, everyone has different thoughts and plans. One after another, the essence gave birth to the power of grasping, fishing for hundreds of thousands of life star fragments to Fang Yun.

"Wow! Don't change! If you don't retreat, you will find your own death!"

Fang Yun's tongue burst like thunder, shouted angrily, and the real gas exploded, giving birth to a huge suction force, like a huge net, sucking to the fragments of the life star in all directions.


Originally, hundreds of thousands of life star fragments, 90% of which exploded, shot back and flew into the true qi of Fang Yun. The two are integrated, the water is mixed, and there is no barrier.

With the influx of these life star fragments, Fang Yun felt that his spirit was suddenly strong. The one that has always been indestructible and binds itself firmly! The realm was raised wildly and loosened. At this moment, Fang Yun's strength immediately soared. The rise of power has broken through the power of two real dragons.

"Dragon's fate, take it for me!"

Fang Yun moved his mind and grabbed the seven nights of the blue dragon in the north above the void.


I saw a shocking dragon chant. In the void, the dragon spirit, which was thousands of miles long, suddenly fell down. It penetrated into the fragments of Fang Yun's life star, Zhenqi and soul. With this innate dragon spirit, Fang Yun's martial arts strength and consciousness immediately soared. Directly broke through the madness of the two dragons, and the road soared to reach the close to the three dragons.

"Unrestrained imperial palace, give me all the pressure!"

Fang Yun shouted loudly, and between the lightning and fire, in the vast real qi, a dark golden magic weapon immediately separated the real qi and emerged above. This magic weapon grew in the air. In an instant, it turned into a huge dark gold ball. After another shock, the light changed, and it actually turned into an old man who was ten feet tall, with a feather coat and a crown, holding dust and silver hair.

Although this old man seems to be a fairy, his eyes are cold and domineering, showing a strong smell of plunder. There is a feeling of being high above, like everything is like a floating cloud, and everything is like a dog, which is taken away! Unrestrained ancestors!"

In the spirit that came one after another, the incarnation of this person was immediately recognized. He exclaimed, and in the middle of the way, they retreated one after another. Rumor has it that the unrestrained imperial palace was built by the unrestrained ancestors in their own image.

In order to build this unrestrained imperial palace, the ancient strong man took an unimaginable price. He not only took the souls of countless strong people, but also let them drive him forever, but also put his skills and true spirit into it to achieve this three-element magic weapon.

This has greatly shortened his life expectancy. This terrible persistence and abandonment have led to his fame in ancient times!

Because the most important step of this magic weapon is sacrificed from his flesh and blood and essence. Therefore, the final form of this magic weapon is the "unrestrained ancestor"!

After Fang Yun's strength increased greatly, he finally urged the final form of this magic weapon. This form of triothal magic weapon is directly equivalent to a strong man in the earth and soul realm.

I don't have enough sharp strength, and I still want to be right with Fang Yun at this time. I really want to die!

However, not everyone knows the legend of the unrestrained ancestor and the unrestrained imperial palace. Therefore, there are still many successors.

"Unrestrained Dafa!"

In the void, the "unrestrained ancestor" who had just condensed out of the unrestrained imperial palace immediately shook his body and soared to a height of a hundred feet. Without any hesitation, the palm of the hand stretched out and turned into a thin fan, setting off a thick cloud, facing down, like a pat of lightning.


This blow broke the sky and the ground, and it was overwhelming. Countless people tried to capture the essence of the fragments of Fang Yunming Star, like entering the thunder, and they hummed and retreated one after another. A big injury!

In the unrestrained imperial palace, it contains the true spirit accumulated over tens of thousands of years. This blow is powerful, not to mention. Among them, the soul's grasping power immediately injured many people on the spot. I just felt that I was caught in my soul. A little bit of soul gas is missing!

"It's over! This Fang Yun is so powerful!"

"Unrestrained law, unrestrained law!" ... Unexpectedly, it appeared again!! Damn it, damn it!"

"It's over, I beat the geese all day long, and finally I was pecked by the geese. This time, it not only didn't take any benefits, but also was hurt by the unrestrained law! I don't know how long it will take to recuperate!"

The spirit comes and goes faster. Looking at the "unrestrained ancestors" in the air, it is like meeting a nemesis. It is common for martial artists in the divine realm to contain spiritual strength in the true qi. However, no matter how perverted it is, there is no abnormality in the skill of the unrestrained ancestors. That's not as simple as being powerful. It's just vicious!

There is no more perverted and horrible skill that hurts the soul than the unrestrained method of the big perfect form. No matter what realm you are, as long as the three souls are not perfect, it will hurt for a long time to catch you!

The martial artist in the divine realm, the body doesn't matter anymore. It's nothing to pierce. But if you catch the soul, it is an extremely terrible thing. Nothing, it's more frightening than this.

In an instant, the true qi in the void soared one after another. It's like being afraid of snakes and scorpions.

Fang Yun did not catch up. As soon as he recovered, the fragments of the life star immediately exploded and fished back one after another. All the fragments of these life stars are constantly melted and combined with the soul by Fang Yunna and the true qi. Fang Yun felt that he was getting stronger and stronger.

Smash the life star, catch the fragments of the life star, summon the unrestrained ancestors, shake off the crowd, and then take the opportunity to collect almost all the fragments of the life star..." All this is said, but in fact, there is only lightning time. All the movements are done in one go, and there is no gap.

When others reacted, there were only a few fragments of Fang Yun's life star, floating outside.

At this time, the demon suzerain and Wu Mu, the blood demon suzerain and the holy witch god, but the Pluto and the Yinghuang confronted each other. No one could take action, and no one did anything.

Because we all know that the result of everyone's action is still the same. Or trigger a fierce battle.

For a young generation, such a life-and-death struggle is obviously extremely cost-effective. Therefore, there is nothing better than watching today's young man collect his own life star fragments. This is the final result!

Just when Fang Yun collected the fragments of the life star, the ground welcomed a stranger.

"Who is it? Come out!"

King Shura Wu was looking at the starry sky with joy, but suddenly, his breath fluctuated, and he felt an extremely strong crisis. Unlike the barbarian god of war, Arakubaru, this man made him feel like a hairy bone.

A very powerful opponent!

Obviously, the other party has no intention of hiding.

"I! Lord of War!

The majestic voice is domineering and the ground is loud. Before the voice fell, ten feet in front of King Shura Wu, the space exploded. A huge man's car in silver-gray ancient armor, with loose hair and standing on the ground out of thin air.

The man's hair was loose and he hunted and danced. His eyes are cold, sharper than swords. His forehead, a twisted scar, extends from his forehead, along the center of his eyebrows and the bridge of his nose to his lips. It looks like a face split in half, extremely ferocious!

His body is very tall, and King Shura is also a strong man. But it's not as high as his chest. You have to look up, it's hard to see him!

This man lowered his hands and grasped a huge gray-white sword on his thigh with his right hand!

As soon as this man appeared, his breath collapsed, and King Shura felt an unprecedented sense of crisis!