Teaching the alien world

24-flame element

Chapter 24 - Elemental Flame

Time flies, and soon it is approaching noon. During this period, under the coercion and temptation of Mo Fan, who was fooled, Pilates, who could almost find a direction, had to agree to someone's suggestion with a 'threat' nature, carry a heavy burden specially prepared for him, silently followed someone's buttocks, and became an aggrieved little follower. To put it unpleasantly, in fact, he is a cool man with a cup.

The raging rift valley, which is composed of different sizes, or dead or active volcanic arrays, has a very harsh environment. The temperature outside the canyon maintains a temperature of 60 or 70 degrees all year round, especially under the poisonous sunlight near noon, the heat of the valley path, which is very hot. Geometrically rising.

In order to avoid the accidental injury of the poisonous sun, Mo Fan narrowed his eyes and walked on foot in the cracked and hot valley path, like a red-hot soldering iron. His yellow skin was covered with sweat, which had already been red by the poisonous sun, constantly emitting white fog and evaporated...

The burning pain from his back and the white dead skin on his hands made Mo Fan have an illusion that he had to doubt whether he had gone to a mythical world again. Damn it! Such a high-temperature Flame Rift Valley is the legendary Flame Mountain trapped by Sun Monkey.

Because in this half-day journey, Mo Fan, who is happy in the bitterness, sees the most in his eyes of the mountains, different sizes and uneven red stones, and there are no flowers and plants that can make people enjoy the shade.

Even the only stream in the Flame Rift Valley, winding out from the depths of the valley, seemed to respond to the harsh environment of the valley, as if it had been deliberately burned, constantly emitting white heat and rolling 'pop'.

Seeing such a harsh environment, Mo Fan, who was sweating heavily, his lips were dry and cracked, and his breathing seemed to be very short, finally understood why this place was called the Flame Rift. Damn it! After being smoked continuously for several hours with a high temperature of more than 100 degrees, you can't die or die. After fully experiencing the pain that life is worse than death, you will know the indescribable anger and depression in Mo Fan's heart.

In short, Mo Fan, who was attacked by the harsh environment, almost faded his skin, and his feet were already full of big blisters, was once depressed and self-deprecating. Under the current circumstances, I'm afraid he would have been killed by this harsh environment before he entered the BOSS nest. Damn it! Where is this to send arms to the boss? Is this obviously looking for abuse?

Mo Fan just thought about it in his heart. Of course, he could not give up. No matter how difficult the road under his feet was, he still did not stop. He stubbornly continued to drive along the rugged and difficult mountain road.

"What do you see there?" After walking along the winding sheep intestine path in the valley for a long time, Mo Fan, with blurred eyes, suddenly found a stream that did not bubble and seemed to be normal at the bottom of the valley, so he couldn't wait to rush over.

"That's great, I can finally take a shower. Oh, too..." Mo Fan shouted, took off his clothes, twisted his buttocks, and jumped down the valley path. He completely ignored Andre, who looked surprised beside him, and Pilates, who was first surprised and then ecstatic.

"What's going on with this guy?" Looking at Mo Fan, who rushed to the magma river happily, Andre grinned and patted his head, which was almost about to hit the machine, with a speechless face. Damn it! Even if you want to train iron bones, you won't be so excited to abuse yourself!

"Does this devil want to commit suicide?" Watching Mo Fan rush down in a hurry, Pilates was first surprised and then ecstatic. This is really great. The great spiny can finally be released.

Of course, it is impossible for Mofan, who just wants to take a shower, know the idea of Andrea and Pilates. But when someone touched down the path on the mountainside and looked at the misty stream up close, he was stunned. At this time, he understood why the two guys just now had that kind of sad expression like a dead mother.

It's true that there is a stream at the bottom of the Flame Rift Valley, but only when you look closely, you can see the boiling red bubbles and the frightening water mist. In the face of such a scene, even a blind man can feel it. This is a magma river overflowing after the volcanic eruption, but Mo Fan did not notice it before.

"I wiped it! If I don't jump down with my eyes closed, what can I do?" Looking at the red hot magma that kept rolling, swallowed his saliva, Mo Fan gently patted his chest with a frightening face, and guessed the consequences of jumping down in his heart. Damn it! If you really jump down, it will not be a person to take a shower. It will definitely be a shower, and it will be very clean, and even a trace of bone dregs will not be left for someone.

Mo Fan, who was happy, shrugged his head helplessly, climbed back to the sheep intestine path halfway up the mountain, and ignored the playful Andre beside him. He stared at the Pilates, who stared at him sadly and desperately, calmly and said lightly, "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome man?" Then he continued to bury his head on the road without looking back.

"Nima! It's a shame this time. Mo Fan, who took the lead in walking in the front of the road, clenched his fist fiercely, thought about his pain, and decided to turn grief into strength. After seeing Taragaman, the Orc lord, he must punish him severely and deduct half of his rations.

"Nima! You can't stay anywhere, but you go to this place where birds don't lay eggs to do some conspiracy, which makes me suffer and almost die. It's really inhumane. Mo Fan, who was in apoor, walked faster and faster. Now he just wants to get to the flame nest at the end of the target, give BOSS Taragaman half of the food, and then quickly leave this damn 'steamer'.

Seeing that Mo Fan buried his head far away without saying a word, Andre shrugged his shoulders and got up and was ready to follow up. At this time, he found that Pilates held his thighs in his hands and collapsed on the ground with a lost face. He looked like an abandoned wife.

"I actually want to be lazy." Seeing such a scene, Andre, who was blocked from the way, suddenly became angry and gave Pilates a foot rudely, shouting at this sad reminder who always likes to play emoji shows: "Grandson, if you don't want to die! Get up for me immediately, or I will immediately throw you into the magma river and burn it to ashes.

"Immediately..." As soon as he heard that Andre was going to burn himself to ashes, Pilate, who was black and swollen, suddenly jumped up from the ground, without saying a word, and kept running towards Mo Fan. Because after such a long time, he has already found the fact that Mo Fan is much more easy to get along with than Andre.

Although Mo Fan is very cunning and never takes action easily. As soon as he takes action, Pilates is like a mirror in his heart. Because he can feel very clearly that Mo Fan will not kill himself easily, at least not for the time being.

Conversely, Andre is different. As long as one of you doesn't like Pilates, it's a punch and foot, and it's a rude beat. This compromise has become a sad assassin of bitterness. The old and new wounds on someone's face are good proof. As for why Andre gets angry so easily, Pilates himself has never figured it out.

Of course, Pilates will never know that when he pleaded for mercy like Mo Fan, he argued that when he came to assassinate Andre, a hateful guy already wanted to kill him on the spot. It's just that Mo Fan said that he couldn't kill him for the time being, so he didn't do anything, so he had the right to collect interest on punches and kicks.

After this episode, a group of three people with Mo Fan as the core kept running on the hot and cracked valley path. After about two hours, several people who advanced all the way came to a huge platform entangled by the peaks of four or five dead volcanoes, and the opposite was about three miles away. It's a flame cave. It is also the goal of this mission, the prison of the orc lord Taragaman.

When Mo Fan was the first to step into this platform with an altitude of nearly 3,000 meters above sea level, Mo Fan found many inappropriate things. First, a dry and burning breath came to his face, and then his feet stepping on the ground came a soft feeling, like a sponge pad.

After stepping on it a little harder, Mo Fan found a deep and clear footprint on the ground. Just when he felt strange, a burning elemental flame suddenly erupted from the ground for no reason near his right foot. If he hadn't reacted quickly, this sudden elemental flame would have burned him into It's gray.

"Nima! It's so close!" Looking like a fountain, the elemental flames spewing from the ground became more and more intense, and finally connected into large areas, forming a flame curtain wall. Mo Fan, who withdrew from the platform, was also quite painful at the same time. Because he can't think of any way to extinguish these extremely hot elemental flames.

Mo Fan, who was blocked by the elemental flame curtain wall and kept walking back and forth, has never been so entangled and unhappy. The guy who was also quite regretful in his heart cried: "Nima! Why didn't you listen to the mercenary union girl at the beginning? If I had been willing to spend a small amount of money to buy a fireball at that time, it might not have hurt so much now.

Of course, there is no regret medicine in the world, so the road still has to go, and Mo Fan will never give up his planned task because of a small setback. Since you can't provoke the elemental flame, you have to avoid it. Anyway, it's not too far from the flame nest. If you really can't find a way, just bypass it.

"Andre, stand there and don't move. I'll go over there to see what's going on." Mo Fan turned around, looked at the belated Andre, and then waved his hand to stay away from him, and then began to carefully observe the environment of the peak platform to see if he could find a relatively safe route, or find a relatively safe location to observe the frequency of these flames.

"Well, that's it!" After a while, Mo Fan quickly found an excellent observation position and stood on the edge of the volcanic platform, a relatively safe high ground, carefully observing the elemental flames coming from the ground. Because he suspects that the frequent elemental flames of these things are regular.

As expected, he soon found a strange phenomenon. As long as those elemental flames emerged from the cracks in the ground, they would often be connected in the form of a line, either vertically or horizontally, forming a large area of firewalls, dividing the wide volcanic tops into small pieces. If nothing unexpected happens, these ground surrounded by flames should be the so-called safe areas.

In order to prove that his speculation was correct, Mo Fan decided to find someone to have a try. As for who to look for! He found an excellent three good candidates without thinking about it. Yes, that's Pilates, the night assassin with a big package and shackles.