big makeup

Extra Huo Ying 2

He silently walked along the stone road in the town. The appearance of the town was a little gray. At present, it was late autumn, and the trees on the mountain were sparse. He felt that his mood complemented the town, and his mood was also gray, which had never been gloomy.

"Give it."

A wine jug was handed in front of her, and the girl's eyes were full of nervous expectations.

He reached out and took it and continued to move forward.

The girl caught up and said, "There is no poison in the wine. I just bought it in the street winery."

He still didn't say anything. He walked along the slate road and gradually went out of the street. There were two roads, one was going to the village, where there were low mountains, and the other was walking up the river embankment, which was relatively open.

He chose the river embankment.

Although the local customs are open, the girl does not look like a local. Even if he walks casually, he should consider the impact.

He sat down under a dead tree on the river bank.

It is said to be a river, but in fact, it is not even a stream. The climate in the northwest is dry. Except for winter and spring, I'm afraid it is dry here all year round.

"You seem to have something on your mind." The girl sat down next to him, showing the elegance of everyone's boudoir.

He didn't understand why a girl with everyone's manners stayed alone in the inn? But he didn't want to ask. He was too lazy to care about the world.

He raised the wine pot and drank it with his mouth.

Halfway through the drink, he lay on the ground and closed his eyes.

The girl looked at him, squeezed her mouth, saw the wine pot he put aside, and suddenly raised it and drank it like him.

It's a novel feeling.

She has never been so heroic.

The boys she knows are all beautiful and elegant, like the kind of person in front of her who should be hired to order the heroes in the battlefield. She has never seen or come into contact with them.

Of course, I have met a lot of unruly people on the way to the northwest, but compared with this person, it is really much different.

She couldn't believe that she slept in his ** all night last night.

She raised her hand to print her hot face. In order to cover it up, she raised the pot and took another sip.

I'm choking.

Huo Ying opened her eyes and was really speechless. I have never seen such a stupid person.

He sat up, stared at her coughing wildly for a while, raised his hand and patted her on the back. When the cough gradually subsided, he stopped.

After coughing, the girl's cheeks seemed to be stained with a layer of red glow, which was extremely beautiful.

Huo Ying's heart moved and put his face away.

The sun gradually rose, and the river bank became a little sunny.

The hot power made his eyes hurt a little. The mustache didn't catch up, and it should have dispersed.

"Let's go." He got up and said.

"My name is Qi Yan." On the way back, the girl raised her red face and told him.

Huo Ying said after half a day.


At the door of the inn, Huo Ying and Qi Yan stood outside the threshold and could no longer walk.

The door has been repaired, but now it is open, and there are several smiling people sitting in the room, among which is Cui Fu.

"Son, I'm finally waiting for you. The Empress and His Royal Highness both have something to discuss with the prince, please--"

Without finishing Cui Fu's words, Huo Ying dragged Qi Yan, who was stunned, and disappeared!

Cui Fu opened his mouth and was stunned.

"It's all your fault!" Liao Zhuo glanced at him angrily and raised his leg to catch up with him.

"Is this my fault too?" Cui Fu pointed to his nose and followed him. As he ran, he shouted, "Who the hell dragged me here for nothing at the beginning? At this time, he came to blame me again. Is it easy for me to bully? I won't be wronged by you. I'm going back to the palace! - Hey! You're fucking waiting for me!"

A figure rushed back like an arrow, dragging him out of the door like firewood.

At sunset, Huo Ying took Qi Yan to the mountain temple.

He didn't know what the people of Jinyishi were looking for him, let alone what the queen and the prince were looking for. He was not afraid that they would ask for guilt, but he was afraid of seeing them. As the descendants of sinners, he has no face to see them. If it hadn't been for my grandfather's thought in those years, there would not have been so many things in the future, and Yin Yu would not have encountered so many dangers. Not only did he have no face to see them, but now the whole Huo family has no face.

"Don't be afraid, I'll be with you."

Qi Yan carefully moved to his side and sat down, saying firmly.

Huo Ying glanced at her face and was even more depressed. It doesn't matter where he goes alone. Now that there is so much trouble around him, what should he do?

"Where is your home? I'll take you back." He said.

"No, I won't go back." Qi Yan hugged her knees and said stubbornly, "They will force me to get married when I go back."

Huo Yingran: "Did you escape from marriage?"

Qi Yan squeezed her lips, "It's not all. But it's almost the same."

Huo Ying was speechless. The fate of parents and the words of matchmakers, there are really women in the world who dare to escape from marriage. But he can't take her around, can he?

He stared at her for a long time, got up and walked down the mountain.

Qi Yan followed: "I'm not afraid. You're a big man. I don't want you to be responsible and won't pester you. If it's convenient, send me to my ancestor's house. If it's inconvenient, just leave me alone. Why are you in such a hurry to escape?"

Hearing this escape word, Huo Ying stopped as if he had been stabbed by a needle.

He has been a hero all his life and has never escaped anything.

"Where is your ancestral home?" He asked.

"In Hejianfu, Chengjia, Nanyuan County." Qi Yan said.

Huo Ying stared at her with a blank face, and she squeezed her lips and looked at him.

"Let's go." He said.

Qi Yan paused slightly, and her tight face suddenly opened vividly. She immediately picked up her skirt and followed her.

The setting sun shines on two figures, one high and one low, with the same golden luster, making them look harmonious and compatible.

"Why are you alone in the inn?"

"I came here with my second uncle. He went to the northwest to work. I stole his carriage and found it far away from the river. Later, he gave me the message to my third brother, and I refused to go back. When we were having dinner in the restaurant, he replaced the sweet wine in the dumplings on the table with strong wine. I came out when they were unprepared. As a result, I went to the wrong inn because I was drunk.

"...Your brain is really white."

"How do you curse? Obviously, the third brother is too insidious..."

The voice was getting smaller and smaller and farther along the way. The afterglow of the sunset was like a pair of gentle hands, sending them to the south.

Huo Ying has only been to Hejianfu many times, but Nanyuan has only been here once. That is, when Yin Yu disappeared many years ago, he knew that there were his old subordinates here, so he brought people here to visit.

He bought a horse for Qi Yan and reset his relatively low-key outfit. It took him more than ten days to reach Nanyuan.

After ten days of getting along with her, he has gradually become accustomed to her existence.

She is not as annoying as he thought, and he even thinks in private that she is still a little personable. She talked a lot all the way. He never knew that a girl would talk so much and be so stupid. If she meets an injured bird on the way, she will go up and dress it. If she meets an old man with firewood on his back, she will drag him to help.

She is very lively, but not arrogant, very cheerful, but not rude. It can be seen from her that she has been well-eded, although escaping from marriage sounds very shocking. When talking and discussing things, there will also be good views, and occasionally refute Huo Ying's "robber remarks".

All of these can tell a person's background.

Huo Ying gradually had an indespeakable feeling for her. She was so generous and not awkward. Everything made him feel extremely comfortable and natural, who was born in a family, but he was used to staying in the barracks for many years.

He began to laugh at some of her silly words and took her to the woods to roast hares at night.

He watched her and applauded happily, and then he bent his lips quietly.

With her journey, she doesn't seem to be lonely at all.

But ten days later, they still stood in Nanyuan County.

After leaving Jingshi Zhongyuan for a few months, Huo Ying's mood was also a little difficult to calm down when he saw the Liangtian and the hills that were reddened by the autumn wind. At present, what he sees is living and working in peace and contentment, and what he has seen, as well as his credit. He suddenly felt that he had not lived in vain for the first two decades. Even if he had no chance to serve the country from now on, he still felt honored.

After all, he still loves this land. The northwest is too desolate, which makes people feel a little more desolate. Maybe later, he can walk around the north and south of the Yangtze River of Dayin, take a good look at the great country and mountains, and finally choose a place with beautiful scenery, find any errands to spend the rest of his life.

"The front is the Cheng family. Let's find an inn to change our clothes first, and then you can go in." He got off his horse in front of the inn and said to her.

Qi Yan hasn't said much all day. Hearing him say that, she just nodded silently and got off the horse.

Huo Ying still opened two rooms.

Qi Yan stood at the door of the room and said, "Where will you go next?"

Huo Ying couldn't stand her eyes and turned around.

What are you looking for him for? They were just a pair of passers-by who met, and he happened to have time to give her a ride. They won't have any other intersections. He is just the son of a guilty minister.

He crossed the threshold and closed the door.

Qi Yan stared at the closed door for a long time, and suddenly looked downstairs and made a gesture.

The mustache downstairs shook the folding fan, nodded, and leaned his neck to drink all the wine in the glass.

Qi Yan straightened up and looked at Huo Ying's room again, with a trace of complexity in her eyes.

After Huo Ying closed her eyes for half an hour, Qi Yan knocked on the door. Huo Ying, we can go.

He opened his eyes, sat up and opened the door.

Qi Yan, who changed back to women's clothing, suddenly appeared at the door and was a little amazing. It's really unfair for such a girl if she doesn't have a good husband.

Thinking of the days of getting along with each other, I don't know why, he felt a little sad when he thought of parting.

He silently went down the stairs and still walked one after the other.

It's a strange street and a different mood. R1152