Teaching the alien world

56-The most shocking hawking sound

Ps: [Fat attended the newlywed wedding ceremony of his adoptive brother yesterday and got drunk decisively. I hope the readers will be a great one!]

There are nearly a million street vendors in an endless stream, and the noises of hawking one after another are naturally extremely chaotic and noisy. Nevertheless, it is enough to penetrate the thick wall and penetrate into the ears of the tens of thousands of tiger heavy iron cavalry standing outside the wall.

Immediately, it was when tens of thousands of soldiers of the heavily equipped iron cavalry tried to outline how lively the other side of the city wall would be.

Those shouting street vendors couldn't wait to push all kinds of trolleys they had never seen before. While shouting slogans in their mouths, they also rushed out of the wall door holes. The speed and the large number of people can't help laughing.

All the Huben soldiers who had never seen such a battle couldn't help but look at each other, and even Prince Bafista couldn't help but lose face. He has seen those who are not afraid of death, but he has never really seen this kind of ordinary people who are not afraid of death, and this extremely alternative provocation.

It can even be said that at this time, a group of street vendors were full of ** shouts and slapped Prince Baffista directly in the face! And it's still that kind of loud applause! How can this make him deal with himself!

Prince Bafista's face was blue and white, and his heart was very uncomfortable. Damn it! It was not easy to hold up a field, and before I could be proud for a while, I was smashed by these ordinary vendors. It's too disrespectful!

Seeing Prince Baffista's so emboldering appearance, Jima was secretly happy, and her originally bitter face suddenly unfolded. With a provocative look, she looked straight at the silent Prince, which means saying, "Do you still want to continue to fight!"

Prince Baffista doesn't know what Gima means, but he can't say anything now. Because it is meaningless for him to continue to fight with this night elf female officer.

As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people get the world. After the crisis in the kingdom, these ordinary small vendors can still be so tough and fearless. They swim from the streets to the gates and shout. Not to mention what will those soldiers who are vigorous after training will do when the country encounters crisis.

Those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Looking at the ten-thousand-year history of the Rhinester world, there are several superiors who can really do such a simple sentence! But now, Queen Lanxi has done it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for those street vendors to pour out of the city gate at this critical moment and stand in front of a group of tiger-like tiger-like heavily loaded iron cavalry, hawking and selling themselves, with a look full of unremitting, just like a group of brave and daring courage.

Looking at the group of ordinary vendors living at the bottom with simple clothes and various steel carts, listening to their full of **, impassioned and hawking.

The entangled expression on Bafista's face soon unfolded, and his eyes looking at his daughter Lanxi couldn't help changing. An unspeakable shock surged into my heart in an instant.

If you want your subjects to have a sense of belonging to a country, this kind of problem is as difficult to go to the sky, which has once made countless superiors headaches.

includes Prince Baffista and the current three imperial emperors. In order to govern the subjects and have a sense of belonging to the country, these superiors have spent countless efforts and precious time in recent decades, and finally managed to make do with this big problem that has troubled countless superiors.

But now! Queen Lanxi of the Duchy of Locke, the daughter of Prince Baffista, only took ten years to firmly bind the hearts of ordinary people living at the bottom of the kingdom to the Duchy of Locke, and indirectly tied it to herself.

It took Queen Lanxi ten years to easily solve such a problem that had consumed countless people's lives. Such a bold feat is comparable to that of Prince Bafista! The sharp contrast between the two, how can this not shock Bafista!

He was extremely shocked and even looked ashamed. Prince Baffista, who was not as good as his daughter Lanxi, was speechless for a long time.

The silent Queen Lanxi spoke at the right time, but not to his father, nor to Jima, the leader of the Queen of the Black Rose escort, but to the ordinary merchants who boldly poured out of the royal city.

"Dear citizens of Duke Locke, please be quiet!"

The smiling Queen Lanxi said like Lan. She didn't have the dignity that the superior should have. On the contrary, she was like a cheerful girl from an ordinary neighbor, which was pleasing to the eyes and did not have any idea of blasphemy.

On the contrary, a group of ordinary merchants gushed out of Locke City, busy shouting around, helping to gather the number of people, with great momentum, and scaring the enemy. When they saw Queen Lanxi, they suddenly seemed to be a different person, more like a obedient child.

Just as soon as Queen Lanxi's voice landed, these small vendors standing outside the wall and shouting suddenly calmed down, but those hot eyes looked at the amiable Queen with that infinite reverence.

"If you don't do business well in the city market, what's wrong with Wangcheng suddenly?" Lanxi's beautiful cheek was still hung with that pleasant smile, and there was no reproach in his words.

Although there was no scolding in Queen Lanxi's words, the small merchants who poured out of the city gate did not think so.

"Why did the Queen stand on the side of the enemy?"

"Isn't it an enemy attack?"

"It must be another military exercise!"

"This is messed up! The Queen is going to be angry!"

It was precisely because of these ideas in their hearts that the ordinary vendors who followed the trend and gushed out of the city outside the royal city knelt down!

The mouth was even more frightened, with a neat shout: "Hold Your Majesty! We waited for the grass people to think that the enemy came to the door, so we volunteered to pour out of the royal city and do a modest contribution to the duchy! Please calm your anger!"

A group of small vendors spoke and took action one after another, taking the weapons they had already prepared and hidden under the booth, that is, the outstanding masterpiece of the gobumps. The AK-47 standard rifle was pulled out and raised their hands above their heads to show their determination.

"As long as Her Majesty orders, we and others will repay the earth with courage, vowing to defend the territory of the Principality of Locke to the death, and defend the Principality of Locke to the death..."

Looking at a group of small merchants raising their guns in their hands and listening to their impassioned invitations, Queen Lanxi said that it was not to be moved. It was not worth it to have such a loyal people in the Principality, and the countless efforts spent in the past ten years of internal affairs, which was worth it.

Although there are countless touches in the heart of Queen Lanxi, she can't let tears of excitement slip down her cheeks now, because she is the backbone of the whole Principality of Locke, and the survival of all the principality is also in her mind.

So even if a group of ordinary small vendors take the initiative to ask for it, it is definitely impossible for Queen Lanxi to let her people die.

Because for these excited small vendors, war is still too cruel. It is the elite soldiers of the Principality of Locke, the actual ruler of the Principality, Queen Lanxi, who should not bear the cruel war at all.

What's more, today is not an enemy invasion at all. Although there is a hint of secret war between Gima and Prince Baffista, it is definitely not a cruel battle of iron-blooded confrontation. So there is no need for these excited small vendors to charge into battle and shed their blood!

But as soon as this happened, Queen Lanxi also smelled the crisis, and now she knew that if she can't handle this matter well today, then when there really happens that kind of world war in the future, it will not be solved in a few words. It's definitely a big trouble, even flying. It is not too much to describe it as a tragedy.

Thinking of this, Queen Lanxi did not hesitate and said firmly, "Dear people of the Duke of Locke, thank you for your support. But the battlefield is not where you should go. The most you should do now is to add bricks and tiles to the Principality, instead of blindly taking the initiative to fight!

Because for you, it's tantamount to finding your own death! And I, Lanxi, will never allow the people to die in vain, so you'd better break up!"

As soon as Lan Xi's words came out, he just shouted to defend the territorial security of the Principality of Locke. He did not hesitate to take the lead and shed blood. The momentum of the merchants who rushed into the battle was a little weak, and even many people lowered their heads with a depressed expression of infinite disappointment.

Seeing such a scene, Queen Lanxi also knew that what she had just said was indeed a little eager for success, which really broke the hearts of these people of the duchy. But in order to stop this unhealthy trend that is not conducive to the development of the Principality of Locke, she has to make such a decision.

But one thing, Queen Lanxi really didn't expect that it was the determination of these ordinary traders who took the initiative to throw their blood for the Duchy of Locke.

Although a large number of vendors put down their weapons, got up and pushed simple carts, and entered the royal city with a disappointed face, there were still a small number of vendors, still holding AK-47 with both hands, kneeling on the ground and refusing to get up!

Seeing that there were really people who did not give up until the Yellow River, Lan Xi shook his head helplessly and said gently, "Of course, I, Lan Xi, did not say that you can't contribute to the country!" If anyone really wants to do their part for the Principality of Locke, then they can go to the Military Machinery Office to register for the army. For all qualified people, the door of the Cangqiong Group Army of the Principality of Locke is open for you at any time.

As soon as Queen Lanxi's words came out, it immediately resonated with countless small vendors present. That's right! Don't we still have the Sky Army? Let's go back to join the army now!

So, between Queen Lanxi's hand turning into the cloud and turning her hand into the rain, a group of small merchants who knelt on the ground and refused to get up suddenly got up one after another, busy pushing their carts, and happily ran towards the Sky Group Army. A farce ended, and a jubilant upsurge of joining the army also began.