Teaching the alien world

48--Jon's secret

48—Jon's secret

"You don't want to tell me that the spiritual magic practiced by the shoe-plucked old man Cruise just now is the old enemy of our dead magic! How is this possible!" Mo Fan said in surprise.

"That's what it means!" Jon looked at Mo Fan: "Do you know the common connection between spiritual magic and necromancer magic?"

"I don't know." Mo Fan is a little strange. How can two professions that are obviously irrelevant have a common connection?

"Spirit magic and necromancer magic are both teachers from the same school. Both factions rely on souls to provide energy to drive magic, but they are expressed in different ways." Jon was arrogant to solve Mo Fan's puzzles.

"Hmm!" Mo Fan nodded as if he didn't understand, signaling Jon to continue.

"It is also because there is a common root between the spiritual line and the necromancer, so both sides also know each other's weaknesses, so they naturally have the means to defeat each other. It's just that under normal circumstances, it's not easy to use.

"What means?" Hearing Jon's words, Mo Fan couldn't help but become serious. After all, this matter is about his life and death, and he can't help it.

"The soul devoured."

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan was a little puzzled.

"If you want to defeat our dead bloodline, you must start from the root, that is, the soul on which we live, and destroy the soul through the secret method of soul devouring." Jon glanced at Mo Fan and said seriously, "And this secret method can only be mastered by those who practice the spiritual magic profession."

"I see!" Mo Fan nodded seriously and almost understood the hidden meaning of Jon's words, but there was another question he couldn't figure out.

Since the spiritual lineage and the dead lineage come out of the same family, they should be regarded as a family! But how can it become an old enemy now?

Although Mo Fan didn't ask, Jon didn't know the doubts in his heart.

"I know what you're thinking!" Jon sneered three times and said in a low voice, "I have always regarded myself high, and the spirit of wearing the mask of 'hypocrisy' is opportunistic because it is not easy to practice in the later stage.

By chance hundreds of years ago, when the spiritual system inadvertently found that it could quickly improve its cultivation by devouring the soul of the dead, the war between the two factions broke out on a large scale, and the sorrow was also concluded at that time. Now as long as the two groups of people meet, it will be an endless situation.

"In that case, why did Cruise let me go before!" Mo Fan didn't believe it. Since the two have become old enemies, Cruz should not easily let himself go before! But it's easy for me to escape! What's going on?

"You won't really naive to think that the old man with a shoe-pulled face has kindly let you go!"

Jon smashed his mouth and glanced at Mo Fan and said, "I can only say that you are lucky. If it hadn't been for the spiritual magician just now, I would have to peek at that beautiful girl. Your boy will definitely be finished, and he will definitely swallow your soul."

"Soul devouring is also an 'evil' secret method!" Mo Fan frowned and asked softly, "No matter how the spiritual line is, it is normal. Does the Bright Holy See, which thinks it is the 'world police', not control them and let them use this extreme secret method to deal with the dead?"

"Well, don't mention the damn Holy See to me. If it hadn't been for their obstruction, the spiritual system would not have become a deadly enemy with our dead spirit, and I wouldn't have fallen into such a tragic point. As soon as he heard Mo Fan mention the Holy See, Jon couldn't get angry. The smoky past that he deliberately forgot appeared in front of him again like a movie.

Seeing Jon's emotional sadness and indignation, Mo Fan knew that his inadvertent words had poked his pain and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"You don't have to apologize, it has nothing to do with you. It can only be blamed on my young ignorance, who was deceived by those evil wolves who wore sheep's clothing and practiced hypocrisy under the guise of so-called 'justice'. Jon's face was ferocious. After saying these words sadly and indignantly, he waved to Mo Fan, signaling him not to disturb himself.

Seeing that Qiao En sat cross-legged on the ground like an old monk, Mo Fan didn't know how to deal with himself for a moment.

Mo Fan, who was a little bored, simply sat on the ground in the space of consciousness, holding his chin and looking motionlessly at the white-bearded fat-faced old man in front of him who showed vicissitudes and sometimes crying and sometimes laughing.

Mo Fan kept thinking about what kind of painful experience he had experienced, which made Jon, a genius alchemist who had always been optimistic, become the current decadent. Will he be the same person with a tragic story?

Time passed quickly in the silence of Jon and Mo Fan, as if a day had passed, as if hundreds of years had passed, and finally with Jon's sigh, the suffocating silence was broken.


Jon, who opened his eyes first, stood up from the ground. Only then did he find that Mo Fan was still sitting opposite him with his chin, squinting his eyes and staring at him motionlessly, and his face showed all kinds of strange expressions from time to time, as if it were a monkey to please his master. , dress up all kinds of strange faces there.

"Ha ha...do I have flowers on my face?" Jon shook his head and couldn't help laughing. He was amused by Mo Fan's deliberately dressed up expression, which was a kind of heartfelt smile after the happy knot.

"You have no flowers on your face! But I want to speculate on some unknown tragic story you have experienced before by observing your face. Mo Fan shrugged his shoulders, quickly got up from the ground, habitually reached out and patted the dust that did not exist on his buttocks, and then looked up at Jon and said seriously, "Well, that's it!"

"Hold, I didn't expect you to look at each other!" Jon pretended to be surprised and said, "Then tell me, what did you see in my face? What tragic story do I have?"

"Do you really want to know?" Mo Fan shook his head and said, "Forget it, you won't want to know."

"I want to know!"



"The truth is..." Mo Fan paused for a moment, spread his hands and said flatteringly, "The truth is that I haven't found anything, and I don't know your story, but I think you should have told me."

"Do you really think so?" Jon doesn't know Mo Fan's plan, but he doesn't want someone's "conspiracy" to succeed easily.

"Yes." Mo Fan nodded affirmatively.

"Hey..." Jon deliberately shook his head and said with a bad smile like a prank child, "But I'm sorry to let you down, because I'm not going to tell you."

"It's up to you whether you say it or not. I just want you to be happy, that's all. Don't think about anything else. Mo Fan shrugged his shoulders indifferently. Although he also wanted to know Jon's secret, he did not force it. Who doesn't want to tell others a little secret?

"Actually, you still want to know, right? It's a good way to retreat. I like it. Ha ha..." Jon nodded with a smile. After calming down for a long time, he said, "Actually, I don't have any special stories. All this should start with my mentor..."

Three hundred years ago, Jon, the great genius alchemist, was still in middle age, and his necromancer cultivation was at the peak of the strongest level. In this year, the war between the spiritual vein and the necromancer broke out. George, the legendary necromancer emperor, led the necromancer to fight back.

Because both the necromancer and the spiritual line are the same, although after a fierce battle, they have fought equally. Just as the two sides were seriously injured and preparing to rest and fight again, the Bright Holy See suddenly intervened in and pushed the battle that was to be subdued down again.

Due to the instant change in the situation of joining the Holy See, the remaining spiritual system attacked decisively. After a fight, the dead spirit, which was seriously damaged, could not be supported quickly, and was finally besieged by the coalition forces into the abyss canyon.

At the last moment, the legendary strongman, the necromancer, ordered Jon to lead hundreds of remaining necromancers to break through in order to leave a trace of fire for the necromancer.

In order to create an opportunity for Jon to break out, the Necromancer George chose to attack decisively and dragged down the coalition forces for nearly half an hour on his own, and finally lost to the abyss of hatred. After breaking through the tight defense line of the Holy See, there are few left.

Jon, who narrowly escaped from the coalition encirclement, wanted to revenge immediately after learning that George, the Necromancer died, even if he chose suicide revenge. But when he thought of George's previous instructions, in order to keep the fire of the dead, he had no choice but to stop suicide revenge and put his fierce anger in his heart.

But Jon did not give up, but turned the open battle underground. After avoiding the harsh investigation of the Holy See and sneaking into the Asropical Empire, Jon began to secretly form his own force, the Avengers Union.

After 300 years of accumulation, Jon felt that the time was ripe and was ready to overthrow the Holy See of Light. At this time, the Avengers Union, which he personally formed, belonged, and the intelligence agencies of the Bourbon Empire were suddenly given by the Holy See of Light.

In order to figure out the situation, Jon disguised into the Bourbon Empire. However, before he could find out the truth, he was captured by the branch of the Holy See in the Kingdom of Anting because of an accident.

In order not to reveal his true identity, Jon did not openly resist but obediently let the Holy See capture himself. Then he was prosecuted by the Holy See of Light on the charge of 'here heresy' and was finally burned by the Holy See.

On the day of Jon's execution, Mo Fan broke through the space and suddenly fell from the sky and involved his powerful soul into his own consciousness space. It was also because of this mistake that Jon and Mo Fan became grasshoppers on the same line, and there was a subsequent story.