Teaching the alien world

20-First appearance • Killing field

PS: [Please collect! The fat man is embarrassed to say it! Or please collect it!]

Although more than a dozen dragon dead puppets controlled by Mo Fan were hit by laser-like dragon flames one after another, they lost their heads one after another, but they did not stop them from moving forward.

Under Mo Fan's extremely precise control, more than a dozen dragon necromancers surrounded the dragon Fakts extremely accurately, and a pair of slender claws with cold light fell on it one after another, ruthlessly cutting the rough dark red dragon skin.

What's more, Fakts didn't even have a chance to wai, because its huge dragon mouth had long been sealed with fierce claws by a giant dragon necromancer under Mo Fan's control.

Unable to wail, Facitz had to endure the ruthless attack from his former brother, and his huge scarlet giant eyes couldn't help shed Chunchun's blood and tears.

Time passed slowly in a minute and a second, and was completely suppressed by more than a dozen dead puppets. Then the leader of the besieged led by Fakitz deeply realized the cruel cut like Ling Chi's death, and then he was completely understood what the miserable taste of life is worse than death.

Fortunately, the time of more than a dozen dragon dead puppets did not last long, and then emptied the flesh and blood of Faltz's body, ** out of the huge white skeleton.

Even if Mo Fan stopped the needless manipulation, it was not that he couldn't stand it, but simply because someone's original purpose had been achieved, and there was no point in continuing.

With Mo Fan's abandonment, the dozens lost their heads, but their volume was still huge. The dragon dead puppets who had retreated collapsed one after another, like a collapsed mountain peak, making a huge roar: "Boom..."

On the contrary, after being cut by the fierce claws of more than a dozen dragon dead puppets, there is only a dragon Fackerz with a huge skeleton full of 100 meters. At this time, it is like a finely carved work of art, quietly lying on a solid underground platform, opposite the huge dragon statue in the center.

Mo Fan doesn't care about this. What he wants most now is the huge skeleton of Fakerz and the eagerness to try to personally transform a undead bone dragon loyal to him.

With this idea, Mo Fan no longer had any hesitation, even when he immediately began to absorb the energy of the two soul beads attached to the consciousness space. After all, after manipulating more than a dozen dragon dead puppets and fighting, he said that he was not tired, but it was fake.

The consciousness space is still so familiar. Mo Fan quickly found the two new soul beads condensed from the dragon soul around his green, emerald-like dazzling soul beads.

Because of his previous experience, Mo Fan also used his own soul beads again this time and carefully approached the dark green soul beads slowly.

After successfully incorporating the dark green soul beads into his own soul beads, Mo Fan immediately began to absorb them decisively. The power of the dragon soul like a spring keeps pouring into his soul beads, cheering his tired spirit.

At the same time, the emerald-like emerald green soul bead in Mo Fan's consciousness space rotated violently, forming a huge emerald green whirlpool, and there is a more and more intense trend.

After Mo Fan completely absorbed the soul bead condensed from the power of the dragon soul and recovered the power of the dead spirit, he suddenly realized that the situation was wrong, but it was too late.

Because Mo Fan's soul bead swallowed the dark green dragon soul ball, it did not stop and still rotated violently in the consciousness space. The huge emerald green whirlpool was also getting bigger and bigger, and another dark red dragon soul bead was slowly sucked into the whirlpool.

"How could this happen?"

The unexpected situation suddenly shocked Mo Fan and made him desperately want to control his soul beads and return them to the normal track, but the result was useless and futile.

As the saying goes, things must be reversed. Mo Fan is very clear in his heart that if he continues to devour his own soul beads, then his only result will be the explosion and die, completely disappearing in the self-explosion of the soul with terrible power.

The reason is very simple, because Mo Fan does not have the ability to let his soul bead experience another crazy devouring. That's why he feels deep fear!

At this moment, not only Mo Fan was deeply afraid, but even Jon, who was hidden in the conscious space, also sensed something wrong and hurriedly rushed out, trying to stop Mo Fan's soul beads and continue to crazily devour the power of the dragon's soul, but the result was little, even nothing. Function.

Jon looked anxious, but there was no better way to stop it.

Finally, the red-eyed old man could only look anxiously at Mo Fan's out-of-control soul bead. After completely swallowing the dark green soul bead condensed by the power of the dragon soul, he rushed madly towards another dark red soul bead.

When Mo Fan's emerald-like, emerald green soul bead bumped into the dark red soul bead, a dazzling light as bright as the day burst out in a large area of consciousness space, followed by a sudden bursting out a huge earth-shaking roar.

"Bum!" With the loud sound, Mo Fan's living soul beads were broken, and the dazzling light like a day disappeared in an instant.

Then, Mo Fan's whole bright consciousness space also darkened at this moment, just like the night in the space corridor. He couldn't see his fingers, and all kinds of shadowless space turbulence flowed around.

After witnessing such a cruel scene, Mo Fan almost collapsed on the spot and muttered to himself in frustration: "It's over! It's all over!"

At the moment of this sentence, Mo Fan suddenly woke up again. That's not right! The soul bead was indeed destroyed just now, but he did not lose consciousness because of it! Doesn't that mean you are not dead!

"Haha... I didn't dissipate!" Mo Fan suddenly felt happy in his heart, and now he subconsciously tried to feel the power of the dead in the dark space of consciousness. If nothing unexpected, the previous asymbols should be a symbol of promotion!

With Mo Fan's bold attempt, he soon felt the familiar power of the dead again, which was much larger than before, but these huge forces of the dead did not buy him and still ran around in the space of consciousness.

With such an attempt, after feeling the power of the dead spirits that are everywhere, Mo Fan also became bold, and now he is no longer polite. He does not hesitate to condense the huge force of the dead spirits in the space of consciousness, but he refuses to be obedient and accept the power of the dead spirit to his own use.

Although Mo Fan took the initiative to force cohesion, the forces of the dead, like space turbulence, came and went without a trace, still drifting back and forth, refusing to stop obediently, and even began to resist strongly.

After several fierce competition, Mo Fan, who was a little depressed, still failed to subdue the power of the dead spirits that were everywhere. On the contrary, he wasted a lot of precious power of the dead, which also made him deeply aware and frightening.

Because after several competition, Mo Fan can clearly feel that every time he uses the power of the dead, he will be reduced by one point, and he can't recover effectively. Of course, this is not terrible.

What really makes Mo Fan feel afraid is that every time his necromancer's power consumes one point, and those who run around in the conscious space and refuse to be obedient increase by one point.

If this goes on, without being reminded by others, Mo Fan can also guess his own ending, which must be a disappearing end, which is the crucial point that really makes him feel horror and thrilling.

"Wh! I still don't believe it. Do you still want to rebel?"

After several attempts, but still fruitlessly, Mo Fan spent a lot of precious spirit and was quite depressed in spirit. His heart couldn't help but be angry, and the cohesion of his hands became more and more fierce.

However, at this time, Mo Fan learned to be smart, and the means used were also changed from the previous strong cohesion to the active guidance of those dead spirits who were disobedient and run around in the consciousness space.

At this time, Mo Fan was like a fisherman on the boat. After putting a heavy ecstasy array in the spacious river, he immediately knocked on the calm water surface, hitting east and west, turning it into zero, allowing those dead spirits who refused to obediently enter the net to expel into their 'fishing net'.

With Mo Fan's unremitting efforts, those disobedient forces were finally successfully 'counded'. As a 'fisherman', Mo Fan seized this precious opportunity and immediately started to 'use the net' and eat the part of the 'small fish' that fell into the net and take it for his own use.

When Mo Fan successfully ate part of the 'small fish' that fell into the net, his sluggish spirit was suddenly revived, and the lost power of the dead was quickly and effectively replenished, so he was more certain of his opportunistic tricks.

found an effective countermeasure, and Mo Fan had no intention of stopping. He began to act as a fisherman and began a new round of netting.

With the effective supplement of the previous power of the dead, Mo Fan is even more sure that as long as he can fully absorb these disobedient power of the dead spirits, the dead spirit cultivation can definitely reach a new level. Even if he enters the legendary necromancer emperor, it is not impossible.

But even if Mo Fan dreams, he can never imagine that the power of the disobedient spirits he faces at this moment is actually the initial performance in the field of killing.

In fact, those existence and Mofan's consciousness space and their disobedient forces do not come out of thin air. Once they appear, they will play a vital role.

Because these necromancers symbolize the irregularity of the killing field and have their active devouring power, in fact, only necromancers who have reached the legendary realm of necromancer emperors can understand it.

If it hadn't been for Mo Fan as a necromancer, he would have been eaten by them the moment he bumped into these disobedient forces, and it would have been his turn to act as a 'fisherman' to fish for a large area!

The reason why the legendary killing field suddenly appeared at this time is that Mo Fan had swallowed too many dragon souls before. After forming two other independent soul beads in the consciousness space, it led to a unique alienation performance.

If it hadn't been for the accidental appearance of the two soul beads, only Mo Fan, who had the strongest cultivation, could not have been reached, and it would not have stepped into the legendary realm. Fortunately, he bumped into the imminent power of the dead in the field of killing.