The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1027 The Conspiracy of the Five Emperors

Chapter 1027 The Conspiracy of the Five Emperors

Chapter 1027

The footsteps of "Dad" were getting closer and closer. After a moment, an old man with a powerful expression, the dragon and tiger walked out of the hall. The old man's hair was dark and his expression was cold. Anyone who sees him at the first sight will feel the strong power and ambition of the old man.


Xie Daoyan's expression was shocked and he exclaimed. The person in front of her is exactly the same as her grandfather. However, only in a flash, Xie Daoyan immediately reacted. The mysterious old man in front of him is definitely not his own grandfather.

Xie Daoyan's grandfather died when she was very young. This is something the whole royal family knows. Xie Daoyan even saw his grandfather's body with his own eyes. This person can't be her grandfather at all.

"Who are you? What exactly do you want to do?"

Xie Daoyan looked at the old man in front of him with a look in his heart and shouted fiercely. As soon as she moved her mind, she immediately summoned out the emperor's armor, covered her body, and looked forward with full vigilance.

After the martial artist reaches the divine realm, he can change his body shape. And in martial arts, there are also many skills that can change body shape. Appearance doesn't mean anything.

The old man's pace was calm. Every step he stepped out, and the whole earth seemed to be moving. For Xie Daoyan's suspicion, the old man didn't care at all, but nodded with approval:

"Haha, it's really smart. It's worthy of being my great-granddaughter. Yes, I'm not your grandpa. - You should call me grandpa!"

The old man smiled, said, and waved his hand. What shocked Xie Daoyan happened. The "diyu armor" that was originally covered her immediately flew out of thin air, sticking to the old man one by one, reconstituted a pair of armor.

"Grandpa!! ..."

Xie Daoyan was as if he had been killed by thunder, and his mind was blank. I just stared at the front, almost shocked by the news and couldn't think. She grew up in Dihuang, only knowing her father and brother, and the uncle of the four-pole demon master. But I never knew that I still had a grandpa.

However, the fact is in front of us. Only those who have the blood of the five emperors can continue the armor of the five emperors. And the stronger the strength, the greater the control over the five emperors' armor. Although no evidence is given in front of him, he can easily refute the "Diyu's Armor" from himself with a wave of his hand, which is enough to prove that he is indeed the blood descendant of the "Diyu's Bloodline".

Xie Daoyan is clear in his heart, although there is no further evidence. But he is likely to be his own "grandfather"!

"You did a good job at this time. Grandpa is very satisfied. However, you are a woman after all. There is no precedent for the five emperors to be in power. - From today on, you can have a good rest. From now on, I will be in charge of Di Huang himself!"

The old man faintly passed into Xie Daoyan's ears with the sound of killing and decisiveness. After saying that, the old man went straight over Xie Daoyan and sat down in the seat of Emperor Di.


The moment Dihuang's Taishang Dihuang sat down, the whole land of Dihuang shook. Then, a strong consciousness broke out of the Dihuang Palace. It passed through layers of voids, crossed the endless ocean, and came to the sky above the Yinghuang.

"Emperor Di, you're here... It seems that you have taken over the power of Dihuang!"

On the northern coast of the Wilderness, the waves are turbulent. Emperor Ying showed his true body, dressed in an imperial robe, sitting facing the sea, silently. Around him, several cyclones were suspended, emitting a different strong breath.

"Hmm. Yinghuang, Yihuang, Aragubar..., you are all here.

The loud voice of Emperor Taishang Di resounded through the seaside, and bursts of tides fluctuated with his voice:

"The celestial phenomena are changing, and the tigers devours the dragons. The time is ripe now. It's time for the descendants of our five emperors to re-enter the central government and take charge of the central artifact. - How are you preparing?

"My famine has been conscripted, and now there are three million troops. With the help of the time magic weapon, it has been trained as a recruit. You can go south at any time. In addition, this time, the 'Evil God and Evil Division' of our evil temple will go with the army and go out.

Emperor Yi's voice was indifferent.

"In each wilderness, although our barbaric forces are the weakest. But the individual strength is our strongest. Every barbarian is born to be the best warrior. I have completed the reorganization of the three elite armies of the barbarian god's spear, the barbarian god's blade and the barbarian halberd. In addition, three additional armies have been expanded: the shield of the barbarian god, the anger of the barbarian god and the punishment of the barbarian god. There are a total of five million people. Stand by at any time!"

The voice of the barbarian god of war Alagubar sounded in the void. Among several people, his cultivation is the worst, but the army he leads is the strongest.

However, people don't care about Aracubar's cultivation. Although the barbarian emperor in the barbarian temple was enchanted, he couldn't move. I'm afraid it's better than everyone present in terms of cultivation alone. Aragubaru attended this meeting on his behalf, and his qualifications were completely sufficient.

"Very good. With the barbaric force and the barbaric force, there are already 8 million people. Then I have been in good health for many years and have never participated in the war in Middle-earth. A large number of troops have been accumulated. As soon as the time comes, the ninja army and the samurai army ruled by my name can ride all kinds of sailboats, cross the ocean, and attack Middle-earth!"

Yinghuang smiled and said.

"How many tens of thousands of troops do you have?"

The barren said in a low voice.

"Six million! ..."

Emperor Ying said indifferently. Several people were shocked when they heard the words. Although they knew that they were strong in the wilderness, they didn't expect that they could extract six million military strength. It will also exceed the barbaric forces of Arabs. But before the voice fell, I heard the voice of Emperor Ying and then sounded:



As soon as the word "elite" comes out, the concept is completely different. After a short silence, there was a burst of laughter in the void:

"Hahaha..., good! Unexpectedly, you hid so much military power in the wilderness. I'm afraid you started preparing for this day many years ago, right?

Taishang Di Huangchang smiled and said:

"With such a force, why don't you worry about a big deal!"

Emperor Ying just smiled indifferently. For this day, Di Tang has been preparing for many years. It's just a lack of suitable timing. And now, the time has finally come.

"Emperor Di, how about you? Among the wilderness, you, Dihuang, lost the most vitality in the war. How much military power can you draw this time?

Ying Huang asked. Everyone knows that Di Huang has lost his vitality in recent wars. So I didn't have much hope for Dihuang.

"In terms of military strength, our Dihuang is definitely not as good as yours. However, Yun'er's girl has some skills. I have never come out. Just wait for her to coordinate Dihuang to help me restore the vitality of the army. She really lived up to her expectations. Unfortunately, she is strong-masculine. If we know our plan, I'm afraid there will be many variables. However, it doesn't matter now. - The time has come for my Dihuang to draw out 1.5 million elite iron riders. In addition, there is also a secret force of 500,000 people, which can play an unexpected role at the critical moment!"

Di Huanghong said.

"Hahaha, your great-granddaughter is really capable."

Emperor Ying also knows that Dihuang's iron horse is the most powerful force on land. A single iron horse may not be very powerful, but when a large group of iron horsemen form a torrent of iron and steel, the impact is fatal. Two times or even three times the number can't stop Dihuang's iron cavalry. In particular, the person who commanded this iron cavalry was Xie Daoyan.

This has already been proved in previous wars!

The Di people are a race in the north of the horse, and they are naturally suitable for fighting immediately! The people of Dihuang, like the barbarians, only with a little training, are qualified cavalry! This is also the reason why Xie Daoyan was able to quickly summon such an army in a short time.

A total of two million troops are already the limit of the military strength that Di Huang can draw out!

"In addition to the barren army, now our military strength is enough to compete with the tens of thousands of troops of the Zhou Dynasty!"

"Hahaha, don't forget. There are also wild demons. If the Eternal Blue Sky Emperor allows it, this battle may be over soon!"

"The demon clan has always been trapped in the ground and is reluctant to leave the wilderness. And if it is not our race, its heart will be different. If the demons are fully dispatched, I'm afraid we will have a headache in the future. I don't need them for the time being. - Yinghuang, how is the contact between the northern Minghuang Continent? Although the population of the wilderness is small, it can also draw an army. If they join us, it will definitely help us a lot.

"I have joined the Ming Emperor. He squeaked and said no, that is, he didn't say yes or no. I'm afraid there are other plans. - I'll ignore him for the time being. The plan of the co-owners of the nine continents only involves the descendants of our five emperors. Minghuang was the later royal family, with the lowest bloodline, so you don't have to pay attention to them!"


A strong consciousness, communicating in the void. In addition to the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, the real rulers of the wilderness with the most prominent power gathered at this small seaside to discuss great plans. It took three hours until after dark that the thoughts of several emperors were withdrawn one after another.


Dihuang, barbarian, barbaric, barbaric, overseas barbar, northern barren, sectarian..., messages flew into the capital from all directions like snowflakes. In the past, this kind of information was extremely difficult to collect, and it was not transmitted so quickly. But now, all forces have been liberalized.

There is no cover-up, and it is a completely blatant action. All the actions that used to be only private have been transformed into open and aboveboard actions. In the border areas bordered by Middle-earth and Jiuzhou, deafening training can be heard every day.

The middle-earth world is full of beacon smoke, a cloud of war.

There is tension in the capital, and all departments and institutions are running nervously. This is not just the military aircraft department. All princes, generals... There will be a large number of people studying maps and countermeasures every day.

Everyone's desk has a map of the Middle-earth world. Mountains, rivers, post roads and paths are all in it. All the barracks appeared. It is no secret that the four wild wolves are ambitious, training soldiers in a large way, and want to plot in the middle of the earth.

This is a war that has never been encountered since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty. There has never been a situation where all the wild sects attacked together. No matter how optimistic the general is, his heart is still depressed at this moment. RO