The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 924 Meet the Emperor

Chapter 924 Meet Emperor Ying (Ask for a monthly ticket)

Chapter 924

Di Tang has always attached great importance to the bloodline. Even for the inheritance of blood, the direct bloodline never easily approaches foreign women. Even for the purity of bloodline, you must go to Middle-earth and choose a woman with excellent morality, character, background and blood as your wife.

However, it is more important than blood. It is the core of Di Tang's vein. Fang Yun originally thought that even if Yinghuang sent something, he would only send something memorable, such as the bracelet that Mrs. Huayang uploaded from her mother. But Di Tang's unique learning... This is too expensive.

Emperor Ying gave Emperor Tang Juexue to Fang Yun in the way of sealing consciousness. This kind of Fang Yun makes it impossible for Fang Yun to refuse.

Holding the letter paper in his hand, Fang Yun fell into a long silence. From this letter, he felt a different weight.

In this matter, it seems that Emperor Ying is not just looking for a husband for his daughter. It's so easy to find a good place. Di Tang Jue Xue, as a dowry, this weight is too heavy!

"It seems that I have to go to this matter."

Fang Yun held the envelope and muttered in his heart. Di Tang's mind has been clearly imprinted into his mind, and he can't forget it. Emperor Ying seemed to have known that Fang Yun was awarded the title of Champion Marquis and was given to the "Five Emperors Star Fist" by the emperor.

The unique learning of Emperor Tang's vein is not necessarily better than that of other emperors. But this skill is obviously to complete Fangyun's "Five Emperors Star Fist".

In the five emperors' unique learning, Fang Yun already has Di Yu's Qinglong eight style, Di Shun's "Di Shun Han Hai Quan", Di Yao's "Di Yao Wang Dao Quan", plus the Di Tang's unique learning sent by Di Tang, so among the five emperors, Fang Yun has gathered the unique knowledge of four emperors, and

Now, only the "Five Emperors Star Fist" is only the unique learning of the emperor's vein. If you can make up the unique learning of the five emperors, the emperor will create the "Five Emperors Star Fist", which is definitely much more powerful than any unique learning of the Five Emperors. After all, this set of unique learning is not just as simple as the self-created by the emperor. It is based on the unique learning of the five emperors and goes further.

Just like Fang Yun, on the basis of the "hundreds of millions of space escape method" created by the Sky Demon King, he went further and realized the martial arts of a higher realm. Stepping on the giant's shoulder, the vision is naturally different.

The marriage between Fang Yun and the peacock was signed by Fang Yin and Ying Huang. The peacock even visited Fang Yun in the name of a guard. Now, Emperor Ying has brought Di Tang Jue Xue as a dowry. With such a heavy gift, Fang Yun had to come back in person.

Fang Yun thought so in his heart that thousands of miles away, a figure immediately gave birth to a feeling. With a twist in shape, he immediately swept away in the direction of overseas.

Fang Yun has now created nine incarnations with the combination of "Pluto's Great Sorrow Curse" and "Jiuying Hades". With these nine incarnations, it is naturally much more convenient to walk outside. It has a friendly effect and saves a lot of trouble and danger, which is naturally much more convenient.

"They are all descendants of the five emperors, and it's time to meet them."

Fang Yun's incarnation, with a vertical body, immediately broke through the void and ran away to the direction of overseas famine. With his strength at this time, the distance of thousands of miles naturally does not take much time, but he just needs to consume some real gas.

"Fang Yun, junior, meet the elder Ying Emperor."

Outside a valley, the light flashed, and Fang Yun appeared under a row of cherry trees. The loud sound echoed throughout the valley. This place is naturally the place where Prince Ying once invited Fang Yun.

Emperor Ying is a strong man in the world. Only the important places in the wilderness must be covered by consciousness and sense. After all, compared with Zhongtu Shenzhou. The famine is really not big.

Although Fang Yun doesn't know, the space where Emperor Ying is located. But as long as he knows where one of his palaces is. Naturally, you can get in touch with him. The valley was quiet and there was no movement. Instead, it was a barren warrior and ninjas guarding the valley. Their bodies were shaking as fast as lightning, and they quaked strangely in their mouths. They surrounded Fang Yun one by one, raised their eyebrows and shouted strangely.

Fang Yun came silently, and these guards were not aware of it before. This is a great dereliction of duty, which makes these warriors and ninjas panic and angry.

Fang Yun put a lot of pressure on them. These guards only dared to surround themselves and did not dare to do anything for a while.

In the cherry blossom forest, it is so deadlocked. Fang Yun stood with his hands on his hands and didn't even look at these ninjas. Just waiting silently. After a while, a strong voice came from the valley:

"It turned out to be the champion, which has kept you waiting for a long time!"

In the majestic voice, a middle-aged black-bearded man in a wide robe with a long and narrow black knife on his waist strode out. His eyes are sharp, like a blade. When walking, dragons and tigers walk, showing a strong sense of self-confidence.

"Are you?"

Fang Yun stared at the wilderness man, who spoke Chinese and native languages very fluently. It doesn't look like Yingren.

"Ah! I forgot to introduce myself, so I went to Huyan Dazang and became the general of Yinghuang. Lord, it's rude."

Huyan Dazang smiled and bowed slightly. He is a general. According to the Middle-earth system, his status is lower than that of princes. However, it is extremely high in the wilderness.

However, Huyan Dazang used to be a pseudonym and studied in the middle of the earth. It is greatly influenced by Middle-earth. Therefore, in the face of Fang Yun, a prominent prince who sued the world by the Zhou Dynasty, he still bowed to the superiors.

Fang Yun did not know that this Huyan Dazang was the day when he went to sea with the Dazhou sailor and went to Yinghuang. The mastermind behind the attack by the wilderness warriors mixed in the sea clan. There is also some connection between this Huyan Dazang and the ancient resentful witch Xiao Xiao.

"I don't remember seeing you."

Fang Yun glanced at him and said indifferently:

"Ying Huang Ke, I'm here to see Ying Huang's predecessors."

He speaks differently. Huzang Dazang is only a subordinate of Emperor Ying, but Fang Yun does not have this important relationship.

Huyan Dazang doesn't mind Fang Yun's attitude towards Fang Yun. On the contrary, it is extremely respectful:

"The marquis is a descendant of Emperor Yu, and his bloodline is respected. It's natural to ask to see His Majesty the Emperor. I haven't seen it before, and it's normal. However, we have always had great respect for the blood of the five emperors. There have always been portraits of the blood descendants of the Five Emperors. I'm just lucky enough to see it."

Huyan Dazang said, waved his hand, said a few words, and waved back the warriors and ninjas around him. At the same time, a big hand:

"You're welcome, my lord. His Royal Highness is waiting in it, please!"

Fang Yun just nodded slightly and immediately strode forward.

In the valley, the buildings are built, and the cherry trees are in groups, which is very ancient, antique and beautiful. In front of the stone steps of one of the platforms, a handsome young man in cherry blossom clothes stood with his hands on his hand, which was the crown prince of Yinghuang.

"Brother Fang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The crown prince looked at Fang Yun from afar and smiled.

"Prince, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Fang Yun said indifferently.

"Hehe, last time I saw you, you were the general of Huai'an City. Now he is the champion, and most of them are all unified. He is famous. When he hears it, he is envious.

The crown prince smiled and said. The name he called Fang Yun when he saw this time was different.

When we met for the first time, the name of the crown prince was the little marquis. This name stands out for the status of Fang Yun's father Fang Yin. At that time, Fang Yun obviously had not won the respect of Prince Ying.

However, this time, it is called Brother Fang. What is more revealing is a relationship of equal sitting and equal status. What is highlighted is the title of the ancestors of the two families.

Fang Yun is keen and naturally knows. This is a series of actions that have been done in Middle-earth, which has won the respect of the Crown Prince Ying. Now Fang Yun is a completely strong man. Have the weight to win the respect of anyone.

"You're welcome, Prince. Fang Yun came this time to pay a special visit to the predecessor of Emperor Ying. Emperor Ying and his father are old friends, and it is also necessary to come to the meeting this time.

Fang Yun said indifferently. Between the lines, there is no mention of the marriage between the two families.

Although the Crown Prince Ying is a direct descendant of Emperor Tang, the real decision of Yinghuang is still Emperor Ying. It's useless to talk to this prince about some things.

"Hehe, that's natural. My father has informed me consciously that he asked me to prepare tea and entertain Brother Fang. Father, he will be there in a minute.

The crown prince said and stretched out his hand to introduce it.

Fang Yun nodded and walked inside under the guidance of Prince Ying. The room is not necessarily grandiful, but very clean and tidy. It gives people a sense of quietness and tranquility. Some beautiful women of Yinghuang, dressed in wide cherry clothes, stood around, looked very eye-catching.

"Sit down."

The crown prince stretched out his hand and sat down first. Fang Yun didn't say much and sat down opposite the Prince Ying. In some places, there is still an ancient style. For example, if there are no chairs, the so-called sitting is kneeling.

"The peacock has received the old lady's gift. She likes it very much.

Prince Ying looked at Fang Yun and said solemnly, "She is my only sister. I hope you treat her better. Don't hurt her."

Fang Yun was stunned. He didn't discuss it this time and immediately greeted the peacock. Prince Ying suddenly mentioned this matter, which was so sudden that he couldn't react for a moment.

"Don't worry. How could I hurt her?"

Fang Yun hesitated for a moment and said. This dialogue immediately became entrusted and changed the taste. But the words of the crown prince really make people say nothing else. Moreover, the prince Ying and the peacock are brothers and sisters, and it is understandable to care for their sister.


Hearing Fang Yun say this, Prince Ying showed a trace of relief on his face, as if he let go of something in his heart:

"I only have this sister, and naturally I want her to be happy. With your background, status, and ability, you should not wrong her. I remember today's words. If you dare to hurt her, I won't let you go."

Although Prince Ying loves his sister very much. However, between the lines, there is still a deep-rooted idea of the emperor's soup, which attaches great importance to bloodline and status.

Fang Yun's lips moved and wanted to say something. However, after thinking about it, forget it. The thought of Di Tang's lineage has a long history and has been passed down from generation to generation. It can't be changed by his few words. RO