The Little Cute Concubine of Emperor Feng

Chapter 137 Chasing the Cause of the Disease

Ji Liunian ran to the prince's mansion and walked in barefoot without wearing boots.

Cung Jun was in front of the bed and looked at the prince with a smile. The prince really opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and smiled happily. For a while, Ji Liunian thought he was dreaming.

"Min'er, Min'er, give me a smile." Ji Liunian picked up the prince and made him laugh. The prince giggled. He yawned with a smile.

"Such a small person can even yawn. It's really fun. Well, my mother let you sleep comfortably." Ji Liunian placed the prince in **.

"Let's go out. He's too tired. We'll come back later."

Cheng Zun nodded and agreed. Ji Liunian moved, but almost fell down. Cheng Zun bent down and saw blood stains on the floor. He knew that it was blood from the soles of Ji Liunian's feet.

Cung Zun couldn't help but pick up Ji Liunian.

"Call the imperial doctor to Yunshen Palace." Cheng Zun ordered the bodyguard, and then took Ji Liunian back to the Yunshen Palace by himself.

Although Ji Liunian feels hot pain in the soles of his feet, his heart is sweet.

"You got the prince's life back, and you suffered. It was your sincerity that touched God..." Cheng Zun said to Ji Liunian with an expression.

"I... did you kill that doctor?" Ji Liunian's face turned red.

"No, his dog's life is almost gone."

"Maybe it's the effect of those drugs." Ji Liunian is not a superstitious person, although she was still praying for God's love a quarter of an hour ago.

"Your sincerity moved God, and you saved the prince's life." Cheng Zun believes that he and Ji Liunian are a match made in heaven, so their children will definitely be loved by God.

Returning to the Yunshen Palace, after the imperial doctor bandaged Ji Liunian's feet, Ji Liunian fell asleep and could finally sleep peacefully. Cheng Zun looked at her and felt very warm in his heart.

The news that the prince's condition had improved soon spread all over the imperial city. The doctor who almost lost his head said everywhere that it was his own credit, but no one believed it. Because the emperor has announced to the whole world that it was the queen who rescued the prince. For a while, Ji Liunian was rumored to be a god. He not only killed two fierce traitors on the battlefield, but also personally rescued the dying prince.

"I'm pissed off, I'm pissed off, what's going on?" Wang Guifei quickly invited Mother Huang in.

Mother Huang knelt down on the ground.

"Princess, I have finished everything you told me. As for the prince's illness, it's a great blessing..."

The imperial concubine was angered by Mother Huang's words.

"You mean that the prince is the prince, always so lucky, we deserve it, no good luck?" Wang Guifei slapped Mother Huang twice and hit her with stars in her eyes.

"The noble concubine, please calm your anger. The royal concubine spared her life. That's not what I mean..." Mother Huang cried.

"That's what you mean, slap yourself." Princess Wang is still very angry.

M Mother Huang hit herself in the face and scolded herself while beating herself. It was not until both sides of the face were bleeding that the imperial concubine shouted to stop.

"It seems that I can't leave you here. You know too much." Wang Guifei said thoughtfully.

"Princess, please, let me stay with you. Although I am very old, I can still do it. Let me serve you for a few more years. I will never say the two things about the prince. If you don't believe me and can make me dumb, I won't say anything. Mother Huang burst into tears as she spoke.

"I want you to keep it, but you know too much. I have to beware of you and be worried all day. Well, I'll give you a bag of medicine later. If you take it, you won't talk, but you can stay with me in the future. Wang Guifei smiled evilly at the corners of her mouth.

M Mother Huang hurriedly knelt down to thank her. After a while, Wang Guifei took out a bag of medicine and drank it in front of her face.

"In the future, I will be born as a noble concubine, and I will also die as the queen's dog." Mother Huang expressed her final determination to the imperial concubine.

"Okay, in that case, it doesn't matter if you die, haha."

"You..." Mother Huang only felt a heartache in her abdomen. She looked at the Noble Concubine viciously, with a burst of ** on her face, and finally died.

The noble concubine put Mother Huang's body in a cloth bag, and at night, she asked two bodyguards to secretly bury the body in her garden. Then he gave the guards some money and warned them not to say anything.

The next day, the royal concubine called Mother Huang's son and daughter-in-law, her former maid, together.

"Last night, Mother Huang suddenly convulsed to death, and I disposed of her. Because he was killed violently here, I was afraid that it would not spread well, so I didn't publicize it. Now I'll give you some money, and you can settle down and work outside.

Mother Huang's son has long been tired of nagging his mother. He wants to take his wife out and has money. He can't wait to do so.

"Thank you, Princess Wang, thank you, Princess Wang." He took his wife and knelt down together.

"The farther you go, the better. You can't expose this matter to the outside world. Otherwise, I will let you two die."

"Don't worry, the noble concubine, we can't wait to leave the palace. Of course, we don't want to have anything to do with here anymore. We will definitely live in secret in the future. The Empress loves us so much that we will definitely not ruin her reputation. Don't worry.

The prince's illness gradually recovered. Ji Liunian and Weiyang began to investigate the source of the disease, and still locked the imperial concubine first. Weiyang found some surprising things and quickly reported them to Ji Liunian.

"I heard from the maid on the princess's side that Mother Huang had gone home, saying that she was not feeling well and would not come back in the future. In addition, Mother Huang's son and daughter-in-law had left, which was approved by the princess. Miss, do you think this matter is strange?

"There must be a conspiracy. I saw that Mother Huang had good hands and feet before. Why did she suddenly say that she was not feeling well and wanted to return home? Why did my son and daughter-in-law leave at once? This matter is not that simple. I still let the drunken people in the building investigate and see where they are. Maybe the three of them have been killed. In this way, it is not accidental for the prince to get sick.

The drunken dreamer looked for three days and found Mother Huang's son and daughter-in-law. Ji Liunian and Wei Bai went there in person.

"If I see that old witch, I will definitely kill her and dare to hurt my god son. It's really too long." Weiyang has been cursing on the road.

"Don't be impulsive and let me figure things out."

Mother Huang's son Sangou and daughter-in-law Chunxiang were shocked to see several stout people coming in. Then he saw Ji Liunian and Weibai. After a while, he knew that it was the queen and hurriedly knelt down.

"Seeing the Empress, the Empress came here and didn't know what happened?" The three dogs and Chunxiang are actually aware of their hearts, and their hearts are pounding.

"I won't talk nonsense. You must know why I came here beforehand. Where did Mother Huang go?

Three dogs and Chunxiang kowtowed quickly.

"My mother died of illness a few days ago, and I have buried her in water." After saying that, the three dogs showed a sad expression on their faces, and Chunxiang also cried when she saw this.

"You don't pretend to be me, say it quickly. Do you think it's too long to play tricks in front of me? Ji Liunian viciously swept the teapots and teacups on the table to the ground.

"Mother, we dare not deceive you. It was because my mother was sick that we came here. Originally, we wanted to take good care of ourselves, but we didn't expect that we would leave so soon. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people nearby.

"It seems that you want me to torture. Mother Huang didn't leave the palace at all. You are talking nonsense. Come on, drag the two of them out and beat them for me and beat them hard." Ji Liunian and Wei Bai sat on the chair. They have the time and patience to see how they argue. She doesn't believe that she can't beat the two slaves.

When the three dogs heard this, they were so scared that they urinated, and Chunxiang also smiled like white paper.

"Let's be honest, please forgive my mother's life, please forgive my mother's life."

"Quickly, if you have a conspiracy, be careful with your skin."