Teaching the alien world

12-space turbulence

Mo Fan broke into the arched space portal alone. After entering the space corridor, he burst into an uncertain space turbulence. The guy who had not yet stood for a while was almost swept away by the sudden turbulence.

Fortunately, he squeezed the corner of Mo Fan's clothes, followed closely, and Matt entered the space corridor in time and quickly grabbed the guy who had not yet figured out the situation, so as to avoid the sudden space turbulence.

"Do you want to die?" In fact, Matt wanted to curse very much. He angrily scolded Mo Fan for not knowing whether he was alive or died. Unexpectedly, he dared to risk the greatness of the world and wanted to break through alone. Even the space magicians did not dare to underestimate it, and the space was full of turbulence.

But Matt also knew that in the dark space corridor like an abyss hell, no matter what he said, Mo Fan, a bold guy, could not hear anything, so he simply didn't say anything.

In order not to let Mo Fan, a bold boy, die in vain, Matt grabbed him to avoid the first space turbulence and stabilized his body. After that, he also decisively waved his hands to try to control this bold guy.

But how can Mo Fan be willing to be controlled by others? Because he did not understand the danger of space turbulence, Matt's kind action made him misunderstanding. This space-based purple-haired uncle wanted to give himself a majesty!

"Hmm! If you want to play with Yin, you have to see if I promise!" Mo Fan snorted with dissatisfaction, and immediately used the power of the dead and began to backhand. Compared with each other, who is afraid of whom!

Mo Fan began to resist, and the breath of the dead spirit on his body was naturally not covered. Of course, Matt felt it clearly and was not happy in his heart: "I'm kind enough to help you. It's good for you. It's okay if you don't appreciate it. You dare to fight with me. This is too bad!"

Matt, who was so angry, made his movements became more and more fierce. He almost waved his hands and used the law of space to completely control Mo Fan, without giving him a chance to refute at all.

Aside from Matt's own cultivation, he is many times better than Mo Fan. He has practiced space magic alone. In the field he is well-known, how can Mo Fan, a half-way necromancer magician, be his opponent?

If it hadn't been for Ansiel's explanation before, I'm afraid that Matt would have been ashamed and angry, and probably would have pushed Mo Fan into the turbulence of the space where he went to the undetermined phase and let him fall into the eternal darkness with the waves, where he would have worked hard to help him take refuge!

But Mo Fan doesn't know this! So when he was restricted by Matt's use of space laws, the unconvinced guy showed a frightening and shocked expression and a hysterical roar in his heart: "Is this impossible?"

The hysterical Mo Fan's face turned red and tried several times without believing in evil spirits, but no matter how he used the power of death, he could never break the thin but restraint barrier that wrapped his body, just like a stone sinking into the sea and could not provoke any ripples.

It's just a matter of minutes. After several fights, Mo Fan, who knew that he was invincible, had to be captured obediently. Unconvinced, he let Matt pinch his neck and walked farther step by step with his elegant pace.

For a moment, a deep sense of loss also enveloped Mo Fan's heart. Why is the gap between himself and Matt still so big?

Mo Fan does not deny that this purple-haired uncle who used to sweep the road in Brown City in a low-key way.

But Mo Fan really didn't expect that Uncle Matt would have such a strong side that he could firmly control himself in one hand in an instant without leaving himself a chance to resist!

At the beginning, in the royal city of Brown, Mo Fan only used the intermediate spirit cultivation in the early stage of the strongest, but it was reasonable to say that Matt, the uncle who couldn't beat the purple hair sweeping the floor. After all, the difference between the two is still far away!

But after a relaxing dragon slaughter, Mo Fan, who has soared at a rocket-like speed, is now a strong man with the cultivation in the middle and late stages of the strongest. Compared with the purple-haired sweeping uncle Matt, who has the cultivation at the peak of the strongest, the gap between the two is almost the same. .

But even so, Mo Fan still can't beat the purple-haired uncle Matt, which is very telling. At least the purple-haired uncle in front of him is not so strong that someone has to start re-examine himself.

"Why is this so?" Mo Fan, who was very weak in his heart, said to himself, his eyebrows were full of unwillingness, and his clenched fists burst into cyan veins.

"You are still not strong enough!" Old man Jon suddenly flashed out, and he rarely showed a smile on his face. He said coldly, "Don't think that you are invincible after slaughtering 50,000 dragons that have failed to evolve!"

"I never thought I would be invincible!" Mo Fan shook his head and said with a lost face, "I just can't accept the actual blow!" You said that Matt and I are not too different! Why can't I beat him? Don't talk about fighting! There is not even a chance to resist!"

"This is normal!" Jon nodded and said, "It's not your fault. Who let you be in his field!"

"Field? What do you mean? Mo Fan heard the word field for the second time, but he never understood its meaning clearly, so he felt very puzzled!

"If I guess correctly!" Jon nod, his eyes showed a wise look, and said faintly, "The guy in front of you should be a space magician, and he is also a master who has understood the space field."

"Space magician?" Mo Fan was stunned: "Is there anything unique about the space field?"

"In fact, every existence with cultivation to the strongest level will have their own unique field. In their respective fields, they are omnipotent gods!"

Seeing Mo Fan's puzzled face, Jon paused for a moment and continued, "The space field is different from any other field. There are countless branches in the space field."

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan, who was confused, rudely interrupted Jon and said, "Try to be as simple as possible!"

"If nothing happens, what the man in front of you understands should be the field of exile!"

"Exile field?" Mo Fan said doubtfully, "Why is it called exile? He obviously controlled me!" How can it be related to exile again?

"You don't understand this!" Jon shook his head and explained in hatred, "Although he is just binding you up now, don't look down on him for it. If he really wants to put you to death, he only needs to gently push you into the endless space turbulence, and it will be done!"

Hearing Jon's words, Mo Fan also completely understood the power of the space magician! But he still couldn't figure it out, so he opened it and asked, "What is space turbulence?" Is it awesome?"

"Is it so simple?" Jon sneered and said, "Although a chaotic and cold space turbulence that only exists in some unstable space transmission corridors, even if the god-level strongman unfortunately falls into it, it may be difficult to get out of it, and it is likely that it will be gone!"

"That's what you said! Isn't a space magician like Matt an invincible existence!" Mo Fan said stunned that he obviously didn't expect Matt to have such an unknown fierce side.

Mo Fan thinks so. As a space magician and has mastered the exile field, once Matt meets an unwinnable enemy, he only needs to easily tear the space, introduce the enemy into his exile field, and use the power of the field to kill him.

If you still can't defeat the enemy next, you can also take advantage of the particularity of the space corridor and escape in an instant. Isn't this a legendary skill for killing people and picking up girls?

"It seems to be!" Mo Fan coveted three feet and left a pool of saliva. If you can learn such a magical skill, how big the world is, where can you go?

Seeing Mo Fan's bland exaggerated expression, the angry old man Jon secretly hated it, so he opened his mouth rudely and interrupted someone who was in YY and said, "Actually, it's not true!"

"What do you say?" Mo Fan wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth and asked seriously, "Does the space magician have any fatal defects? And I have stepped into the world of Rhinester for so long, and I don't seem to have heard much about anyone who can practice space magic. What's going on?

"There is no fatal defect! It's just that it's difficult to improve the cultivation of space magicians!"

Jon shook his head helplessly and explained, "As far as I know, few people in the whole Rhinester world can step into the strongest cultivation, and there are very few people who really understand the laws of the space field.

And once those high-ranking dictators find that someone can practice space magic, they will generally kill them in the bud at the first time! This is the fundamental reason why I haven't mentioned space magic to you.

"So that's it!" Mo Fan suddenly realized and said, "If I hadn't met such an opponent now, I'm afraid you would still not have said these words!"

"Of course!" Jon nodded and said with a smile, "In vain, it's better for you to practice the magic of the dead with me than to make your boy fantasize all day long!"

"You are too obscene!" Mo Fan turned his face, looked at Jon disdainfully, and then asked the last doubt in his heart, "So how can I really defeat Matt?"

"This is difficult for you at the moment!" Jon said honestly and said seriously, "Unless you can understand the law of the strongest field of our line of death, the field of killing!"

"What is the field of killing?" Mo Fan looked at Jon with a curious face and said.