The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

[Biography] White Robe Huo Qubing

Section 1 Huo Qubing

"Oh, where is this? Aren't I dead?" How can I still be conscious? Who is this woman? Why does she give me such a kind feeling?

"Huo'er, Huo'er, you finally woke up!" In a bright room, a beautiful woman sat by the bed and looked at the child about five or six years old. My eyes are full of love and joy. There is a faint glow on her face that gives people an extremely warm feeling, which is so clear against tears.

At this time, Huo'er's eyes were completely opened, and there seemed to be something more in her mind, "Mom?" Huo Er subconsciously called to the woman. Huo Er, you have been in a coma for seven days, and my mother almost thought... Forget it, let's not talk about it. Just wake up. The doctor told your doctor that a big man fell on the day you were born, so you kept getting sick. But this serious illness is also the last time. Sir, I asked you to change your name to Huo Qubing.

"What, Huo Go!" Huo was shocked and jumped up from **, with his face full of anxiety and doubt, "Mom, where is that gentleman? I'm going to see him!"

The woman looked at Huo Qubing, who jumped up from **, frowned slightly and said, "Huer, sir. has gone. When he left, he left a sentence: your life will be full of hardships, but you will reach the peak of honor; you will be the enemy of the world, but you will find friends who transcend reincarnation. Huo Er, although my mother is a woman, I have been with your father for so long that I can know what you are talking about? I'm afraid you will go on your father's path and go further than him. But that's in the future. Now that you are recovering from a serious illness, you'd better have a good rest. Don't let your mother be careful." With that, the woman pulled up the quilt that was messed up by Huo and wanted to cover Huo's body.

Huo got out of the quilt and stood up from under the quilt and said to the woman, "Mom, I'm almost done. Where's Dad?" I want to see him. I want to learn martial arts. When the woman was stunned, there was a helpless smile on her face. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside the house. The person who came seemed to wear a pair of military boots, touching the marble floor and making the sound of gold and stone. But the sound of the golden stone was blocked by the cowhide on the bottom of the boots, and the sound was a little stuffy, giving people a sense of rigidity and weight.

With a squeak, the door opened to show the human figure - the eight-foot-high body was wearing a saffin red military robe, and under the loose robe, the swollen muscles were faintly visible. He stepped on a pair of dark military boots, as if he had taken root on the ground, which was very steady. There is a silver crown on the top of the head, and under it is a square face with distinct lines and edges and corners. But at this time, the lines on this face are a little soft. Seeing the person coming, the helplessness between the woman's eyebrows was a little heavier, and she called softly: "Marquis~~~"

The marquis looked at the two people in the room, and his face was even softer. He turned his head to Huo Qubing and said, "Huo'er, you are indeed a descendant of my Huo family. When you recover from a serious illness, you will have the heart of martial arts. It happens that I have nothing to do now. Let's When the woman heard this, she stood up, put her hands on her waist, raised her eyebrows upside down, and stared at the marquis's mouth with her eyes. There was no doubt at all. If the marquis dared to squeak again, the woman would turn from a good wife and mother into a female tiger. The marquis found something wrong with the form, so he couldn't help shrinking his neck and smiled resolutely. The majesty and rigidity when he came suddenly disappeared. After the woman sat down, the marquis continued to say, "However, considering that Huo'er has just recovered from your serious illness, if you start practicing martial arts at this time, you may hurt your vitality. Although it's not a big deal, it will make your mother worry. Well, let's start in a week.

After saying that, the marquis waved to the woman and pulled the woman outside the door to discuss: "Wan'er (haha, pry the big corner of the wall), sir is a god. I can't even see its strength. You know that I am already a warrior in the soul realm, and I have ruled the Wan Dajun is very sensitive to other warriors. Even the cultivation that I can't see can only be the martial arts myth of the earth soul realm. He said that Huo'er's body can practice martial arts, so there must be no problem. Don't stop it. Wan'er sighed softly at the marquis and said leisurely, "Huo Guang, I know I have a woman's opinion, but I really don't want to see Huo'er in the same danger as you in the future. Now there are many sects and strong forces, but the court has to fight against it. How dangerous it is. Moreover, today's prince seems to have the heart of deposing hundreds of families and respecting Confucianism. That's Confucianism, which is the nail that the sect is most disgusted and hated. When Huo'er grows up, he has to work for today's prince. At that time, the court was the enemy of the sect. I'm afraid that Huo'er is in danger!"

Huo Guang listened to the woman's words, and his face showed resoluteness again. He said to the woman, "I know you should be careful of Huo'er, but what the court has to do is to give the world a peace, and also to have a safe and beautiful environment for the people all over the world, so that the children of the world If Huo Er doesn't learn martial arts, she may be able to avoid danger and grow up well, but what about other children in the world? I know you are worried about Huo Er, but since Huo Er was born in this era, in this court, and in my Huo family, he must take on this heavy responsibility. This is his life. But you don't have to worry too much. The children of my Huo family have to accept their fate, but they have to change their luck. Huo'er is actually a genius. It's just that I didn't let him practice martial arts because he got sick repeatedly. If he steps on martial arts, there will be few enemies in the future. Don't object to it anymore." Wan'er's eyebrows gradually fell down, and her eyes slowly closed as if she was making a difficult decision. Liang Jiu Wan'er's eyes opened and looked at Huo Guang and said, "Actually, I don't object, but I'm very heartbroken. Let Huo Er take charge of the world, but you are not allowed to teach him to practice martial arts this week. Huo Guang listened to Wan'er's words and smiled again. "Good, let Huo'er rest for a few days. Wan'er, the name you took is really rustic. Tut~ Huo Qubing, you are really uneducated.

Hearing this sentence, Huo Qubing fell down from the window in an instant, "Huh, Huo Qubing's name is rustic?! You are the native of the earth! Thinking of my champion Hou Huo, how famous he is in the Han Dynasty, and how much deterrent he is in the Xiongnu. You actually said that he was a native turtle. Even if you were my father, I would have written it down. But Huo Guang's name seems to be my nephew's, hehe. In addition, my mother said that today's prince has the concept of deposing hundreds of families and respecting Confucianism, which is really touching. I don't know how your majesty is doing now. What happened to Huo Yan? Do you know that I, Huo, have been reborn, and the world seems to be more exciting than the big man. Please wish me another contribution in this world.

Start practicing martial arts in the second section

A week later...

In the yard of the Huo family, there stood two figures, one big and one small. The early morning sun shone on them and sprinkled them with a layer of golden powder. Huo Guang looked solemn and looked at Huo and said, "There are endless powerful vitality in heaven and earth. We can't see these vitality, but they really exist. The first step of martial arts practice is to attract the invisible and ubiquitous magnificent vitality between heaven and earth to the body, refine the body, and lay a good foundation for martial arts. Only when the body is strong can it accommodate stronger strength.

Based on his own practice, Huo Guang explained his martial arts experience to Fang Yun in detail: "The fastest practice method in the vitality is to punch, walk with the situation, and control breathing at the same time, so that the spirit of heaven and earth can slowly penetrate into the body. This set of 'running horse' is the basic martial arts of the Huo family, which is extremely practical, and when you practice martial arts to a high level, you can feel something called martial arts will from it. The deep realm of the running horse is to simulate the momentum of ten thousand horses, and no matter how solid the defense is, it will be smashed and scattered by ten thousand horses. Now, I'll rehearse it again. You should pay attention to my movements and understand the momentum. I admit that I copied the fifth chapter of the Emperor's University in this paragraph)

With that, Huo Guang began to practice, and the muscles of his whole body were moving and choreographing. In Huo's eyes, Huo Guang was no longer alone at this time, but tens of thousands of horses were constantly running and lining up. Suddenly, Huo Guang's movements paused for a moment, as if the ten thousand horses had been assembled. But this pause was only a small moment, and then ten thousand horses rushed out in a triangular array. The land around Huo Guang suddenly shook. It was really like ten thousand horses stepping over, and the air around him was also hitting and rubbing to make a "rumbling" sound. The fists hit out with the sound, showing the shape of ten thousand war horses in mid- These horses are dressed in heavy armor and flying with four hooves. There is a momentum to break the enemy's array. All the enemies in front of these horses will only become the meat mud under the horses' hooves. With a loud bang, his fist hit a big stone, breaking the big stone into pieces.

At this time, Huo Guang twisted his body and ran out of another ten thousand horses. This time, the war horse formed a formation, facing the split stones in the air, and was chased from all around, and the large and small stones turned into a powder.

Huo Qubing watched Huo Guang's drills over and over again, and his mind was suddenly filled with the war scenes in his previous life. There are not only scenes of alone soldiers rushing into the territory of the Xiongnu and stepping on the royal city with iron hoofs, but also a picture of 100,000 soldiers and horses fighting head-on with the Xiongnu. Gradually, Huo Qubing exuded the breath of a young tiger general, and it became more and more prosperous, and his body moved with Huo Guang. The punch of "Running Horse" is growing little by little on Huo Qubing. Suddenly, it seemed to have reached a critical point, and the land around Huo Qubing also began to shake, and there was a rumbling sound around him. And this sound is more flexible and grand than Huo Guang's. The strength of the fist rushed out of Huo's body, forming a scene of ten thousand horses galloping in the air. However, the opposite side of the ten thousand horses also condensed another army. The two troops intersected in mid-air, and a circle of waves broke out from the center, blowing the flowers and plants in the whole yard to pieces.

Huo Guang looked at the leaves one after another, with a shocked face! At this time, Wan'er rushed out of the room angrily and said to Huo Guang, "Huo Guang!!! How did you promise me that you won't practice martial arts in a week! Look, is this the damage that can be done by practicing martial arts for the first time? It's much better than yours? Say, how many times have you let Huo Er practice 'running horse'?" Huo Guang was woken up by this loud shout and looked at Wan'er with an aggrieved face: "Wan'er, this is really the first time! Your son is so perverted that I can't help it!" Huo Er is not your son! How can you say that he is a pervert? Is this really Huo's first time to practice boxing?" It's true!" Wan'er, walking to Huo's side, her face was full of joy, but her eyes were really worried. "Huo'er, I didn't expect your talent to be so high, but you should also remember that the talent given to you by God was taken from others, and you should also bear the burden of protecting other people's lives, and you should be Work hard all your life, and you must be ready!" Huo Qubing looked at Wan'er, and there were layers of warmth in his heart, which also restored the dusty heart caused by death: "Mom, I have this awareness." Wan'er smiled faintly and turned back into the room. "You guys go on."

Section 3 Prince

Three months later, Huo Qubing's martial arts practice was not interrupted for a day, but he stepped into the aura level at an amazing speed. On this day, Huo Guang stopped Huo Qubing. "Huo'er, today Dad will take you to meet a very high-ranking and talented person. He is very interested in you." Oh? Who is it?" Huo Qubing is a little disdainful of this. On the contrary, with Huo Qu's experience and his previous life, no one has a place for him in this world. It's the prince today. Don't disdain. Although you are very talented, the prince is definitely a person you can admire." Huo Guang saw Huo's disdain and said to Huo with a serious face. All right, Dad, I'll go with you."

This is a strangely decorated house. The overall color of the house is thick red, which is in obvious contrast to the surrounding light cyan house. Under the vermilion gate is a high threshold, and there is no doubt that this threshold can be used as a shelter for archers. But these are not the strangest places in this house. There is a thick foundation under the house, which completely separates the house from the surrounding environment. From time to time, one or two noble princes passed by and cast strange glances at the house.

Now, Huo Qubing and Huo Guang are standing in front of the house, and the people they want to meet on this trip - the prince

Looking at this strange house, Huo's heart was deeply excited, but it was not easy to vent because his father was around. So I saw Huo's face slowly, slowly turning red, and turned into the same color as the strange house. Yes, that style is the style of the Great Han Dynasty, which is the style of the Great Han Palace. Huo Qubing couldn't help but be full of curiosity about the identity of the prince, and his eyes flashed like stars. He couldn't wait to step into the room to see who the prince was.

"Huo Er, that's the prince's residence. Although the prince is very wise, his house is a little innovative. For this reason, the Confucian students in the court took the house a lot. But in my opinion, it doesn't matter. Not all big shots will have a bad temper. Even you little boy, don't you have disdainful eyes when you look at everything? But you have to change your problem and wait until your career is successful in the future. Huo Guang looked at the house and couldn't help sighing. By the way, he also educated the "little boy" Huo Qubing. After saying that, Huo Guang turned his head and looked at his son, "Huo'er, what's wrong with you? Why is your face so red?" Dad, I'm fine. Let's go in and go in. With that, Huo went and ran quickly to the house, almost without being hit by the threshold. Hey, this child, I, Huo Guang, will laugh at the prince again~~~"

In a short time, Huo Qubing threw Huo Guang away. Although it was the first time he came to this house, Huo Qubing was so familiar with the road. The pavilions and pools were pulled behind by Huo Qubing. Although these buildings are not exquisite, they have a sense of atmosphere. But these did not attract Huo Qubing. In a short time, Huo Qubing went to the center of the house, a neat room.

"Who will be the prince? Is it the prince? Or the prince? Or the prime minister? It may also be--Your Majesty!" Standing in front of the door of the room similar to Weiyang Palace, Huo Qubing eased his rapid breathing while guessing the identity of the prince. After his breathing stabilized, Huo went to straighten his clothes and walked into the "Little Weiyang Palace". A tall man was standing with his back to Huo Qubing, and there was a map in front of him. Huo Qubing looked at the man carefully. His body was not high, but it gave people a great feeling. The man was wearing a loose fiery red robe, tied up by a black belt around his waist, with a black and gold-inlaid crown on his head. Although this dress is not the dress of the royal family, it makes people feel that the man was reincarnated by an ancient emperor.

Huo Qubing looked at the man's dress, and his smooth breathing gradually became rapid again. With the rotation of his vision, Huo Qubing's eyes were fixed on the map. At that moment, Huo Qubing stopped breathing, and he saw a city painted on the map, and two official characters "Shuofang" were written upright on the top of the map.

The man slowly turned around and looked at Huo Qubing in front of the steps and slowly called out in an expectant tone, "Huo Qubing?"
