Teaching the alien world

21-Sad Pilates

Chapter 21 - Sad Pilates

Pilates, who thought he was unconscious and secretly sneaked into the tent, did not expect that his current every move had already been calculated by Mo Fan. When he entered the tent sideways, he had already stepped into the trap set for him.

Pilates, who secretly sneaked into the tent, did not notice at all that the large ground at the position of the door curtain had been quietly sprinkled on by Mo Fan, who had entered the tent, and got a special healing wound from the goblin Bunker, but it was also a very powerful red potion. So Pilates in the stealth didn't know at all that his whereabouts had been exposed to Mo Fan from the moment he stepped into the tent.

"Go to hell!" Looking at the two figures covered with a thin quilt and rolling around in it, Pilates sneered and took the small dagger in his hand and quietly sneaked over, ready to send the pair of good friends back to the west through the quilt.

But what was unexpected was that as soon as Pilates, holding a small dagger, came to the quilt and was about to act. Before he could really do it, the quilt covering the two people suddenly flew towards him and covered the unprepared guy.

In fact, a gap was slightly opened in the door curtain of the tent, and Mo Fan, who hid in the quilt with Andre, had already seen it. However, at that time, he did not act rashly. What he was afraid of was to scare the snake and let the assassin who had finally entered the trap escape.

It was not until Pilates stepped on the bright red footprints and moved to the side of the quilt step by step. After Mo Fan, who had been secretly observing carefully, realized that the time was ripe, he suddenly lifted the quilt and put the Pilates up.

Pilate's reaction was not slow. When the quilt enveloped him, he found that the wrong guy rolled over. With the advantage of his short figure, he rolled up from the ground and tried to roll aside from the encirclement of the quilt. Because as long as his body is not exposed, he still has a chance to assassinate.

But Pilates never thought that his speed was still a little slower. Although he had rolled as much as he could, one foot still pressed one foot under the thin quilt. As a result, a high bulge bulge appeared on the thin quilt that should have been lying flat on the ground. An obvious calf mark was clearly printed on the thin sheet.

It was at this time that the sad night assassin Pilates found that the two men who should have been naked and lying in the quilt were not suitable for children stood up from the floor in neat clothes.

"Are they not good friends, and they weren't being friends just now? But deliberately shaking the old man?" Pilates, whose head could not turn around, was just stunned. Mo Fan, who quickly stood up from the ground, rushed to him with lightning, holding his feet like a chicken, and lifting the sad assassin who had not recovered.

Mo Fan, who was like grabbing a poisonous snake, did not stop after grabbing Pilates's exposed right foot and lifting him in the air. Instead, he rotated the sad assassin in his hand several times in the air and threw it to the ground fiercely at the moment when Pilates was dizzy. The close contact between the flesh and blood body and the ground broke out a burst of endless bursts of explosions "bang bang..."

Although Mo Fan still can't see what the assassin caught by himself looks like at this moment, the temperature, weight, and the bright red footprint in his hand have also clearly told him that he did not seize the air. This intention was wrong and came to stab. The assassin who killed himself has been successfully arrested.

So Mo Fan kept carrying the assassin he had caught and kept falling to the hard ground, falling left and right, without any sympathy at all. Of course, all this can only be blamed on this stupid assassin for asking for it. Who made this sad child so idle that he had nothing to assassinate Mo Fan!

For Mo Fan, who is very precious to life, he will never be soft on enemies who dare to challenge his life. What's more, this assassin of unknown origin is likely to be a lackey sent by the Light Church! Reasonable, Mo Fan can't let him go easily. As a result, the beating continues.

He was continuously knocked on the ground by Mo Fan with his right leg for dozens of minutes. Even after practicing fighting spirit, the iron man can't stand such a toss! What's more, as a night assassin, Pilates's body should be very fragile.

After more than ten minutes of continuous violent beatings, the dagger has been thrown away and I don't know where to go, and my mind has long been blurred. I can't continue to control the stealth skills. The assassin Pilates, who completely exposed his true face, has already been black and swollen, with less breath and more breath, and it doesn't work.

After "bang bang" came again, Mo Fan stopped after venting his grievances in his heart. He looked carefully at the assassin Pilates, who had been carried upside down by himself, and did not move. Obviously, he was the assassin Pilates who had fainted.

Originally, according to Mo Fan's original plan, once he caught the sad assassin who dared to follow his assassination, he would kill him directly. But later, when he thought of the powerful force behind him, Mo Fan gave up this plan. Because of some questions about the Church of Light, he felt it was very necessary to figure it out. Know yourself and know your enemy, you will be invincible!

After the assassin's stealth skill in his hand disappeared, Mo Fan looked at Pilates curiously. It was not until this time that he found that the stunted assassin held in his hand was simply the legendary figure in the mythical list of his previous life, holding a fairy rope and three feet tall. The long soil line is almost the same.

Because of the obscene facial features of the assassin Pilates and the perfect figure of the dysplasia and the goblin Bunk, they all give Mo Fan such a feeling. He felt that the assassin in his hand was completely a replica of the lustful, timid and integrated local grandson, all of which were so obscene and treacherous.

"If you don't die, get up for me." Seeing the cunning appearance of the assassin who was taken upside down by himself as if he was pretending to be dead and motion, Mo Fan said with a sneer and shook the assassin who was trying to be dead. But he was soon disappointed to find that the guy who pretended to be dead did not say a word except for a hum, and he looked like I had been generous.

shook the Tu Xingsun in his hand again and saw that he was still motionless, and he didn't even bother to hum. Some impatient Mofan couldn't help frowning and threw the night assassin Pilates, which competed with the goblin Bunker, and his temperament, to the ground.

"Nima! When you die, you still dare to play with me. If you don't die, you will die. Mo Fan, who felt that his IQ was insulted by the assassin, threw Pilates to the ground again, gently stepped on his ** position and said lightly: "If you continue to pretend to be dead, I will caste you as a child, and then find a hundred men to take turns day and night. Let you live every day in the comfortable days of ** flowers.

Mo Fan said he was going to castor him, but the night assassin Pilates really didn't understand. But the word "boy" is enough for him. Because Pilates, who pretended to be dead, heard very clearly and clearly. The guy who caught himself in front of him not only has to treat himself as a child, but also wants to find hundreds of men to turn his delicate **, not only during the day, but also every night. Isn't it better to live than die!!!

At the thought of those men lying on their perfect bodies, doing those heinous and disgusting actions, and feeling that their pure heart had been completely stained, they suddenly jumped up from the ground and tried to escape from this damn tent, far away. Leave this heinous demon.

But Pilates completely ignored Mo Fan's reaction. Before he got up, he was immediately trampled by Mo Fan. Even so, the sad assassins who threw himself to the ground still did not give up the struggle. The sad assassin, like a turtle pressed on the back cover, kept waving his limbs to scratch and scratch on the ground desperately. He scratched the flat and hard ground with bloody scratches, and tears of humiliation and regret unconsciously covered his face.

I struggled repeatedly and failed in the end, and I was very regretful. I really shouldn't have come back to do it. The tearful Pilates beat the ground and cried bitterly, "No, I'm not reconciled!" I'm about to become a legendary follower, how can I be a child and suffer from those damn gays**. Let me go!"

"I'll let you go? How do you know you're scared now? Why didn't you have such an awareness when you were about to kill me just now? Looking at the assassin who was crying and struggling on the ground, Mo Fan sneered and said, "Hum... You still honestly explain that you are instructing you to follow and assassinate me behind your back. If you dare to say a guy, I will definitely make you regret jumping out of your mother's womb.

"I didn't want to kill you! There must be some misunderstanding in the middle." Hearing Mo Fan's words, Pilates' eyes, which lay on the ground pretending to be a turtle, turned slightly, turned his head with difficulty, and looked at Mo Fan with a tearful face and argued, "I just passed by here and saw you being a kinky by the way. I was curious and sneaked in to have a look. Who knows that you caught me? In fact, I'm really not an assassin. You must have misunderstood."