The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 877 Wu Mu's action

The whole space, suddenly, there was such a moment of silence. No one expected it. Protect the law on the right side of the alliance. I will die in front of my house under everyone's eyes. And he died here with no room for resistance.

Most of the people here have never seen Wu Mu. But I saw the dazzling Dazhou military uniform. The identity of the other party is ready to come out. And it is because of this that more people are stunned.

Why are the people of Dazhou here? Why did the right protector have the slightest discovery?!

It's not just the people of the medieval alliance in the space. Even in the sky, Chen Baxian, the leader of the medieval alliance who turned into a burning fireball, had such a moment. Because of the extreme shock, his mind was blank!

Wu Mu is actually Wu Mu of the Zhou Dynasty!

His martial arts realm. He is destined to be much earlier than the right guardian and find the other party's infiltration. This space is his creation, and everything is created by him. Therefore, he can find any intrusive alien qi. But after the real disclosure, Chen Baxian found that he would still be so shocked!

Why is it Wu Mu? Didn't he sit in the military plane of the imperial capital of the Zhou Dynasty? What is he going to do? Does he want to kill the medieval alliance alone?

Countless question marks passed through his mind, and Chen Ba first had a blank in his mind. Wu Mu's status is too special. Specially, he never thought that the military god of the Zhou Dynasty would personally come to the hinterland of his medieval alliance!

Wu Mu ignored everyone's consterility. Although there was a trace of light at the corners of his mouth, his heart was quiet. Everything. The reaction of everyone, is exactly the same as he planned.

Just when everyone was stunned by his sudden visit and couldn't react. Wu Mu raised his palm.

, "Boom".

In an instant, the wind and clouds surged in the medieval hinterland space. The endless dark clouds spiraled up from the top of Wu Mu's head. Thunder rumbled, and lightning burst out from the center of the vortex in all directions.

The air pressure in the whole space suddenly increased. In an instant, under the eyes of everyone, a huge picture scroll unfolded in the center of the vortex thunder cloud. On this picture, the terrain is ups and downs. Mountains and rivers are dense. Countless hills stand on its mountain. And between the hills. Everywhere, there were dense soldiers standing on the mountains and rivers fully armed, overlooking the bottom.

On this picture scroll of mountains and rivers, there are more thunder clouds, and a famous and horrible golden god of war stands in the void. In the eyes. The radiant eyes are like lightning, sharp and cold. That's like the eyes of a tiger and leopard before hunting.

, "The Map of the Universe".

Seeing this huge picture scroll rising in the wind, there were bursts of exclamations in the space of the medieval alliance base. The weapon of the army to conquer and suppress the army of the Zhou Dynasty, "The map of the universe," The fame is too great. So that. Although many people have not seen it. But when they saw this legendary picture, many people recognized it immediately!

In the depths of the sky, the light of the sky swayed and flashed sharply. Chen Ba finally understood. Wu Mu will appear here.

The dissolution of the army of the Zhou Dynasty was actually another gathering! You know, the universe map under the deer hunting garden is originally a huge space magic weapon!

Countless sects of strong people. I saw the conquest and suppressing army of the Zhou Dynasty. After the assembly, it was suddenly disbanded. Then he recalled the deer hunting garden. They all thought that the army of the Zhou Dynasty gave up the attack. But he didn't know that the so-called dissolution was a precursor to another large-scale attack!

However, the target of this attack is not the Ghost King Sect, but the Middle Ages!

In the world's Confucian disaster, I don't know how many Confucians and great Confucians died at the hands of assassins: the capital was attacked, and almost all six officials died in the hands of the dead soldiers sent by the medieval alliance; the world was in chaos, the medieval league stirred up fire, encouraged countless Taoist demons, ravaged the There are too many reasons to destroy the medieval alliance!

All the demon warriors deserve to die, and all the evil strong people who sacrifice blood to the city deserve to die... But the most important thing to kill is the medieval alliance, which is the source of all disasters!

, "Boom!"

Only a loud noise was heard, and the whole universe map soon expanded from empty to the size of the base space of the medieval alliance, and then with the grasp of Wu Mu's palm, it suddenly fell and fell heavily to the ground.

, "Cock!"

In the eyes of everyone, the whole land of the medieval alliance is filling the valley with lightning-like and incredible speed. The earth bulged, and the hills, plains and halls that did not belong to the Middle League suddenly gushed out of the ground and stood in this drifting space out of thin air.

And on those raised hills and plains, a famous imperial court conscripted and suppressed a large army, densely lined with neat queues, fully armed, fighting to the sky, and appeared on the earth out of thin air.

, "Kill!,.

Without any hesitation, all the troops, held high the halberd, roared harshly, like a tiger and a wolf, and rushed to the nearby medieval warriors.

, "Kill!...

The sky shook and the earth, and the shocking murderous atmosphere rose to the sky. In a blink of an eye, the whole hinterland of the medieval alliance was reduced to an ocean of conquest and suppressing armies. The light of the knife was raised, and the blood was fierce. In an instant. A wave of medieval warriors fell into a pool of blood.

, "Chestnut".

Above the earth, a flash of lightning, a famous breath is magnificent. The divine guard, full of golden armor, fell from the sky like a meteor shower. Fall to the ground.


Every strong man of the divine guard falls, which will trigger a strong explosion, and the dust and smoke will roll up into the sky. The station space of the whole medieval alliance was suddenly turned into an ocean of conquest and suppressing the army.

, "Being Wumu Wumu, the brilliance flashed, and the seven Wuhou, including the Marquis of Shengwu and Shenwu, also showed their figures. Before several of them, they also ambushed in the deer hunting garden.


Wu Mu slightly bowed his head and swung his sleeves. Go through the crowd and go straight ahead.

The way of the art of war, strategising, is better than thousands of miles away. So since he took charge of the military aircraft office and took over the six million troops on Monday, he has been hidden behind the scenes.

When he hides behind the scenes and strategizes, there may be a small variable that requires him to make minor adjustments.

However. When he walked from behind the scenes to the front of the stage in person. That means that the overall situation has been decided, and there is no change!

He didn't have to show up in this war. It's just that the Middle League really touched his reverse scale!

Dragons have reverse scales. If you touch it, you will be angry! Wu Mu is also a royal family. It's also a dragon species, and it's against the scale!

The medieval alliance should not be. Killed so many great Confucians who had no power to bind chickens. Although Wu Mu is a soldier, he has also been a student and a teacher. He was also a child of Confucianism!

Over the years, although the soldiers and Confucians have had disputes. But in his heart, Wu Mu respects the great Confucians who are loyal and dedicated to the Zhou Dynasty!

If you can't punish a doctor, you can't be as guilty as a Confucian!

The medieval alliance has disrupted the world" really damn it! Bang.. Bang, bang!"!

Wu Mu walked step by step, not in a slow pace. He raised his head slightly, and his calm eyes reflected the day and two days in the sky. Now, only Chen Baxian, the leader of the medieval alliance, and the two deputy leaders!

In the sky, there is a flash of light. The huge fireball shook. He changed into the appearance of Chen Baxian, the leader of the medieval alliance. On the ground, thick smoke billowed. A disciple of the Medieval League activates the blood of the fierce beast on his body. He turned into a fierce beast and tried to make the final resistance, but it was just in vain. Under the butcher's knife of the divine guard army, it was just a ridiculous resistance!

From the moment the man was introduced to the Middle Ages, Chen Ba first knew that the general trend had gone. However, he still did not leave.

"Lord, what should I do now?"

The two deputy alliance leaders said anxiously, and they felt that they had been locked in several powerful and terrible consciousnesses. You don't have to look up to know that it must be the strong man of the divine guard!

This makes them extremely uneasy! In the face of the thousand-year accumulation of the Zhou Dynasty, no one can be calm. If the medieval alliance can really fight against this strength, there is no need to attract ancient and ancient sects!

"Who the hell are you?"

Chen Ba first ignored the two deputy leaders. He stared at the middle-aged man who stepped on the golden boots in the distance. He has already seen Wu Mu's portrait. Just. He still wants to follow the other party. In the middle, get the exact [answer] case.

He is still a trace of unwillingness in his heart. Even if he loses, he should know. Who did you lose to? It's not a guess, it's not possible. He needs to listen to the other party say it by himself. This is the dignity and limit of a hero!

"Wu Mu!"

The faint voice, not high or low, echoes in the whole space, just enough for Chen Ba to hear it first. After saying two words, Wu Mu pushed himself up and finally took action!


A golden light spewed out of Wu Mu's body. The breath is magnificent, vast, oppressing and noble, with a compassionate atmosphere. That's the longest real qi!

At the same time, the brilliance of two bronzes outside the two sides rushed into the sky. Most of the two guards were also accompanied by Wu Mu and took action together.


The sky is shaking, and thousands of suns seem to burst into the void. The fierce collision shook the whole earth violently. After a while, a few short screams came from the air. I thought of it at the same time. There was also a frightened and incredible cry: "Three Emperors and Taoism!! You"

When the light dissipated, a figure flew out far away with blood in the air. In the air, he immediately spewed out a mouthful of black blood, and at the same time displayed a secret method of stimulating potential: "Haotian Dafa, escape!"

Chen Baxian was in a hurry, but with just one move, he was immediately seriously injured!


Wu Mu's side. A burly, domineering man in golden armor, said. As soon as he moved, he wanted to chase him out.

"No, let him go!"

Wu Mu waved his hand and said indifferently.


Most of the divine guards are unified, and a generation of Wuhou Yu turned around invincible. With his eyes open, the golden light shines everywhere: "Wu Mu, what do you mean? This man is the first evil. It's too late to chase him now. Are you sure you want to let him go?


Wu Mu nodded slightly and looked at the direction of Chen Ba's escape first. He said indifferently, "This person, it's useless for me to keep him. Let him go!" When the time is ripe, it will be harvested!" With that, Wu Mu brushed his sleeves, turned around and walked straight down.

His expression was indifferent, and there was no fluctuation on his face.

Yu Invincible frowned slightly, but then he seemed to think of something, and his heart trembled: "Do you want to use him to contain the ancient and the car sect?"

Wu Mu just smiled and didn't answer. The major sects in ancient times and the ancient sects were very secretive, but they could not hide it from him. The demise of the Middle Ages seems to be accidental, but in fact it is inevitable. This is the result of the indulgence of all parties.

All parties need a scapegoat to let the court vent their anger. And the court really needs a goal to open up. Both sides take what they need. That's all.

Chen Baxian is a hero, not a fool. He should understand that he spared his life this time!

"Receed the army!"

The war is over. On the earth, the corpses of the warriors of the medieval alliance are everywhere. Wu Mu raised his arm, and as soon as his voice fell, he left immediately!