Teaching the alien world

11-Message about Jon

Chapter 11 - Jon's News

When Mo Fan opened his eyes again with a splitting headache, the first thing he saw was Andre's bloody red eyes and nervous face.

From Andre's nervous facial expression and sincere eyes, Mo Fan, who was struggling to get up, could see that he was very worried about his safety, and a warm current flashed in his heart. This guy still has a conscience, and it's not in vain that he took a hard hand for him before.

"You're awake!" Seeing Mo Fan wake up and get out of bed, Andre was relieved, and the stone hanging in his heart couldn't help falling to the ground.

But when he saw Mo Fan walking around alive and looking around, as if there was nothing wrong, the nervous expression on Andre's face suddenly turned into surprise, and he opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, "How is this possible? How can you be nothing?"

If Andrea remembers correctly, when he was tortured by Miss Pandora for the first time, he had a headache for three or four days and couldn't even get up! But in the same situation, Mo Fan actually got up from ** in less than half an hour.

"Why is there such a big difference between those who are also practicing crazy warriors!" At this moment, Andre, who was deeply hit, couldn't help but secretly suspect that Mo Fan was really taught a lesson by Miss Pandora? Or what other reasons?

"Is it that Miss Pandora's heart surged and fell in love with this exposed man who likes to run around naked, so she didn't be cruel?" When it comes to Mo Fan's rich capital, the only thing Andre can think of now is this most likely hypothesis, and his heart is like overturning a five-flavor bottle, with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, salty and all kinds of flavors entangled.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis. Andre is not very worried, let alone envy Mo Fan's affair. Because he doesn't believe that Miss Pandora, who always likes to walk independently and despises any man in her bones, will fall in love with a man so easily.

Okay! Even if Miss Pandora's heart surges, she will never like this super obscene man who likes to bare buttocks in broad daylight and knows that she has mental problems at a glance.

You should know that the most indispensable thing in the world of Rheinster is the two-legged man, piles of young talents like ants, not to mention the nobles of the rich side.

Those blood riders, magic mentors, and shadow chasers whose cultivation is at least legendary and strong enough to dominate one side. Even if such a strong man came to Anting to court Pandora, he would eventually come back in a miserable end, not to mention Mo Fan, a naked man who likes to expose! So no matter who she likes, she will never like Mo Fan.

Thinking of Miss Pandora's fierce words of refusing to courtship, and the legendary strongmen who still had to smile but drip blood in their hearts after being hit, Andre couldn't help grinning and giggled: "Those who can't even be regarded as toads, those who want to eat swan meat should be thrown to death. Hey hey..."

Seeing Andre's obscene smile and silent by the bed, Mo Fan, who walked around the room, couldn't help walking over curiously and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Big stupid bear, what are you making you happy here!"

"Nothing? It's not that your brain is broken! Still..." As soon as the words were asked, Andre, with a silly face, hurriedly closed his mouth with regret. It's not the right time to leak, but don't let Mo Fan misunderstand.

"What do you mean by that?" Hearing Andre's words, Mo Fan, who frowned unconsciously, obviously misunderstood. He doesn't understand what's going on with Andre? I was worried about it just now, but now I'm talking nonsense.

"No, it's not interesting." Andre, who was panicked and had a messy mind, scratched his head and seriously thought about it and explained, "Actually, I mean, do you feel anything wrong with your head now?"

"I'm normal! I don't feel anything wrong." Mo Fan looked at Andre suspiciously and said puzzledly, "I just feel that you look a little strange now, and where is it?"

"Are you really all right?" Andrea took a serious look at Mo Fan until he saw someone shrug his shoulders and make sure that he was really okay. Then he explained, "This is the money club. Miss Pandora asked me to bring you back."

Who is Pandora? Why do I feel so familiar?" Hearing Andre talking about Pandora, Mofan felt very familiar.

"Miss Pandora is the owner of the gold worship club." Although I don't know what Mo Fan is thinking, Andre, who is straightforward and simple, still looks worshipful and explains very seriously: "Miss Pandora is a very powerful spiritual magic tutor! You heard that her name is also normal.

"Pedola..." After meditated a few times, Mo Fan suddenly remembered that the name Pandora was the name that was tortured into schizophrenic by himself, the name that the genius alchemist Jon said? No wonder it feels so familiar!

Thinking of what Jon said, Mo Fan couldn't help joking at Andre: "Is Pandora you talking about that powerful little witch just now?"

"Shh, don't slander Miss Pandora so much." Obviously, Andrea, who was very angry, said, and he was afraid to go to the door to look at it again. After confirming that there was no one, he turned back to Mo Fan and whispered, "If you bold guy wants to die, don't drag me to go with you!" If this is heard by the young lady, you will never have a way to live.

"Ha..." I have never seen the tough man Andre so scared, cautious like a thief, and Mo Fan, who felt very funny, shrugged and said, "Is it really so terrible?"

"Why not? This is not a joke with you." Andre stared at Mo Fan fiercely: "You have forgotten the pain after the scar. Have you really forgotten how you lay here?

"Uh..." Hearing Andre's words, Mo Fan suddenly remembered the woman who pushed herself into the endless abyss while revealing infinite charm with a smile, and couldn't help but speak.

"It seems that your memory is not bad." Seeing that Mo Fan was silent, Andre said with a squeak face, "Do you know how Miss Pandora got the title of Queen of Gold?"

Hearing Andre's words, Mo Fan became interested, shook his head and said, "How did you get it?"

"Hundreds of years ago, Miss Pandora, who was not a legendary spiritual magic tutor, defeated Jon, the magic alchemist who ranked first in Rhinester at that time and was known as an all-round genius." When it comes to Pandora's past, Andre looks admiring. It seems that the person who defeated Jon was either Pandora or himself.

"Oh, is that true?" Suddenly hearing Andre say Jon's name, Mo Fan unconsciously remembered the fat old man Jon, who had met a state of soul and frequently convulsed and crazy.

Mo Fan remembers very clearly that Jon, the old man who twitched from time to time, also talked about Pandora. However, the disdainful and obscene tone of what Jon said at that time did not seem to have been defeated by Pandora. On the contrary, he didn't pay attention to her. Is there any secret between Jon and Pandora, or is there any adultery between them?

However, no matter what the relationship Jon and Pandora has, it doesn't mean anything special to Mofan. What this guy cares most about now is whether Jon is really as powerful as Andrea said. After all, there is such a person's soul in his mind, which really makes Mo Fan very uneasy.

"Since the old man is so powerful, why is he trapped in my body and can't get out? Is it really related to Pandora? These questions appeared in his mind, and Mo Fan became more and more curious about Jon. Of course, it is more afraid. After all, this is also a regular * general existence.

In order to find out the truth, Mo Fan, who frowned, quickly asked, "Since Jon was the world's number one genius alchemist in the Rhinester at that time, how could he be defeated by the unnamed Pandora?"

"Really, this is true." Seeing that Mo Fan didn't believe his words, Andrea looked at him with an excited face, waved his hands and shouted, "Although I don't know how Miss Pandora defeated Jon. But since Jon accepted Miss's challenge, the so-called all-round magic genius has mysteriously disappeared.

Seeing that Andre was so excited, not like telling a lie, Mo Fan was more curious about Jon's experience. Because in his opinion, there are too many possibilities that can lead to Jon's mysterious disappearance, but it is absolutely impossible to disappear after being defeated by Pandora, as Andrea said.

Because Jon was strong to a certain extent at that time, how could he be defeated by an unknown little man! Just like a powerful ant, it can't trample on an elephant. So there must be something else hidden in it.

It's just that Mo Fan can't figure out why it made Jon, a high-powerful magic genius and a great alchemist, become an old madman who frequently whining and foams at his mouth!

Thinking of this, in order to get more about Jon's sexuality from Andre's mouth, Mo Fan deliberately grinned, waved his hand contemptuously, and said in disbelief, "Please! Jon just disappeared, which doesn't mean that he was defeated by Pandora! You are not so naive that you don't even understand such a simple truth!"

"But that's the truth!" Seeing that Mo Fan still didn't believe it and seemed to know the truth very well, Andre asked angrily, "Since you said that Jon was not defeated by Miss Pandora, why did he dare not show up for so many years?"

"You don't know this, so I don't know!" Mo Fan shrugged his shoulders and continued to stimulate Andrea and said, "But I'm sure Jon was never defeated by Pandora."

"Why are you, you, you? You, you, you are sophistry." Andre, who was incoherent by Mo Fan's angry words, hammered his chest and glared at him and said, "I don't know anything, but I pretend to know you very well. If you have the courage to ask Miss Pandora yourself, see if the truth of the matter is the same as what I said.

Seeing Andre's angry face and very angry, Mo Fan knew that he could not get any news. After all, after all these years, only Jon and Pandora knew the truth at that time. As for the simple and simple Andre, it is just a hearsay and takes it to be true. In a word, he will not believe such childish rumors.

"Okay, don't be angry either!" Mo Fan smiled and walked to Andre like a giant, stretched out his hands and gently patted his undulating chest, and comforted him softly like a boy, "I know we are already friends, so I absolutely have reason to believe that my brother will not lie to me. What I just said has no other meaning, but I'm just afraid that you will be cheated by others.

Hearing Mo Fan say the word friend, Andre's anger calmed down a lot in an instant, and he kept muttering, repeating: "Friends, brothers..."

Andre, an orphan, has been killed by a strange man* since childhood and followed him to practice a mad warrior. But later, the strange man mysteriously disappeared, and Andre, who was lonely, simple and kind, became an object of being used. What friends were there?

If Pandora, who accidentally passed by the arena, hadn't accidentally found Andre and took him away, perhaps he might still be a poor person who was used to live and die in the arena. If he was unlucky, he would have been killed and abandoned in the wilderness.

Since she was rescued by Pandora, the queen of gold worship, Andre's life has also become regular and normal. It's just a guy who has been lonely and has a very perverted force value for many years. Except for being willing to bow his head and get close to Pandora and the mysteriously disappeared weirdo, he always ignores others, and there is no one to talk to.

But since he had a fight with Mo Fan, Andre, who had never met his opponent, found that he had met his own kind. For this guy who has never had friends, let alone brothers in this dictionary, he subconsciously planned to be in his own camp at that time. So when Mo Fan was in a coma, he felt nervous for no reason.

After a brief argument with Mo Fan and hearing the words 'friend' and 'brother' from his mouth, Andre felt a trace of warmth in his heart for no reason. For a guy who has never had a friend or brother, these four words are so precious and worth maintaining.

"Friend!" Andre looked at Mo Fan carefully and said word by word, "Are we friends now?"

"We are not only friends now, but also good brothers in the future!" Looking at Andre's serious expression, Mo Fan also stretched out his right hand seriously and introduced himself, "My name is Mo Fan, how about you!"

"My name is Andre." Looking at Mo Fan's outstretched right hand, Andre, who grabbed his head, also stretched out his hands.

"Thank you." With his hands clenched and a trace of tears gushed out in his eyes, Andre laughed with joy and said, "Haha... Miss Pandora, you don't have to worry. From today on, Andre also has friends and brothers."

Seeing that Andre is as happy as a child, Mo Fan, who has long been tired of living a fraudulent life, can't help saying from the bottom of his heart: "I'm also very happy to be friends and brothers with guys like you. Haha..."

It's just that Mo Fan and Andre were laughing wildly in the room. Neither of them noticed that Pandora, dressed in luxurious black gauze, the unparalleled gold worship queen, quietly flashed through the eaves with a smile on her face after listening to their cheerful laughter...