Teaching the alien world

28-The beginning of the counterattack

Ps: [Fat has tried his best to update every day and keep making promises. I also hope that friends who are destined to see this book can click on the collection to give the fat man a little support and encouragement! Thank you very much!

With Mo Fan's unremitting efforts, the green fog symbolized the field of killing is getting stronger and stronger. The tens of thousands of deadly dragon breath ice arrows quickly melted with lightning, and the strong white fog symbolizing spiritual power was quickly assimilated and reduced to a fresh force in the field of killing. Quantity.

At this time, tens of thousands of frost dragons attacking Mo Fan began to struggle, and they were even more surprised to wonder why the humble little character had not been killed!

In order to put Mo Fan to death, tens of thousands of ice dragons began a new round of strong attacks. Tens of thousands of dense dragons and ice arrows appeared again like a rainstorm, aiming directly at the green fog of nearly 1,000 square meters.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. When Mo Fan, who has a lot of valuable experience, faces a new round of shooting of tens of thousands of frost dragons again, he becomes fearless. Because of the huge amount of spiritual power absorbed before, it was enough for him to fight a small battle.

So it's a pity that the attack of a group of frost dragons still did not work. Those powerful dragons and ice arrows have no other effect except to bring more precious spiritual power to Mo Fan.

When the dragon's ice arrow was melted in the killing field again and returned to Mo Fan's own use, the unrepentant, angry and thunderous frost dragons rushed to the killing field, trying to crush the 'weak' undead with their huge body.

Of course, the upright frost dragon, with a height of hundreds of meters, is naturally a huge existence, and its volume is naturally a huge thing calculated according to the tonnage level. Naturally, it can also crush some small existences that are not as large as them, and Mofan, who is less than 1.8 meters tall and weighs less than 150. The existence of

However, these frost dragons with a slightly poor IQ did not understand a cruel fact. They are a humble 'undead' that can't even kill powerful dragons and ice arrows. How can they really defeat them with their strong bodies at the tonnage level?

Seeing the huge number of ice dragons rushing towards themselves regardless of life and death, standing in the field of killing and staring at Mo Fan, who moved coldly, couldn't help smiling with joy at the corners of his mouth, and the action of devouring the dragon's ice arrows became faster and faster.

Previously, Mo Fan was worried that he had no choice but to kill those frost dragons standing in the distance with cold arrows! But now that they have come to the door by themselves, they are also thinking about someone, which really saves a lot of precious time.

As the saying goes, 'the faster you rush, the faster you die'. This sentence really doesn't deceive the world! Because the frost dragon that took the lead in rushing to the front rushed into the killing field full of strong green fog smoothly, and soon a sad roar came out: "Wow..."

The frost dragon, which is a pioneer, is like a stone thrown into the sea. It does not stir up a ripple at all. It is corroded by the extremely corrosive dead force, corroded all the flesh and melted the internal organs, leaving only a huge white skeleton, proving that it existed here before. Passed such a stupid dragon with poor IQ.

Listening to the tragic roar of their companions and being aroused by the bloody frost dragons, they were even more desperate. Driven by the supreme honor of the dragon family, the big crawlers with clumsy IQ lost the last trace of reason and rushed to the killing field without hesitation.

Half an hour passed, and nearly 10,000 frost dragons that bravely broke into the killing field quickly fell to about 5,000 in this short hour.

Until this time, half of the remaining frost dragons began to feel scared. Looking at the field of killing, they became more and more afraid. After all, the dragon clan is supreme glory. This kind of thing is illusory. Their own life is real. Who will be really fearless?

What's more, half of the remaining frost dragons witnessed the tragic death of those dragon companions who were the first to break into the strange green fog.

At the outermost end of the killing field, the outer layer of the thin but strong green necromancer has been laid down on three layers, with thousands of postures and countless huge dragon skeletons.

And the owners of these white giant skeletons that lost their skin and exuded a bloody smell were still alive half an hour ago and knew the angry and irritable frost dragons.

Of course, this is not over. What really frightens those timidly and fortunately remaining 5,000 giant dragons is that these heads have lost their skin and turned into white skeletons. In fact, their former companions who seem to be unable to die have not really died.

Because before, a frost dragon wanted to drag the white bone of his companion, but he was caught off guard and was dragged into the strange green fog by his companion lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and then turned into a pile of white skeletons, and then walked away from the strange green fog again. Come out.

It is precisely because of such a strange scene that the remaining nearly 5,000 huge ice dragons fell into a tragic dilemma while feeling extremely scared and uneasy.

Because these frost dragons who lost their courage to fight did not receive the retreat order from the frost dragon lord Cabdas, they did not dare to escape from the battlefield without authorization. I didn't know that they had been abandoned by a selfish lord dragon.

Therefore, these frost dragon brothers, whose heads were abandoned by the lord Cabdas as cannon fodder, could only hide far away from the killing field ten miles away, and carefully observed the vast area with frightened eyes, but the killing power was surprisingly powerful and strange green fog. Qi.

The Frost Dragons no longer take the initiative to attack and watch their every move from afar in the killing field. Mo Fan naturally sees them clearly and knows that they are a manifestation of the strong lethality in the killing field.

Although the frost dragons were afraid and no longer took the initiative to attack themselves, and even showed faint signs of retreat, Mo Fan did not intend to let them go and pretended to play a bloody drama of meeting and hatred! Because this kind of thing never happened to Mofan, not to mention that he has never been a bully!

"I used to be so happy, but now I want to run after I'm done. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?"

While Mo Fan sneered, he also raised his right hand rudely, just like a meritorious general, casually facing a direction, so powerfully swinging down.

Under Mo Fan's deliberate wave of his hand, the killing field formed by the power of the dead spirit in the state of green fog also suddenly began to rotate counterclockwise.

Then those strange monsters lying on the snow-white ground on the periphery of the killing field seemed to have been summoned. Even if they stood up one after another, followed by an unprecedented alternative dragon-slaying war.

Under the trembling and frightened gaze of the frost dragons, the skeletons of the white dragons lying on the snow-white ground climbed up again, making a loud but obviously out-of-tune roar: "Wow..."

With a bad roar, those 'bone dragons' who got up from the ground again, with a total of 5,000 heads and were not bone dragons, rushed to the white bone wings behind them one after another, and launched a large-scale attack on the frozen dragon position gathered in the group with lightning speed. Group charge.

The sudden outbreak of such a scene immediately caused a chain reaction. Those frost dragons, who had been scared out of their courage and were in a dilemma, immediately bombed the camp after seeing the collective 'resurrection' of their former companions after death.

In the hearts of the frost dragons who messed up the camp, the first thing they thought of was to escape, and they immediately took practical actions, turned their huge bodies one after another, and ran away.

Because the body of the frost dragon is too large and the number is extremely large, when they gather in one place, the distance between the dragon and the dragon will naturally not be large.

Before the Longxi Ice Arrow Group shot, a group of ice dragons did not find anything wrong, but when they really began to panic, the tragedy naturally happened, and the legendary trampling tragedy naturally happened to these dragons who lost their fighting spirit.

Driven by Mo Fan's strong pursuit of the 'bone dragon', the whole snow-capped ice and snow valley suddenly became a mess. The huge ice dragon hit me, I hit you, no one could fly, and no one could escape, so the scene once got out of control, screams, howls, battles, and more It has been heard for a long time.

Before, he hid in the air and secretly peeped at Mo Fan's every move of the space mage. Matt, the guide of the trial field, was even more shocked. Obviously, he did not expect that the former powerful ice dragon would be so unbearable.

How can the Frost Dragon Army, which is so large and has opened its mind and can also use dragon magic, have been completely defeated by a 'trialer' with the strongest level of cultivation? How can this not surprise Matt?

Looking at the ice and ice dragons in the ice valley, who trampled on each other and lost their strength, the purple-haired uncle Matt even had an illusion in his heart. Is the unattractive boy lucky? Or is it really because he has two brushes?

Although the personal cultivation of the Frost Dragon is not high, and on average, it is only the early stage of the third order, but Matt is very clear that 30,000 ice dragons launch a group attack of dragons and ice arrows at the same time. Even with his current peak space cultivation, it may not be able to carry it! So how did Mo Fan do it?

At this time, Matt couldn't help but think of a ridiculous but infinitely close to the truth. That is Mo Fan, the strongest mid-term necromancer, who has understood the corresponding laws of the field. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to be indiscriminate among thousands of dragons.

Matt turned around and looked down at the ground. When he saw that Mo Fan was commanding more and more 'bone dragons' in an orderly and unhurry manner, and crazily slaughtered those frost dragons without resistance, he also strengthened his previous thoughts in his heart. Looking at Mo Fan's eyes became more and more and more hot. Come on.