The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 95 The Princess was born*

"" A heartbreaking cry came from the room, which made people goosebumps. Although Cheng Zun had a big prince, he didn't go to see it when giving birth, so it was the first time he heard the sound of a woman giving birth, and he covered his ears.

"It's horrible. What can the imperial doctor do to stop her from calling? Does she hurt? Is she about to die? Cheng Zun doesn't know anything about women having children. Ji Liunian couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Idiot, how can you get out if you don't ask the child? What a fool. Let's go further. Anyway, we can't help. The two of you are waiting here. If there is anything, ask the maid to report it immediately. We will be in the garden. Ji Liunian couldn't help it.

The two ran to the small garden, and Chengmei's voice subsided.

"I didn't expect a woman to give birth so horrible. No wonder you refused to have a child." Cheng Zun laughed.

"Can you still laugh? Heartless things, if Chengmei has something to do, you and I owe her a lot. Now that Xiao Wen'an is not by her side, you ordered him to pass quickly, right? When Ji Liunian thought of this, his eyes were sore and he wanted to cry.

"Don't cry. It's my order. Then I'm not doing it for your own good. There is no help if you are not familiar with it. If others bully you, there is nothing you can do. I'm doing it for your own good, but you don't appreciate it. Xiao Wen'an is not a doctor. If there is really something wrong, he can't help. It's even more to suffer. I have an emperor, and you, a female emperor, are waiting here. Isn't this face enough? If something happens to the child, it's just that he is not blessed and can't blame anyone. Cheng Zun felt that there would be no accident. The imperial doctor who had just sat down did not panic. It seemed that there was a high chance of giving birth naturally.

"I don't want others to help me. Instead, you want me to help you. You seem to be great. In fact, you sent Xiao Wen'an to supervise me and then let him persuade me to come back as soon as possible, right?" Ji Liunian remembered that Xiao Wen'an told her about Lan Guiren as soon as she went there, which was nothing more than stimulating her and wanted her to go back early. This may be what Cheng Zun meant.

"Okay, it's all my fault." Cheng Jun blushed with anger.

"Imperial Princess Ji, the princess is born..." Before the maid finished her words, Cheng Zun and Ji Liunian scrambled to run over.

The season is still relatively fast, and I quickly walked into the delivery room.

How about it? Are adults and children all right?" Ji Liunian looked over at the bed and asked M Mother.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I gave birth to a fat boy. Ji Guifei, take a look." An old man brought the child over.

Ji Liunian was shocked and shouted, "It's so ugly. How can it be like an animal? Why is it wrinkled? Ji Liunian's words made both the two sisters laugh.

"When Ji Guifei gave birth to her own child, she knew that all the babies were like this, haha."

Ji Liunian was afraid and didn't dare to hug, so he went to see Chengmei. Cheng Zun picked up the child.

"It's really like a little old man. Maybe it will be fine after a while."

"How are you?" Ji Liunian saw Chengmei sweating all over and his face was red.

"It's okay, it just hurts."

"Princess Ji, you go out with the emperor first. The maidservant wiped the seventh princess's body and then let her have a good sleep. It's very late now. Come back tomorrow. There are slaves and maidservants and Mother Li here.

Ji Liunian was also a little tired when he saw Cheng Mei, so he nodded and agreed.

"Have a good rest. It's okay. It just scared me..."

Ji Liunian pulled Cheng Zun out.

"Go back and get some tonic medicine to let the princess take good care of herself. All of them should use the best." Cheng Zun said to the imperial doctor.

Ji Liunian and Cheng Zun went back first.

"Hey, did the baby scare you just now? I look good, as cute as a kitten and a puppy. Cheng Zun said with a smile.

"Stop talking, I just forgot that you mentioned it again. You think it's cute and let others give birth to you. I was scared to death, uglier than the cat cubs born to by my cat. Ji Liunian saw Cheng Jun with a bad smile and couldn't wait to slap him.

"Just give birth to a play. Others are definitely not as good as you. Aren't you the most beautiful?" Cheng Zun continued to laugh and patted Ji Liunian on the shoulder.

Ji Liunian bounced away at once.

"Don't touch me. It's my business that I'm beautiful. I don't want to share my beauty with others. I'm so selfish. If you want your child, you can find a woman to give birth by yourself. I still have to go back to take care of my national affairs. How can I have so much time to have children?

Cung Zun was stunned for a moment.

"That's just for fun. When you play for three or two years, you will get tired of it and come back then. You don't plan to stay in Yamato for the rest of your life, do you?

"Your message is quite well-informed. Yes, I've made up my mind to stay there. Coming back here is like going back to my mother's house, haha. Ji Liunian ran quickly.

"" Cheng Zun was so angry that he couldn't speak. Seeing that Ji Liunian ran away with oil on the soles of his feet, he quickly chased after him, and the bodyguard who was away from a foot away also chased after him.

The next day, Ji Liunian hurried to the princess's mansion, but Cheng Zun had not yet come. The princess was still sleeping, so Ji Liunian went to see the baby boy again and found that her skin was a little more stretched than last night. She looked pink, not as terrible as last night.

"Today is a little more beautiful than last night. Maybe you will become a handsome man in a month, just like your father." Ji Liunian felt that Xiao Wen'an was only a little inferior to Cheng Zun, and he was also a beautiful man.

M Mother asked Ji Liunian to hug him, but Ji Liunian still waved his hand.

"I'd better go and see the princess."

Chengmei woke up and was eating. Ji Liunian replaced the maid and served her in person.

"Eat more and recover faster. I'll send someone to inform Xiao Wen'an and ask him to come back first."

"It's okay. As long as I'm fine, I won't bother him to run around. I'll go there after confinement." Chengmei completely became arrogant and capricious and considerate.

"No trouble, no trouble, let him come back. I'll go back tomorrow. There are not many things there. I can't bear to see you and your husband and wife separated. Fortunately, you and your child will be fine, otherwise I will jump into the river. Ji Liunian slowly fed her.

"It is said that you will bring me luck, and the child will definitely be fine. Fortunately, you came, otherwise I would have to work hard for a while. I have thought about a thousand ways to give birth before and made all kinds of preparations, but I didn't expect that it was an accident to make the child premature. It's really not as good as God.

Cheng Zun came in.

"Wow, Chengmei is also going to be a mother. She used to be a little girl and always asked me to give her candy. Now she has become an adult and has her own children. Chengmei has grown up. I just saw this child. Although it is still a little wrinkled, it looks like a beautiful child, exactly like Xiao Wen'an. Have you figured out the name now?

"I won't pick this up until his father comes back. When I was a child, I always played. I didn't grow in my homework and didn't understand anything." Cheng Mei said shyly.

"Now you know that you regret it? Haha."

"Just go out. You talk a lot. I'm chatting with Cheng Meizheng. Why are you interrupting?"

"What did my sister do to you? You are still my concubine. How can you see me..."

"Well, go out to see the child, remind Mammy to change diapers, and invite two good wet nurses to come over. Cheng Mei will be very grateful to you."

"You... Harper, I don't care about you. I'll hire a wet nurse and treat me like a maid." Cheng Zun left viciously.

"Ji Guifei, why are you doing this to the third brother? The third brother is the emperor, and he never puts on airs in front of you and me. He is very good to us. You will scare him away by doing this. I have never seen him care so much about who he cares about. Just be content.

"It seems that Xiao Wen'an subdued you and always speaks for men. That's what a man is like. He doesn't care if you treat him well. If you treat him well, he will flatter you in turn, so I never flatter him. I am on an equal footing with him now, and I am also the emperor. Ji Liunian said proudly.

"Although you say so, after all, you are still the concubine of the third brother. He is older than you."

"Don't tell me about the three principles and five constants. I hate these the most. Do you miss Weibai? This time, I stopped Weibai clamoring to come back..." Ji Liunian told Cheng Mei how he manipulated Weibai, which made Chengmei laugh.