The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1077 Total Defeat

"The spirit level! All of them are elite! How is it possible"

Xie Daoyan couldn't believe what he saw in front of him at all. This army of more than 100,000 people all soared into the air and flew. This is something that only martial artists above the spirit level can do. However, in fact, it is absolutely impossible for a courageous warrior to have such a breath!

This is an army of more than 100,000 elite warriors!

This fact shocked Xie Daoyan so much that he could hardly breathe! What is this concept? This is equivalent to the transfer of more than 100,000 generals from the army of the Zhou Dynasty to form an army, charge into the battle, and fight to kill.

What does a spirit-level martial artist mean!

A spirit-level general can single-handedly challenge 50 to one soldier on the battlefield, and it is one-sidedly suppressed. The formation of more than 100,000 "generals" can be compared with the ordinary army of 10 million people in terms of combat strength. Shanran, if there is a head-on confrontation, the army of 10 million people can completely suppress such an army. After all, this is the advantage of the army. The greater the number, the greater the power!

But does Dihuang have 10 million troops?

No, if there is such an army, how can Xie Daoyan be so exhausted and tired in recent years? An army of more than 100,000 elite soldiers is completely beyond her cognition!

Although the Zhou Dynasty claimed to have more than 160,000 troops, the generals of all the armies were all transferred together, and it was impossible to piece together an army of more than 100,000 people.

There were no more than 100,000 generals in the Zhou Dynasty at all!

In the information Xie Daoyan knows, only one army has such a terrible combat power.

That is the army of the imperial court. However, in the information she knew, the army and the divine guard were all transferred to the capital by the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty to defend the capital. It is impossible to pull out such a large army at all.

"How is it possible? Where did this army come from!"

Xie Daoyan was like being hit hard by an invisible sledgehammer, and his face faded, and he was extremely pale.



Just when Xie Daoyan's spirit was greatly impacted, he was surprised at the origin of this army. This army of more than 100,000 people has been like a flood and beast, and the division has rushed into the array of the two-winged army.

Lou Hong!

With two fists, two real dragons came out of their hands. The five-winged flying Luo didn't have time to dodge at all. He made two loud screams, even people and horses, all of which were smashed into powder by the domineering Zhenqi, mixed with bone and blood., flying around.


These hundreds of thousands of elite troops, shot out like arrows, only one face to face, only listening to the banging explosion, flying head at the head, even screaming, falling from the air like raindrops.

"Xi Yu Yu!


A flying Luo was frightened, his wings shook, and he suddenly pulled up rapidly into the air, trying to rise to the clouds and avoid the pursuit. But the horse is faster and the man is faster. In this suddenly killed army, a figure in the spine arch, like a big dragon, with a fierce shot, and the division hit it.

Raise your arm, like a sledgehammer, bang, and smashed into pieces with people and horses!



The roar of the army of more than 100,000 people is similar to that of tens of thousands of people. The two-winged flying can fly, and the spirit-level warrior can also fly, and it is faster. The power is far from comparable to that of Dihuang's soldiers.



In the scream, the army of more than 100,000 people quickly rushed into the sky, the flying army of Dihuang. This is not a battle, but a massacre. One-sided slaughter! Even if people hit the horse, all of them will be blown up. Countless flying rawls, together with horseback knights, fell straight from the sky like wooden stakes.

Just for a moment, Di Huang's army in the sky was completely scattered and disabled!



In a short time, the flying army in the sky was immediately emptied. The remaining scattered Luoluo screamed and flew away in all four sides. The spirit army immediately turned around and rushed into the army on the ground like a tiger.



The wind blew, and behind this strange soldier, a big flag stood up in the wind. On one side of the flag, the seal word "twelty-seven" is written on the other side.


Under the flagpole, a young man carried a bow bag and bent his bow and arrow. As soon as he made a move, more than a dozen long arrows broke out of the air. His hand speed is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, there are more than ten long arrows......" Wave after wave, continuous!



In the scream, these long arrows seemed to have a long look, and the former famous Dihuang iron horse, shot down the horse.

"It's him!!


Seeing the flag beside the man, Xie Daoyan was furious and aggressive. Wow, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

"Your Highness!"

Immediately, there was a panicked exclamation from all sides. Seven or eight hands hurriedly supported Xie Daoyan's body. All kinds of anxious voices came to his ears, but Xie Daoyan couldn't hear anything clearly. In her eyes, there was only the flag and the "square" word.

She is too familiar with this military flag. Five or six years ago, it was this flag that appeared in Dihuang when she was in high spirit, breaking her plan with one hand. Force her to step back on the holiday,

I have to use the plan to sink the boat. What's more, because of this person, she has to spend a lot of effort to further improve and improve the "arc warfare" of creating the Dihuang iron horse!

The "Twenty-seventh Army" is really ordinary in the Great Zhou Dynasty. But Xie Daoyan will never forget it.

"Fang Yun!!"

Xie Daoyan's lips trembled and muttered the name. She didn't expect it. After a few years, she was defeated by Fang Yun again: "Withdraw! The whole army retreated!"

Xie Daoyan's voice resounded in the battlefield. Her face was pale and her voice was hoarse, full of panic. Fang Yun's strange army completely disrupted her plan.

More than 100,000 people, the impact of hers far exceeds her flying army. In just a short time, half of her army has been washed away!

The Chinese army was attacked, and the iron horse arced tactics were broken without attacking! The form on the battlefield is turning around at an amazing speed!

The general trend is gone. If you don't retreat, it will be too late!

At that time, Di Huang's army was destroyed. The rear is empty, full of women and children. Within the year, he will become a vassal of the Zhou Dynasty. All the people are slaves!

Xie Daoyan thought of this time and was angry. Another mouthful of blood, wow, spit it out!

Fang Yun's strange soldiers are so cruel!


The 27th Army led by Guan Gongming and others, like a sharp knife, was fiercely inserted into the Dihuang army. Directly penetrated this huge battlefield. Wherever the army passes, people are killed, and there is no one enemy!

Dihuang's war horse, long-range impact, is actually useless for Guan Gongming's strange army. With just one punch, the horse's head was broken, the armor exploded, and the body flew up. Smash it back into the army and hit more people and horses!

The battlefield is chaotic, Xie Daoyan's military order is already a little unblocked at this time!



After learning Xie Daoyan's order, a long roar cut through the void. In the blink of an eye, an eagle-like figure appeared over Xie Daoyan's chariot. The eagle's nose looked deep, stared at Xie Daoyan fiercely, and roared fiercely: "Amei, how dare you violate Emperor Di's order?

Go back! Go back! Fight that army back!!" This man was a strong man sent by the old Emperor Di to Xie Daoyan, who specially monitored Xie Daoyan to see that she did not follow Emperor Di's orders.

Xie Daoyan was angry and angry. This man did not know how to march and fight at all. At this time, the general trend has gone, and if we stay, it will only expand the casualties. She didn't explain, but said coldly, "If you want to die. You can go! But don't think about the whole Dihuang, and I will be buried with you.

A pass order goes on, Mingjin!"

At this time, it is impossible to maintain the formation and retreat. You can only withdraw the troops with gold, although it will cause defeat!



The low sound of gold resounded throughout the battlefield.

"You!! Mei, do you really think I dare not deal with you?

Escape from the battle, this is a death penalty!"

The man with eagle eyes and deep nose was furious. With a choking sound, he pulled out the sword. The fierce light flashed in his eyes and he was about to take action against Xie Daoyu. He got the order early before he went, and he cut it first and then played it. However, the sword has just come out of its sheath and has mutation.


Earthquake. A loud sound of sky and earth cracking resounded through the sky. In the distant sky, dark clouds rolled, clouds filled with fog, and there were flashing golden snakes everywhere. Full of the smell of doomsday!

"It's la la!


The sky trembled, as if it had cracked, and a magnificent black gas suddenly separated, covering the sky and the earth, like a meteor, skimming over the battlefield. He fell into the depths of the wilderness.

"This, this is the breath of the ancestors!!"

The man held a long sword in his hand and looked up at the sky, astonishing. No one knows what he gave birth to!

"Four Poles of the Sky Emperor, where are you going!"

The sky is bright and uncertain, and a loud and majestic voice resounds all over the world, like a god, full of an amazing and shudling smell. The horses on the whole battlefield hissed and made an uneasy sound.


The sky was like a wooden board, shaking three times. I only heard a earth-shaking sword roar in my ears, and in the blink of an eye, the sky was dazzlingly golden. Then a vast and boundless sword light separated and fell into the depths of Dihuang. Then there was an angry roar and a shocking explosion.

"This, this is the emperor! An old ancestor was defeated!"

The man holding the power of the army, his face was as pale as paper foil. The fingers holding the sword trembled, and the sword in his hand seemed to fall at any time. At this moment, he was more frightened and uneasy than Xie Daoyan!

"Rebate, retreat!


The man waved his hand, but he didn't care about it, and the master skimmed the layers of space. He went straight to the depths of Dihuang. He fled much faster than Xie Daoyan!


The iron hoof shook and the war horse hissed. The complete collapse of the Dihuang army, setting off the smoke and dust of the waves,

Like a plate of scattered sand, towards Dihuang, leaving the dust!

At the same time, the battlefield in the northeast also had a shocking reversal.

"Withdraw! All retreats!"

The roar of the desolate officers resounded through the battlefield. The sky has changed and shocked the whole army.

When the evil god turns into a meteor, passes through the void and falls into the depths of the wilderness. The evil priests in the army were defeated first, and there were bursts of harsh screams. They directly left the army and retreated towards the barbarians.

The evil priests have long replaced the generals of the army in the army. It is a flag that will not fall on the battlefield. As soon as they left, the whole battlefield was panicked. No one knows what was born. In short, the army was defeated in an instant.



In a short time, there was a dramatic reversal on the battlefield. The barren army collapsed without fighting, leaving countless dead bodies and fled thousands of miles