Teaching the alien world

15-Soul weapon

15—The sharp weapon of the soul

Jon's answer was half-known, but Mo Fan understood, and naturally he didn't ask more questions. After all, he now clearly knew that the two soul beads that appeared around his own soul beads did not reveal any special harmful characteristics.

Mo Fan's idea is very simple. As long as the two sudden soul beads do not endanger his life, he will not care too much.

What's more, the meaning of Jon's previous words also clearly shows that as long as the necromancer can refine the second soul bead, the closer he is to understanding the field of killing. Although there are some risks, this is a rare opportunity for Mo Fan, isn't it?

After the fragments of the sky fighter armor that were trampled into fragments by the dragons into the space ring, Mo Fan began a new journey. The second bloody trial field is still destined to go through some killing. After all, he has never forgotten the ten-year appointment he made with Ansiel in the Dragon Palace.

Although the dragons in the second trial field are very large and the physical attack is very strong, for Mo Fan, a necromancer, this group of giant reptiles that have failed to evolve are still very weak and hardly put much pressure on him.

In addition to the few dragon leaders who are already beginning to have wisdom, which can make Mo Fan feel a little pressure, as for the younger brothers of other dragon leaders who have not yet been enlightened, they are completely small roles of delivering vegetables. It is as easy for someone to deal with them as cutting melons and vegetables.

Three months is not long, but it is not short, but it is obviously enough for Mo Fan. Although the area of the second bloody test site located in another space is vast, it is also inhabited by nearly 100,000 giant dragons that have failed to evolve, but there is nothing to do.

After three months of sleepless crazy killing, Mo Fan absorbed more dragon souls. Like a tireless killing machine, he became more and more brave. Finally, he caught all the remaining dragons on the second floor in the middle of the fourth month.

Through more than three months of crazy slaughter, Mo Fan not only obtained a lot of valuable materials, but also reached a new height, officially entering the peak primary state of the middle and late period of the strongest. It suddenly appeared around his own soul beads, and the other two soul beads became brighter and brighter.

Two soul beads the size of an egg, one emits a deep dark red light, and the other emits a dazzling dark green light.

These two colorful alternative soul beads are tightly wrapped around Mo Fan's emerald soul beads and keep spinning.

Mo Fan, after looking inside, he also noticed the changes in the two sudden soul beads, and suddenly affirmed Jon's previous speculation. These soul beads that suddenly appeared before were not accidental. They were indeed condensed because he had absorbed too many dragon souls.

The soul bead took the initiative to change, and Mo Fan was curious and tried to investigate again.

It's just that Mo Fan did not directly use the power of the dead to investigate this time, but used his more powerful soul beads to test the two brilliant soul beads.

When Mo Fan's soul beads approached, the two small soul beads that kept spinning around him also stopped, but this time they did not disappear, but took the initiative to approach Mo Fan's emerald green soul beads and finally slowly disappeared into it.

When Mo Fan successfully merged the two soul beads into the soul beads, a huge memory instantly poured into his brain, which made him almost faint on the spot. At the same time, the emerald-blooded soul beads also began to accelerate the rotation, and there were faint signs of growth.

Mo Fan has a headache. This is a real headache. Coupled with the memory of those giant lizards, the total memory of hundreds of thousands of dragons is not a small number, but a huge astronomical figure.

Even if it is a light brain for unified processing, it will take a long time. What's more, Mo Fan's current soul beads are still in the middle and late stages of the strongest, which is not enough to deal with and digest them.

Mo Fan, who had a splitting headache, but was very conscious, hurriedly stopped the fusion and hurriedly stripped the two egg-sized soul beads from his own soul beads. It was not until then that he felt better.

Although the headache is still continuing, Mo Fan is also much better. On the contrary, the two egg-sized soul beads have lost a little beautiful luster and become dull.

It was not until he absorbed the memory of a small number of dragons that Mo Fan understood that it was like this! No wonder I didn't get the memory of the dragons before! Dare to say that the soul memories of these dragons have merged into two unique soul beads!

When Mo Fan absorbed the soul of the dragon, he found a strange phenomenon. Among those dragon souls that had failed to evolve, there was no record of memory.

At first, Mo Fan didn't care, but he thought that these failed evolution guys had no memory because they were animals, and he didn't pay much attention to it at that time.

It was not until this time that Mo Fan absorbed a little of the memories of the two dragons that fused into soul beads that he finally understood that the group of giant lizards that had failed to evolve was not without memory, but that their precious memories had spontaneously fused into two unique soul beads.

"So that's it!" After thoroughly digesting those huge memories, Mo Fan breathed a sigh of relief and began to understand why the dragon in the second level of the trial field began to besiege himself on a large scale as soon as he appeared.

It turns out that these bloody trials in another space are intrinsically related. Each layer of dragons can pass through. A special channel similar to the space portal clearly perceives that what has happened in the previous layer recently, but these news outsiders do not know.

But after Mo Fan absorbed their memories, he now knows the way for them to get the news, so he was no longer polite at that time and rushed to the northwest of the second level of the trial field, near the vast dead crater.

"Grandma! Is this a bug? Mo Fan ran as he complained very unpleasantly, but his heart became more and more afraid.

Although the dragons in the previous two-tier trial field are not very powerful, who can say the following things clearly? Ask Matt, he certainly won't say it, so now he has to rely on Mofan to explore by himself.

After digesting the memories of those dragons, Mo Fan learned that there was also this hidden palace under the crater, which was like a mysterious situation like a dragon palace, in which there were many relatively powerful dragons hidden.

And the reason why this group of hidden dragons exist is that they are also responsible for receiving and transmitting information. It is equivalent to saying that as long as Mo Fan, a tester, enters the trial field, his every move will be transmitted to the next trial field at a glance, and even Ansair may be clear.

This is the real horror of the bloody trial field, because they can grasp the intelligence information related to the intruder at the first time, then quickly respond, make corresponding defense deployments, and quickly strangle the invaders in the cradle.

It's just a pity that since Mo Fan already knows, he won't let them get it so easily. Even if the hidden dragons have released their news, he has to pull out the hidden stakes here to vent his anger.

Mo Fan traveled quickly all the way, and soon came to the top of the dead crater in the northwest. Then he did not hesitate to open the dead curtain around his body, and then plunged into the dead crater where black smoke would come out from time to time.

In a moment, Mo Fan, who went straight down the dead crater, quickly broke through the siege and entered the inner center of the dead volcano. Then, a huge platform appeared in front of him, surrounded by countless fiery hot magma fountains that were rolling and bubbling.

Near the center of the platform stands with open wings, standing on his legs, with a pair of sharp horns on his head, a large opening of blood, revealing bloodthirsty fangs, hundreds of meters long, huge and lifelike dragon rock statues.

Mo Fan's feet slowly fell on the platform, using soul perception to search around, and soon found the traces of those giant dragons hiding their heads and tails, so he no longer stopped under his feet. Without a word of nonsense, he flew straight to one of them.

The undead light curtain was released, and the dragon caged in it didn't even have a chance to resist, so it was violently melted into a pool of black stinky water by the extremelycorrosive power of the dead spirit.

On the huge ground, there is only a dry and huge giant dragon skeleton, a complete dragon skin tightly wrapped in bones, and a soul nucleus the size of a pebble-sized soul hidden in the huge dragon skull.

Mo Fan waved his hand and put these valuable materials into his bag, and then rudely dried the soul nucleus of the dragon, so he ran to the next hidden dragon without hurry.

"Wow..." With a loud dragon roar, a huge horn has been born on one head, and nearly dozens of meters long meat wings have been born on the shoulder. The dragon, which is at least 100 meters in volume, flapped its wings on its shoulder and flew out of the hollow above the platform.

After the leading adult dragon fell into the huge platform, dozens of dragons of the same volume flew out of the void around the half waist of the wide dead volcano, and dragons of the same size spread their wings and glide down in mid-air.

Looking at the huge dragons with meat wings and gliding down in mid-air, Mo Fan realized that he had encountered trouble, because his spiritual exploration just now did not detect their existence, that is to say, the existence of these dragons is at least more than him. The cultivation itself is much higher.

"The humble human race tester who knows no respect and inferiority! Get out of here, this is not where you should come!" The dragon who landed first spat out, and his blood-red eyes like giant lanterns stared at Mo Fan fiercely.

The so-called dragons, who had not been killed by Mo Fan, immediately lay on the ground obediently, motionless, and honestly waved their tails like obedient puppies.

After hearing the dragon spit out clear human language and see the performance of those dragons, Mo Fan couldn't help but "cluck" in his heart and said secretly, "Oh no! Now it's time to meet the big BOOS! What's wrong with this?"