The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 858 Achilles

Oh! One..."

The heat wave swept over, and large areas of rolling magma flew up and splashed out. Under the rolling magma heat wave, a huge palm flew out and grabbed the valley.

This palm is red, under the cracked skin, spitting out large pieces of sulfur smoke and flames. The shadow it cast directly enveloped the whole valley.

Small and humble, like an ant-like human, I, Achilles give you death!"

From the pressure of high monsters, far away, the demon man in the valley of the whole lava area..." He knelt down and his body trembled. This came from the awe and fear of the high-level demons in the depths of the soul.

The endless killing of the wind finally attracted the attention of this high-level monster. And he walked out of the depths of the magma in person to kill Feng Taicang.


The wind roared, the whole valley seemed to burn, and the huge magic palm grabbed down at a lightning speed. The wind was too strong and knelt in the valley, and his consciousness was not fully awake. However, even if he is awake, with his current situation, it is impossible to deal with this high-level monster.

Seeing that the wind is about to be buried here, the mutation suddenly rises~~


With a flash of light, a bronze halberd nearly ten feet long suddenly fell from the depths of the sky. In the blink of an eye, it passed through layers of voids. At a speed that was impossible to avoid, the halberd pierced the huge palm above the fire valley and nailed it firmly to the ground.


The monster under the magma finally screamed and finally revealed his real body. This is a strange fiery red monster, tens of thousands of feet high. It is like a human, not a human, like a beast, not a beast. It has a cow's nose and horns, bird's claws, goat-like beard and donkey's hooves.

When it opened its mouth, it spewed out a scorching flame. When it closed its mouth, it spewed out smoke with Mars in its nose.


The monster's face twitched, showing a look of pain: "Human, who are you? Dare to be the enemy of our lava demon clan. Stabbed my Achilles' body?"

Fang Yun stood at the top of the ancient demon soldier..." At the top of the demon god's anger..., he smiled when he heard the words: "

You low-level monster, I'll give you a choice, kneel down and be loyal to me. In that way, you can get a way to live.

Achilles was stunned and then laughed: "

Hahaha, is it up to you? Humble human beings, with one finger, can pinch you to death like an ant.

"Real is it?"

Fang Yun smiled indifferently and said, "You can have a try!"


In the shocked eyes of the monsters in the mansion, Fang Yun's body rose against the wind, ten feet, a hundred feet, thousands of feet! In a short time, Fang Yun's body became huge and nothing, high enough. However, subject to the law of heaven and earth, Fang Yun cannot grow again.

In the valley, it suddenly fell silent, and only the clouds below showed the real body tens of thousands of feet long, standing in front of this monster, releasing a powerful pressure.

The monster named Achilles, with a pair of yellow eyes, turned around and looked at Fang Yun in shock. The original Fang Yun was not as big as one of its nails. Although it is still not as big as it is now, this change is extremely amazing. At least, the size between the two sides is not so huge.

"You can try pressing a branch with your finger, or you think it's too small."

Fang Yun sneered. One of the five fingers, a statue of an emperor in the palm of his hand is lifelike. Fang Yun threw his hand, and in an instant, the thunder of the sky, and the sky, which was originally bright as fire, was suddenly coated with a thick layer of gray.

After Fang Yun, the brilliance changed. The real body of a horrible evil emperor rose in the wind, and in an instant, it soared to nearly a thousand miles high, standing in the sky, across the sky and the earth. As soon as his eyes were opened, a pair of dead gray eyes were condescending, staring at the monster indifferently.

You, regret..."

Achilles' throat shrugged, his voice was dry, and the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down. It can feel the one behind Fang Yun..." The horror of the Eternal Evil Emperor... This is not only huge, but also contains an earth-shaking destructive force.

It's so irresistible!"

Achilles' heart trembled, and he suddenly retreated. With a "wow", the vast magma heat wave suddenly flew up and turned into a huge vortex. The red light flashed, like a rotating blade, cutting Fang Yun. Achilles slapped and fled to the depths of the magma.

Fang Yun had been paying attention to his movements for a long time and sneered, disdainful of it at all. As soon as his mind moved, there was a "buzz", the huge "five prison bone emperor... flashed behind Fang Yun, and then immediately embedded Fang Yun's body and melted into one with him.


Fang Yun just stepped out in one step, and this step immediately shuttled through layers of space. The huge soles of his feet appeared directly above Achilles' head and suddenly stepped down heavily. Just listening to the rumble... sound, Achilles, who was in the escape, fell directly upside down.


Fang Yunding was standing in the sea of lava, holding his right hand, "The unrestrained imperial palace... turned into a dragon-shaped dark gold spear..." Shi" pierced the left half of Achilles' body, firmly nailed it to the surrounding void, and tied it to the surrounding space.

Hold left and right at the same time, brush...? The bronze halberd, which became extremely huge, pierced the other half of Akassius' body. Fix its body in the same void.

"Sond, or watch death...

Fang Yun's eyes were cold and condescending, and he only said six Yu. The monster named Achilles collapsed and had no fighting spirit: "Don't kill me, master, great master, don't kill me! I would like to repent...

Achilles held his head in his arms and whined down.

King Shura Wu has been flying around, and he also flew over here. He whispered in his ear, "This monster is just a one or two cultivations of the divine realm, which is of great use to us. Are you sure you want to carry such a monster?"

It doesn't matter."

Fang Yun waved his hand and said lightly, "After all, we are foreign, and we are not more native than this monster. If you subdue it, it will be much more convenient with its guidance.

"Well, that's fine."

King Shura nodded: "But you'd better hurry up. These breaths became very disordered, and I felt that someone else had also entered this space. When you came in, the noise was still too loud. In the northern continent of the infinite demon realm, it is impossible not to be noticed. Let's get out of here quickly."

King Shurawu has lived in the infinite demon realm for a long time, and his understanding of the world is far from comparable to Fang Yun.


With one move, Fang Yun rolled up Feng Taicang, who had been in a coma, and dodged away with Achilles and King Shura Wu.

The third demon world is far less huge than the infinite demon realm, but there are also many. In the hot sea of magma, Fang Yun and King Shura Wu found a huge fiery red rock and fell down.

"I really don't understand. Do these young people want to die? I don't know how to escape!"

King Shura put down Ji Taicangping and said... He took out some healing medicine from his arms and stuffed it into Feng Taicang's mouth. People like him have all kinds of elixirs like this.

And the medicine is very strong.

"The world of demons is extremely dangerous. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't dare to get involved easily if I was not fully prepared with my strength. Looking at the injury on his body, ordinary people are afraid that ten lives will die... Well, this man is so heavy..."

Shura Wuwu stared at Feng Taicang's eyebrows and changed, with a look of surprise.

"What a heavy unluckyance, isn't it?"

Fang Yun patted his right palm lightly, and a powerful true qi immediately bombarded into Feng Taicang's body. Expel all the alien magic qi in his body, join the bone seams, bones, open up the accumulated blood, and replenish the true qi consumed in his body.

"This is called Feng Taicang. In the outer world, the unlucky that accompanies him is more famous than his martial arts cultivation. I don't know why he is here. However, everyone has their own unique way of practicing. There is no doubt that this should belong to his practice..."

Fang Yun said, and then he stuffed some elixirs from the treasure house of the heavens into Feng Taicang's mouth.


King Shura looked at the wind again, and his eyes flashed. There is another deep view of this young martial artist outside today: "

Struggling on the death line to temper himself... Is this the way he chose to practice martial arts?

King Shura Wu said no more, and healed the wounds of Feng Taicang wholeheartedly. He immediately followed Fang Yun, and Fang Yun had to deal with trivial matters. Otherwise, it would be useless for him.

A stream of steam escaped from Feng Tai Cang's body, and his face gradually turned ruddy.

Achilles, your body. It should be able to be reduced, right?

Fang Yun looked at Achilles beside him. It stands in the magma, almost as high as this huge rock. As a high-level monster, even if its body shrinks, it still has more than a thousand feet.

However, it is also because of its standing here, the breath that prevents other demons from disturbing them.

No, no..."

Achilles shook his head like a rattle: "We higher demons can't shrink at all."

"Real is it?"

Fang Yun frowned, and the next moment, he clapped his big palm, "Daihu's enlightenment method... sacrificed again. A skill of shrinking bones and tendons and shrinking body size was immediately bombarded into Achilles' body: "

This is a martial arts skill. I have directly condensed the magic rune and bombarded it into your body. It saves you the skills of hard work. Now, run an article according to the skills!"

Fang Yun's command has no choice at all.

Fang Yun doesn't know, for the creatures in the demon world. Body size represents self-esteem and pride. The larger the body size, the higher the status and ability in the demon world.

Fang Yun asked Achilles to shrink, which is equivalent to the human world. Let a warrior take off his armor, lower his head, and be a beggar. However, even if he knew, I'm afraid he would no longer care about Achilles' idea.

Yes, master!"

Achilles nodded reluctantly, and his huge body shrank directly to the size of a cat. He stood at the foot of Fang Yun in a grievance and looked at him with tears.