The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1126 Jixia School

"Zhangmen Zhao, it's polite."

Pang Juyuan smiled, gave a salute, and came in. In Xi'er City, Pang Juyuan naturally met Zhao Boyan. However, although Pang Juyuan is alone, in terms of status, he still has to be above the head of Zhao Boyan, a small sect.

If it hadn't been for the later events in Xi'er City, Zhao Boyan would have followed Pang Juyuan. There may not be much friendship between the two.

"Brother Fang, long time no see."

Pang Juyuan just said hello and looked at Fang Yun. Fang Yun is the main goal of his trip.

"Long time no see."

A trace of strange color flashed through Fang Yun's eyes, and he was quite puzzled how Pang Juyuan could appear here at the right time. But he didn't know that Pang Juyuan couldn't find his trace, so he directly remembered his confidant Zhao Boyan.

Fang Yun has a clock of heaven and earth, which can shield heaven and earth. But Zhao Boyan is not so harmful. Mr. Three Heavenly Machines come from sects and are not familiar with the things in the court. I forgot Zhao Boyan for a moment, but how could Pang Juyuan forget it, so he came to him.

"Brother Fang, you are in extreme danger now!"

Pang Juyuan doesn't say much, direct theme. His eyes shook when he touched Fang Yun's blood-red eyes. But soon, he immediately avoided it. He knows what happened to Fang Yun. But it's not the time to mention these things again.

"I know. The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty is sending someone to pick me up.

Fang Yun's eyes flashed, but he looked very calm.

Pang Juyuan shook his head: "More than that, you probably don't know yet. The three Mr. Tianji have entered the imperial court and returned to the emperor. Although you have a secret weapon, you can shield it. However, "Lian Shan Yi" ranks among "Ba Suo" and has unpredictable abilities. Although you can't directly find out your location, there are many ways. Along the way, I have searched the sky machine several times for you. But my true anger can't be compared with the emperor. And Mr. Three Heavenly Machines have found me. I can't last long."

"What?! The three Mr. Tianji returned to the emperor!"

Fang Yun's eyes showed a surprised look. The three Mr. Tianji and the sect are one. How can they submit to the emperor!

"It's a long story, and I can't hold on for too long. I'm afraid they will come at any time. Brother Fang, let's get out of here.

A few people said no more, set out immediately and left.


Several people left, probably a cup of tea, and the door was smashed with a bang. The fish master came in, followed by five or six strong men in the palace.

"Da Damn it! Let him escape again!"

The fish was so angry that he was so angry that he pulled the white silkworm and shot out a cold and murderous atmosphere.


Several people come and go quickly.


"In fact, the host behind the Tianji Pavilion is the emperor. The loyalties of the three major Tianji are not sects at all, but the emperor..."

In a space, Pang Juyuan said what he knew one by one.

"We also exchanged elixir from the Jubao Pavilion. Gold. Now it seems to be really regrettable.

Zhao Boyan had a deep fear in his eyes. In a secular emperor, he felt a deep fear. Not only because of his martial arts, but also because of his terrible tricks and means! These are more frightening and frightening than martial arts!

"We have been underestimating him. Liu Wei's tmaches are probably the deepest of all emperors. Over the years, no one has known or even doubted it. I'm afraid he began to prepare for all this many years ago.

In addition to Fang Yun, Zhao Boyan and Pang Juyuan, the Heavenly Demon Suzerain also came out of the clock of heaven and earth. His wife's injury has stabilized, so she also participated in the discussion.

Fang Yunpan sat on the ground, bowing his head and silent. No one knows what he is thinking.

"Actually, even I don't understand. Why did the Three Heavenly Machines return to the imperial court? If after the battle of the capital, he was afraid of the power of the emperor and did so in order to save his life, he was still willing. But the problem is that they have colluded with each other. With the exposure of the three Mr. Tianji, many secrets of Jubao Pavilion have been exposed.

Pang Juyuan shook his head and wondered. In the sect, few people will choose to obey the court. Those who obey will also be looked down upon by others.

"Mr. Lianshan, all this should be done by Mr. Lianshan behind the scenes."

Fang Yun suddenly raised his head and said for sure.


Both of them shook their bodies and looked at Fang Yun: "How can you be sure that this is Mr. Lianshan's master?"

"You don't need too many reasons, intuition."

Fang Yun looked very calm. In his blood-red eyes, he was obviously unprecedentedly sober and wise: "Do you remember what the three gentlemen said before the tigers devour the dragons? The great magic list was formulated by Mr. Lian Shan a thousand years ago. Until now, release it again. Many years ago, you could expect all this and cooperate with the emperor. This kind of person is definitely a person with great ambitions, ambitions, or great aspirations. Although Mr. Three Heavenly Machines also have the ability, he is definitely not such an ambitious and domineering person.

"What do you mean. It is Mr. Lian Shan who is leading. But isn't he dead? Is it fake death? Besides, why did he do this? What is his purpose? A few years ago, the form of the world should still be unclear.

The suzerain of the devil frowned and said.

"I don't know whether he is dead or not. But if he is not dead, then now should be the time when he officially reappears the world from dark to bright. He doesn't have to worry about anything at all.

Fang Yun said calmly. Out of the fetters of the court, his eyes were wiser than before, and his insight: "I don't know Mr. Lianshan's purpose, but one thing is certain that his purpose is by no means powerful martial arts. But there is another plan. In the whole world, if anyone knows Mr. Lianshan's plot, then it's only in one place.


"The Palace of the School."

Fang Yun raised his head and looked at the void. It seems to have penetrated the layers of void and looked into the endless distance.

Long before his mother had an accident, Confucianism sent someone to secretly pick up his mother. In the whole world, there are only a few people who can know all this in advance without a prophet.

The teacher is one of them!

On the sacrificial wine of the emperors, Fang Yun saw the thick shadow of the teacher.

"Fang Yun, leave. - When the time arrives, I will solve the last doubt for you..."

A few years ago, when he left Merlin's hut, the teacher talked and rang in his ear again.

"It's time. It's time to find the teacher and find the final answer."

Fang Yun stood up slowly.

From a wise king to an ambitious tyrant, the emperor has changed too much. Fang Yun clearly remembered what the emperor said to him on the edge of the cliff. After so many years, everything has returned to reincarnation and returned to the original starting point. Now, only one person can answer his doubts.


"Champion, you're finally here."

In the mossy mountain hut, several vegetarian emperors sacrificed wine, their robes fluttered, and stood quietly outside the door. Several people seemed to have expected the arrival of Fang Yun.

"Sirthirs, student Fang Yun is polite."

Fang Yun saluted, and there were only Pang Juyuan and Zhao Boyan beside him. After all, the suzerain of the devil is a person in the devil's way, and Confucianism is the person who hates evil and demons the most, so it is not appropriate to appear here. Therefore, Fang Yun made him enter the clock of heaven and earth early.

"Pang has seen several sacrificial wines."

"Zhao Boyan has met several old gentlemen."

The two of them saluted.

"Come in, this is not the place to talk. Come in with us."

Several emperors sacrificed wine and turned around and walked into the hut. As soon as they entered, the breath of several people immediately disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the world.

Fang Yun and Pang Juyuan looked at each other and felt the surprise in each other's eyes. With their ability, it is impossible for several emperors to sacrifice wine from them.

"Go in."

Open the curtain and walk in. At the moment when he stepped into the door, a vast atmosphere of heaven and earth rushed to his face. Endless white light expands in front of you, and everything around you changes rapidly. In an instant, they actually stepped into another space.

More than a hundred plum trees, full of flowers and branches, standing on the ground. The breeze is gentle, and there is a quiet atmosphere everywhere. Walking here, everyone feels the whole relaxation from the flesh to the soul.

"What a strong sense of righteousness!"

Pang Juyuan opened his eyes and praised. It is always full of strong and magnificent atmosphere. The upright and upright idea is full of emptiness. That's the will of the great Confucian.

Fang Yun looked around, and he saw more than a few people. This space is simply condensed by Haoran righteousness. Whether it is the white earth, the plum trees in the forest, or the cloud-like space itself, it is condensed by the amazing magnificent atmosphere.

"There is righteousness in heaven and earth, and it is endowed with its shape. On the top is the sun star, and on the bottom is the river mountain..."

Fang Yun remembered what his grandfather said before his death. There is no doubt that everything here, in essence, is pure and magnificent.

"Look, is it Jixia School Palace!"

Zhao Boyan pointed to the distance and looked excited. The two followed the sound and saw a magnificent building standing in the middle of the earth, with countless Confucians in and out of ancient clothes. A stream of upright thoughts rose to the sky, straight like a wolf's smoke.

"Originally, only Confucianism can enter here. However, because of the teacher's order. That's why I made an exception to let you two in. --However, it doesn't matter..."

Sers of the emperors looked at Pang Juyuan and Zhao Boyan, but the rest of the words were not said. They only muttered in their hearts, "Soon, it will no longer exist here..."

Fang Yun was born in the school palace, which was born as a serious Confucian. Only Pang Juyuan and Zhao Boyan have nothing to do with Confucianism.