Teaching the alien world

4-Jon's prediction

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As Ansiel expected, Mo Fan did come out of the space portal smoothly, but he would never know that the obscene man he had been looking for for more than 300 years also came with Mo Fan.

Because the space transmission channel was dark, Mo Fan's eyes were black, his ears lost his hearing, and even the power of his soul to live lost its effect. However, after experiencing uneasiness and Jon's reminder, the steps under his feet never stopped.

That is, during the period when Mo Fan was traveling, how far and how long the dark passage was, he had also roughly understood the basic character of Ansiel through Jon's dictation.

This man with purple hair and supreme dragon blood is actually a proud person in his bones, and it is not too much to describe him as stubborn.

Soon a faint, as if a dazzling light came, Mo Fan, who was happy, walked a few steps quickly, and then the familiar arched space portal appeared again in his eyes.

Looking at the arched space portal, Mo Fan was relieved and finally passed the dark test before dawn and did not fall into the endless dark abyss.

However, Mo Fan knew very well that what he would face next would be more cruel than this dark and helpless space passage, but it did not make him any fear.

Because when Mo Fan passed through the dark space channel before, Jon once said to him like this: "It has been more than 300 years, but Ansair still hasn't given up on me to fight him fairly, so he will definitely not give up in the next days. He must want to use you to hook me out!"

"But Ansiel would never have thought that I, Jon, was actually in your Mofan's consciousness space, so he would never notice my trace, so you became his only hope!"

"Hope?" Mo Fan looked at Jon with a sneer and said, "If I want that guy Ansair, I will definitely kill your apprentice, and then release the news to force you to come out and fight with him!"

"But you're not Ansiel!" Jon looked at Mo Fan with disdain and said affirmatively, "As far as I know, Ans Al can never do such a thing. The most serious possibility is to put you down in the mysterious trial field of Terra Canyon and let you fight with the abandoned dragons who have lost their ability to become human!"

"Tella Canyon Trial Ground?" Mo Fan became interested and said curiously, "What's that place?" Abandoned son of the giant dragon clan? It seems to be awesome!"

"I don't know the details! I just heard that from Master George!" Jon stroked his jaw, looked at Mo Fan and said lightly, "Anyone who can come out of the Dragon Terra Canyon test site alive has basically been transferred to the mysterious Holy Dragon Knight!"

"Oh! There are good things waiting for you!" Mo Fan looked at Jon with a sneer and said, "I don't think Ansair will be so kind and send the disciples of his former rival into the trial field!"

"Of course!" Jon nodded affirmatively and said, "According to what I know about him, as long as you really enter the Terra Canyon Trial Ground, whether you can really come out alive or not, you will inevitably fight with him in the end."

"Why?" Mo Fan said doubtfully, "Am I going to be your substitute?" Do you want to have a life-and-death duel with him?"

"very likely!" Jon nodded and said affirmatively, "Even if you pass the customs smoothly, I, Ansall, think that stubborn guy will never let you go. He will definitely have a battle with you. But if you don't pass, you will have to die in the trial field.

"Is it so serious?" Mo Fan couldn't help frowning, and the situation was a little too bad. I don't know if Andre was also sent to the trial field.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Jon glanced at Mo Fan and said, "Because you will definitely not promise Ansair to become a holy dragon knight loyal to him, no matter how much he loves him, he can't let you walk out of Terra Canyon alive!" What's more, you still have an affair with me!"

"The ghost has an affair with you!" Jon's speech sickness made Mo Fan scream almost madly, "I'm also a victim!"

"You are a wool victim! I have paid so much for you!" Jon stretched out his middle finger without a decent way and despised Mo Fan and said, "Even if ordinary people beg me, they may not get the true biography of Laozi's life!" You, the boy who ate the fruit and forgot the tree, is still in the blessing, and you dare to blow your beard and stare at me!"

"Isn't it a victim to take the blame for you?" Mo Fan said unrelentingly, "If it weren't for the debt caused by the old immortal guy, would I have to be tricked everywhere as soon as I appeared?"

"Then go and talk to Ansiel and see if he believes it or not!" Jon shrugged his shoulders and said with an obscene smile, "Besides, you haven't made any benefits! Think about that Lanxi girl, don't you think it's very sexually blessed!"

"Happiness!" Mo Fan looked at Jon with contemptuous and said disdainfully, "That's what I fought for myself. Does it have anything to do with your old man?"

"Forget it!" Knowing that if you continue to talk about it, you still can't get benefits, Jon simply turned to the topic with a grimace: "Now you'd better think about how to get some benefits from the middle!" Otherwise, this trip will really come in vain!"

"If it's really as serious as you said, I guess it should be a problem to survive. How can I get benefits!" Mo Fan looked melancholy and obviously worried about this. Because this is obviously a cruel life-and-death situation!

"Don't be so frustrated!" Jon patted his chest and said confidently, "If you are really sent to the Terra Canyon trial ground, then feel free to slaughter those little reptiles, take off their dragon skins for me, and pull out all the dragon tendons for me!" Leave the other things to me!"

"What can you do?" Mo Fan looked at Jon with a distrustful face and said, but his originally uneasy heart quickly calmed down. Because Jon, an old man, exists, what is he afraid of?

"The secrets cannot be revealed! Think about it yourself!" Jon looked at Mo Fan with a deep face and quickly went back to the unconscious space. No matter how much a guy with a full appetite shouted, he ignored it.

"The dog says! It's so appetizing every time! You deserve five thunderstorms!" Mo Fan complained with an unhappy face, and the steps under his feet became faster and faster. No matter how bumpy the road ahead was, it could not stop his unremitting determination.

There is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure. Mo Fan firmly believes that since Jon said there was a way, he must have a way! Because after such a long run-in, the cooperation between the two has been quite tacit.

It's just that Mo Fan hasn't realized that he has relied too much on the old man Jon, so that he has completely lost his interest in taking the initiative to think about things. He took the initiative to ask this obscene old man about everything.

This is also because Mo Fan's personal necromancer's cultivation progressed too fast under Jon's guidance. If Jon's husband really didn't exist that day, where should he go? He has never thought about this problem.

At this time, Jon had vaguely sensed this, but Mo Fan was far from aware of it. He just walked forward with full confidence and determination, even if the road ahead was cruel and rugged.

It seems that for a moment, it seems that after another year, Mo Fan's eyes covered by darkness finally saw a white light again.

He walked along the familiar light for a long time until the faint light began to become dazzling, and Mo Fan was finally able to see the familiar arched space portal again.

As long as Mo Fan comes out of this door, it means that a new journey will begin. Is Jon really sure to deal with Ans Al? None of this is known!

But Mo Fan doesn't care so much now. If he doesn't go out quickly, then he is really stupid. He is trapped in the inexplicable dark space passage. This is really not a joke!

Taking a deep breath, Mo Fan also walked slowly. The arched portal suddenly produced a huge attraction and involved him in an instant, leaving him no room for rebuttal at all.

The space portal that opened like a water wave in the void quickly disappeared after sending Mo Fan out, as if it had never appeared before.

Only the hot fireball in the sky, which emits dazzling light, really tells Mo Fan that he has successfully walked out of the space channel and entered the Tara Canyon inhabited by the legendary mysterious dragon family.

However, Mo Fan was very embarrassed at this time. Due to the strong suction suddenly generated by the previous space door, the guy who could not be guarded for a moment fell to the ground in the way of flattening his buttocks back and fell into a dog to eat shit!

Before Mo Fan got up from the ground and pointed to the sky with anger to vent his dissatisfaction, Matt, who had been waiting in front of the space portal for a long time, took the lead in saying, "What are you rubbing around in it?"

Matt looked at Mo Fan who fell to the ground with a shocked face. Obviously, he didn't understand why this guy, who could still walk out of the space passage alive without any hints, fell to the ground in such an awkward way at the moment he was about to walk out of the door smoothly. Is this guy venting his dissatisfaction?

"How dare you say that? If it hadn't been for your early informance, I would have made it like this?"

Mo Fan gently pressed the ground with his hands, and his whole body stood up again. He stared at Matt very unpleasantly and said fiercely, "For good thing, I came out of the dark space passage smoothly. Otherwise, you can wait to be dealt with by Ansair!"

"This is indeed my mistake!"

Matt looked at Mo Fan with a black line and became more and more curious about this guy. What is the relationship between this guy and King Ansiel? Why do you dare to shout the king's name so arrogantly?

"Forget it!" Mo Fan waved his hand and went straight to the point and said, "Now take me to Ansair!" Hurry up and get out of here!"

"All right!" Matt was successfully fooled by Mo Fan and even used respectful words: "Please!"