Teaching the alien world

65-The emissary of the business group in a dilemma

65 - The change of the business group messenger

"Any human business group that has made good friends with our gobland and established a good partnership will definitely wait for it. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts and abide by the rules set by our clan. Otherwise, it will be the enemy. I and the members of the tribe will never show mercy to any enemy, and it is even more impossible to establish any cooperative relationship with them.

Bunker's solemn and vocal statement was like a blockbuster*, which caused a great shock in the hearts of the envoys of the human business group who came to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony, and for a moment the whole hall suddenly caused an uproar.

A group of blockbuster news revealed by Bunker, the bombed three-rate business group envoys turned their heads and whispered, "Aren't they looking for their own death?"

"Yes! Yes! What on earth do these damn little ghosts want to do?

"Aren't they afraid of being abandoned by us if they do this?"

"I can't imagine how these poor guys would live without the support of our human business group!"

"What do you think of Yuanfang?"

"Told your excellency, there must be something strange at this time!"


Compared with these qualities and cultivation, while whispering in the hall and venting each other's dissatisfaction, they also create bursts of chaos and noisy noises of the so-called 'nobility', rendering the whole hall like a lively vegetable market.

And those messengers who rushed from the front row and belonged to the three major economic empires consortium, a group of real nobles with orthodox blood, now calmly perform completely different from the noisy people before, and also vividly show the quality of self-restraint that a true aristocracy should have.

These front row VIPs, led by Saranks, that is, the envoys of the three imperial consortia, have moved over from the front row. After seeing the bloody scene, the first thing they felt was a kind of anger that was teased.

However, out of the due quality of a nobleman, the envoys of the three economic empires did not immediately open their mouths to vent their dissatisfaction like those third-rate business groups, and when they found a little tricky in the bloody scene like hell on earth, they became deeply surprised.

One reason is that the way those poor people whose heads were shattered and fell in a pool of blood die is very strange.

The second reason is that the average cultivation of these dead poor people is at least about the third level.

The third reason is that almost all of these poor people with average cultivation in the third order were killed at the moment after the strange "tattering" sound. The meaning in the middle is a little profound!

It is precisely because these business envoys representing the three major economic empires are very smart, so they can't figure out why Bunker created such a bloody scene on this day that should be celebrated.

As the saying goes, 'If something goes wrong, there must be a demon'. Unless the gobster's king Bunker is mentally ill, he will never do such a nonsense thing. But Bunker has done so now, so he must have his own purpose. As for the purpose, these smart guys really couldn't figure out for a moment.

However, after Bunker said those words solemnly, the messengers of the three major economic empires led by Saranx suddenly realized that this guy wanted to stand up! He wants to release the signal of the rise of the gobin clan through this bloody scene!

Then the problem also appeared again. With what weapons can these little gobins kill those practitioners who have achieved at least three levels in an instant? You should know that the alims are famous in the history of Rhinester, and they can't practice any of the lowest race of fighting spirit or magic!

Thinking of this, the three economic empire consortium led by Saranx became more and more silent, staring at Bunker, the king of the goblum standing in the pool of blood and holding his head high.

Although these guys are also very curious, those little ground bees who are less than 1.1 meters tall have borrowed some deadly weapons to achieve the strong strength of the third-order practitioners in an instant.

Of course, they also prefer to hold this deadly weapon in their own hands, but everyone knows that they can't ask for it by themselves.

The reason is very simple. Since Bunker, as the king of gobls, dares to show this deadly weapon, he will certainly not be afraid of them taking it. If it's really urgent, the fish will die and the net will be broken, and no one will get any benefits.

As the saying goes, 'no profit doesn't happen early'. If you know that you don't get any benefits, this group of people are only for profit. The business groups that can't wait to skin and bone the goblin family and squeeze out the maximum benefit will certainly not consume too much energy.

So every three major financial resources present with a normal IQ are strong, and even the envoys who have reached the imperial level are very clear that they should not be too active on the issue of asking for weapons. They should follow the will of the go with the goblin King Bunker.

The meaning of Bunker's bloody scene is very clear, which is to let the envoys of these three imperial business groups take the initiative to admit and follow the rules set by the gobin family. And what makes it difficult for the messengers is this seemingly dispensable problem.

In normal times, Sarax, the messenger of the business group sent by the Bourbon dynasty and the Nicholas family, may take the initiative to lower his noble head to obey the meaning of Bunker in order to get those sharp weapons.

But now Sarax knows that he can't do this. If he takes the lead in admitting that the rules set by the gobler are inviolable, it is bound to cause public anger. Especially in this situation, he can't speak.

Because the people who fell into the pool of blood at the scene were all the vassal guards of the Asropical Empire and the Leopold family!

Although Slanka's fat man with an almost negative IQ is indeed far away from the Leoport family, beating dogs depends on the owner, isn't it?

If this causes a large-scale conflict between Nicholas and Leoport, two large conglomerates that are not easy to deal with, then Sarax can't bear this responsibility!

And more importantly, if Sarax really opens his mouth now, it is really a question whether he can get out of the Locke Kingdom alive! After all, it is even more impossible for a strong dragon to overwhelm the ground snake! Although the Leopold Consortium may not trouble the Gobium, it is still very easy to trouble him with Sarax!

But if he doesn't take the weapon that the goin has just shown with great power into his own hands, then Saranx will definitely not have a good life after he goes back. In the words of the Nicholas Consortium, which has been circulating for thousands of years, it is that the emperor does not raise idle people.

After clarifying these thoughts, because in the face of the dilemma, Saranx, who had a headache, couldn't help rubbing his heavy head, and his face was extremely gloomy, as if he were his dead parents.

It was not until this time that Saranks suddenly realized that he seemed to be a fool! Unexpectedly, he was fooled around by a little goblin king Bunker, who seemed to be simple on the outside but actually shameless in his heart! This guy is a good soft persimmon. This shameless and dark little place is clearly a vicious character who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!

Of course, it's not just Sarangx who has a headache, but also Alincino, the business envoy sent by the Spartan Dynasty and the Stanley consortium. As for the flawed Asropical Empire and Potsdamri, the business envoy sent by the Leopoldium, it is even more troublesome.

The gosman clan rudely killed the vassal family of the Leopold consortium, which was tantamount to hitting him in the face! However, Potstanly, as a messenger, can't break out face to face because of various interests, and can only hold it secretly like a ninja green-haired turtle! What kind of entangled mentality is this?

Those third-rate conglomerates are still croaking, with a pale face. Potsdam, who was almost suffocating to death by depression, finally couldn't help swearing: "You damn bastards, shut up."

As soon as Potsdamri suddenly spoke in his anger, the reprimanded third-rate small business group messengers did not dare to say any more nonsense.

The business envoys of the other two conglomerates stayed there quietly because they had their own things to do, so the hall, which was as noisy as a vegetable market, suddenly fell into a strange and strange silent atmosphere.

At this time, when she stepped into the forbidden place in the backyard of the gobelle, Princess Lanxi Granster, dressed in a long white dress, once again stepped into the silent and lonely front hall from the back door of the hall, and once again showed her perfect side to the world.

"Oh! How can I forget this!" When he saw Lan Xi appear, a strange idea suddenly appeared in Sarangx's mind.

Will this seemingly slutty woman become the key person to calm down this bloody incident that overwhelmed the envoys of the three major consortiums?

After all, Princess Lanxi has successfully entered the backyard that was previously banned by the gobelles, and now she has reappeared in the front hall unharmed.

And the fat man of Slanka just ordered his escort to try to forcibly attack the back door of the hall. As a result, he was decisively shot by the govian warrior guarding the back door, killing and maimed the poor people in an instant, and almost got pregnant!

Compared with the unharmed Princess Lanxi, the 'cup' encountered by the fat man Slanka and his younger brother seemed too abnormal. It is also not abiding by the rules of the gobium, but there is such a big gap that it is not too much to describe it as a world of difference. What's the secret of this?

In this way, there is only one possibility for Princess Lanxi to appear safely again. This bloody tragedy that happened at the scene of the tailoring ceremony was actually a farce directed and performed by her and the gobles. The purpose is to show the strong force of the landgod family, and she can also get many unknown benefits from it.

Thinking of this, Saranx was not interested, and his face rarely showed a sadistic sneer. Because now he suddenly wants to see how this promiscuous woman will end up. After being teased by Bunker for a long time, he suddenly had an impulse to smash the script.