The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1086 The Tragedy of Li Yixuan

Chapter 1086

Xie Daoyun got this wisp of real gas from Fang Yun, and suddenly woke up leisurely. The eyes opened, showing a trace of misery:

"I knew long ago that there would be no result between me and him. I just didn't expect that it would be such a result!"

As Xie Daoyan said, another stream of blood gushed out of the corners of his mouth. Her heart is on Li Yixuan. This matter hit her mind hard.

Fang Yun looked at Xie Daoyun's sad and desperate look, and he couldn't bear it in his heart:

"Xie Daoyan, this matter may not be like this. As long as you are willing to agree, let go of Dihuang's affairs. Abandon the identity of the royal family, and I can find a way to get you two out of this dead circle!"

"How to do it? What method? ..."

Xie Daoyan said tragically:

"He has always made a promise. He has actually promised the emperor. No matter what, he will definitely do it. I have no fate with him in this life, and I can't get along with him. It's better to make him perfect. It has also achieved the righteousness of people's kings and ministers.

Fang Yun stared at Xie Daoyun and was silent. After a while, he suddenly said:

"What if he is willing to leave everything behind and fly away with you?"

When Xie Daoyan heard the words, he trembled violently all over, as if he had been hit by an electric current. An amazing color, as if her eyes glowed with amazing vitality again. But soon, Xie Daoyan thought of something, and his eyes dimmed again:

"Impossible. He is a descendant of Confucianism and a disciple of the Three Dukes. The righteousness of kings and ministers, the three principles and five principles always have an indelible influence in his heart. If he could really abandon everything at the beginning, we may not have been able to get together. It won't be as bad as it is today.

"Let's not say whether he will abandon the emperor's life. Let me ask you, if Li Yixuan is willing to abandon everything for you, are you willing to abandon your royal identity and the responsibilities you have now?"

Fang Yundao, his eyes are bright.

"I am the queen of Dihuang, but I have no choice but to do it. Even if we command the army in the end, it is because there is no possibility between us. Only then will we retreat and seek the second place. Only then will he take over the position of commander-in-chief. Since ancient times, there has been a woman who is willing to show up and kill on the battlefield like a man. - And the current situation, as you said, can I reverse it with all my strength? No matter what I do, I can't change the fate of Emperor Di now!"

Xie Daoyan shook his head, with a faint sadness in his eyes.

Although she has a prominent position in Dihuang, now the old Di Emperor has appeared. Take over all the power of Dihuang. Although she is nominally the commander-in-chief, the real commander-in-chief is the old Di Emperor.

Old Emperor Di would not listen to her at all, otherwise, he would not have sent the governor to supervise her on the battlefield. As for the court, the emperor got the sword of the Holy Emperor and made great progress. The will of this eternal emperor is beyond what she can control.

So, in this chaotic world, she even has a heart. But now, nothing can be done. Even, she can't even choose her own fate! ......

Abandoning the identity of the royal family and throwing away the responsibility is not a relief for her. After all, she has really tried her best. You can have a clear conscience!

When Fang Yun heard Xie Daoyun's answer, he smiled for the first time:

"Thank you, I won't hide it from you. You and I have different positions and belong to different hostile forces. Generally speaking, I won't overkill you now. Naturally, you will not give birth to pity for no reason to help you. The reason why I did this was that I owe Li Yixuan a few favors. If you can really abandon everything and be willing to be with the champion, I may not be able to help. In this way, we also have a lot of strong enemies in the big week. I can also repay Li Yixuan's three life-saving kindness!"

"You are frank enough."

Xie Daoyan looked at the young prince who was younger than himself in front of him, although he knew that the other party was not selfless, but a purely private purpose. But I can't feel any disgust in my heart. Acting to the extent of Fang Yun, he has already said in the scriptures, "be open-minded and generous" demeanor. It is difficult for anyone to be disgusted with him.

Thank you for a pause and said seriously:

"If you really do what you say. Then I can hand over the handsome seal immediately. In the future, the war between Dihuang and Dazhou will not be involved. Moreover, in private. I still owe you a favor. If it is possible in the future, I will definitely return it to you!"


Fang Yunwei waved his hand and whispered, "If you want Li Yixuan to stop, you just need to do this!"

Three days later, Xie Daoyan was in the name of inspecting the border wilderness and preventing Da Zhou's counterattack. Step out of the palace. Lead a team of elite iron riders to patrol the junction of Dihuang and Dazhou!

At the same time, in the hinterland of Dazhou, Li Yixuan in white is on his way to Dihuang. Between Dihuang and Shangjing, the road is long and extremely far away. Ordinary people are afraid that they can't arrive in ten days or half a month. However, for the strong in martial arts, it is different.

According to reason, with Li Yixuan's cultivation. T hide into the void and manipulate the rules of space. It only takes a few hours to reach Dihuang. However, the journey of this day made Li Yixuan walk for three or four days.

Every step makes Li Yixuan suffer a lot. It's like going to the end of destruction in person.

"Mei'er, is this... our life?"

Li Yixuan stood on a mountain peak and let out a long sigh. His eyebrows were locked, the clouds were surging, and he was worried. Let him kill Xie Daoyan with his own hands, which can't be done.

He has hurt her deeply. If you want to kill her again, Li Yixuan can't do such a cruel thing. However, the emperor's order was difficult to violate, and the order was like a mountain, and he could not resist.

Between the "gauties's affection" and the emperor's life, Li Yixuan suffered a lot!

"Only send the emperor's order with this body, only the affection in the next life..."

Li Yixuan sighed a long sigh, and a resolute look flashed in his eyes, and suddenly plunged into the void.

Thousands of miles away from Li Yixuan, Fang Yunpan sits in the void. Li Yixuan couldn't see him, but Fang Yun clearly sensed him. This top scholar of Confucianism has a magnificent and open atmosphere on his body, like a star. Even if it is far away, it can be seen.

"Xie Daoyan, Li Yixuan is coming to Di Huang!"

Fang Yun timely separated a wisp of consciousness and informed Xie Daoyun of Li Yixuan's position on the ground. So the team of iron riders immediately changed their direction. He galloped in the direction of Li Yixuan.

There is no "accident" in the seemingly accidental "coincidence". Li Yixuan met Xie Daoyu. In the same court examination in those years, the top three champions and Tanhua, met again in the "fate" in Dihuang.

"This is the second time..."

Fang Yun stood in the void, overlooking the bottom. In his eyes, there was a moment when he was in a trance. He also clearly remembered that about five or six years ago, on this land, when he was a captain at that time, he was chased and killed by Xie Daoyu all the way. Finally, he was rescued by Li Yixuan, who was ordered by the teacher to come to the rescue.

At that time, he also stood high, overlooking the entangled love between the couple!

Everything, as if it were still yesterday. But now things are different.

It is still the champion and Tanhua at the beginning, and it is still so warm and difficult to show his heart. However, he has changed from an insignificant passers-by A, B, C and D to a powerful man, and contributed to this pair of bitter mandarin ducks!

In the dark, Fang Yun only felt that time was like quicksand and slid through his fingers in a hurry. In the world, there is a fixed number of drinks and pecks!

A faint sound of shouting and scolding came from below. Xie Daoyan waved back the attendants around him and looked at Li Yixuan, looking very excited. Unlike a few years ago, now Fang Yun can hear what they are talking about with just one thought.

However, Fang Yun did not do so. All of this is according to the plan. He can even guess the future plot:

Xie Daoyan, who was emotionally excited and extremely sad, grabbed Li Yixuan's sword and resolutely entered his heart. He fell to the ground and died! - Li Yixuan finally completed the purpose of this trip and won the emperor's order...

Time passed slowly. After about a column of incense, Fang Yun opened his eyes. Looking down, "Sure enough," he saw Xie Daoyan falling in a pool of blood. On the side, Li Yixuan was as dull as a wooden chicken, lost his mind...

"Eyebrow! Meier..."

Li Yixuan looked at the Yi people in the pool of blood and felt five thunderbolts. The tip of his sword still faintly left the blood of the beautiful woman. At that moment, the scene was chaotic. Li Yixuan lost his mind for a moment and did not realize what had happened. Xie Daoyan had already fallen to the ground. And he was holding the sword in his hand, dripping blood.

The emperor's order can't be violated. Not long ago, Li Yixuan was still hesitant. What should he do? I'm still thinking about "three principles and five constants, the righteousness of loyal ministers". But at the moment when Xie Daoyan fell, Li Yixuan felt that the whole world collapsed. Deep in my heart, there seemed to be something precious, which was broken with a click.

"Eyebrow, eyebrow, wake up. Wake up! ..."

Li Yixuan knelt on the ground and picked up Xie Daoyan's body. There was deep sadness on his face, and he didn't cry, but tears couldn't help sliding down. However, Xie Daoyan's body did not move.

"Mei'er, I promise! I promise you that only you will survive. I'm willing to do anything. I promise you to leave everything behind and fly away with you! ..."

Li Yixuan's heart was full of pain, and his whole body seemed to be torn. The soul is gone, and it has become a walking corpse. Xie Daoyan's "de departure" also took away all his soul.

"In this life, we are all predestined and can't be together. I can't repay your kindness. We can only pay for each other's lives and meet each other in the next life!"

Li Yixuan's eyes were full of ashes. The third father-in-law retired, and his parents died young. Xie Daoyan was the only thing he cherished in his heart. Now Xie Daoyun has also gone and died under his sword with his own hands. Li Yixuan only feels that between the vast heaven and earth, he is alone, lonely and hanging together. There is no longer the idea of life.


With a flash of sword light, Li Yixuan wanted to take the blood-stained sword to his chest.


At this moment, a force suddenly bounced on Li Yixuan's Haoran long sword and bounced the long sword away.

"Li Yixuan, do you keep your word? As long as I come back, will you fly away with me? ..."

(From the 28th of last month to the 2nd of April, it broke out for five consecutive days. Take a rest first and take a breath. After brewing for a period of time, it will break out again! I hope everyone understands!) RO