Teaching the alien world

58-The beginning of the era of hot weapons

At the repeated request of Prince Bafista, Queen Lanxi, who had a small calculation, finally had to give up and reluctantly agreed to help him train a new steel army, so as to take the millions of tigers in her hands.

Three months after the establishment of the new steel army, it was responsible for going to the Principality of Bata to relieve the siege. Later, he received an order to empty the gobron king of the main city, and finally returned to King Locke City as promised.

After Bunker came back, he also brought back the latest news for Queen Lanxi.

The Bourbon Empire and the Spartan Empire, the vanguard of millions of troops of the two empire, had gathered in the north and south borders of the Aslofik Empire as early as February, and took the lead in launching an attack on the pretext of training soldiers to disappear.

When the enemy came to the door, the border guards of the Aslofik Empire were naturally unwilling to show weakness, so the two conveniences also fought on the border of the empire. In the end, the invincible border guards of the Aslofik Empire were naturally defeated.

has been prepared for a long time. After the wolf-like forward army of the Bourbon Dynasty, the Spartan Cross Expeditionary Force broke through the border guard of the Aslofik Empire, it waved a knife**.

In just two months, the two wolf-like vanguard armies of the imperial dynasty successfully broke through dozens of sieges temporarily put together by the Aslofik Empire and occupied one-fifth of the territory of the empire in one fell swoop, as close as Kelton, the core capital of the empire.

At this time, the imperial emperor Dales could no longer sit still and hurriedly transferred the Black Flag Praetorian Guard led by Parszy, that is, the new army that has been in a riot within the Principality of Bata, and directly pushed this new army of cross-generational hot weapon to the front battlefield.

Palszi, who was ordered in danger, did not refuse. Even with the Black Flag Guard, he rushed to the southern border of the empire and fought dozens of near-win encounters in a row with the absolute advantage of the AK-47 rifle.

Parsi, whose confidence soared, was not satisfied. He decisively took advantage of the victory to pursue, and finally beat the Spartan imperial cross expeditionary force that invaded the empire in one fell swoop and had to withdraw from the border and curled up.

After this battle, the prestige of AK-47 has become loud again, and the Principality of Locke, which can make such an anti-sky weapon, has become more popular!

Especially in the AK-47 rifle, the Spartan Cross Expeditionary Force, which suffered great losses, loved and hated it even more!

What I love is that the AK-47 standard rifle with great killing power can actually be bought by itself! What I hate is that I was not willing to equip them into an army, which made me suffer a big loss!

So, after seeing the unmatchable lethality of AK-47, these generals who have suffered losses, and those who have not suffered losses also learned to be smart, so they added jealousy to report this valuable news.

So, under the order of the Bourbon Dynasty and the Spartan emperors, the Nicholas consortium and the Stanley consortium were at the helm, so they sent their special envoys to rush to King Locke City with a large amount of gold and silk, AK- 47 Consultation on weapons quotas.

Because the emperor has given the order to die, even if he is bankrupt, he must take down the sharp hot weapon AK-47. Otherwise, it will be the death of the two major conglomerates.

Therefore, almost within two days when the goblin king Bunker rushed back to Locke City, these imperial consortium messengers who were ordered to die rushed all the way into the main city of Locke Kingdom and decisively presented a generous gift.

The two imperial consortiums entered Locke again. Bunker, the govous king of monkey spirits. Naturally, what attention did they pay attention to in their hearts? Now they also put on airs. No matter who came to report it, it was just two words to say: "No!"

Of course, the reason why Bunker did this is to grind the character of the special envoys of the two major imperial conglomerates, so that he can win more and greater benefits in future negotiations!

In contrast, the special envoys of the two major imperial-level consortiums who have repeatedly closed their doors repeatedly touched their noses and made a disgraceful faces. They were also very unhappy, but they only had to knock out their teeth and swallow their stomachs, and dared not dare to say anything!

Nima! Who makes it to ask for others? These days, it is the grandson who asks for help, and it is the old man who is asked for it! What others hold in their hands is so powerful, but there are so many people crying and shouting, even if they are bankrupt!

Since Bunker, the king of gobion, said that he was waiting slowly, he had to wait patiently, otherwise what else could he do? You can't just grab it! Even if it's a hard grab! Then you have to weigh whether you have this strength first!

After all, the gobator family is the ancestor of the AK-47 rifle! Since they dare to be blatant*, are they still worried that they can't suppress your poor people who pick up other people's leftovers and say good, even worse than a dog?

It is with such fear that the special envoys of the two imperial consortia have to be patient. Under the premise of squandering money and constantly paving the way in advance, they can only stay honestly and slowly wait for Bunker to meet him in the main city of the Duke of Locke.

Looking at the appearance of the special envoys of the two imperial conglomerates, Bunker was naturally so happy that he almost didn't lie down on the table and call it, but there ordered a group of weapons production lines to make them day and night, such weapons that had long been abandoned by the goblets, as well as bullets of various sizes and calibers.

So, the special envoys of the two major imperial conglomerates have been in the first month! When the cross-era communication company representing the advanced technology of the gobyll family opened its doors again, it would have been a month and a half later.

Although it has only been more than a month, it is enough to change the brutal situation of the haze.

The Black Flag Guard, led by Parssy, with its ** incomparable AK-47 standard rifle, plus the additional 'Vulcan' Gatlin heavy machine gun given by Bunker, the king of the goblin, and the 88mm cannon, it has successfully created one unprecedented one, winning more with less. A near-divine record.

Therefore, almost at the moment when the cross-era communication company opened the door, it had long been scolded by the superiors, and the special envoys of the two unlikeable imperial consortia rushed in.

There is almost no need for the gobomb king Bunker to take the lead in saying anything. In order to complete the thankless task, these bitter envoys also took the lead in opening their mouths, went straight to the topic, and took the initiative to ask for the quota of AK-47.

There is no reason not to kill such a fat sheep! What's more, Bunker, a cruel man who has been waiting for the world to be in chaos, and then makes a profit from it and make a fortune in war!

When the special envoys of the two major imperial consortia opened their mouths for a request, Bunker naturally did not allow the lion to speak out, and did not give the two bitter envoys any opportunity to refute.

And today, the price of Bunker's lion's mouth is ten times that of ten years ago. If this war hadn't happened and made the AK-47 war** become famous in World War I, he would not have dared to pay this price at all!

You should know that ten years ago, the factory price of an AK-47 standard rifle was only 100,000 gold coins at most, and a bullet was only 1,000 gold coins at most!

But it's the current price today! It's more than ten times! Even inflation is not such a fast way!

But what Bunker plays is heartbeat, and even in a simple sentence, what I do is a hammer deal. You can buy it or not! I'm not even willing to sell it!

Although the special envoys of the two imperial consortiums also knew in their hearts that Bunker, the king of the gobion clan, was obviously going to kill himself, there was nothing they could do! Unless they really don't want the AK-47 rifle that can create one almost miracle after another, almost like an artifact!

However, it was obviously impossible for the special envoys of the two empires to give up, so they had to endure the pain and be slaughtered. So while blood in their hearts, they reluctantly made a professional smile on their faces and paid the corresponding price boldly.

So, after paying nearly ten times the expensive price, the special envoys of the two major imperial consortia finally exchanged the AK-47 knowledge rifle, which is enough to be equipped with 300,000 people, and several bullets, at the cost of 100 amethyst coins, an AK rifle and 10,000 gold coins.

After paying enough money, the special envoys of the two imperial conglomerates decisively received the corresponding ordnance, and then kept going out of the door of the cross-era communication company. Needless to say, they were naturally busy going back to recover.

After sending away the special envoys of the two major imperial business groups, Bunker, who made a lot of money, did not look at the gold and silk belongings that were deliberately pushed into a hill by himself, with an old-fashioned treacherous smile on his face.

"It's a mess! Hit it! Kill it! One day, you greedy and selfish bastards will find that I will be the final winner!" The hero's smile on Bunker's face flashed away, because after seeing hope, the ambition that existed in his heart instantly rose like a weed that had lost control.

Just as the goblin king Bunker was about to turn around, the steel gate that had just been closed by his younger brother was knocked from the outside again: "Boom, boom, boom..."

"Who is so ignorant?" Bunker couldn't help frowning and showing an unhappy face, and his heart was obviously very unhappy. I don't know that guy is so eyeless that he dares to be so presumptuous on his own territory.

However, after the sound of the door, a thick voice came from outside the door, which almost blew up Bunker's lungs.

"Old Bunker, open the door for me quickly! Otherwise, I will break in!"

Listening to the shameless words outside the door, Bunker's face, standing in the door, instantly cooled down, red and white, obviously very angry! Once upon a time, who dared to speak so much in front of himself!