Teaching the alien world

33-Mofan's choice

Chapter 33 - Mo Fan's Choice

The people and horses of the Bright Holy See will catch up with him, and Mo Fan has no doubt at all. But what he never expected was that this group of scum would come so fast and find his trace in such a short time, and then surround himself.

In fact, long before entering this dense primitive forest, Mo Fan escaped from the flame nest with the seriously injured Andre on his back. As soon as he entered this secluded path, he found the Holy See team running rapidly in the canyon.

However, at that time, the chasing knights rushed straight to the dark cage deep in the flame nest because they listened to the information of Pilates. They didn't expect or notice that Mo Fan had already escaped from the flame nest and found that they were lucky enough to escape and sneaked into the The path began to escape.

The pursuers were behind him, and Mo Fan's footsteps of fleeing became faster and faster, and soon he fled into the dense primitive forest. At this time, he was horrified to find that the road behind him was full of traces of blood. And the source of this blood on the ground fell from the mouth of the seriously injured Andre.

As the saying goes, the house leaked and it rained all night. What's worse, Mo Fan suddenly found Andre on his back and didn't know when he was dizzy and didn't know how to live. Seeing this, he had to put down Andre on his back in a hurry.

Reaching out to touch his nose, until he found that Andre still had breathing and heartbeat, Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief. After the stone hanging on his heart fell to the ground, he hurriedly took out the super red potion from the goin Bunker and poured it again for Andre.

After feeding the medicine, Mo Fan looked at the winding and rugged roads and the mottled blood stains on the dead wood leaves, and then looked at Andre, who was like a child in a coma. He felt extremely anxious and uneasy again. Even in his previous life, in the face of the strong encirclement of the 'brick beasts' group, Mo Fan just gritted his teeth and successfully counterattacked, but he had never been so desperate as he is now.

Because Mo Fan knew that the blood stains on the ground were like a road sign, and those bastards who chased him would definitely follow the trail, but at this time, Andre was unconscious again, which was really a serious problem.

What Mo Fan is experiencing now is undoubtedly the last moment when the fire must be extinguished immediately, but! Not only has the fire not been extinguished, but it was also poured barrels of gasoline from behind by people who thought the fire was not strong enough. There is no doubt that he wanted to kill him! How can he not be in a hurry?

Leaving Andrea in a coma to escape alone, Mo Fan would never think about this kind of thing, let alone let him do it. For the guy who has only one friend in his previous life, nothing will be more important than the friendship between him and Andre.

What's more, Mo Fan also promised Pandora, the queen of gold, to protect Andre and not let him be bullied. Even if Pandora doesn't bother Mo Fan, he will never leave Andre in a coma, let alone do such a shameless thing like selling friends for glory.

So the only thing Mo Fan can do now and must do is to ensure the safety of Andre's life. Even if he fights his own life, he will not hesitate to break the net with the enemy soldiers who come to pursue him. However, how to ensure Andre's life safety and prevent him from being implicated by himself is a very important and key issue that must be solved.

Mo Fan knew that he didn't have much time to think now, because the enemy chasing him would never give him any chance to breathe. He must race against time and take Andre to a safe place before the enemy finds him to ensure that he will not die in vain because of himself.

"That's it!" Mo Fan gritted his teeth fiercely, made up his mind, and shuttled through the forest with Andrea in his coma in his arms, and quickly found a relatively remote corner, gently put it down, and began to disguise it with dead branches and leaves in the forest.

It's just that in the middle of this process, Mo Fan, who carefully removed the traces, did not notice that not far behind him, a wave-shaped trace like a broken water surface appeared again, and a man dressed in white with a handsome and a heinous perfect cheek slowly came out.

The handsome and heinous man is as quiet and fast as flowing water. Even the birds singing on the trees didn't notice that a human presence had appeared around them unconsciously.

After the perfect man appeared, his bright dark brown eyes had never left Mo Fan's body, and a playful smile appeared inadvertently at the corners of his mouth. It was not until he watched Mo Fan leave after clearing all the subtle traces that he thought might appear, that he gently moved towards Andrea...

Back to the original starting point again and looking at the mottled blood stains on the ground, Mo Fan did not hesitate to cut his hands in order to attract the attention of the enemy, deliberately created traces of blood accidentally dripping to the ground, and bent around and slowly retreated in the opposite direction of Andre.

It was not until he was sure that it was far enough from Andre that Mo Fan stopped, found a remote position, closed his eyes, sat on the ground, and patiently waited for the arrival of the church pursuers, thinking that if he could find a chance, he would attack those scum fiercely, and then lead them farther away. It would be better if we could catch them all. After all, wealth is in danger!

Sure enough, under the leadership of Abraham, the black bishop, the church knights who ran all the way quickly came to the end. Finally, because they lost the guidance of blood stains, they had to stop running and stay in place for a short rest.

Looking at the long journey, there was no disorder in breathing. Mo Fan, who was still majestic, hid in the dark and tried to sneak up his heart. Damn it! Bad, such a big battle. Not to mention letting him play the sneak attack, we have to say whether he can survive now.

Through the communication with Jon's soul some time ago, Mo Fan is no longer the ignorant Wu Xiamun. Although he doesn't know much about Rhinester, at least he knows how to distinguish the level of church knights.

The 50 church knights in gold armor appeared in front of Mo Fan, with three shining six-point stars hanging on their shoulders, which is not decorative, nor can anyone hang casually. Damn it! This is a real, glorious symbol of quasi-third-order knights! If the blind man hangs up casually, it will be disrespectful and blasphemous to the 'god', and he will definitely be killed by the Church of Light.

Of course, if it is only these 50 golden armor knights with third-order cultivation, Mo Fan, who has an immortal soul, will naturally attack openly and openly. Even if he can't take advantage of it, at least he will not suffer losses. Maybe if you fight, you can still get a strong body! But there is another person who avoids him.

Because he is isolated in the first position in the order, so that people can know at a glance that he is the leader, the guy in a black cloak and can't see his face clearly. It was this guy who hid his true face in the dark that made Mo Fan dare not fight for his life again.

Because the guy who hides his face in the dark and seems to be shameless, he exudes a strong breath from time to time, which is in a battle with Alan, the guardian of the seal who has killed Mo Fan once before. This also shows that the guy in black cloak in front of him is at least a guy with the strongest cultivation.

The enemy was unexpectedly powerful, which caught Mo Fan off guard. For a moment, the first thing he thought of was to run away, and he also took practical actions. He carefully escaped quietly in the leafy woods. Nonsense, now is not the time to be a hero. Maybe you will die. Now the only way is to lure the enemy out and leave the hiding place where Andrea is.

Even if Mo Fan's soul has become an immortal spirit after Jon's transformation, he is no longer afraid of ordinary sword damage, but he does not have the ability to fight against the strongest strong man. Who knows if this shameless strange guy hiding under black clothes will be his own existence! If you really rush up without knowing whether you are alive or die, it's not a struggle. It's completely self-abuse.

However, Mofan's withdrawal plan did not last, because Pilates, who was responsible for leading the church knights, appeared in front of him again and accurately touched in the direction of Andrea's hiding through his amazing olfactory talent. If nothing unexpected happens, it will only be a matter of time to find Andre.

"It's really a good thing this damn dog did!" Mo Fan, whose eyes were about to breathe fire, looked at the man with hatred. After he appeared, he lay on the ground like a dog and shook his head, with a flattering smile. He kept his nose and groping for Pilates moving forward. He couldn't help but stop retreating.

Because Mo Fan is very clear, if he walk quietly now, he must be unhurt, but Andre, who is seriously injured and unconscious, will definitely die. Neither the church knight nor the night assassin Pilates, who has taken over the assassination mission, will not let him go. Life or death is all a choice between Mofan's thoughts.

If he can control other people's life and death at ordinary times, Mo Fan will definitely feel very comfortable and may laugh proudly. But in the current situation, he doesn't even have time to laugh. In the face of the super powerful enemy lineup, no matter what choice Mo Fan makes, there must be one person between him and Andre.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Mo Fan is very painful and entangled. Damn it! As the saying goes, he can't have both fish and bear paws. Now he must choose between himself and Andre to survive, or give up one.

"No, you can't drag down Andre anyway. The worst thing is to die!" After struggling for a moment, Mo Fan finally gritted his teeth and decided to gamble himself to attract the enemy's attention and take them away from here to save Andre's life. Although he is not a decent man, if he gives up Andre's life, he will never be able to do it anyway.

After making the decision, Mo Fan also let go, and there was nothing to be afraid of. Before Pilates, he quietly touched a large open space in front of him that was easy to be found, and then sat on the floor and waited patiently for the arrival of this group of grandchildren.

For about ten minutes, the chasing knights finally touched Mo Fan and quickly surrounded him. The war was imminent.