Teaching the alien world

26-will transform into a dog-headed man

Chapter 26 - A dog-headed man who will become a dog

Because Mo Fan cleverly changed his strategy and grabbed Pilates as a pathfinder stone for himself. Although he encountered many pitfalls in the next journey, it was also because of the existence of this humanoid pathfinder that he seemed to be thrilling along the way. It's just that after pitiing a sad assassin and playing the heartbeat game again and again, he once gloriously peed his pants.

Destroy the pit on the top platform again, and successfully broke into the hole of the flame nest with Andre. Mofan shook his head helplessly, and then threw down his eyes and turned white, exuding a smell of urine all over his body, almost unable to take care of Pilates.

Pilate's current cowardly performance really made Mo Fan very dissatisfied. He clapped his hands and said angrily, "Nima! Anyway, she is also hanging out with me. How can she be so incongruous? Now just by exploring the way, you will be scared into this virtue, so how can you hang out with me in the future?

Mo Fan, who hates iron but doesn't become steel, and has a helpless face, doesn't bother to pay attention to it. This corpse ground, doesn't hum. Pilates, who seems to be more uncomfortable than death, looked back at Andre who followed him and said, "Let's take a break for a while! After nourishing your spirit, go in and kill it.

"All right!" Andre, who sat on the ground, nodded and said, then took out a pot of old wine from the space ring on the ring finger of his right hand and drank it with Mo Fan. From beginning to end, he didn't look at Pilates, who was lying on the ground with urine all over.

"Then give me a bite!" After smelling the wine, Pilate, who was lying on the ground and died, suddenly came to his senses. He got up from the ground with lightning speed and stared straight at the silver wine pot in Andre's hand. His mouth-watering look was eager to see the wine pot into his stomach.

"I don't look at your virtue. Do you still want to drink and fight?" Andre stared at Pilates and wanted to raise his foot to kick him out, but saw Mo Fan shake his head again. He thought about it and thought of someone's previous credit. Finally, he stopped, took out a pot of wine from the space ring again and threw it over: "Take it to strengthen your courage! Don't be so ble for a while."

"Is this really for me?" As a hard worker and like a prisoner, Pilates was still conscious. After he said what he had just said, he was ready to be beaten, but he did not expect that Andrea would throw the wine pot in his hand so happily.

"Thank you, thank you..." Seeing Andre and Mo Fan nodding at the same time, Pilates lowered his head again and looked at the heavy silver wine pot in his hand. His nose was sore, and his eyes couldn't help blushing. The guy who wanted to cry choked and put the wine jug to his mouth and took a sip: "Good wine..."

More than half an hour after drinking the wine in the hands of the three people. After such a short rest, Mo Fan felt that his previous fatigue was swept away and jumped up from the ground, ready to greet Andre and Pilates into the nest to meet the boss.

I don't know if it was because of alcohol stimulation, and I didn't wait for Mo Fan to open his mouth. The Delaney assassin with a small tail and dreamed of becoming a thorn god, but in reality, Pilates, who carried a big package and shackles on his feet took the lead in entering the flame nest this time.

"Wipe! Is this product on the head? Sure enough, as Mo Fan expected, before he stepped into the flame nest, there was a panicked and frightening scream inside.

"Help..." Pilates, who had just rushed into the cave bravely, was now rolling and crawling out, as if he had really encountered something extremely frightening and frightening, as if he hated his parents for giving himself a pair of legs.

"Sure enough, he is still a fighter who can't hold the wall!" Mo Fan shook his head helplessly and looked at the hand and foot dance. After escaping from the cave, he lay on the ground and glanced at Pilates gasping wildly.

"I'm scared to death. What kind of monster is the dog-like guy over there?" He was short of breath, his heart beat violently, his face was pale, and Pilates, who was still sweating coldly on his forehead. First, he patted his undulating chest and comforted his fragile heart. Then he stretched out his finger to the edge of the cave. Obviously, he was very scared by the monsters that suddenly appeared. However, he was afraid, but this time he didn't peed his pants gloriously.

"Look at what's so scary you!" Following the direction of Pilates' fingers, Mo Fan found that there were five or six feet tall and three feet tall, with a dog's head on his neck, and a knife, fork and gun in his hand. The monster-like guy rushed out after someone. If Pilates hadn't run fast enough, he might have been dismembered by five dogs the next moment.

"What is this? Orcs? Or a dog-headed man?" Mo Fan, who was full of doubts, looked curiously. He ran out of the flame cave with Pilates and stopped at the edge of the cave. He just grinned and waved the weapon in his hand to provoke, but did not dare to come out of it.

Seeing these dog-headed people who are as tall as Pilates and also have thick tails, Mo Fan raised his eyebrows and said depressedly, "Hey! The great Delaney, these furry guys, should be close relatives who have been separated for many years!"

How is it possible? What are they, and how can they compare with me? I am a great Delaney who aspires to be a thorn!" Pilates's arrogant and upturned nose just made Mofan and Andre laugh happier.

Mo Fan, who laughed for a long time and was about to burst into tears, really couldn't bear to hit him again. He was a street assassin with a big ideal but was actually as timid as a mouse. What is 'the wings of reality can't carry the weight of dreams'? The existence of Pilates well explains the meaning of this sentence.

"I'll explore the reality first. Please pay attention to their weaknesses." After waving to Andre, Mo Fan jumped and rushed into the cave with lightning speed.

Several provocative dog-headed people who slipped at the door only felt a flower in front of their eyes, and then they were horrified to find that Mo Fan had rushed over. In a panic, the dog-headed people who dared not touch their sharpness also retreated to the cave while screaming.

Because the interior of the flame nest was dark, Mo Fan found that it was inappropriate after rushing in. Due to the rapid transformation of light and darkness, there is a short blind spot in his vision. It is not clear that the puppy head has retreated to that position. He can only judge the enemy's where he is going by his sense and keen hearing. That's why the dog-headed people are given a chance to breathe.

The flame nest is nearly five meters wide, and all kinds of weapons are quite adaptable to combat. Seeing that Mo Fan, who rushed in, is not as powerful as he thought. The dog leaders who were good at hand-to-hand combat shouted at each other a few times. After summoning up their courage, they picked up pocket spears and knives The small fork shouted and rushed to Mo Fan.

Due to Mo Fan's temporary maladjustment, during his brief blindness, he could not see the movements of these dog-headed people who were only as tall as a dwarf and dressed in a cave* similar to the cave*. They can only rely on their keen hearing to judge the direction of their attack. For a while, they are also at a disadvantage and can only hide in panic

When the dog-headed people fought with Mo Fan at close range, they practiced the idiom 'falling into the well' to the fullest. Knives, forks, sticks, spears, and other extremely lethal weapons attacked Mo Fan's key parts one after another. If Mo Fan hadn't responded slowly, I'm afraid he would have been dismembered by these five puppies.

Once again, he dodged a stick that stabbed **, and another knife that was about to cut the balls away. After Mo Fan, who was tired of dealing with it, regained his vision, he really couldn't stand it anymore. Damn it! These cruel methods that are exclusive to you and are extremely lethal, but they must not be passed on! How did these dogheads learn? And what he learned is so non-nonsical, which is simply a great insult to such a unique founder.

"Let me teach you how to use your legs." Mo Fan, who was furious, didn't care about humming and waved weapons. Whether the dog-headed people who kept attacking could understand. In short, the guy who could no longer restrain his anger roared, and then flew up and kicked a dog-headed man.

There is no doubt about the power of flirting with yin legs, and its prestigious reputation is one of the few must-kills in the football world. In short, he was hit by Mo Fan's leg, and the unconscious dog-headed man opened his mouth to make a miserable sound, and then instinctively covered his legs. The pair of shattered eggs flew out, hit the wall of the nest with a dull sound, and then he never moved again.

The fall of their companions aroused the anger of other dog-headed people. They howled some dog calls that Mo Fan couldn't understand, and then threw down the weapons in their hands and spread their limbs on the ground. While howling, their bodies also expanded rapidly until their whole bodies returned to their ancestors the size of a buffalo. He opened his blood mouth and rushed to Mo Fan without hesitation, trying to eat it.

A few bloody mouths rushed to his face, and the dog-headed man who seemed to be like a road roller had a huge and wild momentum of closing the door and letting me go. Mo Fan in his eyes was also really shocked. Only then did he know that there was really a concave and conve and convex man in the world of Rhinester. However, he is not afraid. What can he do if he is big? Strength is the king.

An ant, even if it magnifies 10,000 times, it can only bully its lower-level peers at most, and it is impossible to bite the elephant to death. So even if the dog-headed people enlarge their bodies by nearly five times, it is impossible to do anything to Mo Fan, a master of Bajiquan.

On the contrary, it is precisely because the dog-headed people become huge and even a little bloated, so that they can't be used in the narrow caves, so their result is destined to be a cup, and in the end, they will inevitably end up being slaughtered by Mo Fan one by one.