big makeup

267 conditions (September pink 300+)

When they arrived at the Qianqing Palace, Xie Rong and Guang Enbo had already got up. However, Wen Si'er and Wang An, who beat people, were already kneeling under Danqi.

After Ren Ruhua arrived, Guang Enbo was excited. He hurriedly took a few steps to the emperor and pointed to her and said, "Your Majesty, look, this is what they beat. The old minister's son's injury is more than ten times heavier than his daughter-in-law! Your Majesty, you can't spare them!"

Jin Yong pointed to Wen Si'er and said, "Why did you beat the Zeng Mi couple?"

Xie Rong didn't want things to happen to this point, because Xie Wei certainly did not beat Zeng Mi for no reason. According to the reason why Xie Wei sent someone to tell was that Wen Si'er thought that Zeng Mi was rude to Xie Wei. If he was honest in front of the emperor in front of so many people, there is no doubt that Xie Test, and how can she stand another layer of frost at this time?

But the emperor's action was too fast. He didn't even have time to let people go back to the house. They let Wen Si'er deny that it was rude, and he had been summoned here before and forth. In front of so many people, he couldn't even wink at Wen Si'er!

When Wen Si'er heard the words, she replied loudly, "It's because Mr. Zeng disrespected our big girl in public!"

"Indebable?" The whole audience was in an uproar. Jin Yong looked at Xie Rong, who was frowning and said, "How can it be? Zeng Mi was born in a noble family, how could he do such a thing? Is there something wrong with the tutoring of Guang Enbo's house?

Of course, Guang Enbo can't admit the problem of his own tutoring! He stood up with excitement and said, "Although our Zeng family is not a scholar, there is no problem with tutoring! If there is a problem with tutoring, it is Xie Shilang's family! Your Majesty, please ask everyone, how many scandals have been spread by their eldest girl? If you say it's rude, isn't it because she is rude to my son in turn?

When Xie Rong heard this, he suddenly turned gloomy, and also stood up and bowed to the emperor: "Your Majesty, Guang Enbo's words are obviously defamation! The little girl is just impulsive, but how can a person be without fault in his life? Is there no more naturally capricious boudoir in the world?

"Dare to ask Guang Enbo, as an elder, you deliberately vilify a weak woman in front of so many people. Can this kind of behavior be called a tutor? You were doing bad things, but now you blame the little girl for her misconduct. I would like to ask, is it possible for your Zeng's daughter to pretend to be okay if she is insulted outside?

Guang Enbo choked. When it comes to quarreling, he really can't quarrel with these civil officials.

Seeing this, Jin Yong looked at his nose and heart and said, "Let's not quarrel. The emperor is still here. Whether it is rude or not, both witnesses have to talk about it. He turned to the emperor again, "Dare to ask what the emperor means."

The emperor had scolded 800 times in his heart for a long time. What a trivial matter made him unable to even play chess. At present, Jin Yong is here to get along with him. He can't wait. So he said, "This matter is a matter of private practice of officials. Jin Aiqing is the deputy governor of the procurate, and this matter will be judged by you." After saying that, he leaned back on the dragon chair and drank tea.

When Jin Yong got the will, he looked at Ren Ruhua, who had already gritted his teeth and knelt aside, and said, "Mrs. Ren, is Zeng Mi light today?"

Ren Ruhua blurted out: "In return to Lord Jin's words, my husband has always been clean and self-loved, and there is not even a concubine in the room. How can he go to other women? Ten thousand steps back, even if he has this heart, how can he do it in such a public? Obviously, they are planted! He wants to harm him!"

After listening to this, Jin Yong looked at Wen Si'er and others, "Do you have any evidence to prove that you have been frivolous, Miss Xie?"

Wen Si'er said, "It's useless for us to say this. At that time, there were so many people upstairs and downstairs. You can send someone to check and see if Mr. Zeng suddenly pulled our girl's arm to hug her when he saw our girl upstairs. It's still the little ones who are quick to make a big deal. Otherwise, I'm afraid they even kissed each other.

Wen Si'er, they are grassroots, and their words are not covered up, but they blushed with shame on these princes and noble ministers present.

Xie Rong was sweating on his forehead. Didn't they make Xie Wei's image even more unbearable when they said so? How could there be such a subordinate in his house? Isn't this article very clever on weekdays? Why did you turn up all your old background at the critical moment?

Xie Rong was really indescribable at this moment. He had both hatred for Zeng Mi and anger at Wen Si'er. Several emotions were intertwined, and the expressions on his face seemed to be uncertain.

When Guang Enbo and Ren Ruhua heard Wen Si'er's words, they were also so angry that they gritted their teeth.

At that time, Wen Si'er and others shouted to everyone, and Zeng Mi was so beat up that they couldn't speak at that time. Everyone must have believed that Zeng Mi was wrong for a long time. Now Xun Gui's son is simply synonymous with Dandy. Zeng Mi doesn't have a concubine, and it's hard to guarantee that he has some problems. So now it is to send someone to visit the silk and satin village, and the result must be biased towards Xie Rong.

Ji Zhenyuan has never spoken. After watching a round of good drama, the emperor turned his face to him and said, "What do you think of this?"

Ji Zhenyuan stood up, pondered, and said, "According to my opinion, it's not a big deal.

"Maybe Zeng Mi accidentally touched the girl Xie at that time, and was misunderstood by the servants beside Miss Xie. He was eager to protect the Lord for a moment, so he hit Zeng Mi on impulse. This in turn can actually prove the loyalty of these two people. If the master is not wise, how can there be such a loyal subordinate? I think that this can prove Xie Rong's daily life.

The emperor held the tea and raised his eyebrows and said, "Then how to eliminate this misunderstanding?"

Ji Zhenyuan said, "Since it's a misunderstanding, it's better to calm down. Why don't you let Xie Rong pay for the medicine?

Xie Rong immediately took two steps forward when he heard the words: "I am willing to pay for the injury medicine."

If you can calm down, you will naturally calm down, even if you spend a little more money.

But Guang Enbo and Ren Ruhua immediately lowered their faces when they heard this.

How much is the cost of the injury medicine worth? Although Guang Enbofu is different from the past, it is not short of these two medicine money! What's more, they entered the palace to compete for the air. Ji Zhenyuan's words were originally with the attitude of protecting the shortcomings. How can they accept it? Besides, they are still angry that they were temporarily transferred to the back barracks! In any case, they must come out!

So Guang Enbo said, "Your Majesty, does Ji Gelao mean to use money to oppress people? No matter how bad my Zeng family is, he is also the uncle of the imperial court. Can An take down the face of our ancestors because of your stinky money? We won't agree to this condition!"

"So what do you want to do?" The emperor frowned.

Ji Zhenyuan was really too cunning. He beat his son like that, and he didn't know whether he would be disabled in the future. He said lightly and took out two pieces of money. If it was him, he wouldn't agree!

Guang Enbo said, "What they hurt is the face of my old Zeng family. Unless this face is found by the old minister, the old minister can rest!"

Ji Zhenyuan and Xie Rong both turned around and stared at him. He stared back with bulging eyes and snorted coldly by the way.

Jin Yong raised his eyebrows and looked at them. He turned back to the dragon case, lowered his voice and said to the emperor, "In Yichen's opinion, I'm afraid that Guang Enbo Mansion is going to fight. I don't think this is an excessive requirement. No matter how excessive Zeng Mi is, Miss Xie can't allow others to beat him like that. Isn't it hurting others? The tree lives with a skin, and people fight for a breath. You can't make the nobles feel cold. You still have to think of a way to comfort them.

The emperor said angrily, "If you have any way, just say it! What are you doing in a roundabout direction?

Jin Yongyu said, "I just heard that there is no concubine in this secret room, and I have been secretly injured like this, which is also a gift from Xie Wei. Why doesn't the emperor give Xie Wei to marry Zeng Mi as a wife? In this way, Xie Wei served in front of Zeng Mi's bed as a wife, and the anger in the Zeng family's heart naturally subsided.

"A flat wife?" The emperor unconsciously raised his voice a little, and everyone under him listened to this side with their ears, and when they heard this word, they all looked over it. The emperor stared at Jin Yong and said, "This is equivalent to hitting Xie Rong in the face. As far as I know, he only has this daughter."

"Your Majesty." Jin Yong bowed deeply and said, "This reputation of Xie Wei is already terrible in the circle of Beijing officials. So it's almost twenty years old now, and she hasn't made an in-laws yet. What good family can she find if she drags on? Now even a poor scholar refuses to take her. She married to Zengfu as a wife, not a concubine. How could she win Xie Rong's face?

"Besides, she is getting married! Don't people have to be responsible for their actions? I think this is the only way to be the best.

The emperor looked down and locked his eyebrows.

As long as the affairs of the minister's family are out of line, how can he not know? Xie Wei has long been a celebrity. Although the flat wife is not a concubine, it is not the original wife. They have to hold the concubine's salute in front of the original wife's spiritual throne. What's more, there is still a big living person in front of you! This idea is obviously a bad idea for a run.

Jin Yong and Xie Rong have always been at peace. He knows it very well, but this idea is a loss, but it works very well. Who asked you to let Xie Rong's daughter be lax and indulge in beating people? Think about it, Xie Rong's daughter beat her son, but in turn, he had to marry his daughter as a wife who is slightly better than his concubine. How can he squeeze and squeeze in the future? Can he not be relieved?

However, as a mediator, of course, he still has to ask the opinions of both sides.

So he glanced at the bottom and said, "Since you can't reconcile with both sides, I'll give you an idea here. How about Xie Rong married his daughter to Zeng Mi as his wife and waited on Zeng Mi until he died?" RS