Teaching the alien world

62-Who is that man?

Wearing the set deliberately transformed, oily and exposed denim service suit, it looked completely sloppy in the eyes of the messengers of the business group. Even Mo Fan, who was not as good as beggars, locked the 20 spiritual mages one after another, he stopped staying longer and turned to the back door of the front hall.

Mo Fan's time is precious, but it's not for listening to Bunker's heavy-flavored guy's nonsense. So when the goal was achieved, the guy who was calculating how to do it tonight went straight to the ** step and walked slowly and swaying towards the back door.

As for those business envoys who describe themselves as 'noble' and look down on people, they were directly ignored by Mo Fan, who stepped on the ** dance steps, as if they were despised once by a closed-eyed dog. As for the Lanxi girl who followed closely, the guy who was thinking about things didn't notice it.

In this way, in the contemptuous salm of many business group messengers, Mo Fan walked through the corridor of the crowded and narrow hall and successfully stopped not far from the back door of the hall guarded by heavily armed goblin soldiers.

"Oh, my God! Look at it! What does that guy who is not even as good as a beggar want to do? Mo Fan suddenly stopped, and those who had been staring at his back with contemptuous eyes, and the dogs looked down on him immediately began to talk privately.

"Hey! If it's true, he is still a lifeless second-rate!"

"Does he really think he can break into the backyard that is listed as a forbidden place by the gobs? It's so ignorant!"

"This is a lot of fun to watch! Hey..."

So these guys who secretly gloated, the pair of eyes staring at Mo Fan also showed an obvious look of abuse and contempt. At the same time, they thought over and over again that the goblin soldiers guarding the back door repaired the wonderful picture of the second stunned man.

But the results are often unexpected. Those who stared at Mo Fan and expected to be taught a painful lesson by the godin warrior were completely confused by the following picture.

Mo Fan just stopped briefly in front of the door, and then the guy, dressed in a broken cowboy and dressed up as a beggar, stepped on ** again and walked slowly to the back door guarded by heavy soldiers.

What surprised the messengers of the lower-rate business group who wanted to have fun was that when Mo Fan approached the gobler warriors who reached 200 meters tall, wearing dark green combat uniforms, serious facial expressions and holding strange weapons.

These gobion warriors, who were loyal to their duties and firmly guarding the back door, not only did not stop them, but also let Mo Fan walk straight over with small steps.

Even when Mo Fan passed in front of those little goblets, these guards couldn't help showing a heartfelt smile on their faces, and the small bodies that had stood straight became more and more straight, holding his head high, as if welcoming the leaders to inspect the soldiers at work.

Mo Fan, the initiator, did not seem to see it. He still took his ** steps and slowly walked through the sheep intestine path guarded by gobler soldiers with a facial expression.

Until he successfully entered the whole process of entering the backyard listed as a forbidden place by the goblets, Mo Fan did not look at the little gobster warriors who smiled flattering at him from beginning to end.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Seeing such an inexpprehensible scene, those third-rate business group messengers who were holding good at the play unconsciously had a strange feeling in their hearts. This is obviously a naked slap in the face!

After a long time, a passer-by who was the first to accept the face-to-face reality said weakly, "What's the end of this sloppy boy who is ragged and even worse than a beggar?"

"Does he have an affair with that good male style and his heavy-flavored gobion king Bunker?"

"Nonsense, I can't tell. This sloppy boy of unknown origin is the 'little rabbit' raised by Bunker in private! This can be clearly seen from the contemptuous smiles of these little brothers!"

"What you said may not be right. If that boy is really the male favorite of the gobiki king, then these little gobiki soldiers will never show that kind of smile to him. It is obviously a smile from the bottom of the heart, not as contemptuous smile as you and me."


It was also when a group of people who were unwilling to believe the facts and the messengers of the third-rate business group whispered and argued about what Mo Fan's identity was, the accident that gradually changed their senses happened again.

Wearing a white golden angel crown, wearing a sky-blue shawl hair, and a long white dress, Princess Lanxi's face looked eager, and she strode unladyly and galloped towards the back door of the hall for fear of not being able to catch up with the sloppy guy who had just entered the forbidden place of the gobster backyard.

Seeing such a scene, these gossipy third-rate business envoys were shocked and more curious about the identity of the sloppy man who rushed over before.

A sloppy man who is not even as good as a beggar can not only make the gobutter smile on him, but also make the goddess-like princess Lanxi chase him reluctantly.

Then this man in ragged clothes is definitely not an ordinary person. He is definitely a fierce character who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, so his true identity is more worth considering.

"Who knows the person who just entered?"

"What is his relationship with Princess Lanxi?"

"Do the two people who just went in have an affair?"

"Odriqi's cuckold is a little big!"

"Good boy! Who the hell is that man? How dare you cuckold King Locke!"


As for what kind of messy moths and what kind of changes will be brought by those dirty-rate business envoys, and what kind of changes will be brought about by breaking into the forbidden land of the goblin family, Princess Lanxi's heart is so tense to a certain extent that she can't take care of it at all.

Now Princess Lanxi, whether in her mind, in her eyes or in her heart, has been completely filled with the thin but majestic back that has not appeared for many years. After all, three years have passed since the beginning, and the back of the man who does not know life and death has always been the pain in her heart.

What Princess Lanxi wants to know most now is who is the owner of the thin back that suddenly appeared in front of her. Is he the man who dragged him into the water without even knowing his name three years ago? Not still alive.

As the only direct relative of Prince Lodge Granster of the Aslofik Empire, he is also the only representative of the Granster family who came to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Locke Kingdom Branch of the Gol Family.

Of course, Princess Lanxi knows the hard rules set by the abler family, and also knows that the backyard of the hall is the most intolerable bottom line of the ablerable by the abler family.

Princess Lanxi is also very clear in her heart that her current behavior of breaking into the secret forbidden place of the gobion is also completely trampling on the rules set by the gobion family, which will certainly bring unpredictable losses to herself and the family behind her.

But in order to pursue a truth, Princess Lanxi still followed Mo Fan**'s back and rushed over without hesitation. This is not only to comfort her guilty heart, but more importantly, she wants to make sure that the man who gave up his precious life in order to save his life is still alive.

Originally, Lanxi had made the best plan in his heart. If the goblin soldiers guarding at the back door of the hall stopped him from entering the backyard, he would force him to rush over at all costs, even if he was torn apart with the newly emerging goblin family.

But all this expected did not happen. The goblin soldier guarding in front of the door did not stop Princess Lanxi from rushing to the back door, as if she hadn't seen her, allowing her to rush into the backyard like a gust of wind.

Lanxi successfully entered the backyard, which was banned by the goblin family, and also successfully saw the owner of the familiar back, and the one he was wearing, which looked very eye-catching in the crowd, full of holes, exposed buttocks and oily broken jeans.

"That's right! That's him! It must be him!" Lanxi lowered his head subconsciously again and repeatedly looked at Mo Fan's jeans with a little buttocks. After calming his violently fluctuating heartbeat, the tearful man dragged his cry and roared in a hysterical tone: "You damn bastard, where have you died for so many years?"

A sudden hysterical question came from behind, which really shocked Mo Fan, who was standing in the courtyard thinking about his mind. While secretly scolding the gobler for not guarding the door well, he couldn't help but have a strange feeling in his heart.

Mo Fan asked himself. Since he came to the world of Rhinester, he doesn't seem to have offended any women for so many years! It's impossible to do anything unintentional! But now why do women question themselves in this tone of questioning negative men?

"I'm not Pan Renmei, let alone a senior official of Ximenqing. Why do you question me like this?" Mo Fan, who was full of black lines and extremely angry, roared in his heart. At the same time, he subconsciously turned around and stared at the chasing Lanxi girl. Without looking at it, he shouted, "Where on earth did you come from? I don't owe you anything! Why is it so loud? Are you trying to scare people to death?

Mo Fan suddenly turned around and really shocked the excited Princess Lanxi. In particular, the cold and frosty strange face is no longer the familiar face that often appears in her dreams.

When he saw the owner of the back, Mo Fan deliberately changed his 'real' face, the moment Lanxi's eyebrows were unconsciously locked, and his heart was even more disappointed. The dazzling eyes that emitted because of expectation also dimmed, and the original words were swallowed back alive.

"How could this happen? Am I really wrong?" Looking at Mo Fan, who was different from his own impression, Lanxi, who was almost desperate, closed his eyes painfully. If she had known that it would be such a result, she would rather not see herself, at least she would have kept a hope in her heart.