Teaching the alien world

49-Blood case caused by one sentence

With the order of the goblin king Bunker, all the members of the thirteenth team immediately took action and stopped the fast-running Sky fighter armor.

Even so, driven by inertia, several fighter armors that rushed to the front accidentally rushed into the 100,000 Black Flag Guards, and under the supergravity attached to its huge body, it instantly took the precious lives of many soldiers.

The soldiers who were ruthlessly crushed by the armor and iron hoofs of the Sky fighter, and those strong war horses, could hardly even scream, and turned into a pool of bloody mud, deeply embedded in the ground.

The Sky fighter armor was only trampled in an instant and easily took away hundreds of soldiers. Such a cruel scene was suddenly staged, which really scared a group of 100,000 black flag praetorian guards. If you meet such a powerful opponent, you still have to fight this battle!

For a while, almost all the Black Flag Guard soldiers who witnessed such a tragedy thought in their hearts: "Nima! Commander Palsqi, I'm sure he didn't look at the old almanac before the war! It's not good to be a teacher. It's clear that you are looking for a dead! It's better to retreat!"

Although the ordinary Black Flag Guard soldiers think so, no one dares to make a head bird! After all, the harsh crime of escaping from battle is not what ordinary soldiers like them can bear!

Therefore, a group of timid soldiers could only resist the fear in their hearts, looked forward to walk to the front of the team, almost pleading, took off their black nobles, held the white flag, and looked at Potsdam, the deputy general of the Goblin army.

The nearly 10,000 soldiers stared at him with that almost pleading eyes, holding a white flag. Potsdamri, who was also frightened, had to turn over and disemble, resist the uneasiness in his heart, went straight to the topic, and roared hysterically: "I'm Potsdamri, the special envoy of the Leoport Consortium. Please, please Keep your hands at mercy!"

The roar of Potsdam did not receive any response from the goblin, but the panicked sky fighter armor that had rushed into the Black Flag Guards. At this time, they began to move back slowly until they completely withdrew from the small bloody battlefield.

Seeing such a scene, Potsdam's tight heart suddenly relaxed. It seemed that these fierce little goblets on the opposite finally recognized themselves and gave a little affection! Otherwise, the 100,000 army he brought will inevitably come to a miserable end of bloody slaughter.

When the Sky fighter armor withdrew from the crowd one after another, the goblin king Bunker opened the mecha door under his seat and stood calmly at a height of ten meters, arrogantly, looking down at Potsdam with a white flag at the foot of the mecha.

"Oh! So it's my dear Potsdamri! I really didn't expect that we would meet again in such a way. There must have been some misunderstanding just now. I'm really sorry!"

Bunker said with an apologetic smile, but in his inverted triangle eyes showed a cunning look from time to time, obviously with some kind of unknown good calculation.

Bunker's polite words made Potsdamri's scalp tingle. Misunderstanding! After killing our 100,000 elite soldiers, I'm ashamed to say that this is just a misunderstanding! Even if you talk about Hong Gui, the ghost won't believe it!

Even if he knew that Bunker was shirking his responsibility, Potsdamri did not dare to break it. After all, he is now in a weak position. If he still wants to successfully complete the task assigned by Palszi before his departure, he can only continue to lie with him.

Potsdamri endured the unhance in his heart and squeezed out a picture on his face. He smiled bitterly like a dead mother and said with a smile, "It must be a misunderstanding! As far as our close cooperation is concerned with each other, it is not so sword-to-one. Dear King of the Gion, what do you say?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bunker nodded and agreed, but he was calculating how to squeeze this person's stupid and rich master for a while. However, he was the first to fall into the language trap of Potsdam.

"Since what you said is a misunderstanding, then I'm not polite!"

Potsdamri sneered in his heart and said bluntly, "Since this is just a misunderstanding, can you now open a road for me to drive over 100,000 troops under my command?"

"Oh! I can't let you go!" Bunker shook his head like a rattle and rejected Potsdameri's proposal. If you want to play with me, you have to practice for 200 years.

"Why not?" Potsdamli shook his head with a regretful face and said, "Such a simple thing can't be done by His Excellency Bunker, the supreme king of the goblin. Do you still have to listen to the order of the queen of women's benevolence?"

Potsdamly's brief and incisiveness, including a high hat and soft nails. The words in the words really made Bunker very unhappy, and his face was red and white, wonderful! Damn it! This guy is so bad that he is obviously scolding him for being worse than a woman!

But Potsdam's words also said the truth, which are absolutely correct. After all, in the past ten years since Mo Fan disappeared, Bunker is really a bitter role after Queen Lanxi's words, dedication and death.

Although Queen Lanxi is just a woman, at least she is Mo Fan's beloved woman! And Mo Fan is also the owner of Bunker, the king of the geviks.

And when Mo Fan left Locke City, he especially told Bunker before leaving that he would try to protect the safety of his hostess Lanxi and be absolutely loyal to her.

It is because of this special relationship that Bunker has always been obedient to Queen Lanxi. In the past ten years, he has been like an old scalper, taking pains and fatigue to help her remove one stumbling block after another. In ten years, he has created such a large land and shaken the former humble Locke Kingdom. It became the second duchy after the Duchy of Bata.

But since then, the govish family has been ignored by Queen Lanxi intentionally or unintentionally, and they are not reused as much as in the past, and they are not even allowed to fight wildly and cause trouble.

It is impossible to say that there is no resentment in Bunker's heart for such a change.

After all, Bunker is at least the king of the goblin clan! So there is still a king's dignity that others can't understand!

If it hadn't been for the special status of Queen Lanxi, maybe the goblin king Bunker would have quit in anger, let alone protect her wholeheartedly.

It's just that because of Mo Fan's level, no matter how dissatisfied Bunker is, he dares not do it and does not do that kind of irrational thing.

Because Bunker knows very well that Mo Fan, the owner of his deliberate 'myth', is an extremely emotional mortal. If he really does this, I'm afraid that when this man comes back, he will bring unimaginable disaster to the gobulation.

But from beginning to end, Bunker never thought about why Queen Lanxi hid them from the snow knowing that they would win every battle, and even tried very hard to form a guard of the Queen of the Black Rose formed by the descendants of the Night Elf clan.

Of course, if you want to blame, you can only blame Bunker, the king of the goblin, for being too eager to achieve success. He really wants to save the goblin family, which has been declining for nearly ten thousand years, from that awkward and humble situation.

Therefore, after receiving the order of Queen Lanxi, Bunker seemed so urgent that he dared to lead his loyal ground guard and unscrupulously provoke war in the world of Rhinester.

The purpose is for the gobumps who have mastered enough advanced thermal weapon technology to be able to get a chestnut in the fire in the cruel battlefield, win the wind, and raise their eyebrows!

Of course, these thoughts in his heart, Bunker, the king of humiliating and burdened govian, has not been revealed to anyone, including Queen Lanxi, and even Mo Fan is not very clear, and has been buried deep in his heart.

Even after the gobiki clan was snowed by Queen Lanxi, Bunker, the king of gobiki, was not angry at all. He just silently waited for the precious opportunity and finally got a precious opportunity to provoke the war again.

However, no one expected that the first large-scale war show of the gobish king Bunker encountered a new legion of former cooperative 'partners' and was laughed at by Potsdamri.

At this time, what Potsdamri just said also hit the weakness of Bunker, the gobion king, and the hidden meaning is that he is not suitable to be a qualified gobion king, which does not make him angry.

Because in the world of Rhinester, Mofan is the only one who can really control Bunker. What is he in Potsdam?

If it hadn't been for the Leopold consortium, it would have had such a little effect on Bunker, the gobion king. Potsdam was not even as good as the shoemaker who polished Bunker's shoes!

Not to mention that Potsdamri has now said that for Bunker, the king of the gobion, this is no different from the extremely vicious mockery that ten thousand arrows pierce the heart.

So almost at the moment when Potsdamri finished speaking, the hazy goblin king Bunker on his face had already decided the end of the 100,000 black flag guards.

"Except for this rude and bold madman, all the human army present has been killed! Don't leave a living mouth!"

Bunker closed the mecha door fiercely with a resentful face, and a fierce and decisive look appeared on his gloomy face: "I, the king, Bunker, want the world to know that anyone who dares to despise the majesty of my goblin family will pay a heavy price!"