Teaching the alien world

81-Amazing news

Mo Fan, who was hit by self-confidence, decisively withdrew, and the idea of looking for Andre was temporarily left behind. Now he urgently needs to become stronger. Otherwise, he would be embarrassed to say hello to anyone in the Kingdom of Brown, where the strong gathered.

Although Mo Fan has been deliberately low-key, he does not want to be despised. Sometimes it's good to keep a low profile, but if it's too different from others, it's not a low profile. It's called looking for abuse. After all, the magic world of Rhinester is a world where the strong are respected.

Of course, Mo Fan wants to step into the strongest level, which will not take too much time. After all, he made a lot of money in Rock King City before, and now it only takes a few days to absorb those thousands of souls to successfully advance to the strongest level.

Three or five days passed quickly, when the golden light symbolizing the third-order soul cultivation slowly turned into an emerald green light and glowed in Mo Fan's unique consciousness space.

Mo Fan, who has been stuck at the peak of the third-order necromancer, finally successfully entered the supreme of the strongest level of the dead as he wished, and the price paid was only the souls of the thousand third-order spiritual mage.

Finally, he stepped into the supreme of the strongest dead spirit, which was a very pleasant thing, but Mo Fan did not show any joy on his face, and was replaced by a strong melancholy.

There is no other reason. It is precisely because Mo Fan completely absorbed the nearly 1,000 souls, and his strength has increased and naturally acquired many memories recorded in those souls. It is also the memories in the depths of the souls of these spiritual mage who have become fish that spit out an unknown and amazing secrets to him.

It was a 'rebel' union organized by Jon who endured 300 years of humiliation and endured heavy burdens. It has been unbearable to take action in advance, and has reached an unknown secret agreement with their old enemy's spiritual system.

The reason why the spiritual lineage gathered in Rock City on a large scale is obviously closely related to the unknown secret agreement.

A particularly important point is that Mo Fan also had to sign a secret plan with the Necromancer through the memory of those people, that is the old man with the shoe-pull face and the spiritual mage with the strongest cultivation outside the Rock King City.

Compared with this amazing news, the shadow in black that suddenly appeared in the backyard of the Forbidden Land and was killed by Mo Fan. The precious memory recorded in his soul that Mo Fan had been discovered by the Holy See of Light is not so important.

He often walks by the river, how can he not wet his shoes? Mo Fan doesn't think that he can really hide himself from the sky and the sea, so that the Holy See can never find himself. On the contrary, he has already been psychologically prepared and is looking forward to a cruel fight with the Holy See's lackeys.

But Mo Fan really did not expect that the huge organization established by the old man Jon after 300 years should have rebelled against the Holy See and played the greatest help to him at this time.

The reason why the retrograde union defected is that they stubbornly chose to unite with the spirit of their former sworn enemy despite Jon's repeated instructions, which is an obvious signal of impure motives, and its purpose is to overshadow old Jon.

After all, Jon has been trapped in Mofan's mysterious space of consciousness for nearly four years. This is also an excellent opportunity for those ambitious people who have been deliberately suppressed by Jon for a long time and have been afraid to show any ambition.

So those unstable traitors will naturally not let go of such a great opportunity for Jon, even do not hesitate to dance with the wolf, and are not afraid to burn themselves in the end, and unite with the spirit of the old enemy without hesitation. And Mo Fan can guess the real purpose of those ambitious people without even thinking about it.

Since those ambitious people who openly began to rebel against Jon dare to unite with their old enemies regardless of someone's ideas, they will certainly not give up easily. Their next step must be to kill Jon, an eye-catching old man, with a huge force of spiritual veins.

If the traitor of the retrograde union wants to get rid of old Jon, Mo Fan will inevitably not be able to escape the relationship, so the trouble will come from this, but this is still not the key issue that makes Mo Fan entangled and melancholy.

After guessing the real purpose of the traitors of the retrograde trade union, Mo Fan actually thought so. Since he had already offended the Holy See, a huge violent institution that could hardly be shaken, why was he afraid of a rebel union that had been established for 300 years?

"Since killing a person is also a hobby, why does it matter if I kill tens of millions of people in the world in order to protect myself?" Thinking of this, Mo Fan was relieved and fearless! As the saying goes, a bachelor is not afraid of kitchen knives. How can a person who is not even afraid of death be afraid of trouble?

But Mo Fan had to think about the old man Jon. After all, this obscene old man who has been with him for nearly four years and has saved himself several times. Someone is still very concerned about it. After all, it has not been a waste of these four years. He has already regarded the old man as his friend and teacher.

Because Mo Fan has had four years of contact with Jon, he is very familiar with the real character of this obscene old man with a deep blood.

Although Jon usually looks a little obscene and even lustful, Mo Fan deeply knows that this cruel and ruthless old man is actually deliberately disguised. His real personality is actually the kind of extreme fierce character that would rather be broken than complete.

So Mo Fan looked melancholy when he learned the truth. On the one hand, he didn't know how to tell Jon the cruel truth. God knows whether this fierce old man will collapse on the spot after knowing the truth of his rebellion!

On the other hand, a very important part of the reason why the ambitious people of the retrograde union will rebel is his sudden appearance.

If it hadn't been for Mo Fan's sudden appearance and trapped Jon in his mysterious consciousness space, this amazing change would not have happened. If old man Jon breaks with himself because of this, then it's really not worth it.

It was out of this kind of worry that Mo Fan felt melancholy and powerless as soon as he knew the truth, and even had an impulse to hide the truth from the bottom of his heart and not let Jon know about it.

Mo Fan looked sad and didn't speak for a long time. Jon, who lived in the space of consciousness, couldn't help frowning: "What are you thinking, boy? Haven't you been looking forward to promotion? Why is it so hard now?"

"Jon, we are friends, right?" Mo Fan, who was interrupted by Jon, thought for a moment and felt that he should tell him the truth, so he said so. There is no concealment between friends, which is someone's usual style.

"Yes!" Although he didn't know what Mofan meant, Jon nodded.

"There's something I don't want to lie to you!" Mo Fan stared at the puzzled old man Jon: "But you need to be mentally prepared!"

"What's the situation? Make it so serious!" Mo Fan's sudden words made Jon a little confused. Obviously, he didn't know that his younger brother had betrayed him.

"Because I just learned a very bad news by reading the souls of those spiritual mage." Mo Fan looked into Jon's eyes seriously and said, "Your little brother may have defected!"

"What? Impossible! Did you make a mistake? Jon's wide face suddenly became rigid, and his eagle-like eyes stared straight at Mo Fan and said in a serious tone, "This joke is not funny at all!"

"If you don't believe it, you can see it yourself!" Mo Fan opened the resource sharing interface in the consciousness space casually, so a row of important fragments after he picked them. After rearranging, they were like important memories of movie pictures, which were displayed in front of Jon one by one.

"Beast! These beasts!" Looking at the important memories recorded in the souls of those spiritual masters, the haze on Jon's wide round face became stronger and stronger, and his hands clenched into fists trembled slightly. Obviously, the guy who knew the truth was very angry now.

"Why did they do this?" More than half an hour passed quickly, and Jon, who exuded a tyrannical atmosphere, had already turned black. His clenched fists showed blue veins and irregularly and slightly trembling, which could further illustrate his anger at this moment.

Although Mo Fan really wants to say, "The reason for your subordinate's rebellion must be your own." But taking into account Jon's feelings, he still changed his words gently, "I think he wants to win the position!" After all, you have endured for too long!"

"Hmm...take the throne? I'm afraid it's more than that!" Jon, who laughed angrily, said with a dark smile, his sharp eyes, which seemed to be able to see everything, were staring at Mo Fan closely.

Obviously, old man Jon is also a sensible person, and he also knows that Mo Fan must have guessed the real purpose of the traitors of the rebel union, but he didn't explain it to himself.

As the saying goes, once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the well rope. When he saw the cruel truth of his younger brother's betrayal, he began to think in his heart, like an old man Jon, who was burned with his eyebrows. What does it mean if Mo Fan didn't break that key point? Does he also want to betray himself?

So Jon's sharp eagle eyes also stared at Mo Fan. If he can't give him a satisfactory answer, there is no need to maintain their current good relationship, which is almost the same as Mo Fan's previous worries.

"Since you can see it, I don't have to say anything." Mo Fan, who showed innocence on his face, shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said that since you knew it, why did you look at me with such eyes? It's not that I betrayed you.

Mo Fan's answer puzzled Jon, because this guy's answer was completely beyond his expectation. The old man who couldn't figure it out said with a gloomy face, "Then why didn't you tell me?" Aren't you afraid that I will drag you down?

"Why am I afraid of your drag? You should know that we are now grasshoppers on the same line, both glorious and lost! So your Jon's business is also my Mofan's business. Since there is no difference between each other, there will be no one to drag anyone down!"

Mo Fan understood the hidden meaning of Jon's words this time, so he finally emphasized seriously: "What's more, we are still friends!" I don't want there to be a concealment between friends, so I choose to tell you the truth.

"It seems that I was wrong!" Mo Fan's answer was really beyond Jon's expectation and softened his cold and selfish heart.