Teaching the alien world

3-It's a problem

Chapter 3 - Not up

"Sister, fight!" Seeing that several fireballs were getting closer and closer, Mo Fan, who was anxious, had to choose to gamble and rush straight to the fireball.

Of course, Mo Fan did not foolishly rush directly into the center of the fireball and enjoy the baptism of high temperature. If he really does that, it will be a purebred evil pen.

Although it is a big gamble, Mo Fan, as a scientific research genius in the interstellar era, is still confident. He knew how to bet, and his determination to make a big bet came from the subtle time difference between the large area of ice and arrow rain and fireball.

If the prediction is correct, according to inertia, those large ice arrow rains will land first and then lose their lethality. As long as you are not hit by the fireball before, you still have a chance to turn over. Just after a little calculation in his heart, Mo Fan made a decision with confidence.

At the moment when the ice and arrow rain fell to the ground, the prepared guy seized the subtle time difference and made a very smart choice. A pair of fireballs that could only accommodate one person to pass sideways, and then rushed over.

Mo Fan, who got into the center of the two fireballs, turned slightly sideways, and then successfully hit a ball with the hot fireball and passed through the narrow gap between the two fireballs.

Although the fireball hit Mo Fan and successfully exploded, it was precisely because of a edge ball that Mo Fan did not cause much damage to other parts of the body except for the shoulder blade injury. As for the large ice and arrow rain falling to the ground, it is even less likely to hit him.

Most importantly, Mo Fan's movement speed did not slow down due to injury. On the contrary, the guy who was injured moved faster at this time than before. Inviso, there is a sign of breaking through the acquired martial arts master and advancing to the congenital martial arts sect. It's just a guy full of hatred who didn't notice for a while.

"Go to hell!" The severe pain on his shoulders seemed to break, which made Mo Fan's anger burst out. The split-eye roared and rushed to the nearest white robe sacrifice, followed by a move to separate his muscles and bones and kill him in an instant.

After shooting a sacrifice again, Mo Fan learned to be smart this time. He grabbed the body of the white robe sacrifice as a shield and rushed to other white robe sacrifices who recited the formula decisively.

Mo Fan knows very well that he must end the battle here as soon as possible. Because the 100 people in charge of security on the periphery, the knights dressed more 'losers' than the losers had already noticed that something was wrong and were rushing towards this side.

If it hadn't been for the admiration of the 'dracle' in the square, there were too many ordinary people who knelt down spontaneously, blocking the way of the golden armor knights, and the 'loser' knights who found it wrong would have rushed into the altar, stood in front of Mo Fan, and even used obese sea of people tactics to kill him.

It turns out again that sometimes the flow of people is large enough to cause extremely terrible consequences. At least now the way is blocked by the crowd, and the knights who can only move forward slowly at the speed of the turtle have a deep understanding.

Because as a glorious church knight, what they do represents the honor of the Church of Light, so they have no reason or right to rebuke ordinary people who worship the 'might' and leave a complaint.

And all this is exactly what Mo Fan calculated. He took advantage of the crowded crowd in the square to buy enough time for himself.

Because Mo Fan is very clear that if the golden armored knights rush over, it will be a big problem to run away, not to mention killing these troubles, the extremely painful white robe sacrifice.

So as quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, Mo Fan, who picked up the body, instantly accelerated and rushed into the white robe sacrifice team, suddenly threw the body in his hand, smashed over a sacrifice that was about to release magic, and then launched a fierce offensive against the prey like a hungry wolf entering the sheep.

The white-robed sacrifices who were entangled by Mo Fan, who was eaten by hungry tigers, completely lost their last advantage, and then there was a crackling sound like stir-fried beans.

Mo Fan, who was as successful as an angry tiger, was rude behind him. The huge hammers, which seemed to be as heavy, hit various key positions on the fragile body of the white robe with various tricky angles.

After being violently dismantled, the white robe sacrifices, their bodies are torn apart, blood-stained meat blocks, red and white brains emitting a pungent smell, splashing, and occasionally one with red, white, yellow and three colors are unknown**. And being kicked into pieces by someone, something that barely recognized as two spheres flew far away...

In less than a minute, the only eight white-robed priests with second-order magic power were killed on the spot by Mo Fan. Those fatal positions were nothing more than **, balls, and the most deadly heads.

Of course, you can't blame Mo Fan for attacking the most vulnerable position of the human body. In contrast, the close attack power of the acquired master-level Bajiquan master will not be lower than the power of a thousand pounds of hammer, and no matter where it hits the body, it is either dead or injured.

Only because the weak positions of these people can make people feel better relieved and will not feel pain, so Mo Fan simply chose these key parts. The reason why someone does this is that he feels that he is still a pure silver.

After all, Mo Fan and these unlucky children only have a little hatred, and he is not a sadist. Although he is a little unhappy, he is not very evil enough to make some shameless guys in white robes experience the miserable feeling that life is worse than death.

Mo Fan is very clear that the 'loser' knight team responsible for peripheral security has passed through the bustling crowd and is about to rush into the altar battlefield, so at this moment, he has no spare time to ink. He can only do the fastest and most ruthless moves, kill him with one blow, and must quickly end the battle.

However, the ideal is very full, but the reality is always very backbone. What is expected often has a certain probability of deviation, and even God may not be able to guarantee that he can make a foolproof.

What's more, Mo Fan is just a slightly stronger mortal at this time. The expected deviation is also inevitable.

Although Mo Fan worked very hard, just as he killed the last white-robed sacrifice and didn't have time to stand firm, he was responsible for the security of the sacrifice. The church loser knights who had been 'over the mountains' all the way finally broke through the obstruction of the bustling crowd and broke into the central altar of Anting Square and officially met Mo Fan.

When the golden armored knights quickly gathered, holding gold-inlaid swords, wearing gold armor and golden boots saw disgusting pieces of corpses all over the ground stained with blood. Several weak-hearted guys in the team couldn't help vomiting for a moment, and some even fainted.

Fortunately, they did not faint. They were shocked, and the trembling knights looked at each other in disbelief. It was not until they were sure that they had read it wrong that they were facing a big enemy. They nervously surrounded the three layers of Mofanli and the outer three layers, and no one dared to move for a moment.

"What's going on? How could this happen? What's the reason for this monster?

In the knight's cognition, any guy who can be elected as a sacrifice in white robe is the best in magic cultivation. These guys are comparable to monsters, although they can't fight against a hundred, at least they can fight against knights, and they can win a complete victory without injury.

What's more, the overall strength of the magicians of the white-robed sacrificial group that was slaughtered by Mofan in front of them was also very advanced in the Bourbon Empire. Although it is less than the top ten, it is definitely a famous and resounding existence.

But now, what happened in front of us is beyond the cognitive scope of all knights, and it is not even too much to describe it as subversion. The former powerful second-order white robe sacrificial group has been completely destroyed in less than a quarter of an hour! And they have only one enemy!

So how strong this destroyer should be! You can know it just by thinking about it with your buttocks. It was this feeling of stormy waves that shocked a group of knights and dared not rush to attack Mo Fan.

At this moment, all the golden armored knights surrounding Mo Fan have such a feeling in their hearts. That's the guy in front of him whose hair is burnt, his face is ferocious, he can't see his face clearly, and his whole body is dark and bloody, emitting a pungent smell. The unknown origin is a true demon.

At this moment, all the frightened golden armored knights did not expect that the 'demon' in front of them was the pagan who escaped from the altar. The guys who secretly poured out a cold breath were all suffering painfully on one issue. Damn it! Is it up now or not?

Yes, if it still doesn't go up, it has become a big problem that bothers the knights. Although the frightened guys surrounded Mo Fan, they are also very entangled in their hearts, and it is not even too much to describe it as suffering.

Let's go! His strength is not as good as Mo Fan, and he naturally finds his own way to die. No way! The paladins and bishops of the church will never let go of themselves. Is there no compromise?

At this time, the knights who surrounded Mo Fan and couldn't make up their minds spontaneously focused their eyes on the captain of the knight who slowly walked into the center, Lawrence Baidi, a second-order and three-star knight, which seemed to say, "Head, it's still not up. Think of a way!"

The knights are entangled, which does not mean that Mo Fan, who is fearless, will be entangled. When a group of people rushed up, he knew that if he didn't get rid of these annoying guys in front of him, the matter would not have ended well today.

But when he saw the entangled and frightened expressions of the golden armored knights, Mo Fan immediately breathed a sigh of relief and secretly chuckled. These silver-gun and wax-gun-head guys in front of him are obviously the chicks who have not been seriously and cruelly killed. Although they are large, as long as they are properly grasped, they seem to be fearless.

Taking advantage of the enemy's hesitation, Mo Fan slowly stood up straight, adjusted his breathing, his feet were slightly staggered, and he secretly accumulated his strength in eight-character steps, ready for a complete outbreak.

There is a saying that two fists are hard to beat the four hands. Mo Fan, who knew well about this theory, did not take action immediately after he finished his power. What he was afraid of was to beat the grass and startle the snake, causing the enemy dog to jump over the wall and rush up. At this moment, what was missing was an opportunity, because Mo Fan did not know who was the head of this group of knights.

After accumulating his strength, Mo Fan secretly thought about who was the leader of this group of knights. As long as he found their heads, it was better to give him another blow to frustrate the last trace of the knights, and then the rest of the things would be easy.

When all the knights focused their eyes on a strong man with a beard, nearly two meters tall, not flustered at all, very calm, Mo Fan knew that the opportunity had come.