The royal family of the Zhou Dynasty

Chapter 1145 Turbulence in the World

When a woman reaches the age of 12, she must perform her military service obligations. Join the army and cook on fire. As an armsman. It is called "women's service".

Da Zhou's army, in a short time. It soared to 36 million. Due to the increase in the number of troops, the military is not enough. The tax has also increased from 20% to 50%.

In September, the imperial army cooperated with the sailors to cross the ocean and conquer the wilderness. Emperor Ying took the prince and fled overseas. Since then, Emperor Tang has ruled for tens of thousands of years in the wilderness, and since then it has ended.

Yinghuang was included in the territory of the Great Week and was set as the thirteenth province. And left a large number of troops.

Since then, the Middle-earth world has been barren since the rest of the extremely cold land in the north, the barren land in the west (Vedahong), and the wilderness ruled by the demon ancestor the Eternal Qingtian Emperor.

All three places are not suitable for growing crops. Several other places are all in the map of the Great Week.

The territory of the week is unprecedentedly large. The military strength is also extremely strong. At the same time, the "Revenge Alliance" was established in the wilderness. The wild demon clan, Yinghuang, Qiuhuang, Yihuang, Aragubar, the ancient strong sectarian who came and went alone, and the barren halberd and empty emperor were all stationed in it. The leader of the alliance is the most powerful "Evenuring Blue Emperor" in the five different trials.

To the chaotic ancestor, the ancestor of Cangshi, the blameless ancestor and others are all missing. Maybe it is hidden in a very secret space-time fault somewhere.

There were two Xuanming Emperors sitting in the town, and the wilderness soon attracted many exiled strongmen. Later, in many mines, slaves who fled from the wilderness also gathered in the wilderness and reorganized the army.

At the same time, in order to deal with the threat of Datong. An army formed in the wilderness. A total of seven million demon armies were obtained. At the same time, a large number of sectarian remnants, as well as all parties, joined the wilderness. "Revenge Alliance" has gathered a large number of strong people, and the scale is gradually growing!

In the second year of the lunar new year, a large number of slaves died due to excessive succession. At the same time, the size of the army is still growing. The court promulgated the law to raise taxes again. Because the scope of military service was extended to women, a large number of people were recruited to the army. The farming population is seriously insufficient.

In May of the second year of the lunar new year, a poor harvest triggered a large area of mourning. With the increase of military food, the tax will be raised to 70%. A small-scale rebellion broke out in Jing Xun, and the rebellion was soon suppressed by the town.

In June of the same year, it was subsidized for military use. Heavy taxes are levied on merchants. It causes resentment.

In July of the same year, the court made a law. Rule the world." Use torture and harsh law to deter the world. People who steal chickens and dogs are engraved with "exorcology" and distribute it to cultivate arable land overseas. Those who dare to talk about the court are in capital punishment!

In the third year of Taichu, mid-February.

The petition of Confucian students broke out, and nearly ten thousand Confucian students petitioned. It is required to restore Confucianism and abolish military and political affairs and women's service. Reduce taxes and criminal laws, and suspend the military affairs of the wilderness.

Three days later, the Jingzhou army was dispatched. Tens of thousands of Confucian students, together with the old Confucians. All of them were killed overnight. At the same time, all provinces and governments have fully confiscated Confucian classics. The imperial court re-edited the "Emperor's Book" and issued the world for the people to admire and study all kinds of things. The people of Middle-earth are grievances. However, despite this, the military strength of the Zhou Dynasty reached an unprecedented peak. Therefore, all the voices of opposition were suppressed by the town.

The Zhou Dynasty reached an unprecedented level of centralization! The power of the royal family has reached its peak!

, July.

The imperial court issued a "war order" to gather tens of millions of troops and gather all the strong. He officially went to the wilderness border to carry out the largest final war.

This war has lasted for a long time. Both sides have their own wins and losses. The wilderness demon clan was killed and wounded, the Avengers fell many strong men, and the emperor demon emperor died in battle. Similarly, the court also suffered heavy losses.

In the final battle, the blameless ancestor and the chaotic ancestor suddenly joined the battle group. In the most critical battle, the ancient Qingtian trial held the ancient "emperor's engraving" and united with the barren halberd to fight against the emperor. The evil god suddenly appeared with the earth emperor's sword in his hand. The human emperor was not sure to defeat him and retreated completely.

The long-lasting "the glory of the fourth trial" is temporarily over. In the eternal years, the Qingtian Emperor and the barren halberd were broken in the air, and the evil gods lurked to heal their wounds. The emperor returned to the capital, understood the higher realm, and was ready to give the last blow to the Avengers!

The Middle-earth world is in chaos...

Endless cosmic void, darkness and silence. It is at least more than 300,000 miles from the ground. At a time of chaos in Middle-earth, there is a constant silence here.


A fierce roar suddenly came out of the sea of stars, shaking hundreds of millions of voids and stars. The powerful fluctuations emanate from it, shocking the surrounding stars and carrying them.

In the clock of heaven and earth, in the eyes of the huge land array, Fang Yun finally opened his eyes from the darkness into the meditation. The purpose is to be a face of concern.

"Fang Yun, is it successful?"

"Son, how's it going?"

"Yun'er, are you all right?"

Sifang Hou Fangyin, Yanshi Meixing, Pang Juyuan, Zhao Boyan and others were all surrounded by Fang Yun. Zhao Boyan and others had the shortest time to enter the order, and they woke up from the order very early. However, with the help of the power of the gods, they also directly broke through the three realms of earth change, spiritual wisdom and celestial phenomena, and directly entered the realm of heaven.

Although it is in the void of more than 300,000 miles of the universe, it is full of dangerous cosmic laws. However, in the world of Fang Yun, it is better than the world of any martial artist, and the rules of the ancient three elephant magic weapon should be profound and complete.

Practice here, although it is still not comparable to the complete rules of heaven and earth in Middle-earth, there is no obvious difference. Normal martial artists may not be able to understand the power of so many such profound rules in Fang Yun's world.

Moreover, practicing here also avoids the fluctuations caused when impacting the martial arts realm, which is noticed by the court. Avoid a lot of dangers.

However, the disadvantages here are also obvious. Once you practice the rules of Fang Yun's world, it is equivalent to being tied to Fang Yun itself. Their martial arts potential is comparable to that of Fang Yunxi. If Fang Yun can't reach a higher level. Then the level they can reach can never be limited.

This is just like the warriors in the infinite magic realm transformed by the "King of the Earth".

But if Fang Yun can reach the complete world of the three souls, then there will be no problem. All of these problems no longer exist. Of course, the premise is that Fang Yun can achieve the perfection of the three souls, or a higher level.

Fang Yun opened his eyes from the entrance, looked at everyone's concerned eyes, and only felt a warmth in his heart.

"I'm fine. The divine power and power of the gods. I have digested it all."

Fang Yun smiled and said. Among the crowd, the benefits he received are undoubtedly the greatest. Even Fang Yin and others are far inferior to him. Because this is his world, and his realm is even higher than Fang Yin.

Compared with the divine power and magical power, the gods are relatively intact. It didn't take too long to refine his demon body. But we should refine it and completely turn it into our own. But it takes a lot of time.

Fang Yun's eyes slowly swept around. In the human appearance, he saw the wife of the Heavenly Demon Suzerain. In the battle of the destruction of the Heavenly Demon Sect, she was seriously injured. However, over the years, with the help of the increasing power of heaven and earth, she has regained her vitality. And after absorbing the divine power of some gods, the cultivation of martial arts has increased.

Suddenly, Fang Yun's eyes flashed over the human, and his whole body trembled: "Mother?!!"

Being the human, a beautiful woman trembled, her eyes were dull, and her lips kept trembling, as if she was saying something carefully. A current surged from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. Fang Yun was ecstatic and suddenly stood up, strode to separate the crowd, and walked to Mrs. Huayang.

seemed to feel something strange. The beautiful woman raised her head and stared at Fang Yun. She remained motionless. Her eyebrows frowned slightly, as if she was thinking deeply about something.

"Cloud, cloud..."

The beautiful woman hesitated and spit out these words.

"It's me, mother, it's me!"

Fang Yun was surprised and suddenly hugged his mother: "That's great! Mother, you have finally recovered.

When everyone around saw this scene, they couldn't help but turned their heads. A trace of gloomy god flashed through his eyes.

Where Fang Yun's eyes could not see, Mrs. Huayang spit out a "Yun'er" look quickly dimmed and became very dull again.

"Lin Er, Lin Er..."

Mrs. Huayang's lips trembled and kept spitting out a name. Her expression became timid and dull again.

"Okay, Yun'er. Let go of your mother. Her mother hasn't recovered her memory yet.

Fang Yin sighed and walked over.


Fang Yun raised his head and looked at his mother's expression. The whole heart immediately sank again.

"Father, hasn't my mother woken up? How can it be like this?"

Fang Yun looked at his mother, and his heart was cold.

Fang Yin sighed a long sigh and told the process of the matter. It has been several years since everyone followed Fang Yun and stepped into the void of the universe. After such a long period of recuperation, Mrs. Huayang woke up half a year ago. This is mainly the improvement of Fang Yun's strength, which indirectly enhances many functions of the heaven and earth clock, which makes Mrs. Huayang wake up early.

However, although Mrs. Huayang came over. But because the soul is not complete, the memory is almost lost. Only a few people can be recognized. But I don't remember anything else. Due to the loss of memory and incomplete soul, she can't communicate with people normally. It has become what it is now.

"I'm afraid your mother can't fully recover in a short time."

Fang Yin finally sighed. Although Mrs. Huayang is in a bad state now, the other party said that if she could wake up, she had already exceeded his expectations.

"From now on, I will always be with your mother."

Fang Yin looked at Mrs. Huayang, who was dull-eyed, and said solemnly.

Fang Yun turned his head and looked at his mother, revealing the god of thinking in his eyes. Suddenly, Fang Yun's heart moved. He suddenly took a step forward, held his mother's shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Mom, you want me to bring my eldest brother back, right? You want to see your eldest brother, don't you?

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Mrs. Huayang, who was originally dull-eyed, suddenly raised her head, and her eyes glowed with a radiant, as if she had presided over the Sifanghou Mansion in the capital before. This kind of light has never been seen in the past six months.