The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1032 Five Emperors Deputy Armor


The voice of the emperor sounded again, as plain as water, and no emotional fluctuations could be heard: "Now is the eventful autumn. The people in the world and the fate of the imperial court are all tied to today's war. In the eastern part of the palace, I ordered you and Liu Qi, the thirty-six prince, and others to guard it with all their strength. First, you are a person who has practiced Confucianism, and the Fang family has also been a loyal minister for generations. Let's not talk about what to do. All blessings and misfortunes ask for themselves, and I will take care of you flawlessly!"

"Weichen understand."

Fang Yun lowered his head and said respectfully: The final result of this battle determines the fate of the whole world in the next thousands of years: whether to return to the dark era of sectarian rule in the Middle Ages, or to continue the prosperous era of Confucian governance?

The ancient, medieval and ancient sectarian alliances joined hands to attack the capital. The pressure faced by Fang Yun and other great ministers can be imagined. But it's not Fang Yun and others who are under the greatest pressure. It's the emperor!

All he faces is not only the strongest of the other party, but also the alien emperor who may intervene at any time. As he said, he took care of others flawlessly in this war. It's not that I don't want to, but that I'm powerless.

In this war, everyone can only ask for more blessings.

"There is a deputy armor of the five emperors here, which will be given to you: everything else is up to you."

As soon as the emperor's voice fell, a red palm-sized thing suddenly flew out of the central purple hall: Fang Yun subconsciously took over, but it was an exquisite armor more than eight inches high, overflowing with brilliance, emitting a magnificent and grand atmosphere.

"Di Yu's armor!"

Fang Yun felt the feeling of being involved with the blood and the water and milk, and his heart was shocked. This armor is almost the same as the "Diyu armor..." that Fang Yun saw on his father Fang Yin, but Fang Yun knew that the real "Diyu armor" was still on his father Fang Yin. This one in hand is obviously not true: there is no such a strong spirit as the real five emperors armor.

"Di Yu's deputy Zhuo! After the disappearance of the ancient Geyu, it was made by the important ministers of the Central Dragon Court, imitating Emperor Yu's armor!"

Fang Yun subconsciously flashed this idea, but it was not this that really shocked him. Instead, there are five pieces of the deputy armor of the five emperors, which are made of the war armor of the five emperors. The emperor did not give Fang Yun, Di Yu or Di Tang Zhanjia, or coincidentally gave him Di Yu Zhanjia.

There seems to be a deep meaning in it. Fang Yun vaguely felt that the emperor seemed to have known something for a long time. But at this time, it is flawless to think about these things.

"Thank you, Your Majesty:"

Fang Yun knelt down on one knee and took the order to thank him: "Well, go down."

The emperor was silent after saying that. That is to say, there is no other party's cloud that pays too much attention, and no other party's cloud is too cold. Until now, his real body was still hidden in the central purple hall and did not appear. No one knows what the emperor in the center of the storm is thinking and thinking at this time.

When Fang Yun left the central purple gas hall, he happened to meet Liu Che, the thirteenth prince who was about to be seen. The two exchanged glances at each other and then passed by.

Walking down the winding steps, Fang Yun found that the strong people in the palace were like clouds. Although it looked dense, they were divided into four-way arrays, which were arranged in four directions: east, south, west and north.

Yu Invincible, Huo Qubing, Liu Che, Yingwuhou, Liewuhou and others guarded the south; Wumu, Shenwuhou, Tianwuhou, Prince Liu Xiu, Luo Xingchen and others guarded the west; Zhuzhuang Sichen, Wen Zhuangyuan, Li Yixuan, Sangong guarded the north The strong men in white and others guard the east side with themselves.

Four directions, each of which is mixed with many royal offerings, palace princes, palace masters, and some strange strong people that Fang Yun does not know. These people usually don't show their dew, but at this time, the capital is as dangerous as an egg, and they were held from the dark to the light by the court.

After all, the background of more than a thousand years of the Great Zhou Dynasty is extraordinary. Of course, Fang Yun knew this when he peeped at the palace with consciousness. However, Fang Yun's heart is still not relaxed: on the surface, the court is full of talents, the divine guard army and the hidden strong in the palace, looking at the dynasties, it is also a well-deserved first. However, although the number is large, there are still very few real top-level strong people in the soul world.

The real war is often determined by the result of the duel between the top strong. Taking advantage of the strong fortune of the dynasty, the court has accumulated a large number of strong people. But there are still very few top soul warriors. This is not something that can be easily exercised by external forces.

"Lord Fang, that's great. Well, everyone can fight together in the end.

When Fang Yun walked over, three familiar figures quickly greeted him.

"Huo Dutong, Er Zhu Dutong, Liang Daodu."

Fang Yun smiled, and the workers were the three giants he knew in the army. Whether these people are Wu Mu's intention or martial's intention, they are arranged in the east of the palace.

"Lord Fang, when we were conquering the army, we have never had a chance to fight side by side: up to now, our long-cherished wish has been fulfilled."

Er Zhurong said with a smile.

"Eju Dutong, this joke can't be joked. If I can, I don't want to fight side by side with you in this case: "

Fang Yun shook his head.

Several people shook their heads and laughed.

"Fang Yun!

Suddenly, a woman's shout came from the crowd. Several people were stunned and subconsciously followed the sound. A beautiful woman with long hair, with broken black exquisite heavy armor, holding a long black knife, walked out of the crowd with a fierce face.

At present, the war is coming, and everyone is heavy in their hearts, even if they speak in a low voice. But this woman didn't care at all, even if it was a special moment.

"Princess Jidu!"

Seeing this fierce god-like beautiful woman, Liang Daocheng and others all shouted in a low voice. Although they rarely walk around the palace. But I also know this Princess Jidu. I hope it's very simple. The famous Princess Jidu once made trouble in the deer hunting garden for a while. If it's an ordinary princess, it's fine, but this one inherits the ancient fierce family, the ancient Jidu Luohouzong's Taoism. He is not an ordinary master at all.

Princess Jidu was dressed in armor, with evil eyebrows, staring at Fang Yun. After a few steps, he suddenly became rejoic and happy, smiling like a flower with a demonic face: "My Master Fengma, it's hard for me to find you."

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person became gorgeous.

Liang Daocheng, Er Zhurong and Huo Zhongru exchanged a wink at each other and smiled at each other and said, "Lord Fang, you can talk first."

With that, he didn't wait for Fang Yun to answer and left straight away.

Princess Jidu is a rose with Wei, and her strange torture hobby is well known. However, this is not what several people are concerned about. There are rumors that Fang Yun was ordered by the imperial court to investigate the collusion between the desert ninjas and the sect. When he went to sea, he was with Princess Jidu.

The age difference between the two is not too big. They are both young people. The so-called talented and beautiful. At this time, there are naturally some outsiders who don't know how to talk.

Fang Yun shook his head and did not stop the three people. He turned his head and looked at Princess Jidu and said, "That's enough. You're still in the mood to make such a joke. You really shouldn't have participated in this battle.


Princess Jidu smiled and approached Fang Yun. Her snow-white right hand hooked Fang Yun's hand and unparalleled Jidu knife, which took the opportunity to reach Fang Yun's neck.

"I've talked to you so many times, why do you avoid it?"

The original appearance of the demon was gone. It was not until this time that Princess Jidu showed the true nature of the witch and threatened.

Fang Yun looked indifferent. Naturally, he knew that Princess Jidu had visited the Sifang Marquis's Mansion several times. I know more that the princess has a clear purpose from beginning to end, that is, to pull him to the side of Liu Che, the thirteenth prince.

"The dragons devoured the dragons, and the world was in chaos. At this time, do you think the battle for the prince is still meaningful? Moreover, if you pick it for the thirteenth prince, you don't have to worry about it. I believe that the agreement reached between me and the thirteenth prince can't be hidden from your eyes.

Fang Yun's expression was not old, and he calmly pushed his throat away: "Listen to my advice, you really shouldn't participate in this battle."

The sects of the three era swept in, although everyone was trying to keep calm. But only you know what's going on in your heart. War can never avoid the dead. No one knows whether the friend who is still talking and laughing at this moment and landslide at the top will fall heavily in the next moment.

Although Princess Jidu looks very fierce and strong. But Fang Yun had long known that she was a strong foreigner: in the final analysis, she is also a woman after all. No matter how thick the camouflage shell thrown outside is, it can't change this.

Fang Yun and Princess Jidu are also a little friends. I know that this fierce princess is not bad in heart. It's just that the hobby is a little weird. In his heart, Fang Yun did not want to watch her die: the strength of Tianchong Liupin is just cannon fodder in this war. Not all the treasures of every sect can be completely preserved. The pickers are not the descendants of every ancient sect, and they are so qualified.

In his twenties, he can reach the sixth grade of Tianchong, and he was also a top martial arts genius in ancient times. But in this future chaos, such a genius is far from enough.

Fang Yun really doesn't want this flower-like woman to talk and laugh with herself the moment before, and become a member of the vast sea of corpses the next moment.

"Why can't you give up on me? Are you moved by me? You say, as long as you say something, maybe for the sake of your youth and strength, I will really give you my body.

Princess Jidu smiled and said, still not serious.

"You know what I mean."

Fang Yun stared at Jidu's eyes, looking straight into her heart. Under this penetrating gaze, Princess Jidu suddenly felt as if she were ** and had nothing to hide. Finally, he looked a little unnatural and couldn't help avoiding Fang Yun's eyes.

"I know what you're thinking..." This is my own choice. This is my dynasty, my father, my empire..." I can't escape.

Jidu Gonggui turned his face and muttered. A wisp of hair slipped across the cheeks and danced in the wind.

(About ten minutes, there will be another update. Today's two updates) (